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Fandom Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: War of Zodarus [OOC]



Umbreon? More like DUMBreon!
This is the OOC chat! Use it to discuss RP, character relations, or just hang out!
Hey there everyone! Im thinking between maybe a grass type, or Fairy type as my character (leaning more toward the second ?). How about everyone else? What are your characters looking like so far?
I, uh, already have a character for this, but I'm gonna revamp him. He's not really all I hope for as he is now and is in desperate need of a tune-up. He's a Fighting-Type, though. (If you look closely at my profile, you can likely guess the species XD)
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Welp I've finally revamped Ryan! And I'm happy to say that I think I've expanded upon him significantly more than his previous, far worse bio.
I'll try to execute it better this time. I've got the plot already in mind, but I feel like I sometimes sorta bomb the performance.
While I've never been in a RP of yours before, Riolu, I'm sure it was good. The plot to this one is good. I like it.

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