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Fandom Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Treasure Town Guild



Omnipotent Burro
Treasure Town market is always booming and bustling with people. With a prime location and endless assorted wares, the marketplace has become a tourist attraction itself, always full of Pokémon looking to shop. On the eastern side of the market lay Sharpedo bluffs, and to the west the road out of town. Turning right just at the western edge of the market leads to the residential area, while turning left (facing north) is a path up the steep hills covering the northern face of town. At the end of this path, and overlooking the entire town, is the famed Wigglytuff Teepee.

Before the opening of the teepee is a large grate, covering a hole down into the earth. Within the teepee there is only a large hatch on the ground, locked from the underneath. Under the hatch there is a guarded doorway blocking a snake like hallway the leads to the underground base of the guild.

Walking into the first room from the hallway, there are two massive boards covering of walls to the left and right. The left board is labeled ‘Wanted Outlaws’ while the right reads ‘Rescue Missions’. Both boards are filled with papers pinned over each other, all offering rewards for help with one task or another. At the end of each board are opposite hallways, the one on the left side of the room leading to the living quarters, storage, and the guild masters office. The hallway on the right leads to the infirmary, mess hall, and kitchen.

Opposite to the hallway from which one enters the room is a massive window spanning the entire wall of the main room, overlooking the sea. This window is visible from those at sea looking up at Sharpedo Bluff. The walls, floor, and roof of the base been upgraded with stone to ensure no structural mishaps.

Standing at the Rescue mission board, a young Shellos explains to Team Blitz Brigade how her mother Gastrodon hasn't come in days. The distraught pokemon has sought out the successful young rescue rescue for help, though Shellos has no money herself to offer as a reward.

Only a few yards away in front of the Outlaws board, Hex, the hand of the guild, is guiding three new recruits on their first tour of the base. This job is normally done by the guild master, but Caesar is currently away on a private matter, leaving Hex in charge. Many other pokemon fill the main room of the guild, many of them just Rescue teams who the mission boards to find work.

In the infirmary Team Earth Shakers are recovering from wounds of battle. They have just returned from a capturing a wanted fugitive. The Audino work around the police, who have arrived to pay the reward for the capture, and take down the teams statements. Flanked by two Magnezone, Garchomp’s parole officer Abomasnow, questions the team about the series of events leading to capture before handing over payment. He came to personally congratulate Gary as he and his partner are only 8 successful missions away from becoming a Bronze rank team.
Gary (Garchomp)

Garchomp flinched slightly at the sting of his wounds being healed by the Audino. Nothing major had happened, a few scratches, bruises and marks from whatever element had been used by the Pokemon they’d fought were almost guaranteed to happen in any battle. This one was no different. Garchomp smirked as he watched the fugitive be transported out of the room.

“Ya better get stronger before ya try anything like that again, punk.” Garchomp called out to the captured Electabuzz, it had been an easy battle, the fugitive had to resort to using damaging items like rocks and blast seeds to even get a meaningful hit in on Garchomp or his partner.

His partner. The old Tyrantrum next to him in the infirmary. Garchomp looked over at him, he’d already formed an opinion in his mind about the old timer. He had some respect for his strength but his speed in battle left much to be desired. In Garchomp’s eyes Sanada was a decent partner, Garchomp could’ve definitely been stuck with better or worse. Of course, Garchomp already had concluded he was the stronger member of the team, though Garchomp didn’t appreciate the feeling of being small that standing next to the colossal Sanada inflicted on him. Before this all Garchomp was used to being the towering one. Abomasnow asked him a question. He’d been doing so for a while.

“How deep in the dungeon was he? Ya think I’m counting the floors Aboma...” Garchomp bit his tongue, “Nah, I can’t remember how deep he was...Sorry.” Garchomp said remembering who he was talking to. His parole officer wasn’t going to tolerate sarcasm directed at him. Abomasnow sighed and nodded.
“I’d suggest you count the floors next time, It’s useful when filing the report for the case. Either way I just want to congratulate you both on your progress as a team- eight more missions and you’ll be a bronze rank team. Good work guys.”
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks. We done here?” Garchomp asked, uninterested in low ranks. He believed any and every exploration team worth the air they breathe became bronze rank at one point, Garchomp didn’t think it was a very special achievement. At all.

“Yeah, that’ll be all for now. I’ll see you when you get out of the infirmary, Gary.” Garchomp scowled at Abomasnow’s words. Gary. Disgusting name. He watched the Magnezone on Abomasnow’s left show slight happiness upon hearing the name, that was the same Magnezone who forced him to take the name when he was first given this offer. Garchomp shot the Magnezone a mean look until he left with Abomasnow, cursing the Pokemon under his breath.

“Ya ready to go old man?” Garchomp said to Sanada as he let out a slight sigh and stood up straight, stretching out his limbs. The Audino’s were practically all done with him, the larger bruise he’d received on his ankle stung a bit as he stood but it wasn’t unbearable. The Audino’s had reduced most of his injuries into nothing. “By the way, if ya don’t wanna get hurt next time I don’t mind taking on the fugative myself, ya got that?” He said to his partner.

Interactions: CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell
Hex was explaining the jobs board to the newbies. It was nice that there were new recruits, but taking them on a tour was not one of her favorite activities. Thankfully it was about over. Even if it the tour wasn't the most enjoyable thing it did make her nostalgic, reminding her of when she was the one getting a tour, not leading it.

"....And that should cover pretty much everything. I'm guessing the three of you are all in a team? Did you choose a name yet?"

Suyasuya Suyasuya Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 mdebourg mdebourg
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Oishii was looking at all the teams out and about, a huge grin on his face. Some of the teams here looked tough, and he hoped he'd get a chance to meet them later. His attention snapped back to Hex as he realized she asked a question. "No, not yet," he answered. Admittedly he hadn't been paying too much attention to the tour. The Outlaw board and mess hall were interesting, but other than that he'd just been eyeing everyone else while pretending to listen.

He looked over to his teammates. An Eevee and a Mareep. He didn't yet know them too well, but that would change sooner or later. Oishii would have to be more careful in battles, though. He never fought alongside others before, but now that'd be mostly what he does. Both of them were small compared to him, too, and they didn't really seem like the battling type in his opinion.

Despite those worries, he was still more excited than anything. "Do either of you have an idea what our name should be?" He asked. He's felt hungry all day, so unless the team wanted to be called 'Team Apple' he wouldn't be much help.

Interacted with: GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Suyasuya Suyasuya mdebourg mdebourg
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Sanada (Tyrantrum)

The expression on the Audino's face when he and his partner showed up in the infirmary was nothing short of priceless. Sanada was made acutely aware of how...massive, he was, compared to most others in Treasure Town.

Still, the nurse Pokemon in the infirmary worked professionally enough- one would assume the most they had to deal with usually were just small-time teams with younger Pokemon, and a few of the expert teams after long explorations, but they had attended to his wounds as usual despite the initial shock.

"I didn't think you would become an explorer, Sanada," The Audino had told him, busying herself with a bruise on his tail from where Electabuzz had attempted to punch him...which wouldn't really have affected him that much if the little sucker wasn't holding a Blast Seed. "Aren't you a bit too old to be going around the world?"

"Nobody's ever too old for activity," The Tyrantrum replied with a deep-throated chuckle. The Audino offered him a small smile. "I know, but don't force yourself. See here, your scales are getting dull in coloration!"

"They're still tough, miss!" Sanada protested jokingly. Audino pointed an accusing hand at him. "Hey, who's the nurse here, me or you? And don't you forget that you came here before complaining about neck pains!"

"You," Sanada sighed, deflating with a weak laugh. "But my neck hasn't been killing me as much as before. Maybe all this physical activity is actually doing wonders for my health!"

"By the way," Audino interjected as she pulled a bandage over his tail. "Eight more missions and you're reaching Bronze Rank, huh? Excited?"

"Haha...admittedly, not as much." If he had the ability to scratch his head, he would have. "Then again, I'm not exactly a bright-eyed young Pokemon anymore. It barely feels like a promotion, really. Makes me feel like all these missions were like entrance exams rather than the steps leading to promotion."

"I suppose that's true..." Audino hummed. "Anyway-- that should do it. You're all good now!" Audino finished treating the bruise. Sanada swayed his tail slightly, trying to look over at the Audino. "Thank you," He spoke with a toothy grin. Audino nodded and politely excused herself to another area of the infirmary.

Glancing over, he noticed that the questioning was just finishing as well. Abomasnow was there, along with two Magnezones. Sanada briefly wondered where the younger officers were- before he remembered his partner.

Ah, yes. Garchomp. His notoriety probably made the officers decide against sending the junior officers like Magnemite.

Sanada wasn't one for gossip, but he'd heard word around of a thug called 'Veil' spreading around before. He vaguely remembered warning his Tyrunts not to go too far with playing due to the rumors of thugs going around, but to actually land a thug on parole as a partner?

Illegal as Garchomp's previous affiliations and activities were, however, Sanada had observed him during battles. He'd fight with no underhanded tactics of any sort, which ingrained in the old Tyrantrum a sense of respect for his partner. Aggressive and reckless as he may be sometimes, it showed he at least had respect for his opponents, which was more than could be said about other criminals.

He caught the look of discontent on Garchomp's face as he watched Abomasnow and Magnezone leave. His partner had a certain disdain for the name the police had given him, that much was apparent. Sanada himself was used to being called old, just not...ancient.

"Ya ready to go old man? By the way, if ya don’t wanna get hurt next time I don’t mind taking on the fugative myself, ya got that?” ”

"Aye." He affirmed, standing up...or as much as he could without the roof of the infirmary meeting the top of his head. He flexed his claws a few times as he listened to his partner's comment about the fugitive.

"No need to worry about me, lad. I reckon this ol' heart of mine can still take hits." He thumped a claw against his chest a bit, no matter how awkward the gesture was with how short his forelimbs were. He envied Garchomp's long reach sometimes.

"I think we still have a bit of time to settle other things or go on other missions." He remembered the boards, all pinned with different requests and missions- and wanted posters of outlaws. Sanada briefly wondered if Garchomp had ever been on one of those posters. "Though, the nurse would probably kill us for going out so soon after we'd just come out of the infirmary," He joked with a light-hearted chuckle.

Dooplighost Dooplighost
Tesla Mareep

The small Mareep was, like Oishii gazing at the other groups of teams, this seemed to be quite the prestigious guild, especially since most of the other teams had fully evolved pokemon with them. However that instead of scaring him, actually inspired him to want to impress his superiors. His attention drawn to Hex as he heard her question. "Oh, a team name huh? Hmm does 'Team Rescue Warriors' sound okay to you all?" He then gave a look to his companions, a Heracross and an eevee, wearing a little smile as well. He wasn't familiar with them but he was sure they could hold up in at least fair battles.

"Where are my manners? Guess I got caught up in the wonder of the guild, the name is Tesla." he says with his usual sunny demeanor to his two companions, now being as good as ever to get introductions and names out of the way.

With the hustle and bustle going on the little sheep was on pins and needles, just what kinds of adventures would they go on? What dungeons would they explore? What treasures would they find if any?

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Suyasuya Suyasuya Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
Eevee's focus had been similarly scattered throughout the tour. It wasn't that she was disinterested in what Guild Hand Hex had to say - on the contrary, this was the most important day in her whole life and she wanted to take everything in - but with everything she'd ever dreamed of suddenly becoming a reality, it was hard to keep her attention on the Mismagius alone. She was walking the same ground as real Rescue Explorers. Sharing the same space as real heroes. She swore she'd briefly spotted a Garchomp and a Tyrantrum when they'd passed the infirmary. A Garchomp and a Tyrantrum! They must be a high rank - Platinum? Diamond? She didn't know, but just seeing the other teams go about their business filled her with zeal for what was to come.

Her eye had been on the Rescue Mission board a few yards away ever since the Guild Hand had mentioned what it was. She was itching to see what kinds of jobs there were and get started on her very first mission. Standing in front of the bulletin was a young Shellos briefing another team - a Meowstic, a Fletchinder, and, to her particular amazement, a Jolteon. She couldn't help but grin at the thought that someday, that could be her. Cool and fully-evolved and helping those in distress, like that Shellos. She wanted to tell the distraught Pokémon that whatever the problem, it would be okay, because the Rescue Exploration Team would make sure of it! Hm. Maybe afterwards - it looked like they were all still talking.

The talk of team names finally tore her attention away, back to her own group. "Right! We need a team name, like, uhhhhh..." A Rescue Exploration Team name was something she'd often contemplated in the past. She had a myriad of ideas, but somehow, in the moment where it really mattered, her mind drew a blank.
'Team Rescue Warriors' was Mareep's suggestion. Team Rescue Warriors... Cool! "Team Rescue Warriors!" She punctuated her exclamation with a playfully powerful pose - chest to the ground and haunches in the air with an approving wag of the tail. Everything was finally coming together - she was part of a real Rescue Exploration team with a real team name and real teammates.

The Mareep introduced himself as Tesla. Oh, right! Pokémon on Rescue Exploration Teams usually had a nickname for themselves too! Oh man, she'd forgotten all about that. "Hi Tesla, I'm..." Could she think of anything from the top of her head? Anything? No? "Eevee." She laughed sheepishly, head cocked to one side. "I don't have a nickname yet, but I'm working on it." She looked from him to Heracross with a big bright smile. Tesla was smart enough to come up with that name off the bat and seemed as excited as she was, and Heracross looked so tough! They were gonna be a great team, she just knew it! "Nice to meetcha both!"

Eevee looked back to Hex. "We're ready for our first mission, Guild Hand, ma'am!" She tried to stand tall and to attention before the Guild's authority, but her lightly bouncing on her paws and tail rapidly whipping back and forth betrayed her excitement. She just couldn't wait to get started!!

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 mdebourg mdebourg
Gary (Garchomp)
Despite what Sanada said had just said, Garchomp didn’t think an Audino would be able to kill him, especially one of the nurses here, regardless of how angry it was. Garchomp looked at Sanada and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but before he made a comment about it he considered that what Sanada had just said was probably some kind of joke. Evidently, the old timer was somewhat fond of telling jokes, clearly it came with his friendly nature. This wouldn’t be the first time Garchomp had gotten confused about a joke. He just took any form of physical competition, even hypothetically like in this situation, too seriously for his own good. Concluding that it was probably a joke, Garchomp closed his mouth and forced an entertained-sounding grunt out as a response and made no further comment outloud, though he couldn’t help but glare at one of the Audino for good measure.

“We won’t go out for a mission right now, I’m not in the mood to walk all the way to another dungeon again for another easy fight and the weak pay we get for it.” Garchomp said heading towards the exit of the infirmary. The carved out hole in the wall of the infirmary that formed the exit was luckily large enough to accommodate both he and Sanada, though just about in Sanada’s case. “I’m gonna go and look at the outlaw board now though. Just in case there is actually something worth our time on there, I don’t wanna miss the chance to sign up for a good fight, even if we are waiting till later to tackle it. Come if ya want.” Garchomp said leaving and expecting Sanada to follow.

The corridors weren’t much better than the door, clearly they weren’t designed for anything particularly large. Garchomp could fit through them without contact from the walls or ceiling luckily, though he didn’t imagine Sanada having similar luck. Soon enough he made it into the main room. A large, bright open space was a huge contrast to the more full infirmary and even smaller corridors. There were a few other Pokemon scattered around the room in various positions. Some kind of team over at the board that wasn’t for outlaws, whatever that one was again, and seemingly another in front of the board he was interested in. The Mismagius that worked here was with them too.

Garchomp had spent a lot of his time in the guild at this outlaw board, constantly checking for refreshments. He would scan the board each time he got the chance, looking for strong opponents for sure, but mainly looking for a member of his old thug group’s picture to be on the board.
Usually he’d be looking out for Torkoal’s face, but in the time he’d been here the result never changed- the board showed no sign of him. Frustrated with the lack of progress he’d been having in tracking them down, he became so concentrated on trying to read the board from afar as he was walking closer to it that he forgot about the group in front of the board. He snapped back his mind into reality just before he’d stepped on the tail of the Eevee in front of the board. He redirected his step and it landed behind the Pokemon’s tail.

“This ain’t a good place to stand around doing nothing, punks. You’re in my way, clear it before I-“ Garchomp’s angry rant was interrupted by Abomasnow loudly clearing his throat behind him. Garchomp sighed, again, not the first time this had happened with anyone in the guild. “...Before I politely request that ya move so that I can read the board...” he could still feel Abomasnow’s icy prescnese behind him, “...sorry.” Garchomp muttered the last part before Abomasnow grunted in approval and walked back to his position near the entrance from the corridor to the main room. Embarrassing. Garchomp stood there for a bit not really knowing what to do.

“Hey, old man, come here and help me look for something.” Garchomp said finally, trying to play the whole thing off as natural, he didn’t even know if Sanada was behind him when he said it but he sure hoped so, or else he’d look like even more of a weirdo right now, not the image he wanted.

Interactions: CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell Suyasuya Suyasuya mdebourg mdebourg Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205
"Oh oops, sorry," Hex said realizing she had been lingering with the newly dubbed Rescue Warriors in front of the outlaws board for a little too long.

She floated out of the way so Gary could look at the Outlaws Board. As much as she hated to admit it, Gary kind of intimidated her. Hex was glad he had turned over a new leaf, but obviously he hadn't quite adjusted to fighting outlaws and not being them.

"I'm going to go get your starter kit." Hex told Team Rescue Warriors. "I'll be back in a bit!"

Hex floated off to get the starter kit, leaving to the bottom floor.
Team Rescue Warriors? Oishii liked the sound of that. His smile grew even wider as he nodded in approval. "I love it! It makes us sound heroic but fierce," he said, flexing his claws. "You all can call me Oishii."

So the Mareep's name was Tesla, and the Eevee was just, well, Eevee. He sometimes had to remind himself that not all pokemon went by nicknames. "I have a feeling us three will get along great, just don't take my food." That last part was supposed to be more of a joke, but he really hoped they didn't actually try.

The Eevee seemed excited to start already as she asked for the first mission. "We could always start here," he suggested, tapping a claw on the Outlaw Board. "I'm sure these guys will be tough." He glanced at Tesla to see how he felt with the suggestion, given he's the leader of the team.

Suddenly a Garchomp walked over. He seemed angry at first, but then his tone abruptly shifted and he even apologized. As Hex floated away the Heracross said, "No worries," though he didn't end up moving out of the way just yet. The Garchomp looked like he'd been through a battle recently, yet still seemed to have lots of strength remaining. "I'm Oishii from Team Rescue Warriors! Would you like to spar with me sometime?" He stood as straight as he could and crossed his arms in his best attempt to look tough. "Not right now, though, since this is our first day and we're still getting used to this place." He didn't say it, but he hoped the Garchomp picked up on his refusal to move as a sign that he was serious.

Interactions: Dooplighost Dooplighost Suyasuya Suyasuya mdebourg mdebourg
"Nice to meet you Oishii, and glad you like the name." giving a slight blush at the bugs approval. Truth be told, that sounded rather cheesy, but was the best the pile of yellow fluff could think of on such short notice. "You won't have to worry about that, I personally don't eat all that much." he remarked at his joke.

"I admire the spirit of you both but we may wanna start with something a bit easier like something from the other side on the job bulletin board. We don't even know what the places like even though i've been in a few of them due to the layouts switching around each time." the dungeons Tesla was referring to being mystery dungeons of course, no two trips ever being the exact same.

At this point a huge Garchomp walked over, something Tesla did not want to incur the ire of as any attack it knew would most likely send him into a wall, fainted in seconds. Luckily his expression seemed to soften nearly immediately so he didn't look like he wanted to pick a fight with anyone...but Oisii sure did even asking for a spar with him, "H-hello." was all he could get out of his mouth at the dragon, Tesla envisioning that he would eat him for breakfast, the sheer sight scaring him.

Suyasuya Suyasuya Dooplighost Dooplighost Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
A mischievous smile spread across Eevee's face at Oishii's joke - it sounded more like an invitation to mess around with him than an actual threat. Maybe she'd test her luck one time, just to see what'd happen.

Eevee looked up at the outlaw board upon the Heracross' suggestion, hopping onto her hind legs and pushing her front paws against the board for support to get a better look at some of the higher-hung posters. "They sure look tough," she replied to Oishii's comment, but it didn't do much to deter her. She shuffled along closer to the centre of the board, gazing restlessly between the images of rogue Pokémon. "Whooo do we catch first~?" She paused for a moment before musing partly to herself, partly to her new teammates. "The one that's gotta get caught the most is gonna be the most dangerous one, right?"
But rushing in to catch dangerous criminals wasn't a part of Tesla's plan; instead, he suggested choosing something from the other board. She cast a passing gaze towards it, before looking back at the wooly Pokémon. "But there's a team standing there."

Unbeknownst to the rookie team, they, in turn, were standing in the way of another Rescue Explorer who wanted to get to the outlaw board. While Eevee was blissfully unaware of the fact that her tail had almost got crushed, the vibrations sent by the large footstep right behind her caught her attention. She quickly turned her head to find herself face-to-face (or face-to-leg, as the case may be) with a Garchomp. An angry Garchomp. Eevee quickly lowered herself to the ground, ears flattened back and tail trailing on the ground. She'd never been so close to such a large Pokémon before - at least not such a large Pokémon that was threatening.
The Garchomp's tone was quick to change with a mere clear of the throat from Abomasnow behind him, and he even offered an apology, albeit reluctantly. Nonetheless, Eevee obliged his... polite request for them to move so he could read the board, trailing after Hex.

Eevee's ears perked back up at the mention of getting their starter kit. That meant they'd be getting their official Explorer badges! "Okay!" Her tail wagged as she watched the Mismagius drift away, disappearing from sight as she headed for the bottom floor.

...That left Team Rescue Warriors with Garchomp. Eevee glanced back over to the others. The first thing she realised was that Oishii hadn't budged from his spot at the board, and was even asking the huge Pokémon for a future sparring match. He seemed totally serious, too. Whoa... Hardcore. Eevee decided that perhaps stealing her teammate's food, even as a joke, perhaps wasn't such a fun-sounding idea anymore.
Her second realisation, however, was that she shouldn't be scared of Garchomp in the first place. There's no way he could be a bad Pokémon - he was a Rescue Explorer! A hero! He wanted to read the outlaw board so he could catch really bad Pokémon so they couldn't hurt anyone anymore, just like them! Besides, even if he was as scary as he seemed, she'd have to face dangerous criminals one day, and when she did she couldn't run away with her tail between her legs like a yellow-bellied kit. No, she'd have to get out there and catch them!

With that, the small Pokémon trotted back to the outlaw board, standing beside the Garchomp and looking at the board before them again. She looked up at him, having to crane her neck to even begin to have part of his face (or, more like his jaw) in her field of vision. "Whatcha looking for? Maybe we can help!" She offered him a friendly smile and tail wag, despite his intimidating first impression. It'd be an honour to get to help a fellow Rescue Exploration Team!

Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 mdebourg mdebourg GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Dooplighost Dooplighost
Gary (Garchomp)
Garchomp’s embarrassment dwindled inside him as he watched the smaller Pokemon look intimidated, including even Hex to an extent. Good, he didn’t look like a fool. Though, one of them hadn’t shown much fear. The Heracross looking dead at him.

“Would you like to spar with me sometime?”

Garchomp was both surprised and impressed with the question, though he didn’t show it on his face. He thought it over in his head a while before responding. “Ya got guts Bug, I’ll give ya that much.” Garchomp laughed loudly and gave him a toothy grin, Oishii really didn’t seem scared at all, his stance showed that. Did he have an ice-type move or something? Getting riled up from the challenge himself, Garchomp lowered his head to meet the Herscross’ eyes with his own. He had respect for any opponent that challenged him and, despite what he said, took every fight seriously. Trash talk and intimidation before a fight was just a strategy of his for fights like these. “I don’t turn down fights Bug, I don’t hold back neither. I’ll give ya the beating that ya’re asking for. Think about what ya’re getting into, then come and find me sometime later. We’ll talk about ya funeral then, If ya still got the guts by then that is. Ha!” Garchomp stood up straight once again, breaking eye contact with Oishii, and moved one step past him and the seemingly paralysed Mareep, reaching the board. Finally, he could read it in peace.

That was what he thought before the Eevee popped up next to him. The Eevee had offered him some help. He peeled his eyes away from the board to look at the tiny Pokemon with an unimpressed expression. A year ago Pokemon like her would run in fear from him, heck Pokemon much bigger than her would run in fear. Garchomp found it strange how simply being a member of the guild changed how others saw him. He was still the same Pokemon after all, still clearly aggressive. He wasn’t quite used to cute little Pokemon like her smiling at him. It was so unnatural to him. The whole situation weirded him out.

Garchomp moved his eyes back to the board before answering her.
“Ears, I’m looking for a Torkoal with a funny eye on this board. If ya wanna help look, be my guest.” Garchomp said somewhat coldly, not really in the mood for introductions- continuing to scan the board as he spoke. He was sure that the board hadn’t even been updated since he’d last looked at it, he recognised a lot of the missions. But he still kept looking, to no avail so far though.

One thing Garchomp really did wish for right now, even more than Torkoal’s face on this board was Sanada’s prescence right now. He was much better at dealing with other Pokemon in non-violent ways and having normal conversations. If there was any time Garchomp would’ve been glad to see Sanada, it would’ve been then.

Suyasuya Suyasuya Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 mdebourg mdebourg CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell
The lively sounds of conversation filled the guild as Pokémon filtered in and out, eventually only leaving only a handful of Pokémon standing around in the main room. All of the sudden, many Pokémon standing by the back window stopped in the middle of their conversations, turning their focus to hallway entrance. As the whispered gasps died and utter silence filled the room, all attention was turned facing Caesar, standing at the end of the hallway entrance.

The Flame Pokémon remains one of the most distinguished and respected Pokémon around the world, and as such holds a certain weight to his presence. As if Caesars presence alone wasn't enough to draw the attention of everyone in the room, he was accompanied by the captain of the top rescue team in the world, Bolt. With a slight nod from Caesar, Bolt stepped forward and spoke to the Pokémon gathered before them.

“As many of you are aware, there is an epidemic going on commonly known as ‘PokeRage.’ From what my colleagues in the Rescue Explorers League (The Top 10 teams in the world) have determined this condition is only affecting certain types of Pokémon currently. We have yet to determine what is causing these Pokemon to lose control, but we believe it to be work of sinister Pokémon seeking to wreak havoc. Whatever the cause we as Rescue Explorers must work together to end the chaos spreading across the land. We hope we can count on all of you to work with us in this time of need, as your Guild Master has informed me of how impressive his guild roster has become. I hope we can all together to eliminate this threat.” Bolt said emphatically.

Glancing back to Caesar, before looking back at the crowd, Bolt gave a reassuring nod, dismissing the gathered Pokémon, before following the guild master to his office. With a slight gesture, Caesar signaled Hex to join them in the office. They had much to discuss as to what the Guild’s role would be in this multifaceted operation. For now, the guild was to continue operating as per usual until further notice.

Meanwhile, Across Town
Teddiursa and Swinub were on their way to make a deposit at Dusk bank, as they're saving for a new house. The two Pokémpm were walking carelessly, smiling and enjoying the day, not noticing the shadow following from above. In an instant, with a viscous strike from the sky, both Pokémon were knocked unconscious. When they awoke, the money they were carrying to the bank was gone, as well as their personal possessions. Distraught and confused they began to call for Police assistance, not understanding who had just robbed them.

When Officer Magnezone arrived to the familiar scene of the crime, it was obvious who the criminal was. The M.O. was the same as the last three, the victim(s) were attacked presumably from behind and had all their possessions stolen. The last two times the Pokémon were headed to the bank, same as these two. There had been multiple other reported cases of similar crimes all telling almost the same story. Having been on this case for months, Magnezone knew not to look for foot prints, as the assailant hadn't left any. Instead, the Sheriff scanned nearby branches and rooftops for scratches or other markings signaling the direction in which the criminal escaped. Deciding that he didn't have enough resources at his disposal to end this crime spree, Magnezone headed for the treasure town guild to find a Rescue team to assist in his investigation.
From the way the Garchomp laughed at him, Oishii knew he wouldn't regret asking for a battle. The trash talk following this only confirmed it. He maintained his gaze as the Garchomp made eye contact. It's true the dragon-ground type Pokemon may be a tough opponent, but Oishii didn't care about winning. Not in what's supposed to be a friendly spar, at least. He would have to take his missions more seriously, however.

As the Garchomp simply stepped past him the Heracross backed away from the board, relaxing from his pose as he got the response he was hoping for. Of course he had guts, that's his ability! Though he was a bit bothered by the fact the Garchomp only referred to him as 'Bug'. Oishii could've sworn he said his name, but maybe he forgot.

While the Eevee helped Garchomp's search for a funny-eyed Torkoal, Oishii turned his head as he heard a commotion at the entrance. A Luxray and Infernape were standing there, and it seemed as if all the noise in the guild vanished instantly. The Heracross couldn't help but shudder a little as the silence continued. Those two must be strong Pokemon if they can command such silence without even uttering a word. As the Luxray began to speak, it dawned on Oishii: that was Bolt, a member of the strongest rescue team! The Infernape must be the guild leader, then.

"As many of you are aware, there is an epidemic going on commonly known as ‘PokeRage.’ " Oishii blinked and looked around. No, he wasn't aware. Nearly all of his time had been spent in Treasure Town sparring with whoever looked tough. Of course, he heard the word PokeRage before, but he never knew what it meant, and never bothered to ask anyone. As the high-ranked Pokemon left, Oishii turned to Tesla. "Did you know about PokeRage?" He whispered, the silence still hanging. He was a bit uncomfortable with being the first one to speak, even if it was just a whisper.

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg Dooplighost Dooplighost Suyasuya Suyasuya
(Sorry this took so long)

Tesla would be eying the whole area for now, paying the most attention to the little group of pokemon that included an infernape and Luxray, two very important pokemon by the appearences as when they entered the room listened. The Flame Pokemon went on to explain that a epidemic known as Pokerage has been speading around the area. Tesla did have a knowledge of this but only vague as he had heard about it only once as a bit of a passing mention before his arrival here. "Yes , I did but like you not very much, having only heard basically what Bolt just described. As for the types, causes and cure for such a thing, I have no real clue sorry." he frowned a bit disappointed that he couldn't really provide any real insight as of now.

(I prolly could come up with stuff for that but I felt that would be cheating Burrito out of the narration role)

Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
Hex had just come up the ladder just in time to hear Bolt's announcement. After it was over she quickly floated over to the Rescue Warriors and handed Tesla the starter kit.

"Here's yout starter kit. Umm, try not to go after any outlaes that are too bad, okay? Well good luck. with your first job!" Hex quickly said before floating off to Caesar's office.

She didn't even bother with the ladder just floating right through the floor. Being ghost type did havr perks. Hex floated into the guild master's office.
"Hmm...not really sure how I feel about this." Zawinul murmured as he listens in on the details regarding the rescue of Shellos' mom. The job itself was more rescue team work than mere exploration and to top it off, they weren't getting paid anything.

"I suppose it's an emergency but...what do you guys think? Jolty? Berry? It's a free case but we'll be able to get our rank up somewhat." Zawinul turns to his two companions and leans in. "Besides, the kid's broke but the mom herself may still have some 'cheddar cheese' for our troubles."

Komeiji Komeiji DeadLad DeadLad (Yeah, sorry for the late post. I had this problem with my tooth for the past few days now. Been feeling weak since then since I can't eat properly.)
Berry listened to the young Shellos attentively, trying his hardest to pay attention to her so that his team could get straight to finding her mom. This case, and many cases like it, hit Berry in his little bird heart. 'I would be devastated if my mother went missing,' the Fletchinder thought to himself. Berry has always had a soft spot for rescue missions that had to do with missing family members or close friends and he wasn't gonna turn this one down. 'This is why I became a Rescuer.'

"I would be happy to help you little Shellos, but allow me to briefly speak to my team," Berry said to the Shellos with a friendly expression.

He then turned to face Zawinul. Berry has always respected and cared for his teammate Meowstic, but he didn't like how Zawinul didn't like rescue missions unless it benefited him or the team. When the first met Berry captivated by his personality. Zawinul caught his interest with just a few words. There was no question about wanting to be teammates with him. But sometimes Berry wonders if Zawinul was the right choice.

"We have to help find her mother," the fire bird whispered. "There are a plethora of teams that are more qualified than us to take on this request but she came to us. Plus I know if that were my mother that was missing and I didn't have the means to find her I would be crying and scared. We have to help her even if there isn't a reward."

Komeiji Komeiji SCSaya06 SCSaya06
Sanada (Tyrantrum)

Garchomp had already moved to the wanted outlaws board before the Tyrantrum realized it. He hummed lowly, tail swaying in small arcs just to make sure it didn't hit anything as he followed, looking 'round the guild.

Yes- this place was definitely not designed for Pokemon of his size. He recalled a vague memory of his eldest son hanging off the beard on his lower jaw and telling him that Tyrantrums weren't usually explorers.
For once, his eldest son may have been right.

Still, Sanada made his way over. He had to make sure Garchomp didn't end up intimidating the smaller Pokemon...though he struggled to not let his head bash against the ceiling.

A few minutes of struggling later, Sanada found that he was almost too late. He'd briefly heard a Heracross challenging Garchomp, and it brought a chill down his spine. Audino would chew his ear off about keeping an eye on his partner and not letting him pick fights with other teams so casually, especially not with teams that were only new!

At least an Eevee tried to help him out...? No. No, that was even worse!

As soon as he neared the outlaw board- and took a worried glance over his shoulder to see if he wasn't blocking anyone's path-, Sanada crouched down, just now noticing the group Garchomp had ordered to move aside- an Eevee, a Heracross, and a Mareep. Well, he had to salvage the situation before Team Earth Shakers got a reputation for being a tough bunch who fought with younger Pokemon than they. Now, who to start with...

...Ah, hell. He was big enough to address all of them.

"Pardon me," He spoke up, lowering his head so that he was, at the very least, face-to-face with the small group. He kept his breathing slow- last time he snorted too much that he blew away a Noibat that managed to fly right in front of his snout.

"I am Sanada of Team Earth Shakers, and that Garchomp is my partner," He explained. "Have you seen any request for a Torkoal with a..." How'd Garchomp phrase it? "...funny...eye, on the outlaw board?"

He was ancient. He didn't have the same slang as the young ones nowadays.

And remembering his age almost made him sulk.

Dooplighost Dooplighost Suyasuya Suyasuya mdebourg mdebourg Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
"Torkoal, funny eye, got it!" Eevee raised a paw in salute, before turning to the board. Garchomp would have the upper end of the board covered, so she'd start with the bottom row. She carefully scanned each poster, quietly muttering "Torkoal, funny eye," to herself. It wasn't an official job, but this was the first thing she was getting to do as a Rescue Explorer - she wasn't about to mess it up!

Engrossed in the search, she didn't even notice the hefty footsteps headed their way until the figure spoke. Ah, were they in the way again? She peeled her eyes away from the board and HOLY SMOKES HE'S HUGE.
She stared wide-eyed at the Tyrantrum, who had to crouch down to be closer to the new group's level. The shock quickly passed though as, unlike Garchomp, the Tyrantrum's size was the only thing intimidating about him. He spoke in a way that was much more friendly - gentle, even. He introduced himself, and the Garchomp who happened to be his partner.

"Hi! Nice to meetcha, Team Earth Shakers! I'm Eevee!" She briefly turned her head to check where her teammates were standing, so she could gesture first towards the Mareep, "And this is Tesla," and then to the Heracross "And Oishii!" She looked back at Sanada, standing tall with a proud smile. "We're Team Rescue Warriors! It's our first day!"

Sanada mentioned the Torkoal with the funny eye too. That Torkoal must be a really bad outlaw if these guys were after him. "Not yet, but we'll find 'em, right guys?" She flashed a grin towards the other Rescue Warriors before returning to the board search, without checking that her teammates would follow suit. "Torkoal, funny eye, Torkoal, funny eye..."

It wasn't long before the room fell silent. It took a few moments for Eevee to catch on and pause the search for the funny-eyed Torkoal. There, just at the entrance, was Infernape, the Guild Master, and beside him, stepping forward--- Eevee gasped. Bolt?! The Bolt?! Team Roaring Rescue's fearless leader?! The young Pokémon's ears and tails stood up at attention; though she tried to hang on to every word the renowned hero spoke, her focus was split on the fact that he was there. Right there, in the same room as her, talking to her (and, well, everyone else too).

Eevee remained transfixed in silence for a few moments after the legendary Luxray had left with the Guild Master. She barely heard her teammates talk about PokéRage before her excitement overflowed and burst out of her, bouncing around and punctuating her speech with animated gestures and poses. "Did you see that?! Bolt was here! Did you see how the whole room went quiet when he came in? He's so cool! Bolt was here! Bolt was here! Bolt was here~!" She pranced around, unabashedly sharing her excitement with everyone who happened to be around her - Tesla, Oishii, Sanada, even Garchomp. Even finally receiving the anticipated starter kit didn't dowse her enthusiasm. In fact, she didn't notice the elusive Mismagius come and go at all.

Finally, she came to a standstill, gazing wistfully at the spot where the Luxray had been standing only a few minutes ago. "I hope we get to see him again..."

Fire blazing in her eyes, Eevee marched to the other members of Team Rescue Warriors. "Bolt's counting on us all working together to stop PokéRage, so let's do it!" She extended a paw in between them as a gesture of solidarity.

Dooplighost Dooplighost CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell mdebourg mdebourg Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
Gary (Garchomp)
"Forget about it Old Man, Torkoal ain't here." Garchomp said finally giving up his search, he was sure that the board hadn't been updated. Garchomp shaking his head with a scowl, sure he was annoyed that Torkoal still hadn't been found yet, he knew they'd turn up eventually, they'd been chased by many teams before. It was only a matter of time. At any rate Garchomp was pleased Sanada had turned up, he'd take the attention of the smaller ones. Garchomp turned his head back to the board, looking for anything worth their time in a fight

Though his new search would be interrupted by the next Pokemon to enter the guild. The room's sudden silence and the unfamiliar voice intrigued Garchomp. His gaze went from the board to the voice, only for him to see a Luxray with the guild master. Luxray. Normally Garchomp would write off a Luxray as a weakling, the type advantage he had against them almost fodderised an average Luxray. However, something about this one was different. The bandana around his neck. There was no mistaking that thid was Bolt, a member of a highly decorated exploration team that any outlaw would know the name of. Word spread quick in that business and although many were afraid of Bolt, Garchomp felt differently. He was somewhat intimidated and respected him for his power and reputation. Afterall, Bolt easily outranked the toughest pokemon Garchomp ever had to deal with, but Garchomp felt a strong sense of challenge when he looked at the Luxray. He'd sworn that if they'd ever cross paths, Garchomp would make quick work of the famed explorer.

That was years ago, and although Garchomp would be lying if he said he still didn't want a fight with him, he couldn't exactly do it now. Not without an entire guild backing the Luxray up. Garchomp watched him walk by, the dragon standing up straight with crossed arms, trying to appear as large as possible. After a few words Bolt disappeared with the guild master and the room uproared again. The Eevee was jumping up and down beside him spouting praise. Garchomp scoffed.

"He's tough alright. But we'll be outranking him soon, ain't that right Old Man?" Garchomp said turning to Sanada. Garchomp laughed "They'll be calling Lucario rank Garchomp rank once we've had as much time as he has on the field."

CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell Suyasuya Suyasuya
Oishii gave a slight nod as he was introduced to the giant Tyrantum. He was sizing up the Pokemon like he did with Garchomp, but this time he bit his tongue. He tried to never queue up more than one eventual spar at a time. "Nice to meet you," he said, "And we'll let you two know if we ever come across the Torkoal." While Oishii enjoyed battling, these two seemed to really have it out for this Pokemon for some reason, so he made a mental note to try and avoid fighting any Torkoal he came across just in case.

After the others noticed the Luxray's speech, the Heracross watched Eevee bounce around in excitement. At least the team seemed to have lots of energy. He was a bit worried about getting stuck with a Slakoth or a super slow Pokemon when he joined the guild. Suddenly the Eevee stuck out her paw, determination shining in her eyes. Tesla had known a little bit more about PokeRage, but nothing the Luxray hadn't just said. Either way, Oishii brought forth his own two-clawed hand, meeting the Eevee's. "I'm in," he said, an idea striking him. If his team contributed enough to resolving the PokeRage, then maybe Bolt would consider a friendly battle between the two of them. Heck, if some Pokemon are losing control, it'd be good training if he battled them as well, even if it's more dangerous. "Yeah, I'm definitely in," he reaffirmed, his earlier grin returning once again. Joining the guild was an amazing idea.

Interactions: CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell mdebourg mdebourg Suyasuya Suyasuya
Closing the door behind him, Caesar faced the two pokemon standing before him. He looked to Bolt, and spoke quickly.
“Go ahead. Tell him what you told me.”
Nodding and turning his attention to the ghost pokemon standing beside him, Bolt began to explain the league's theory on what Pokerage is.

“As you know, many pokemon are capable of putting others to sleep, paralyzing, or even poisoning others. We believe that Pokerage is the combination of a variety of these abilities. A hypnotic ability that also cause enhanced strength and uncontrollable rage [Essentially its Swagger + Hypnosis/Sleep powder in one move] that is spreading like a virus. From what information we've gathered, this is ‘virus’ seems to be mostly affecting steel type Pokemon, though there are reports of others being affected as well. We are convinced that a group of powerful pokemon are behind this, as the combination of abilities required are far beyond that of what one Pokémon could handle.” Luxray explained.

The spark pokémon continued to explain how the patterns in the frequency and location of the attacks, plus the demographic it was affecting lead the league to believe that the source was coming from within the mountain range east of Treasure town.
“We are organizing massive scouting operation of nearly a dozen teams to go in search of the villain’s lair. This will be a coordinated attack of some of our strongest teams from the league. Initially I came to ask Caesar to join us in our search. Despite my urging, he insists that he has a team he believes more than capable despite them only being Normal rank? Needless to say his boasting about this impressive rookie team, possibly better than me when I started, was more than enough incentive for me to stop by and see my former stomping grounds.” Bolt stopped to look over at his former rival and longtime friend to see a slight smirk at the mention of someone actually surpassing him.

“If I had to guess that team includes the Garchomp who was staring at me like a meal out there. Am I correct in that assumption?” Bolt asked, receiving a silent nod from Caesar, affirming his suspicions.
“Well then, you can inform Garchomp and his team that the guild are offering an A rank exploration mission to gather information about Mt. Horn. From previous explorations we can confirm a variety of internal cave systems inside and underneath the mountain. We will also be sending a league messenger pokemon to travel along with your team so they can stay in contact with fellow teams exploring the surrounding ranges. This mission will be scouting only, as we need to establish a plan of attack before attacking and revealing what we know to the enemy. The League’s communicator Pokemon will be here soon to depart with your guilds representatives.” Luxray said, his mouth now becoming dry from his droning.

“I'll be departing shortly as my team and I are one of the twelve scouting.” Turning back to Caesar “I hope this rookie team is as good as you say it is.” Bolt spoke as he made his way to the door. Before leaving he turned back to the guild master and his hand before speaking once more “Also, before I go… there have been reports of a Sceptile spotted in the Mystery jungle.”
Bolt saw the confused look come across the ghost Pokemon’s face at the mention of Sceptile. “So you still haven't told anyone…”
Bolt stopped, realizing he had already said to much, and made his quick exit from the guild.
What Berry was saying was technically true. Of course if anyone's mother was missing, you'd want a capable team to rescue them as well. Still--

"Pretty noble Berry. But for me well, noble was last year. This year, I expect to get paid for my services." Zawinul replied. "I mean don't get me wrong. I totally understand where this kid is coming from. If Felicity were to disappear, I'd be worried too. Still wouldn't expect someone to find her for free however. Berry prices have gone up, at least five neighbours were laid off from their jobs--damn, Mimi the Miltank's been inflating the price of her milk by marketing it as 'rage-free' even if it's the same slop she's been serving for years now."

"Well, I'm off!" The male Meowstic beamed at his white-tailed partner as he prepares to leave the burrow they shared, slinging a small rucksack by his side. The female Meowstic nodded, rising up from her seat as she put away the leaves they used for breakfast.

"Please tell me we'll be having more than just spinach for dinner later." Felicity chuckled as she sorted their items out.

"Don't I always bring something extra whenever I go out?" Zawinul winks.

"Yes. More rocks for the burrow wall, branches for the fireplace and cheap berries stolen from Ms. Nat's farm."

"Technically, the Oran's on the public side of the road so it's public property. It's free game." Zawinul grinned.

"You don't have to be so nice when working Zawinul. You've worked how many free jobs in the past years? Five?"

"Three. Technically, Hitmontop got me front-row seats to that bout between Hariyama and Hitmonlee. Then again, I was the referee for that fight so I'm practically the closest bystander there..."


"And Lin put in a good reference for me remember?" Zawinul continues. "For the rest well, I needed the work experience anyway."

"I'm sick." Felicity shoots him a sad smile.


"And that's about the gist of that conversation." Zawinul explains. "Listen kid, I strained my back these past few years working for free for others. My dad did too. Yet all he left afterwards was a crummy burrow and a litter of five hungry Espurrs. I don't want to end up with that kind of life. But hey. It's not my call."

"By any luck, I should be able to scrounge up something from the area at least. I hope it should be enough to pay for Fel's medicine at least."

DeadLad DeadLad Komeiji Komeiji

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