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Pokemon GX Quest - Voting Thread.

Options are always available, but I shall accept your vote. 2 for male~*starts looking for pic*
Lol. Yeah I'm interested. I see the Grimm Tale post too. I'm still slowly picking up my face off the floor and getting back to here haha. I want to scream


Bad Ryhorn! We might have to teach it a lesson or two when we get our first Pokemon! Also, I like the idea of this quest. Sounds promising.

Choice #2.
Voting for the first option closes in about 3 hours so I have the time to write.

Bad Ryhorn! We might have to teach it a lesson or two when we get our first Pokemon! Also, I like the idea of this quest. Sounds promising.

Thanks =)
Not sure if you are still taking votes or not, but I'll just let you know I'm interested in this quest and mention that I would prefer option 1, which seems to be the option the others have already decided on.
It took me a while to find the main thread.

Whoopsie. Here's the link: Pokemon GX Quest

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Sorry I'm late to this Quirk- been busy with RL the past few weeks and only seeing your tag now >.< Can I still give an answer?

No problem. Male has already been locked sadly and I'm already looking for a pic for our character. Name might be randomly generated as well...since that's a bit too broad to vote on...though I'm willing to let players vote on a suitable name if they want =P We're still in the character creation phase, after all.

You can definitely vote on the next option. It's an open quest.
11) Spencer Pratt. ((Sorry for stealing one of your last names)) If I told you I came here just to meet you, would you believe me?
11. My name? Uh, I think it's Wrytin...Wrytin Upshawn. (Write-in option? :o) I'm...not really sure why I'm here...
11. Charles Belmont. "Charles Belmont, though everyone just calls me Char. I guess I thought it'd be fun." Though, your actual motivations are that of revenge.

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