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Fandom Pokémon gijinka World

Tristan sucked in a breath, "Man, that thing wasn't the strongest but it sure had a stinging bit to it. Thanks for takin take of me love," he pulled Winter in for a quick kiss then got back on his feet again to look for some clothes
Winter blushed and returned the kiss and followed his lover in to look for clothes...When they arrived, a shookeeper approached them...
"Hello, may I help you...?"
Winter panicked inside slightly...
"Uh... no.. we're fine..."
Thinking quickly, Tristan took Winter's head and brought it close to him, hiding the one horn out the side of his head, all while holding back his own huge furry ears, "Oh, yeah we're fine. We got everything under control."
The shopkeeper looked at them suspiciously...but carried on with her usual chipper attitude.
"Alright! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!"

She left...
Winter looked at the various items and settled on a beret like hat, a hooded jacket and some jeans....
Tristan breathed a sigh of relief, happy she bought it for the time being. Then he put on some clothes that his his own features very well. He put on a long-sleeve shirt that hid his arm and chest fur, and a beanie that covered his ears. Finally he put on a new pair of pants without a hole in them so it would hide his tail, "Okay, I think I'm ready. Let's just get out of here."
Tristan breathed a sigh of relief, happy she bought it for the time being. Then he put on some clothes that his his own features very well. He put on a long-sleeve shirt that hid his arm and chest fur, and a beanie that covered his ears. Finally he put on a new pair of pants without a hole in them so it would hide his tail, "Okay, I think I'm ready. Let's just get out of here."
Winter nodded and they bolted o up of the store
Strangely enough, nobody took too much notice...
After they were a considerable distance from the store...
"I hope we can get to sandgem town before dark..."
"Honestly, I think it would be better if we left under cover of darkness. We just need to make sure we have enough supplies so we don't die on the voyage."
"Honestly, I think it would be better if we left under cover of darkness. We just need to make sure we have enough supplies so we don't die on the voyage."
Winter nodded and looked around for a place where they could get supplies... He found a small grocery store where they could do so...
"We could get some supplies here..."
"Okay good, we'll need food, water..." Tristan ran through a list in his head of all the things they would actually need to survive on a trip overseas. Not to mention they still needed a boat, "Maybe it's better if we stow away on a ship to Canalave, I don't think we can take that much from such a tiny market."
"Okay good, we'll need food, water..." Tristan ran through a list in his head of all the things they would actually need to survive on a trip overseas. Not to mention they still needed a boat, "Maybe it's better if we stow away on a ship to Canalave, I don't think we can take that much from such a tiny market."
Winter shrugged his shoulders and thought about it a little, Tristan was probably right...
"Floraroma town isn't far we could probably pick berries from the trees in the fields"
Tristan thought about that plan, needing to picture a map of the country in his head, his face taking on a neutral, dazed look, "If go up from Oreburgh, we can walk underneath that big bicycle highway trainers use, then climb up into Eterna. Then we go through the Eterna Forest, that way we can skip Jubilife City. It's a lot of backtracking though, are you up for it?"
"Yeah, but there are a ton of trainers around...What if they challenge us?"
Winter knew that you couldn't turn down a challenge to a Pokémon battle...or run from one...
"Well, we don't have pokemon anyways, so they couldn't challenge up if they wanted to. We'll just tell them that we use repels all the time and like survivalist camping," he grinned
Winter took that into account and thought a while and nodded
"This explanation should work..."
Tristan was always the smart one...he admired that quality...meanwhile he could only predict the bad things that were coming in the future,.,
Tristan smiled and wrapped his other arm around his waist, bringing him in for a kiss, "Better believe it," his toothy grin afterwards got a few looks from some younger trainers who noticed the sharper teeth, making him frown and flash a warning glare at them

"Let's get goin, okay? we got a long journey ahead of us"
Winter looked nervously at the young trainers, nods and follows him... when they arrived in Floaroma town...it was about sunset...
The sun's light made the flowers' colors even more vibrant....
Winter stared off in a daze at the natural phenomenon in silence
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