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Fandom Pokémon Earth: The US| OOC



laugh hard, run fast, be kind
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For all of your OOC needs! Also because I don’t want to fill up the interest check with conversations.

Mega Evolution does exist but it’s rare for people to find the needed components and have a strong enough bond with their Pokémon.

Z-Moves are definitely going to be used but I haven’t decided how I’ll be implementing them as far as how you’ll get them.
I’ll be getting the CS up as soon as I can which will hopefully be in a few minutes.
The canon regions are non existent and instead serve as a base for their real world counter parts. In the case of the US this would be Gen 5, which means that Gen 5 Pokémon will be easier to find here than they would be in other places. However this rule only extends to some of the more unique Pokémon as having Pidgeys be a rarity around the world would be pretty weird.
Just getting my gal ready!! Might be a while because I have to go out, but I’m still interested!
Quick question, can two people have the same starter and bonus pokemon? Also, how to the bonus pokemon work, like do we choose between them and the starters?

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