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Fandom Pokémon Concierge



Eternal Light

The Pokémon Resort - Breezeway East

"Welcome to the Pokémon Resort! I'm your hotelier and cruise ship captain, Astrian! My Pokemon partner is Noivern. You may see her flying over the resort to keep a watchful eye for any incidences."

"If it's your first time here, I'll try to give you a quick run down of the place!"
"For starters, I'll explain to you the two main sides of the resort: The West and the East."

"Here at West Beach is the busier side of the resort where we have our cruise port and the majority of our souvenir shops and fine dining as well as the location of the Public Safety headquarters."

"East Beach is the cozier side where you can find our botanical gardens, extended spas, and hiking trails. Both sides offer luxury lodging and other premium resources that you will discover along the way. Now that you have an idea of things, I will direct you to your job site."

"Our hospitality staff will accommodate guests at one of the two 5 star hotels, Breezeway East or Lover's lane of West Beach. The Head of Hospitality at both locations are: Hanaleah at the Breezeway hotel and Charity at Lover's lane."

"Resort security will report to Dezius at the Public Safety Headquarters before being dispatched to their designated posts. Landscapers and gardeners report to our lovey Rosalie also known as Rose in East Beach. Cooks will serve under Head Chef Takuro."

"Other members of our team such as photographers or interior designers will report to me directly. Now that you know where to go, take it easy for a little while and explore the resort unless you are readily needed by your supervisors!"
(all artwork is my ai generated ideas/oc)


Lover's lane - West Beach

Takumi98 Takumi98 Pipsqueak Pipsqueak ReaperMelia ReaperMelia echo.no echo.no locked n loaded locked n loaded nikoru nikoru
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• Location: Restaurant, Lover's Lane
• With: Togetic (open for interactions!)​

After passing the final interview and receiving the acceptance letter from Liatris that she finally got the job, Ophelia and Togetic arrived at the port after riding the cruise ship sponsored by the Pokemon Resort. She felt refreshed by the sea breeze gently hitting her face as they docked at the west side of the island where most of the fine dining restaurants are. With one hand on her duffel bag containing all her things and the other one holding a map of the island, the aspiring star chef felt ready to take the culinary world.

"Are you ready, Togetic?" she asked her companion enthusiastically. The winged Pokemon responded with a happy trill, following her to the Lover's Lane. The assortment of happy Pokemon bonded with their trainers put a smile on her lips. After putting her luggage in her designated room, she went out to explore the western side of the island. For their first task, they would be enjoying the day as guests to have a feel of how the Resort truly works. So, her first instinct as a chef was to go to the nearest restaurant and ordered its signature dish for her and Togetic.

She ate the colorful parfait giddily, letting its creamy texture coat her taste buds. It has a lot of berries too, which she assumed was also grown in the island by tasting its freshness. She and Togetic ate together while people-watching the guests and how the staff works.
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Victor Caddel
Interactions: echo.no echo.no
Location: West Side-dining area

"Welcome to Breezeway, the east side of the Pokemon Resort and your home away from home! Here on the east side we believe that relaxation is the height of vacation, and we want to share our commodities with YOU! Come walk through the beautiful botanical gardens that are guaranteed to bring you and your nature loving pokemon closer together-"

"Oh I'm so glad we decided to book this! My shoulders feel more relaxed than they have all week!" Alana, Victor's newest client, piped up over the cheery automated voice overhead, turning to her fiance Michael and their Pichu with a bright smile. Michael, who was decidedly less chatty than Alana had been throughout the appointment, merely nodded in response, though he did look rather pleased with the service as he headed towards the door.

"Thank you so much for this, um..."

"Victor." Vic reminded her with a patient smile to which she returned.

"Victor. I'll have to let all my friends know about you! Oh, this was just delightful! Honestly, you know how I was complaining about my shoulders just the other day..." Alana's voice floated down the hallway as the couple and Pichu made their way back to the entrance of the building. Victor let his smile grow as he turned to the counter that ran alongside the back wall of the room to begin rearranging the oils.

"Well, I'd say that was a pleasant little appointment, don't you think?" Glancing beside him atop the counter sat Victor's partner Meowstic, who definitely did not look at all pleased about the hour long session. The psychic pokemon huffed and rolled his eyes in exasperation before hopping off of his seat to grab some fresh towels.

"Hey now, none of that. A chatty woman is an exciting one! I will admit I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear the story about that disruptive customer of hers, but I'm sure if the session had lasted an hour longer she would've circled back around to it... Strawberry?" Victor held a fresh strawberry in his hand gingerly as he sorted the lavender oil next to the peppermint. For a second he was convinced Meowstic was too busy stewing in his own annoyance to have heard him, but a second later felt the fruit float gingerly from his fingertips. The thought of eating made his own stomach growl, and after a few moments of deliberation decided their next destination would be a nice lunch break.

"I believe we're done here for today. Why don't we head to the restaurants?" Meowstic gave an enthusiastic response between bites as he set the fresh linen sheets on the beds. Victor chuckled, opening the door to let Meowstic take the lead with excited hops. The hallways were a nice change of pace from his spa room. Colors popped along the walls all the way down to the carpet- a much better visual stimulation than the cream colored walls and white tiled floors. It made sense, of course. Less stimulation was much more soothing for the brain, but it often made Victor sleepy during his own sessions. Now as the two made their way along the corridor towards the main office, he was beginning to feel much more awake.

The walk from the east to west side of the beach took the two much longer than necessary, but Meowstic insisted on trying to pet the Combee that floated above the flowers lining the walkway, and when it came to his pokemon Victor tended to be quite a pushover. Ten minutes later did they finally arrive to the boardwalk that housed the infamously prestigious restaurants, and as they headed towards the doors Victor spotted a familiar face just a few feet away.

"Ah, Ren, it's nice to see you out and about today!" Victor smiled at her and waved, earning yet another eye roll from a hungry Meowstic. Ren was the kind of girl you simply couldn't leave unattended around the kitchen lest food end up mysteriously missing. Victor couldn't say he was surprised to see her here, though it certainly raised an eyebrow.

"Might I ask what's brought you to this side of the resort today? Should I be looking out for an emergency or missing treats?"
Grace Silva
Location: Breezeway East - Beach

The soothing sea breeze and dazzling sunshine alone had been enough for Grace to know that she had landed the best job in the world. The ex-coordinator still couldn't believe this wasn't all just a dream; after how pitiful her attempts at a career had been throughout her whole life, there was a part of her that felt like something was going to go wrong for her when she first started the job. That being said, she was now a week in without any serious issues or mistakes, and Grace was finally starting to accept that maybe the universe had taken pity and decided to make up for the years of embarrassment and failure she'd endured.

The maid hummed to herself as she trotted along the sandy shore of the beach, enjoying a well-earned day off with her Pokemon. Rosie and Veevee marched along at her side while Spooky floated with her partners.
"Isn't the beach just wonderful? I thought Sunnyshore was great, but nothing compares to the Pokemon Resort!" Grace giggled as she kept moving ahead, just enjoying the sights. She gazed around the beach, spotting lots of human and Pokemon guests playing in the sand and splashing about in the water. A little further ahead, she watched as a Milotic leaped out of the water, its scales shimmering in the sunlight as it elegantly dove back into the ocean.

"Wow...! Think that Milotic's trainer is a coordinator, too? That move would've won a contest for sure!" Grace's Pokemon could see a sparkle in the young woman's eyes as she thought about that dive, wondering if she could draw any inspiration for her own techniques... Not that she had any water types that could pull it off, but the visual was striking enough that she wondered if she could find some way to capture its energy. Perhaps with the right ball capsule, or maybe Rosie could use Petal Dance to make a grass-type twist on it...

Grace's Pokemon couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the sight of their trainer getting distracted by contest thoughts again. With all the stress from her jobs these last few years, it had been a while since the ex-coordinator had the time and energy to start planning out moves or thinking about what she'd do once she was ready to return to the scene. If anything, it was proof that she was much happier now than she had been in a long time. Of course, getting distracted usually meant that she'd wind up accidentally stumbling into some trouble, so Veevee walked over and gave her leg a gentle nudge to pull her out of her thoughts.
"Oh, right... Sorry, Veevee." Grace laughed as she scratched her head, a tiny bit embarrassed that she'd been caught daydreaming out in public.

Spotting a stray beach ball a short distance away, Grace hurried over and picked it up. "I might not be working right now, and the beach isn't really where I do my work, but we should still try to keep things tidy... And we can have some fun while we do it!" She gently tossed the ball towards Spooky, who bumped it towards Rosie. The four took turns passing the ball around to each other, all laughing together as they just relaxed and enjoyed their day off.
Ren Haranei
Location: West-side dining area
Interactions: Pipsqueak Pipsqueak

"Aaand we're done," Ren exclaimed happily, holding up the Starly she had been helping after it had crash-landed on the beach. The Starly gave an enthusiastic cry in return as it fluttered out of her hands, doing small flips in the air now that the sand was finally out of its eyes. Ren threw the towel she had been using to the side, chuckling as she got up from the chair and dusted herself off. "You look great! Be careful next time okay? It's a good thing you didn't get hurt."

The small bird trilled with joy, circling Ren and Lurantis before taking off into the sky, leaving the pair next to the crashing waves. Ren gave a long stretch and inhaled the salty air, a serene smile taking over as she looked out toward the ocean. Lurantis stood next to her, enjoying the peace as well with closed eyes.

"Ah isn't this nice Lurantis?"
The pokemon was just about to respond when they began to smell the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread wafting from the restaurants nearby. Suddenly, a loud growl interrupted the peaceful atmosphere. The two blinked, staring at each other.

"...Hm, you know. I think we did a great job just now. We deserve a break right?" Ren asked playfully, the antennas on Lunratis head waving eagerly. The two gave each other a confident nod before Ren reached into her pocket and pulled out a pen and a map of the resort. She laid it out on the ground and circled a spot. "Alright Lurantis, we are over here. Our target-" She jabbed another part of the map, "Is right over here. Our mission? Acquire the last tray of bread before breakfast servings are over!"

Lurantis gave an enthusiastic chirp, the pair going over the plan on how to get the desired item without garnering attention. Mostly this was harmless fun. The kitchen was more than aware of Ren's habit and the whole idea of a heist was for added excitement. Some of the kitchen staff had even begun hiding various menu items and placing bets on whether Ren was capable of stealing them without being caught. Sometimes though, she liked to target random items to keep the kitchen on their toes. After all, things tend to taste better after a cleverly executed plan.

Ren picked up the map and grinned, looking over their handiwork. "Hm yes perfect, off we go!" And with that, the two ran off toward the restaurants. "Alright Lurantis, as long as we don't get spotted from here we should be goo-AH VICTOR HI" Ren squeaked, coming to a halt as her fellow coworker gave her a wave.

"Ah, Ren, it's nice to see you out and about today! Might I ask what's brought you to this side of the resort today? Should I be looking out for an emergency or missing treats?"

"What missing treats, hahaha no idea what you're talking about," Ren fumbled while Lurantis snatched the map from Ren's hands and hid it behind her back. Ren gave an innocent smile. Victor was someone quite perceptive and while he took his work seriously, Ren was aware there was a very gentle and sometimes even playful side to the man. However, as of right now, Ren was full of determination to carry out her grand plan of bready thievery.

"We're just taking a walk is all."

Her very convincing words were soon once again interrupted by a large growl.


"...Say Victor, if hypothetically a tray of bread were to go missing, but you got some of it before it just randomly inexplicably disappeared, would you maaaybe consider not saying anything about it? You know, to spare the kitchen from the sorrow of lost bread. Hypothetically of course."
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Natalie Winters
Location: docks
Interactions: Astrian ( True North True North )
Mentioned: none

Nat adjusted her duffel bag with a lopsided smile, her golden eyes glancing down at the fire type that ran around her legs as she got ready to depart the ship she had taken to get to her destination. Lulu was excited to be off the ship and she chuckled as he hopped up and down excitedly. She had so many pictures to send back home from the trip over! Grams and Gramps were going to be swamped with pictures once she actually got on the island and sent them to the two through her phone. Maybe one of these days she could even upgrade to a Rotom phone to make the job easier to get extra shots? She could even get some better angles with help from a little Rotom phone.

Once Captain Astrian began to give a run down to those who were new, Natalie had some idea where she'd be spending the most time: West Beach. She made a mental note to drop her stuff off later.

"Other members of our team such as photographers or interior designers will report to me directly. Now that you know where to go, take it easy for a little while and explore the resort unless you are readily needed by your supervisors!

This information got Natalie to perk up. At least now she knew who to direct some questions to. Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she approached Astrian and held out a hand for a shake as Lulu kept close to her legs the entire time.

“Hello, it seems you'll be seeing me quite a bit,” She greeted before asking, “what will you expect of me working here and where can I find you if I have any questions?”


Hinata Tsurugi
Location: docks → Breezeway East beach
Interactions: open
Mentioned: Liatris, Astrian and Hanaleah ( True North True North ), Grace ( ReaperMelia ReaperMelia )

The draconid sighed softly to himself as he stretched his arms above his head, his back popping as he did so. The boat ride to the resort was nice but after a while it had grown a bit…stale. It was still nice to see Wailord occasionally swim alongside the sea vessel, and all other manner of water types. He was sure he even saw a group of Finizen and Palafin too.

The whole time Zoey stuck by his legs or hid inside his shirts if she could fit, he had laughed and teased her for being a baby but didn't complain even when he nearly tripped over her a couple times walking on deck.

“I almost didn't think Ms. Liatris would accept my application Zoey.” He hummed in amusement, scratching the Zorua under her chin from where her head poked out of the zip up jacket he wore and gaining a small bark in response. It was nowhere near cold enough to wear a jacket, but it helped to carry her this way at least. He didn't mind the heat at the moment, since there was a nice breeze blowing through to cool him down.

Warm, almost amber colored eyes lifted when the cruise captain began to speak for those new to the staff, and Hinata tilted his head just lightly to the right as he adjusted the fox Pokémon themed mask on his face.

"If it's your first time here, I'll try to give you a quick run down of the place!"

"For starters, I'll explain to you the two main sides of the resort: The West and the East.”

"Here at West Beach is the busier side of the resort where we have our cruise port and the majority of our souvenir shops and fine dining as well as the location of the Public Safety headquarters."

"East Beach is the cozier side where you can find our botanical gardens, extended spas, and hiking trails. Both sides offer luxury lodging and other premium resources that you will discover along the way. Now that you have an idea of things, I will direct you to your job site.”

Both sides sounded interesting, and Hinata resisted the urge to snicker at the names Breezeway and Lover's Lane like a kid, though the mention of a spa piqued his interest a bit. Besides, East Beach didn't sound as busy as the other, so he'd make sure to drop off what little luggage he had brought at Breezeway East.

Hanaleah is such a mouthful though.’ He thought to himself with an internal sigh as he made the trek to the east side. Maybe she wouldn't mind a Nickname? He'll have to ask.

That's if he could find her, maybe he should've asked? Oh well, he'll probably run into her later on.

“Let's explore a bit, how about it Zoe?” He cooed, scratching her under the chin and earning a yip in agreement that caused him to grin as he headed past a sign that Mentioned a beach. Beaches were nice. They were relaxing, sometimes.

Taking Zoey out of his jacket and setting her down to walk beside him, the duo began treading a dirt path for a few minutes, he closed his eyes and listened to the distant sound of waves and Wingull cries, the dirt path he found eventually gave way to sand and the sounds of the beach became clearer. He blinked at the sound of faint laughter some distance away, his eyes scanning the area until they landed on a woman playing with her Pokémon.

He watched for a moment, before taking off his shoes and rolling up his pants legs before making his way further onto the sand, heading for the edges of the water to let it rise to his ankles with shoes in hand while keeping the woman and her Pokémonin his peripheral, Hinata couldn't help snickering at Zoey as she curiously batted at the water, only to yelp and dart away from it as if it bit her.
E.J. Longwood
Location: Breezeway Pavilion
Interactions: Grace ReaperMelia ReaperMelia
Mentions: Hinata and Zoey
NPCs: Hanaleah, Rose, and Liatris
Under the bright heavenly glow upon East Beach, a beachside pool party was underway for a guest's special day. E.J. volunteered with Ampharos to blow up the pool floats for the kids while he had some down time from his beach duties. While he worked at a Lapras float with his breath, Ampharos tirelessly puffed away at a deflated Kyogre one until he was blue in the face.

"Hahaha. Let me show you," E.J. walked over to Ampharos after placing the one he finished in the pool for a small boy to passionately climb on. Seeing the boy on the Lapras float reminded him of himself which put a smile on his face.

"See, you wanna do slow and steady breaths... making sure to plug the hole when deeply inhaling between blows." He flashed an encouraging smile to his Pokemon assistant after his demonstration. Ampharos returned a cheery smile and the two finished the much larger float together. Before they could place it in the water, the attention of the kids in the pool was stolen away by an unexpected sight.

The ooh's and aah's erupted from the children as porters entered the scene carrying what appeared to be a real life mermaid upon a fancy palanquin. The scales of her deep purple tail fin shimmering in the sun as it dangled off of the side of her ride.

"Woaaah. Is that who I think it is?" E.J. nudged Ampharos who did a double take. As they helped lower her into the pool with a satisfying splash, E.J. recognized the mermaid in question to be a familiar face. "Looking good, Liatris!" E.J. let out a supportive cheer while Ampharos ran to get a closer look with the children. He was quite impressed by how realistic they made the silicone tail appear.

Apparently when she wasn't helping to conduct interviews, Liatris chose mermaiding to aim for as a passionate career. Liatris was overwhelmed with all of the excitable children and Pokemon to actually hear him, but she looked to be genuinely enjoying the blissful attention around her which made E.J.'s smile grow.

"Hey E.J! Do you mind lending me a hand?" The head masseuse of Breezeway, Hanaleah, called over to him from her massage station under the pavilion where the parents of the birthday guest lay waiting for massages. "The ice bucket melted while I was setting the tables and I really could use—"

"Say no more!" E.J. was happy to help, and made his way over to retrieve the bucket. On his way over, he stopped by a nearby flower bed where his other assistant, Vaporeon was cozied within the flowers for a relaxing sun bath. "Hey sleepyhead, could you do the thing?" E.J. asked while holding out the ice bucket to Vaporeon for help. The water fox gave a satisfactory stretch of its hind legs before sitting up with one eye open to exhale a frosty breath over the bucket. The melted water inside instantly froze into ice.

"Thanks, Vaporeon! You're missing the mermaid fun. She's got a tail like yours!" E.J. called back to her on his way back to Hanaleah. Vaporeon playfully flicked her tail fin as if understanding, and then wrapped it around the length of her body to curl back up for a nap instead.

E.J. stepped away from the party and carefully slammed the bucket of frozen water against the stone walkway. He repeated the process until the frozen water broke apart into pieces and then returned to the pavilion to hand over the ice. On his way back, he caught glimpse of Rose, the head gardener, tending to the flowers on the far side of the pavilion. She seemed intensely focused on what she was doing, so he decided not to interrupt.

"Thank you E.J. seriously. I can treat you to an icecream cone later for the help," Hanaleah beamed at him gratefully when he returned.

"You don't have to repay me! I wanted to help. Especially while Surskit is away." E.J. assured her with smiling eyes. "But I really should check on the rest of the beach in case I'm needed there." Hanaleah thanked him again, and he gathered Ampharos and Vaporeon to head back to work.

The trio set out across the comfortingly warm sand. The sun rays were softer at East Beach with a cool breeze steadily flowing in and out across the beach which kept the temperatures down to a pleasurable degree. It was just as E.J. left it: A comfortable amount of people and Pokémon enjoying a casual walk upon the shoreline, collecting shells, playing in the sand or reading a good book. It wasn’t until around this time when the sun was the highest in the sky, that most people began to make their way out into the ocean for a swim to cool off or for recreational purposes. Noon until around 5:30 was prime time for E.J. to keep an eye on all of the water activities.

“Alright guys, let’s do what we do best!” E.J. grinned at his assistants as they made their way over to the lifeguard tower. On their way, they passed a fisherman with his partner Whooper patiently waiting for a nibble and a grandmother endearingly watching her grandkids building a trench with her beloved Corsola. It was a relaxed day on the beach and E.J. could tell that it was going to be an especially easy work day. As they neared the tower, the trio saw many other guests and Pokemon including a girl with pretty locks tossing a beach ball around with her Misdreavus, Roselia, and Sylveon. “Look over there, Vaporeon” He smiled to her, “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen another eeveelution. Wanna go say hello?” Vaporeon gave a curious sniff in the Sylveon’s direction which caused EJ to chuckle. “Wow, look someone has a shiny Zorua as well…”

While he curiously observed the interesting new people, he hadn’t noticed when Ampharos stepped away to help a group of volleyball players retrieve their ball that rolled near them. While Vaporeon helped EJ in and out of the water, Ampharos watched over activities on the shore and would give signals to EJ if need be. Careful not to forget his final assistant who monitored the sea, EJ made a quick scan over the ocean to make sure Lapras was doing ok. The aquatic Pokémon happily swirled around in the sparkling waters with small children hanging onto her fins for a fun ride. EJ’s heart warmed at the sight as he finally made it over to the girl and her Sylveon. “Hi, how’s it going? I’m E.J. I noticed your Sylveon and thought we’d come say hi” EJ offered her a warm smile. Vaporeon arrived to EJ’s side and eased into a comfortable sitting position to quietly assess the visually stimulating new fox before her. She spent a moment longer to silently observe all of them before offering a polite wave of her tail fin.
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Location: West side- Dining area
Interaction(s): echo.no echo.no nikoru nikoru

Victor watched the devious pair with amusement as he fixed his glasses with a gloved hand.

"Well normally I'd say I can't be bought with bread. However, this is hypothetical after all, and who am I to let the kitchen fall into despair?" He winked at Ren with a smile before turning to open the door. Holding it open with his foot, Victor gestured Ren and their Pokemon inside first, not unaware as Meowstic's eyes began to glow a deep purple and Lurnatis' map began inching away from her grasp. The grass Pokemon seemed to realize what was happening almost instantly, squeezing the paper with all of her might to keep it from floating away.

Of course, Meowstic's curiosity was not to be underestimated. The psychic pokemon's face scrunched in concentration as the map lifted higher and higher in the air, pulling Lurantis with it. He shook it gently, trying to get her to unhand the thing without actually hurting her. With a sigh, Victor picked Meowstic up and rubbed the bridge of his nose. A happy purr rumbled in the pokemon's throat, fortunately causing both the map and Lurantis to be set gently back down on a nearby table. Unfortunately, however, it seemed to already be occupied by a woman and a Togetic. Victor sucked in a breath and quickly went to assist Lurantis down.

"I am very sorry about that ma'am," He bowed quickly, mind already running through apologies, "I should've been more aware of my surroundings. I hope your day hasn't been interrupted!" Victor glanced back at Ren for a brief moment with a nervous laugh, feeling a little guilty that he hadn't caught Meowstic in time.

"I'd be happy to offer you another parfait, or perhaps a free 30 minute message? I'd offer a longer session, though I don't believe that's in my power."
• Location: Restaurant, Lover's Lane
• With: Ren ( echo.no echo.no ) & Victor ( Pipsqueak Pipsqueak )​

Ophelia couldn't help but observe how the restaurant worked here in the Pokemon Resort. As a chef, she used to be just inside the kitchen to make the food in the menu. Her interactions were pretty much limited to her fellow chefs, her head chef, and the Pokemons that assist them in their job. She never get to see the customer's expression when they first see the fancy plating that she worked hard on, nor could she see how they savor every bite of her creation. But now, seeing the satisfied guests filled her heart.

She took a spoonful of the parfait and gave Togetic another taste of the sweet parfait. Pecha berries were normally used by trainers to cure their Pokemon from poisoning, but adding it to the parfait naturally enhanced its sweetness. The ice cream also tasted rich, probably there was a Miltank Farm nearby that were allowed for open pastures, making its milk contain more fat. Togetic spun around mid-air as he enjoyed the bite, making Ophelia grinned as she helped herself to another bite of the delicios parfait. Soon, she was happy to be given the chance to cook food that would make people happy.

More people poured in, but the woman with a Lurantis talking to a man with a Meowstic caught Ophelia's attention. The woman talked about a hypothetical lost bread while her Lurantis hid a map behind its back, which piqued the chef's interest. It seems like this restaurant had a secret menu composed of breads only accessible to people with the map...

The next series of events surprised her, though, since the man's Meowstic made both the map and the pink Pokemon float. She thought that maybe the feline Pokemon felt a bit curious about the secret menu. Now she really wanted to take a bite because if Pokemon are willing to go such lengths, then the bread must taste absolutely divine. Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when the Lurantis fell into her table and knocked down her half-consumed parfait.

It was a pity that the dessert spilled all over her table as she was looking forward to consume it slowly. But she was more worried with Lurantis, as it might hurt.

"Oh no, are you all right?" Ophelia asked and guided the woman's Pokemon into an upright position, while Togetic examined the Lurantis closer by hovering around.

The man immediately apologetic tone, guilty that he didn't catch his Pokemon in time. He even offered another glass of parfait... and even a 30-minute massage. Realization dawned her, this man might be a masseuse working here in the Pokemon Resort! She was glad to meet one of her colleagues, albeit in such an unlikely manner.

Togetic and Lurantis seemed to play together, with the angel-like Pokemon circling around the pink Pokemon while trilling excitedly. Togetic seemed to have a bunch of zoomies, though... as his speed rose while playing. Ophelia winked discreetly at the woman behind the purple-haired man, hoping that she gets the message that she's creating an opening for the bread heist. She hoped that if the stranger was kind enough, she'd also have a taste of this bread too.

Then she smiled at the man, reaching out her hand with a bit of distance to make the Meowstic be familiarized with her scent. As much as she wanted to stroke the Pokemon's chin, she still wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to attack her for sudden movements. "It's fine! Though I would really appreciate another glass of parfait... but in Cheri berry flavor... by the way your Meowstic must be a handful. My Togetic used to be very curious about my kitchen tools. He was just a cute little Togepi back then, and he really liked eating the berries I use for cooking. Oh, have I mentioned that I am a chef? Yeah! I'm Ophelia and I would be working in the kitchen starting tomorrow, but for now I was tasked to have a feel and observe how the resort works... ooo... you offered a massage? Are you a masseuse here in the resort? How long have you been working here? Does Meowstic help you in your job?"

The chef seemed to ramble on while giving the eye to Togetic asking him to join the strange woman to hopefully get the bread too. Her Pokemon seemed to understood and flew to the strange woman with a twirl, ready to become an accomplice. Ophelia just kept talking, thinking of ways to bombard the poor man with more questions.

• Location: Breezeway Pavilion → Docks
• With: Floette (open for interactions!)​

After tending the garden for the event at the Breezeway Pavilion, Rose asked the hardworking Frankie to take a day off. He was about to protest, but she reassured that she can manage together with the team. Of course his superior can manage it, she was one of the top gardeners who helped him have a better understanding of plants together with other prominent figures who guided him. The head gardener must have noticed that Frankie might have been overworking himself again for maintaining the colorful plants, so she asked him once again to take a day off.

He sighed defeated. "Fine, Ms. Rose. I'll take the day off, but Ribombee will be assisting you should there be any problems with the plants. Is that okay with you, Ribombee?"

The fairy Pokemon spun happily, following Rose back to the Pavilion. Now, Frankie walked around the resort thinking of something to do, with Floette floating near his hat to be shielded from the sun's brightness even if it has a blue floral parasol already.

"Maybe we can make this worthwhile and buy candy for you and Ribombee?" he asked Floette who nodded immediately with eyes sparkling at the mention of candy. They walked to the shops, trying to remember which stall sold it.

"Do you remember the first time we arrived here a year ago? You were so nervous that only the candy helped calm your nerves," he said smiling and Floette seemed to hmph when she got reminded by that memory. Once they found the stall, Frankie bought a bag of candy, opening it to feed some to Floette as a peace offering.
Ren Haranei
Location: West-side dining area
Interactions: Pipsqueak Pipsqueak nikoru nikoru

Ren watched Victor intently as he fixed his glasses only to give a pretend offended gasp at his answer. "What do you mean you normally can't be bought with bread? Everyone can be bought with bread." She walked through the door Victor was holding open with a playful smirk, patting his shoulder as she passed. "But I am glad you agree that the kitchen can be spared some hypothetical grief."

Lurantis meanwhile was standing to the side, following along with the conversation when she suddenly felt the precious map start to slip away from her. Almost instantly, her grip on the paper tightened in a panic as her eyes locked on Meowstick. However, the panic was soon replaced with fascination at being floated through the air. Lurantis made a gibbering sound as she was shaken gently, eager to hold on to their secret plan no matter how high she went.

Ren turned back, giving an amused chuckle as she watched Lurantis struggle with the piece of paper. She could see the delighted stars in her partner's eyes as she embraced the challenge. Ren leaned towards Meowstick as Victor held him up and began to rub his nose. "Do you think you could make me float, Meowstick?" She asked with genuine curiosity, a hint of excitement in her voice at the thought. Lurantis let out a happy trill of success as soon as her feet touched the table, not realizing she had landed directly next to a lady and her Togetic. Ren realized a second too late as well hopping over behind Victor as the newcomer helped Lurantis down from the table. She gave an apologetic smile to the guest as she took Lurantis' arm, stroking the Pokemon's head.

The woman's Togetic flew over and began circling the two, causing Ren to giggle a hello to the curious little flyer. She peeked over at the lady, about to give an apology when she noticed the discreet wink. Ren's eyes lit up as she realized the lady had caught on. She quickly glanced at a preoccupied Victor and began to inch away with Lurantis following close behind. She mouthed a "thank you" and ran off into the hallway with a wave.

Quickly, Ren hid behind a pillar to catch her bearings when she noticed Togetic fly over. She waved the Pokemon over, holding out her hand as if to offer a handshake. "Thanks for helping us back there, your trainer has good taste! I can tell we would get along," she laughed before pointing toward one of the restaurants. "That restaurant makes some of the best bread. Care to join us and nab a bite? I'll make sure to send some for your trainer too," she offered, Lurantis pulling out the map and showing the drawings to Togetic as if already accepting the fairy type as a fellow accomplice.
Location: West side- Dining area
Interaction(s): nikoru nikoru echo.no echo.no

Victor smiled as Togetic circled the group excitedly, noting the similarity already present between Ophelia and her Pokemon. Both of them were a lively pair it seemed! Giving Togetic a chin scratch, he set Meowstic back onto the floor to reach for some money in his wallet.

"It's a pleasure! My name is Victor, and this is R- hm." As he turned to introduce Ren and Lurantis where the two should've been, it was only empty space.

"Well, once those two have their sights set on something not even a Charizard could get in their way!" He chuckled, jiggling the pokedollars in one hand. With his other, he gestured to the open seat across from the newcomer.

"May I?" Ophelia gave him the go- ahead and he sat, giving her a smile and motioning to a waiter.

"Cheri Berry is my favorite flavor, though I do enjoy Razz Berry as well! If you haven't, you should try it one day!"

"Ah, Vic! It's nice to see you in here. What can I get started for you?" One of the wait staff, Henry, greeted with a bright smile. Victor grinned at him, handing him a few pokedollars.

"It's good to see you too Henry! I hope everything has been running smoothly here," He added slyly, wondering how far Ren and Lurantis might've gotten at this point, "Could I trouble you for a Cheri Berry parfait? And a Razz Berry as well?" Henry scribbled something quickly in his notepad before stuffing it back into his apron.

"Sure thing! So far everything's been going alright. Say, you haven't seen Ren around have ya?" Victor shook his head.

"A few restaurants have already set their food out waiting for her to come grab it. I swear that girl has created a whole holiday for herself! It's like everyone is just waiting to see if she'll get caught! I plan on being the one to catch her." Henry grinned, pointing to himself proudly. "Anyways, I'll go grab those parfaits for ya!" Giving a small bow to Victor and Ophelia he turned and left, clearly side- eyeing his surroundings to see if he could catch the security guard in the act of thievery.

Victor turned back to Ophelia, laughing.

"As you can see, Ren is pretty popular here at the restaurants. I do apologize though, I haven't answered any of your questions! I, ehm..." Victor tugged at the collar of his shirt with his gloved hand, wracking his brain on what the first thing Ophelia had asked was.

"So, yes, I am a masseuse here. I've been working for... three years now? Gosh, it doesn't really feel that way! How could it when every day feels like a vacation? I suppose you'll find that out quickly though, since you'll be working here too! I'm sure you'll have your hands full with Ren." He laughed again.

"Meowstic here has been my partner since I was in school. I had others, of course, though I couldn't bring them all here. He's a great little helper and is wonderful with the clients. Has an appetite about as big as his eyes though, right Meowstic?" Victor turned to his partner, only to find him gone as well.

"Meowstic?" He bent to check under the table and at surrounding tables, though there was no sign of him.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Victor sighed, leaning back in his chair to take out his Rotom phone and quickly texted Ren's number; Is Meowstic with you? Before putting it back in his pocket.

"Well, I suppose I'll wait for either a text or an explosion, whichever comes first... Ehem, so, what drew you to this job, may I ask? Is it far from where you lived?"


As Vic and the girl began talking, Meowstic was on the move. He had learned since Vic and Ren had become friends that usually wherever Ren went there was food to be had. He waddled quickly after the group, though his little legs weren't the best at keeping up with others. He usually preferred to take his time, but his hunger could not wait. Instead, Meowstic's eyes began to glow their familiar deep purple and soon his feet were lifted off of the ground.

Carrying himself over to the group behind the pillar, Meowstic floated above Ren and Lurantis' heads as his eyes widened in fascination at the drawings on the mysterious map. He had no idea what any of it meant, but he liked how they looked. Glancing at Togetic, Meowstic wondered briefly if the Pokemon was just happy to be here or if he was as hungry as the psychic Pokemon was as well. He pawed at the flying pokemon curiously as Ren explained food.
Grace Silva
Location: Breezeway East - Beach
Interactions: E.J. ( Luelle Luelle ) and Hinata ( Takumi98 Takumi98 )​

After spending some time playing with her Pokemon, Grace noticed a man with a Vaporeon approach her little group. She returned his smile after he introduced himself and stepped aside from the game, signaling to her Pokemon that she was taking a little break. "Hello, E.J.! I'm Grace, and everything's just wonderful right now..." She chuckled a bit to herself, still feeling like she'd wake up from a blissful dream any moment now. She grinned at Vaporeon and gave it a wave. "It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow Eevee trainer! Your Vaporeon looks so serene." Grace giggled a bit as she watched the water Pokemon observe Veevee.

Veevee approached Vaporeon with a smile and an enthusiastic wave of her ribbons. She motioned for Vaporeon to join in the game, and both Rosie and Spooky gave Vaporeon a quick smile as they continued passing the ball between each other.

"Oh, right! This here is Veevee, and those two playing over there are Rosie and Spooky." She pointed to each of her partners as she introduced them to the newcomer. "We're all going to be contest stars one day!" She spoke the last sentence with a sparkle in her eyes, giving her Pokemon a proud glance before facing E.J. again. "What do you and Vaporeon do? Vaporeon looks so analytical... Do you two compete in battles?"

With Grace and Veevee both occupied, Rosie and Spooky began a somewhat heated game of catch. Rosie began batting the ball at Spooky, who gave it a sharp headbutt right back at her friend. The ball picked up speed until it flew right over Spooky and landed in the sand behind her. It began rolling in the direction of a masked man and a shiny Zorua standing at the shore. The ball thankfully stopped just before it could hit the Zorua, leaving Rosie and Spooky feeling more embarrassed than guilty. Spooky flitted off towards the Zorua and the ball, and Rosie gave Vaporeon a quick wave before hurrying off after her floating friend.

After reaching Hinata and Zoey, Spooky softly apologized with a shaky grin on her face. Rosie caught up, put one of her rose arms behind her head, and gave an equally bashful apology. Rosie carefully picked up the ball and was going to return to her trainer, but an idea crossed her mind. She glanced at the Zorua and made a gentle motion like she was going to toss the ball to her before motioning back to the rest of her group. Spooky quickly caught on to the invitation and smiled at Zoey and Hinata, circling around the two before starting to float back towards the others. She turned back to face Hinata and Zoey before offering another smile.
Baker Sofie
Location: West-side Dining
Mentions: Ren echo.no echo.no

The Bread Heist
"Aaah. The last tray of bread until dinner rush..." Sofie savored the slightly sweet aroma of the freshly baked bread loaves. "So warm and fluffy with a perfectly crisp crust!"

"Where to put them to keep them safe..."
Sofie pondered, as she carried the bread tray into the busy kitchen.

Inside, the line cooks occupied their specified stations where they worked as a team to plate the lunch dishes in a timely fashion. Sofie politely nodded to them and also the prep cooks who were peeling and chopping away at a crate of farm fresh vegetables. She carefully twirled around the pantry chef who hurried in with a charcuterie board of savory cheeses, cold cut slices, and a decadent assortment of candied fruits.

She finally passed by her favorite station where the pasty chef just finished drizzling a honeycomb wand over a perfectly dusted, hot and flaky beignet. The Saucier added a final swirl of freshly made hazelnut sauce.

After admiring the dessert, Sofie entered into a divided section of the kitchen where she found her baking assistant, Heatmor, dipping the flames of his tongue to light the firewood within a massive wood fire oven.

"Can you keep an eye on the bread please, Maurice?" Sofie asked the Heatmor as she approached a peculiar heating rack which appeared to display only empty shelves through the glass door. Upon a press of one of the buttons, the shelves inside began to rotate for another set of hidden racks to shift to the front of the display.

Sofie placed the bread tray within the low heat heating rack, and pressed the button once again to hide them behind the empty shelves that rotated back to their original position. "We already had that entire basket of croissants go missing last week... I won't let Ren sneak passed me this time."

As Heatmor kept a watchful eye over the area, Sofie made her way back to her side of the kitchen to set out a pan of fake bread loaves upon the open window sill. The smell of the real bread still lingering to add a realistic effect. "The trap is set..." The determined baker attempted a devious smile. She then crept away from the scene to start on her other baking tasks.​

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Ren Haranei
Location: West-side dining area
Interactions: Pipsqueak Pipsqueak nikoru nikoru Luelle Luelle

Ren was just about to go over the plan when she noticed Meowstick scurrying behind Togetic, eventually levitating himself behind the pillar to join the others. She beamed at him, giving his cheek a small poke. "Well look who decided to join us," she giggled, well aware that Meowstick's love for food would have him running to be a part of the team, much to Victor's dismay. As if on cue, Ren felt her Rotom phone buzz.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the small device, quickly skimming over the message. "Poor Vic. I'll have to save him a particularly good piece," she chuckled to herself, typing out a response as Meowstick began to paw at Togetic. Togetic seemed to give an excited spin as if to say hello, circling Meowstick while Ren sent her text.

Don't know what you're talking about : )

To anyone else, this would be a cause for concern but Ren knew that Victor would understand from the lighthearted tone in her message that Meowstick had joined along in the shenanigans but that she was unwilling to rat out her new accomplice. She tucked her phone away and looked at the small group when a new idea began to form.

"Guys, I think I have a new plan," Ren said with excitement, borrowing the map from Lurantis and laying it on the floor so everyone could see. "As you guys can see, the bread is kept somewhere over here. Maurice and Sofie will most likely be somewhere nearby which will make it difficult to find the exact location if it is hidden. But now we have the perfect distraction," She gestured over at Togetic who was looking at her with confused curiosity.

"Togetic, the rest of the staff has yet to meet you so you could be the perfect decoy! Do you think you could pretend to be a worried, lost guest and keep Sofie busy? While you keep the two distracted, the rest of us can sneak around to see if we can get any clues as to where it might be hidden," Ren explained. Togetic gave an excited trill as he began to understand his role in the mission. "Great! Let's go get some bread!" Ren exclaimed, pointing enthusiastically towards the entrance. And with that, the plan was underway.

Within a few moments, the group weaved its way through the crowded dining area and into the back kitchen. Ren gestured the group to quietly follow her, using the various appliances as cover until they reached a particular section of the kitchen, at which point they were all huddled under a table covered by a tablecloth. In the distance, Ren could make out Sophie and Heatmore doing their daily tasks, a tray of bread perfectly placed by the window sill.

Hm, it's a little too easy no?

She glanced over at her fellow thieves, wondering if they thought the same. She noticed Lurantis also seemed skeptical, unsure whether they were being lured into a trap or if the placement was deliberately made easy so as to confuse them. Ren peeked at the bread tray again before gesturing to Togetic. "We'll need a distraction either way to see what's going on. Let's see your best act Togetic~"

The fairy type gave a determined nod before discreetly exiting from underneath the table. He waited a moment before letting out a worried cry, rushing over to Sophie and looking back and forth at his surroundings as if appearing lost. Meanwhile, Ren leaned close to Meowstick and whispered, "We're going to need some help with your levitation to get close to that bread. Do you think you could bring it here without being noticed? Lurantis will help guide you while I keep an eye on Sophie and Maurice in case Togetic needs help and in case we need to make a quick escape to avoid a trap."
• Location:​
Restaurant, Lover's Lane
• With: Vic ( Pipsqueak Pipsqueak )​

Ophelia smiled and waved as the friendly masseuse named Victor introduced himself. She was delighted to meet another employee at the resort who seemed so warm and personable. When he sat across from her and ordered some parfaits, her eyes lit up at the mention of the berry flavors.

"Ooo! Razz might also work for a milder kick!" Ophelia exclaimed. "But I like Cheri's spicier tast that I'm sure it works with the dessert!"

She listened with amusement as Victor chatted about his mischievous friend Ren, who seemed to have a penchant for playfully shopping at the resort's eateries. The chef could already envision some delectable hand pie or galette featuring purloined berries and other purloined produce. Perhaps she'd have to start locking up her kitchen! When Victor asked what had drawn Ophelia to take this job, she felt a swell of excitement. Finally, she could speak freely about her truest passion without judgment or scorn.

"Well, you could say I've been searching for a very long time for a kitchen where I'll be allowed—no, encouraged!—to really push the boundaries with my culinary creativity," Ophelia began, scanning the purple-haired man's features. "For too many years, I was stuck working under strict traditionalists in Galar who wanted the same old boring dishes churned out day after day."

She shook her head adamantly. "But food is an art, meant to electrify the senses! How can I call myself a true chef if I'm not innovating, combining unexpected flavors and textures to take diners on a magical taste experience? That's why when I heard the Pokemon Resort was looking for chefs unafraid to get wildly experimental with Pokemon-inspired ingredients, I jumped at the chance."

Leaning back, Ophelia's eyes sparkled with ambition. "My dream has always been to become a world-renowned chef. But I knew I'd never get there just recreating the same old recipes ad nauseam. Here at the resort, with treasured partner Togetic by my side, I can finally spread my culinary wings and show the world what I can really do!"

Seeing that the ragtag team of bread thieves haven't returned yet, she chatted Vic while waiting for their order. "How about you? What brings you here and how is the job treating you so far?"
Hinata Tsurugi
Location: Breezeway East beach
Interactions: EJ ( True North True North ), Grace ( ReaperMelia ReaperMelia )
Mentioned: n/a

Zoey continued to bat at the water and hop away in her own little game, her ears twitched when someone mentioned spotting her and she looked around for a moment, before seeing a ball bouncing her way. She squeaked, slightly startled and stumbled over her feet and falling into a heap in the sand with an ‘oomph’ as the ball rolled to a stop and nearly tapped her leg. Hinata started snickering, causing her eyes to water in fake tears at his teasing. Her ears perked to attention as two other Pokémon approached, picking up the ball and indicating they wanted her to join their game after apologizing.

Standing and shaking sand out of her fur as Spooky circled them, she shot a glance to her companion like a child asking to play, said companion had watched with amusement. Squatting Hinata nudged her forward once Grace's Misdreavus started to head back, giving Zoey a small encouraging nod.

“Go on, you big baby,” he teased and laughed when Zoey puffed up and pouted, before nipping his finger gentle as ever with her small fangs, she turned to follow Rosie and Spooky with a soft yip in greeting.

Every few steps, she'd glance back at Hinata, to see if he would join or watch from a distance. To ease her nerves, he followed after her nonchalantly. Realizing he was coming along and would be closer, she stopped glancing back and followed Grace's two Pokémon with a bit more pep in her step as she trotted along, tail beginning to wag. Hinata couldn't help but be proud that she might make some friends so soon.

Once closer to both Grace and EJ and the rest of their Pokémon, he gave the two a nod in greeting so as to not interrupt their conversation.

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