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Fandom Pokemon Aetheric Platinum - CS



Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

You're free to add whatever you like to the character skeleton and format it however you want, so long as all the information requested is provided.

Character Skeleton

Appearance: (Pictures preferred, anime and realistic allowed, written description accepted as well)
History: (2+ paragraphs, include a bit about what their family is like.)
Personality: (2+ paragraphs)
Goal: (Why did they agree to go on this journey? What do they hope to achieve at the end?)
Best Skill: (What are they best at? Are they strong? Smart? Empathetic?)
Biggest Flaw: (What are they worst at? What's their weakness?)
Sky Mason
7d8c640dedc4beaf13b09f2c7e13ec2b.jpg Gender: Female
Appearance: Sky stands at an average height of 5'6" with the typical female figure that is for the most part fit. She has piercing honey, golden eyes and light brown, medium length hair. While it may seem odd, Sky often enjoys wearing red stripes on her face to appear more fierce rather than cute to others. It also allows for some intimidation to show among her famous smirks. Sky's fashion is one between tomboyish and girly stylish. She enjoys her colors but baggy clothes that hug her in the right places. For the most part they are for more of comfort than anything, but her clothes also are cute.
History: Sure there are families of Pokemon Trainers or Pokemon scientists or maybe even Pokemon healers and the like but Sky wasn't born into any lineage of such magnitude. Instead she was born into the lineage of clothes shop owners. So merchants of attire for the people of the world. With the only goals in mind of her parents to simply please customers, Sky's goals were up in the air. She had any opportunity she could think of, and that being a shop owner not being one. Instead she wanted to explore the world beyond the boundaries of threads and buttons. Her heart was set to become a Pokemon journalist when she was five. Her big inspiration, Kai--her older cousin that was the first to leave the nest of merchants. He would often send postcards to Sky of his adventures and the Pokemon he would document. The beauty and mystery of the world entranced her young imagination and dreams.

So from then on she moved through with the goal to do the same things that her cousin was doing. She went to Pokemon school and learned all the basics and continued to help out at her parent's shop at the same time. It was a regular pattern of school and work for years until came time that she gathered enough money and knowledge to finally leave the nest. Now Sky is preparing herself for the beginning of her dream. Of course she realizes that there will continue to be obstacles and difficulties that come with it as there always has been in her years of growing up.
Personality: Don't let Sky fool you with her initial impression of appearing cute. In fact she can be quite a b*tch. Having work retail for years has hardened her personality as well as sharpened her tongue. This tongue of hers though has brought her troubles during school and her time at work so she has received discipline from multiple sources. Has she learned from them all? Nope. But she has learned how to think quickly and swiftly. The drawback to her quick wits is that she isn't too careful on what she says and who she says it to. This makes her come off as crude, and sometimes even rude. Sky realizes this quality of hers and tries hard to fix it, but with what little patience she has it can prove difficult at times.

Sky is not all bad. She can be in fact really sweet and caring actually. This side just doesn't tend to show up as often. When she's really happy, talking to Pokemon or sick is when she is mostly like this, otherwise when she is stressed or tired it is best to not provoke her. Sky is dedicated, hard-headed, loyal, stubborn, spunky, and spontaneous. When she has her mind set on something she will see it to the end that it is achieved.
Goal: Sky hopes to see every type of Pokemon out there and to perhaps discover some new species as well. She also wonders if this journey could bring some change to her harsh personality.
Best Skill: Observant
Biggest Flaw: Letting her anger get the best of her
Theme Song:
(This is basically my silly amalgamation of two pro-wrestlers I like.)

Minoru Nai (Often called "Nai" but still responds to "Minoru.")
Gender: Male

Appearance: Nai stands a little below average in height at 5'7". His hair is a ruddy, orangish brown, surrounding his head like a wild, at times puffy mane. Preferring a sporty style of dress, Nai is usually found in sneakers, a slick black joggers, and loose fitting black and white letterman jacket, which hides an otherwise fairly muscular frame. His face, more often than not, wears a grin. Often, Nai simply seems proud of himself for whatever he's done most recently. Occasionally the grin is vaguely unreadable, if not mildly unsettling.

History: "Dreamers and fools." The harsh, but apt, summary Nai had given his family. His grandfather had won his way into the top 8 in the Sinnoh Pokemon League once, and the whole family had never let it down. He'd been told from a very young age that a talent for Pokemon battling ran through his veins, that he was somehow the heir to a bloodline of winners. When he was old enough to understand that all his ancestors had ever achieved was mild success, it had been a system shock. The realization had come, however, too late to alter course. He was a winner. He was the future Sinnoh League champ, of course. He laid awake at night sometimes wondering whether or not anything inherent within fueled that knowledge that he would one day be the best, or if he was merely the cumulative effect of his parents and grand-parents telling him he had some special skill.

At age 14 he gleefully entered a Juniors Division pokemon training program. He wouldn't be receiving a Pokemon of his own until he was 16 years old, but the program allowed him to groom, feed, and train one of the program Pokemon. The program culminated in a tournament that Nai lept into with all of the enthusiasm of a hungry Munchlax. Most of the competitors were fine, and put up little to no fight. Nai made his way easily into the finals, ultimately losing to another competitor. After the match had finished, the dust had settled, and the tournament concluded, he learned to his surprise and chagrin of all things, that his match had been boring. People called it uninspired and uneventful. His performance, and his overall performance in the program had received the notes of "fine" and "totally acceptable." It had stung worse than if he had been bad. If he had been a complete scrub he could have at least cut his losses, he told himself incorrectly. He wasn't even bad. He was just average. Whatever he had inside hadn't made the cut, and he had learned very demonstrably that he wasn't good enough. Not with his current skill. He spent the next month researching, and afterwards petitioned his parents to send him to a training dojo located in another region. It would be tough. It would be extremely tough. It would sharpen whatever little talent he had. It would turn him into something better. He knew he'd be taking a sojourn when he was 16 years old, he knew he'd be receiving his own Pokemon and taking the Journey each of his family members had taken in their youth, and by the time he reached that, he wanted to be better than okay. Better than fine. So he left. And at the close of the roughly year-long training in the dojo he returned. He had been back roughly two weeks before this celebration. He had spent the time mostly indoors, working through breathing exercises and spending time with his family.

Personality: The Nai who returned from his year-long dojo training was different. As a younger kid, Nai had always been confident and over-the-top. He had bragged about his future championship in the Sinnoh league. He had been loud and brash, but sweet, and kind. He was a playful prankster, smiling ear to ear at his own shenanigans. The Nai who returned was a little more quiet. He didn't brag. His playful nature manifested in pranks that, quite frankly, could be interpreted as malicious. He was cold without being calculated. His dojo had become a second family, and the people he had trained with had become his brothers and sisters. Quick to anger, likely to hold a grudge, indomitably loyal, and protective to a fault. Nai would be described as people who didn't know him all that well as mean, but not cruel, angry without malice. He was hardened. However, those closest to him would see that playful side remain. His wide smile had been replaced by a tempered grin.

His desire to be the best, once fueled by family dreams and an unwarranted sense of self-confidence was replaced now with a cold and hard belief that he was the best, or that he would be. Because of his vaguely standoffish nature, it can be hard to tell when Nai is joking, especially because his grin is almost omni-present. He comes off as mildly prickish, and he is, but he still cares very deeply, and as people get to know him they find that his "devil may care" assholish reputation is both well-earned and also fairly misinterpreted.

Goal: Nai wants to prove that he's as good as he believes he is. That he's better than just fine. To apply what he had learned in his dojo and perhaps find what he had there back here in Sinnoh in terms of a found family, a team. Obviously to one day be victorious in the Sinnoh League.

Biggest Skill: Nai is clever. He's phenomenal at getting under people's skin, and his training has given him a strong tactical understanding.

Biggest Flaw: Often gets himself into trouble with his overconfidence and his cold demeanor.

Iventory/Team: Four Empty Pokeballs. "Kana" the Turtwig, Starly.

3000 Pokedollars.


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code belongs to aukanai, I just toyed with it

Ivy livianna lynae


Livi comes across as an unlikely hero. Despite her tendency to keep to herself and avoid other people's business, she is often the most attentive to the well being of her companions, as well as the most dependable in a bad situation. Though she may try, Livi cannot turn a blind eye to someone in need, and will often put herself in harms way to protect another. This is a continuously surprising response, as her demeanor is rather distant, eyes on the road and her verbal responses short, yet honest. She cannot stand inequality, though she is admirably subjective; though a manifested ball of fire when pushed to act, Livi is actually quite gentle, especially with animals and plants, and though she'll deny it, even children!

Her downfall is her naivety in regards to character judgement, she won't admit it, but Ivy naturally assumes the best in everyone, and while she continuously gets taken advantage of because of that, she is also admirably loyal to those she feels fondly of. She has a strong sense of right, selfless in the pursuit justice, with rather moving (albeit, naive) words to offer as a rally cry.

No one is welcome in Livianna's personal space -- though no one really takes her immense discomfort with physical contact seriously, instead finding her flustered reactions comical. She is terrible with hugs, and usual gives a well meaning pat on the back at most (if she can spare it); though, her words can be rather sweet when she really wants to get her gratitude across. She teeters on the edge of cold and sweet, getting her to warm up to you is the same as gaining the trust of a wild pokemon -- it takes patience, consideration, and most importantly, time.


Most natural to young Livianna's ears would be the local news channel, a blended cacophony of worldly woes and tragedies rumbling as household white noise. With her mother and father often gone, she spent many years with her grandmother, a sickly but feisty old woman who was confined to her house, therefore most of her time was spent in front of the television, and that meant, so was Ivy's. When she wasn't gaming with vintage consoles, she was listening to her grandmother's stories of better days, her patriotism for their country and prayers for peace with the troubled, unfortunate and so on. Despite her illness, she spoke fervently of justice for the poor, a social bracket of which Livianna's family fell into, hence her parents being unwilling workaholics, as well as her older siblings. Her grandmother would fill her head with hope for the future, testimonies to people's kindness in dark times of her life, saying she wished she had been a better light to the world and that "You, little Liv, could do it."

The girl's parents disapproved of getting their daughter so riled up about such very real world problems, explaining to her that not everything could be solved with good intentions, and that it was best that dangerous situations be left to the city officials, like the cops, army, and rangers. So Anna went through her stages -- first, she wanted to be a successful female police officer, though as the possibilities expanded with ranks, she switched her attention to the military. Her parents were quick to shift her focus, absolutely forbidding the joining of their country's army --
instead suggesting wildlife ranger, and shifting their daughter's focus on the bad aspects of very dangerous humans to pokemon who, although were equally as dangerous, their plots were rarely world domination. It took a while for it to connect with her, especially after the passing of her grandmother, of whom was her closest friend; aware of her emotional decline, her parents sent her to a camp for aspiring rangers, being taught veterinary techniques, tracking, how to approach wildlife, botanics, etc. Livvy fell in love with the good they did, stopping poachers, seeing to it that wild animals were returned safely to the wild and only assisted rangers for the good of animals and humanity, etc.

Qualifying for her starter is putting her on what she believes to be her path to justice, or that's what her camp counselor told her.

She aspires to be a bright light on the world in the spirit of her late grandmother, and to also restore her tired parent's perspective of the world's state.


Ivy's goal? To be a light on the world, bringing justice for both humans and animals.

Best Skill

Courageous -- Ivy isn't afraid to lead, or simply handle a situation herself, although her methods are strange and tend to put her in danger.

Biggest Flaw

Impulsive -- it takes a few errors before she learns running head on into trouble is a bad idea, and that her strength alone isn't always enough.

Name: Brandon Grane
Gender: Male
Appearance: Brandon has a lanky build, standing at an above average height of 6'0, and are the only things probably real about him. His hair and eyes are either dyed from black to brown or hidden behind blue cosmetic contacts. And, his style consists of the oddest things he can find like face wraps and assorted wristbands.
Brandon came from a rather skilled but impoverished family. It was filled with talented trainers, coordinators, nurses, and rangers, but none of them knew how to handle their money. Whether it be through gambling, spending, or getting scammed his family found a way to waste their money. They treated credit cards like magic discs for free stuff until their children asked for something. Then, suddenly everything became too expensive or a waste of money. Now, Brandon wasn't the greediest of children, but it was quite difficult to abstain when his parents flaunted all the new stuff they bought in front of him. They lived by the rule that if you don't work, you don't eat. Of course, this did not mean he was starved. But, he very much wanted to eat the three-foot chocolate bar his father brought home that one day. Instead, he was handed everything to become successful like food, water, and an education, but he wasn't given any luxuries.

So when he was of age ten, he started working around the small town of Twinleaf, and he never left. He did odd jobs like mowing lawns, buying groceries, washing dishes, and other miscellaneous tasks. Brandon basically finished the little jobs that adults didn't have the time for. And when his parents offered him a spot at pokemon school, he declined, so he could continue helping out the community. Of course, his parents couldn't leave him uneducated, so they home schooled him. There he was taught everything he needed from battling to pokemon maintenance which he then implemented to make more money around the neighborhood. This routine went on for years as other kids went off to different regions, schools, and camps. He stayed in Twinleaf, never growing, never dreaming. His life consisted of work, until it was time to go off on his journey.

Just like his family, Brandon fell into the trap of shopping. He can be consistently found fiddling with some new gadget or toy or flashing tacky clothing around. But unlike his parents, he periodically gifts food, clothes, or other objects to his neighbors and friends, sometimes finding unique ways to deliver them. There was one time when he dressed up as Santa in June and threw gifts at others and another when he threw a gift card tied to a rock threw someone's window. He was reprimanded for that one, but he couldn't see what was wrong with what he did. In his mind, he was a people pleaser. He can change personalities on a dime to fit the people he's with.

Despite his actions and appearance, his base personality is rather dry and hasn't changed much since he was a child. He doesn't exactly know why he buys the items he buys and questions whether or not his efforts are worth it. When people ask him what he wants to be in the future, he answers rich not exactly sure how to get there though. Working for even the most difficult of neighbors has also made him tolerant of others. He doesn't hold strong opinions about anything and is open to many ideas.

Goal: He wants to be wealthy enough to swim in cash.
Best Strength: He has a wide array of practical knowledge.
Biggest Flaw: He's a dreamer and indecisive.

Name: Rachael Christensen
Gender: Female

History: (2+ paragraphs, include a bit about what their family is
Personality: (2+ paragraphs)
Goal: (Why did they agree to go on this journey? What do they hope to achieve at the end?)
Best Skill: (What are they best at? Are they strong? Smart? Empathetic?)
Biggest Flaw: (What are they worst at? What's their weakness?)
Name: Rachael Christensen
Gender: Female

History: (2+ paragraphs, include a bit about what their family is
Personality: (2+ paragraphs)
Goal: (Why did they agree to go on this journey? What do they hope to achieve at the end?)
Best Skill: (What are they best at? Are they strong? Smart? Empathetic?)
Biggest Flaw: (What are they worst at? What's their weakness?)

Rejected. Not only did the current role players have to submit a writing audition to even have a chance to submit a character, we’re already at full roster.
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