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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi didn't think that Kai would just challenge the gym before searching for Braelyn first. He was sure that the guy was probably worried sick looking for the girl everywhere. He was astonished when she mentioned that she was going to head to the next city in the morning. "But wouldn't you have more of a chance finding Kai if you stayed in this city for some time? We could set out searching for him first thing in the morning." He suggested. He definitely wasn't okay with her moving on and not settling things with Kai, and when they started their journey he wanted all of them to do it together. He couldn't allow them all to be separated this early. Thinking it through though, if Kai was really searching for them, he should've found them by now. If he didn't find them the next day, he would be seriously disappointed in him in that he left a person alone in the forest and didn't take any responsibility for him.

"Either way, I'm staying in this city to challenge the gym leader." He stated. He might even learn something about Kai's whereabouts if he battles the gym leader, since he would probably battle them the next day too.

Scyther kept poking Kristina. Chimchar was skeptical about making friends with the Pichu. Before he could decide what to do, however, the food arrived and Hiroshi carried him up to the food, feeding him and Scyther a poffin. He began digging into his sandwich, his face turning red and a wide smile forming on it due to how good the food was.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn shrugged, noticing her friend's astonishment. "Not necessarily. If he's already challenged the gym and moved on, then I would be wasting time by looking for him." She hated to say it so plainly like that and it made her heart wrench. Kai probably hadn't even looked for her. He probably wanted to get rid of her and that's why he left her in the forest without her knowing.

"I guess I might as well stay tomorrow. I can at least watch the contest even though I'm not participating." She murmured, nodding after Hiroshi mentioned he was still going to challenge the gym.

She didn't want to travel alone, but if that was what she had to do she would do it.

Eric was just about to take his chances and run right up to Chimchar and just give the fire type a hug, but then their food came. With a defeated sigh, the Pichu tapped Braelyn's leg and made a motion for her to pick him up. The purplette laughed softly and did so while Kristina grabbed a Poffin.

Braelyn wasn't too hungry anymore after the realization that Kai may have purposely left her in the forest, but she forced herself to eat if only for hiding it from Hiroshi and her Pokemon.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn shrugged, noticing her friend's astonishment. "Not necessarily. If he's already challenged the gym and moved on, then I would be wasting time by looking for him." She hated to say it so plainly like that and it made her heart wrench. Kai probably hadn't even looked for her. He probably wanted to get rid of her and that's why he left her in the forest without her knowing.

"I guess I might as well stay tomorrow. I can at least watch the contest even though I'm not participating." She murmured, nodding after Hiroshi mentioned he was still going to challenge the gym.

She didn't want to travel alone, but if that was what she had to do she would do it.

Eric was just about to take his chances and run right up to Chimchar and just give the fire type a hug, but then their food came. With a defeated sigh, the Pichu tapped Braelyn's leg and made a motion for her to pick him up. The purplette laughed softly and did so while Kristina grabbed a Poffin.

Braelyn wasn't too hungry anymore after the realization that Kai may have purposely left her in the forest, but she forced herself to eat if only for hiding it from Hiroshi and her Pokemon.

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi disagreed with her. "I don't think Kai's that type of person." Nevertheless, though, he was glad that she was still staying the next day and smiled. He took a bite out of his sandwich and gave his Pokemon more poffins, and soon they were done eating. He stood up and looked at Braelyn.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now." He walked towards his room and entered, using the key to unlock the door, closing and locking the door behind him once he was in. All the room had was a bed and a TV. He changed into his pajamas which he had in his bag and hopped onto his bed and under the blankets, dozing off into dream land.
Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi disagreed with her. "I don't think Kai's that type of person." Nevertheless, though, he was glad that she was still staying the next day and smiled. He took a bite out of his sandwich and gave his Pokemon more poffins, and soon they were done eating. He stood up and looked at Braelyn.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now." He walked towards his room and entered, using the key to unlock the door, closing and locking the door behind him once he was in. All the room had was a bed and a TV. He changed into his pajamas which he had in his bag and hopped onto his bed and under the blankets, dozing off into dream land.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn stayed silent after Hiroshi spoke, continuing to take small bites of the sandwich she had ordered. Both of her Pokemon seemed to notice that something was off about their trainer, but neither said anything.

Soon though, Hiroshi was done eating and he stood. Braelyn and her Pokemon were left alone at the small table as Hiroshi took his own Pokemon to his room. With a soft sigh, Braelyn finished her sandwich and then stood herself. She grabbed the leftover Poffins with a promise that they would be eaten later and then grabbed both of her Pokemon and headed off to her own room.

It didn't take her long to change and get completely ready for bed, and soon she was surrounded by plush blankets. Both of her Pokemon had hopped into bed with her and she had one on either side. She didn't feel as if she were going to get much sleep tonight.​

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi woke up with a start, and looked out of the window to see it was morning. He changed from his pajamas into his normal clothes, and recalled Scyther and Chimchar who were sleeping in the room with him. He took out a toothbrush and some toothpaste which he carried with him in his bag and brushed his teeth. He then went to Braelyn's room and softly knocked on her door to see if she was awake.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi woke up with a start, and looked out of the window to see it was morning. He changed from his pajamas into his normal clothes, and recalled Scyther and Chimchar who were sleeping in the room with him. He took out a toothbrush and some toothpaste which he carried with him in his bag and brushed his teeth. He then went to Braelyn's room and softly knocked on her door to see if she was awake.


Braelyn Keene

Braelyn groaned at the sound of knocking on her door. She had eventually fallen asleep , however, she hadn't ever really been a morning person. She loved her sleep a lot and she knew she could be a grump if she woke up to early.

She tried to cover her head to sleep for a couple more minutes, but before she could her face was drenched with water. "Gah!" She gasped, sitting up straight as the droplets dripped off her face. She heard a couple of snickers and turned to glare at both of her Pokemon. Without stopping her laughter, Kristina pointed to the door.

With a sigh, Braelyn ran a hand through her lavender hair absentmindedly and opened the door a crack to see Hiroshi standing there.
"Ugh, is it time to go already?" She asked, a hint of a whine in her voice as she stood in the doorway.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn groaned at the sound of knocking on her door. She had eventually fallen asleep , however, she hadn't ever really been a morning person. She loved her sleep a lot and she knew she could be a grump if she woke up to early.

She tried to cover her head to sleep for a couple more minutes, but before she could her face was drenched with water. "Gah!" She gasped, sitting up straight as the droplets dripped off her face. She heard a couple of snickers and turned to glare at both of her Pokemon. Without stopping her laughter, Kristina pointed to the door.

With a sigh, Braelyn ran a hand through her lavender hair absentmindedly and opened the door a crack to see Hiroshi standing there.
"Ugh, is it time to go already?" She asked, a hint of a whine in her voice as she stood in the doorway.

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi was quite startled by the sight. "Um, why are you wet?" He questioned her, before changing his expression to an excited one. "Anyways, get dressed and come eat breakfast! We're going on a search for Kai afterwards."

He left the room and ran towards the cafeteria. He felt very active in the morning, to say the least. He placed an order with a wide grin on his face. "Some rice, grilled fish, miso soup, pickles and an omelette, please! Also some poffins!" He was looking forward to the meal and released his Pokemon as he took a seat.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi was quite startled by the sight. "Um, why are you wet?" He questioned her, before changing his expression to an excited one. "Anyways, get dressed and come eat breakfast! We're going on a search for Kai afterwards."

He left the room and ran towards the cafeteria. He felt very active in the morning, to say the least. He placed an order with a wide grin on his face. "Some rice, grilled fish, miso soup, pickles and an omelette, please! Also some poffins!" He was looking forward to the meal and released his Pokemon as he took a seat.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn growled just a bit at his comment, but decided to answer it anyways. "Someone," she sent a pointed glare back into the room and more snickers could be heard. "Someone decided I needed to wake up and answer the door." She muttered, turning back to face Hiroshi.

With a sigh, Braelyn watched Hiroshi run off. She shut the door and changed quickly, shooting a pointed glare at her Pokemon every chance she could which just sent each of them into another fit of giggles. After about the third time, the purplette finally just gave in and gave the two a small smile while shaking her head.

She quickly gathered her things, and with one final glance in the mirror she opened her dorr and both of her Pokemon ran out and downstairs to where breakfast would be served. With a small chuckle, Braelyn picked up her speed only slightly.

By the time she reached the cafeteria, both of her Pokemon had found where Hiroshi was sitting and had already claimed their own seats. With another sigh, Braelyn set to ordering their food.
"A plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs please. And a few poffins as well." She stated, a small frown evident on her face as she turned towards where her Pokemon were sitting. "Although they don't deserve it." She added, muttering under her breath as she made her way over to where Hiroshi sat.

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi smiled at Braelyn when she arrived. "Good morning." His food was soon ready and was delivered to his table. He began eating the omelette, and his face heated up at how good it tasted. He fed a poffin to Chimchar and Scyther, the two enjoying the food a lot as could be seen from their expressions. He looked at the other person that was with him, "We need to start a search for Kai right after this."

Chimchar spotted Eric and stared at him, hiding behind Hiroshi's shirt. Scyther went over to Kristina and began poking her again.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi smiled at Braelyn when she arrived. "Good morning." His food was soon ready and was delivered to his table. He began eating the omelette, and his face heated up at how good it tasted. He fed a poffin to Chimchar and Scyther, the two enjoying the food a lot as could be seen from their expressions. He looked at the other person that was with him, "We need to start a search for Kai right after this."

Chimchar spotted Eric and stared at him, hiding behind Hiroshi's shirt. Scyther went over to Kristina and began poking her again.


Braelyn Keene

"Good morning, I guess." She grumbled, still not used to getting up so early and definitely not happy about it. Her stomach growled lightly as she watched Hiroshi's food appear, and she knew that hers would be put shortly as well.

For the first time that morning, Braelyn laughed a little. The expressions on Hiroshi's and his Pokemon's faces were very similar and it was rather amusing to watch them enjoying their food.

Just as he mentioned looking for Kai, her own food arrived and was placed down in front of her. She handed each of her Pokemon a poffin before looking over at Hiroshi.
"You honestly don't need to help me with this. I don't want you to miss out on a gym battle because we're looking for him." She muttered, taking a couple of bites of her food.

Kristina glanced up at Scyther, wondering why he was poking her again. She shrugged silently to herself and turned back to eating her poffins.

Eric on the other hand had caught Chimchar staring at him. The Pichu hopped down from his seat, a poffin in hand, and offered the treat to Hiroshi's Pokemon.

Megus said:
"There was going to be a contest tomorrow, but I'm not going to participate on such short notice. I'll actually probably head to the next city first thing in the morning anyways since there is no reason for me to stay here."
(Why doesn't she just go? Lmao does her self esteem not rise when she just won a pokemon freaking battle? Like really just goooooo!)
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

"Good morning, I guess." She grumbled, still not used to getting up so early and definitely not happy about it. Her stomach growled lightly as she watched Hiroshi's food appear, and she knew that hers would be put shortly as well.

For the first time that morning, Braelyn laughed a little. The expressions on Hiroshi's and his Pokemon's faces were very similar and it was rather amusing tohttps://
www.rpnation.com/threads/pokemon-adventures-an-unexpected-beginning.228291/reply?quote=6253624 watch them enjoying their food.

Just as he mentioned looking for Kai, her own food arrived and was placed down in front of her. She handed each of her Pokemon a poffin before looking over at Hiroshi.
"You honestly don't need to help me with this. I don't want you to miss out on a gym battle because we're looking for him." She muttered, taking a couple of bites of her food.

Kristina glanced up at Scyther, wondering why he was poking her again. She shrugged silently to herself and turned back to eating her poffins.

Eric on the other hand had caught Chimchar staring at him. The Pichu hopped down from his seat, a poffin in hand, and offered the treat to Hiroshi's Pokemon.

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi shook his head. "I'm not having a gym battle until I watch Kai's first. And I think it'll be quicker if you have another person helping you look for him." If they split in two, then they'd be able to cover more distance in a shorter time and would have a higher chance in locating Kai. After finishing his omelette, he began eating the rice and gave another poffin to his Pokemon.

Scyther ate his next poffin and stopped poking Kristina, getting bored of it.

Chimchar shook his head, refusing to take the poffin, and stepped back a little.
Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi shook his head. "I'm not having a gym battle until I watch Kai's first. And I think it'll be quicker if you have another person helping you look for him." If they split in two, then they'd be able to cover more distance in a shorter time and would have a higher chance in locating Kai. After finishing his omelette, he began eating the rice and gave another poffin to his Pokemon.

Scyther ate his next poffin and stopped poking Kristina, getting bored of it.

Chimchar shook his head, refusing to take the poffin, and stepped back a little.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn sighed, but she didn't argue. She didn't see any point in getting so worked up over something as silly as looking for Kai.

The pancakes in front of her were amazing and almost her entire plate was clean in a matter of a few minutes of silence. The poffins had disappeared a long time ago besides the one that Eric continued to try to give Chimchar.

She chuckled softly at Eric's rejected attempts. Each time he took a step closer until finally he reached up and gave a small tug on Hiroshi's shirt. He offered the poffin to the boy and pointed to the Chimchar as if to say "you give it to him".

As Braelyn watched this, she felt a small tug on her own shirt. She glanced down to see Oshawott looking up at her. The Sea Otter Pokemon offered a few coos before grinning and doing a couple twirls and then stopping and staring up expectantly.

It only took a few moments for Braelyn to realize that her Pokemon was much smarter than she had thought. The Oshawott appeared to know the contest was today, and she appeared to want to go. The purplette sighed, not able to bring herself to tell the Oshawott they weren't going to participate.

"Hiroshi, I hate to delay anything you had in mind, but apparently Kristina wishes to participate in the contest today." She glanced down at her starter who was bouncing on her small feet excitedly, which was rather odd for her normally calm Pokemon. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, but it looks like I'm performing in a contest." She muttered to which Kristina let out a few coos. "And that also means that I need to go now to sign up or I'll miss my chance. Sorry..." She added, standing up and reaching for Eric.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn sighed, but she didn't argue. She didn't see any point in getting so worked up over something as silly as looking for Kai.

The pancakes in front of her were amazing and almost her entire plate was clean in a matter of a few minutes of silence. The poffins had disappeared a long time ago besides the one that Eric continued to try to give Chimchar.

She chuckled softly at Eric's rejected attempts. Each time he took a step closer until finally he reached up and gave a small tug on Hiroshi's shirt. He offered the poffin to the boy and pointed to the Chimchar as if to say "you give it to him".

As Braelyn watched this, she felt a small tug on her own shirt. She glanced down to see Oshawott looking up at her. The Sea Otter Pokemon offered a few coos before grinning and doing a couple twirls and then stopping and staring up expectantly.

It only took a few moments for Braelyn to realize that her Pokemon was much smarter than she had thought. The Oshawott appeared to know the contest was today, and she appeared to want to go. The purplette sighed, not able to bring herself to tell the Oshawott they weren't going to participate.

"Hiroshi, I hate to delay anything you had in mind, but apparently Kristina wishes to participate in the contest today." She glanced down at her starter who was bouncing on her small feet excitedly, which was rather odd for her normally calm Pokemon. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, but it looks like I'm performing in a contest." She muttered to which Kristina let out a few coos. "And that also means that I need to go now to sign up or I'll miss my chance. Sorry..." She added, standing up and reaching for Eric.

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi soon gobbled up the rest of his food. He was tired because of how much food he ate and how early he woke up, and wanted to sleep again. He was alarmed when he felt something tug at his shirt, and looked down to see a Pichu, specifically Braelyn's Pichu offering him a poffin and pointing at Chimchar. He understood this as the mouse Pokemon wanting him to give it to the chimp Pokemon for him. He smiled, happy that he was trying to get along with Chimchar. He took the poffin out of his hands and gave it to the Pokemon to eat.

"Here's a poffin." He gave the poffin to Chimchar and he ate it right away. He was shocked at what Braelyn said. She mentioned before that she wouldn't join the contest, but she suddenly appeared to change her mind. He nodded, understanding that her dream is more important than finding Kai, and stood up. "I understand." He began walking back to his room to get some sleep before he turned around and asked something he forgot to. "When is the contest, by the way? Right after the sign ups?"
Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi soon gobbled up the rest of his food. He was tired because of how much food he ate and how early he woke up, and wanted to sleep again. He was alarmed when he felt something tug at his shirt, and looked down to see a Pichu, specifically Braelyn's Pichu offering him a poffin and pointing at Chimchar. He understood this as the mouse Pokemon wanting him to give it to the chimp Pokemon for him. He smiled, happy that he was trying to get along with Chimchar. He took the poffin out of his hands and gave it to the Pokemon to eat.

"Here's a poffin." He gave the poffin to Chimchar and he ate it right away. He was shocked at what Braelyn said. She mentioned before that she wouldn't join the contest, but she suddenly appeared to change her mind. He nodded, understanding that her dream is more important than finding Kai, and stood up. "I understand." He began walking back to his room to get some sleep before he turned around and asked something he forgot to. "When is the contest, by the way? Right after the sign ups?"

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as her Pichu squeaked happily when Chimchar took the poffin from his trainer. Eric seemed very happy to have his poffin eaten, even if Hiroshi had to give it to Chimchar.

Braelyn gave Hiroshi a small smile before grabbing Eric. "I'd assume it would be pretty close afterwards. I honestly hope I have enough time to do a little planning though." She mused, glancing absentmindedly at a nearby clock. She still had time.

"Thanks again for getting me out of the forest Hiroshi." She stated gratefully before leaving to find the contest hall.

@Kai123 I assume you will be playing some NPC's. Now I must go to a firework so I'll be back later.)
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as her Pichu squeaked happily when Chimchar took the poffin from his trainer. Eric seemed very happy to have his poffin eaten, even if Hiroshi had to give it to Chimchar.

Braelyn gave Hiroshi a small smile before grabbing Eric. "I'd assume it would be pretty close afterwards. I honestly hope I have enough time to do a little planning though." She mused, glancing absentmindedly at a nearby clock. She still had time.

"Thanks again for getting me out of the forest Hiroshi." She stated gratefully before leaving to find the contest hall.

@Kai123 I assume you will be playing some NPC's. Now I must go to a firework so I'll be back later.)

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi nodded, waving as he went back to his room, his Pokemon following him. Both of his Pokemon fell asleep on the floor, and he followed, falling down on the bed. As much as he wanted to go to the contest to support Braelyn, he was just too tired, and had to rest. He thought about the gym battle he was going to have before drifting off to sleep.
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Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi nodded, waving as he went back to his room, his Pokemon following him. Both of his Pokemon fell asleep on the floor, and he followed, falling down on the bed. As much as he wanted to go to the contest to support Braelyn, he was just too tired, and had to rest. He thought about the gym battle he was going to have before drifting off to sleep.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as her Pichu squeaked happily when Chimchar took the poffin from his trainer. Eric seemed very happy to have his poffin eaten, even if Hiroshi had to give it to Chimchar.

Braelyn gave Hiroshi a small smile before grabbing Eric. "I'd assume it would be pretty close afterwards. I honestly hope I have enough time to do a little planning though." She mused, glancing absentmindedly at a nearby clock. She still had time.

"Thanks again for getting me out of the forest Hiroshi." She stated gratefully before leaving to find the contest hall.

@Kai123 I assume you will be playing some NPC's. Now I must go to a firework so I'll be back later.)


Looking at the two trainers who would obviously meet him here before Kai does he gave Braelyn two pokedex's and Hiroshi one. "Please take that to Kai, and thank you for meeting me here at such early time." He said bowing and walking off.

Kai Takeshi

Finally waking up he got out of his bed looking around as he put his shirt back on and looked out the window and smiled as the sun shined bright and heavenly. He opened the window of his apartment as the wind swoosh across his face swiftly and he smelt the beautiful flowers around the city. "Today will be the day I battle the gym. Right Braelyn?" He said still looking out the window as he waited for the girls response. "Braelyn?" Kai had noticed she wasn't responding as he turned to see she wasn't there!?!?!?!?! Where the heck did this girl go before his eyes? Why didn't she just follow him!? Kai looked for his watch as he checked the time and it was way passed the meeting time.
Kai123 said:


Looking at the two trainers who would obviously meet him here before Kai does he gave Braelyn two pokedex's and Hiroshi one. "Please take that to Kai, and thank you for meeting me here at such early time." He said bowing and walking off.

Kai Takeshi

Finally waking up he got out of his bed looking around as he put his shirt back on and looked out the window and smiled as the sun shined bright and heavenly. He opened the window of his apartment as the wind swoosh across his face swiftly and he smelt the beautiful flowers around the city. "Today will be the day I battle the gym. Right Braelyn?" He said still looking out the window as he waited for the girls response. "Braelyn?" Kai had noticed she wasn't responding as he turned to see she wasn't there!?!?!?!?! Where the heck did this girl go before his eyes? Why didn't she just follow him!? Kai looked for his watch as he checked the time and it was way passed the meeting time.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn had remembered last minute that she had to pick up her Pokedex today. Luckily, she was able to get hers on the way. She gave a small nod to the assistant before glancing down hesitantly at the second Pokedex. She still had no idea where Kai was and she had no idea when she would find him. At least this Pokedex gave her an excuse.

In the meantime, she still had a contest to get to. She ran as fast as her legs could currently carry her until finally a building she assumed to be the Contest Hall appeared. She slowed her pace just a bit and made her way inside. "Excuse me, but would it still be possible for me to sign up for the contest?" She asked, aiming the question at no one in particular.

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Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn had remembered last minute that she had to pick up her Pokedex today. Luckily, she was able to get hers on the way. She gave a small nod to the assistant before glancing down hesitantly at the second Pokedex. She still had no idea where Kai was and she had no idea when she would find him. At least this Pokedex gave her an excuse.

In the meantime, she still had a contest to get to. She ran as fast as her legs could currently carry her until finally a building she assumed to be the Contest Hall appeared. She slowed her pace just a bit and made her way inside. "Excuse me, but would it still be possible for me to sign up for the contest?" She asked, aiming the question at no one in particular.



Looking at the girl who had just burst through the door she had nodded, and pulled out a registration paper, The lady smiled at the girl noticing she was a beginner. "You still have time to practice by the way, I just suggest you should register then practice you know?" She said smiling while looking at Braelyn. The women gave off a good vibe and looked up at the TV behind her. "A special contester is coming to view you guys. She's been the queen for so long." The lady said giggling.​
Kai123 said:


Looking at the girl who had just burst through the door she had nodded, and pulled out a registration paper, The lady smiled at the girl noticing she was a beginner. "You still have time to practice by the way, I just suggest you should register then practice you know?" She said smiling while looking at Braelyn. The women gave off a good vibe and looked up at the TV behind her. "A special contester is coming to view you guys. She's been the queen for so long." The lady said giggling.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn let out a sigh of relief as the lady handed her the registration paper. Quickly filling out all the information, the purplette gave her a smile. "Thank you." She murmured, grateful that there was still time to practice. She was about ready to turn and leave when the lady mentioned a "special" contester was visiting today. Her smaller smile widened into a grin at the thought and waved to the lady, calling out thanks once more as she went to prepare.

Braelyn left the building once more, making sure to take note of when she needed to be back. She had to figure out a routine quickly for she didn't have much time. Kristina's performance in her battle with Hiroshi last night had made Braelyn feel a bit better, but a contest was different than a battle.

Braelyn set both of her Pokemon on the ground and then knelt slightly so that she could talk to them.
"Kristina, I'm going to be using you for this contest. You'll do wonderful as long as we can pull something together." Both Pokemon nodded although Eric seemed to give a sigh of relief. With a small giggle, Braelyn stepped away from her Pokemon and her Pichu followed so as to leave Kristina some space.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn let out a sigh of relief as the lady handed her the registration paper. Quickly filling out all the information, the purplette gave her a smile. "Thank you." She murmured, grateful that there was still time to practice. She was about ready to turn and leave when the lady mentioned a "special" contester was visiting today. Her smaller smile widened into a grin at the thought and waved to the lady, calling out thanks once more as she went to prepare.

Braelyn left the building once more, making sure to take note of when she needed to be back. She had to figure out a routine quickly for she didn't have much time. Kristina's performance in her battle with Hiroshi last night had made Braelyn feel a bit better, but a contest was different than a battle.

Braelyn set both of her Pokemon on the ground and then knelt slightly so that she could talk to them.
"Kristina, I'm going to be using you for this contest. You'll do wonderful as long as we can pull something together." Both Pokemon nodded although Eric seemed to give a sigh of relief. With a small giggle, Braelyn stepped away from her Pokemon and her Pichu followed so as to leave Kristina some space.

Kai Takeshi

Walking out of the shower he finally put his jacket on as he looked at his watch and thought about the contest. "I did see when they started yesterday." Kai said slipping his arm through. He sighed and looked back at his pokemon which where asleep since they had a long day yesterday. Kai smiled at them as he nodded. "The Contester queen or some chizz is going to be there so we got to go support Braelyn." Kai said fixing his jacket on him and then stuffing his feet in his shoes.

(Support ;D)​
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

Walking out of the shower he finally put his jacket on as he looked at his watch and thought about the contest. "I did see when they started yesterday." Kai said slipping his arm through. He sighed and looked back at his pokemon which where asleep since they had a long day yesterday. Kai smiled at them as he nodded. "The Contester queen or some chizz is going to be there so we got to go support Braelyn." Kai said fixing his jacket on him and then stuffing his feet in his shoes.

(Support ;D)​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn smiled as her Oshawott landed with her little arms held in the air for a pose. With a quiet giggle, Braelyn and Eric clapped for the Sea Otter Pokemon's performance. "That looks great for throwing something together so quickly! Great job Kristina!" The water type simply smiled gently before walking back to her trainer.

"Now we just need to get ready. I have to change real quick so you two are going to wait in your Pokeballs. Then I have a few ribbons we can use for you Kristina." She explained their plan to which both of her Pokemon nodded excitedly. With a gentle smile still visible on her face, Kristina returned her Pokemon to their Pokeballs and went inside to change into her contest attire.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn smiled as her Oshawott landed with her little arms held in the air for a pose. With a quiet giggle, Braelyn and Eric clapped for the Sea Otter Pokemon's performance. "That looks great for throwing something together so quickly! Great job Kristina!" The water type simply smiled gently before walking back to her trainer.

"Now we just need to get ready. I have to change real quick so you two are going to wait in your Pokeballs. Then I have a few ribbons we can use for you Kristina." She explained their plan to which both of her Pokemon nodded excitedly. With a gentle smile still visible on her face, Kristina returned her Pokemon to their Pokeballs and went inside to change into her contest attire.

Kai Takeshi

Putting Staravia in his pokeball for the moment Kai let Charmander climb on his shoulder. Kai knew that Charmander wouldn't stay this size if he where to evolve so soon he would be put in his pokeball along side Staravia. Kai headed out the Apartment room as he looked around and nodded. "This is going to be Braelyn's big day you know buddy!" He said laughing petting Charmander's chin. "We have an adventure in our hands now don't we?" He said headed to the building where the contest is being held.​
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

Putting Staravia in his pokeball for the moment Kai let Charmander climb on his shoulder. Kai knew that Charmander wouldn't stay this size if he where to evolve so soon he would be put in his pokeball along side Staravia. Kai headed out the Apartment room as he looked around and nodded. "This is going to be Braelyn's big day you know buddy!" He said laughing petting Charmander's chin. "We have an adventure in our hands now don't we?" He said headed to the building where the contest is being held.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn was silent as she finished attaching a turquoise ribbon to the side of Kristina's head. Kristina wasn't bothered by the bow and had decided to clean the scallop she always had. It didn't take long, but as soon as Braelyn stepped away her Oshawott chirped happily and tossed her now shining scallop into the air and caught it again. Braelyn smiled down at her Pokemon as Eric wished the water type luck.

Braelyn sat back as her two partners talked, and she admired the way the ribbon looked. She herself had put her lavender hair into pigtails and tied a yellow ribbon around each. Otherwise, she wore a shorter dress of a royal blue color and she had removed the beret that was normally upon her head. It felt a little strange without the hat, but she'd have to get over it.

She still had a little while until the contest actually started so she picked up each of her Pokemon and moved to a bench in the corner of the room. "We'll just sit here until we have to go on stage." She murmured to her Pokemon who immediately began chirping to each other again.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn was silent as she finished attaching a turquoise ribbon to the side of Kristina's head. Kristina wasn't bothered by the bow and had decided to clean the scallop she always had. It didn't take long, but as soon as Braelyn stepped away her Oshawott chirped happily and tossed her now shining scallop into the air and caught it again. Braelyn smiled down at her Pokemon as Eric wished the water type luck.

Braelyn sat back as her two partners talked, and she admired the way the ribbon looked. She herself had put her lavender hair into pigtails and tied a yellow ribbon around each. Otherwise, she wore a shorter dress of a royal blue color and she had removed the beret that was normally upon her head. It felt a little strange without the hat, but she'd have to get over it.

She still had a little while until the contest actually started so she picked up each of her Pokemon and moved to a bench in the corner of the room. "We'll just sit here until we have to go on stage." She murmured to her Pokemon who immediately began chirping to each other again.

The Assistant Lady

Walking up to Braelyn she bowed and held out the Contest badge case. "You'll need this to prove each baddge you win for each of the contest you attend to okay?" She said standing straight once Braelyn was gifted this handy case. She would have walked off and headed to her office.

Kai Takeshi

Opening the doors he finally walked into the building with the sparked up Charmander on his shoulder. Seeing all the girls and boys who where going around and getting in a little practice in their queuing and what not. Kai smiled and walked over to the front desk as he asked one of the ladies how he can get to the stands. He wanted an early seat as soon as possible, the best one at that fact.​
Kai123 said:

The Assistant Lady

Walking up to Braelyn she bowed and held out the Contest badge case. "You'll need this to prove each baddge you win for each of the contest you attend to okay?" She said standing straight once Braelyn was gifted this handy case. She would have walked off and headed to her office.

Kai Takeshi

Opening the doors he finally walked into the building with the sparked up Charmander on his shoulder. Seeing all the girls and boys who where going around and getting in a little practice in their queuing and what not. Kai smiled and walked over to the front desk as he asked one of the ladies how he can get to the stands. He wanted an early seat as soon as possible, the best one at that fact.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn had been sitting quietly, observing the others who would very soon become competition. She wasn't fond of the thought of having her own rival, but it was bound to happen. She just hoped it would be someone she could make a friend out of as well.

Breaking out of her thoughts as a lady approached, Braelyn offered her a small smile. The purplette took the case slowly as to admire it. "Thank you." She muttered, still staring down at the case. This was it. She was officially a Pokemon Coordinator.

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