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Pokemon Adventure


Pounce Ninja

  • tumblr_mkhviyIInw1riftmxo1_500.jpg

    Name: Abigail Harper

    Age: 15

    Hometown: Verdanturf Town, Hoen

    Personality: Abby is very hyper and friendly girl. She loves Pokemon and spends any free time she has playing with them or figuring out how to help them perform their best. She is very kind hearted and hates to see Pokemon injured. She does battle but only to see how her pokemon have improve and will usually forfeit a match to prevent her Pokemon from getting injured unnecessarily. Abby loves sweet foods and berry's and will usually walk around with a pocket full to give to other Pokemon she meets.

    History: Abigail is the youngest daughter of two breeders. she grew up around pokemon and had dreams of one day owning some of her very own. When her older brother went out on his adventure he would often return with stories of all the places he'd seen and Pokemon he'd met. Abby would watch TV to try and learn strategies but it wasn't her strong suit. One day Abby her first egg from her brother who told her to take care of and hatch her own pokemon. Abby took care of her egg to the point of obsession making sure it was warm and safe. It was the happiest day of Abby's life when she hatched her first pokemon, Selene. She used her knowledge and her parents findings when raising pokemon to try and help Selene grow and develop as best she could.

    When Abby turned 11 she decided to go adventuring just as her brother did but not to earn badges or catch as many pokemon as possible. But rather see the world and learn as much as she could about pokemon both tamed and wild.

    Pokemon (Note: Most of her pokemon have a sky blue scarf somewhere on them)

    • Nickname: Selene

      Species: Kirlia / Female

      Level: 20

      Type: Psychic / Fairy

      Ability: Trace

      Nature: Modest

      Moves: Teleport, Confusion, Double Team, Lucky Chant

      Scarf: Around neck

    Badges/Ribbons: Verdanturf Festival Ribbon

    Other: She has several journals and notes about pokemon nutrition and development, She is a very good cook. She doesn't have much tech on her but her parents did give her a Pokétch as a going away present, Shes yet to explore all of the apps.

"Name please," The receptionist at the sign up desk for the tournament that was being held today in Goldenrod city during the festival that was going on today.

"It's Lee..." Robin answered using her "male" name as always.

"And you're entering three Pokemon into the tournament correct?" The receptionist asked her.

"That is correct." Robin answered her before receiving her contestant number, which was 12.

"Be here in one hour from now. Otherwise you'll be disqualified." The receptionist told her.

"Thank you," Robin said before leaving the desk and going back into the main part of the festival. It was busy and full of people going to and from the stands either buying food, souvenirs, or playing games setup there as well to win prizes. She found it amusing, but decided to just stay a spectator and walk around taking in the sights. She's been in Goldenrod for a couple of days right now to challenge Whitney, the gym leader here, and to prepare for the upcoming festival tournament. After spending close to an hour walking around she went back to the place where she signed up a little early. She attached her number to her shirt and waited for further instructions.
Abby strolled along the street of the festival taking in the sight and sounds of all of merriment. It felt good to finally be on land after such a long sail in from Hoenn. "This is going to be interesting..." She muttered taking not of the different Pokemon which tagged along with their trainers. The same Pokemon could be found in Hoenn but in much fewer numbers. The smell of delicious food floated thought the air drawing her attention to the food stands "Smells so good!" She grinned buying one of the delicious looking Kaaba.
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Dominic yawned, waltzing through the streets of Goldenrod City at a steady pace, dodging young children and adults alike too lost to the festival's merriment to be bothered with a silly thing called "common courtesy." Nevertheless, he'd managed to remain relatively unscathed as he attempted to navigate the bustling city streets with the aid of his Pokégear. It was a bit of a culture shock, going from his relatively sleepy hometown of historical Ecruteak City to this bustling Metropolis, albeit with a few stops along the way.

He'd adjusted well in the short time he'd been here, he'd like to think at least. Though he still had to fight down a sense of claustrophobia every time he looked up expecting to see open sky, or at least trees, and being met with vast expanses of glass and steel. Any sky that could be seen was a wide strip cutting through the modern developments of progress like a long jagged scar.

The thought brought a smile to his face as he finally turned down the street that should bring him straight to the sign-up booth for the Goldenrod Festival's Battle Competition. To his chagrin, this had to be the most densely populated area of the festival. It made sense, in an annoying sort of way, and cleared up any doubts he may have had about his directions. He sighed and began his uphill battle toward the booth, just barely making there without suffocating.

He fell to his knees panting, one arm draped on the booth over-dramatically. 'That was close! I think I almost died...'

"Hello there, sir. Are you here to sign up for the tournament?" An angelic voice called, cutting an elegant swathe through his near-death experience and succeeded in bringing his attention back to the situation at hand. He was up on his his feet immediately, adjusting his glasses and staring intently at the woman in the booth. "Uh, sir? Are you here for the tournament?"

He coughed, partly to clear his throat and partly to cover up the obvious embarrassment he felt, his face reddening. "Ah, yes. The name's Dominic Deegan... Perhaps you've heard of me?" He gave her a dashing smile.

"Nope," she replied simply, but that single word seemed to carry with it the weight to crush any semblance of hope he felt for a date. Leaving him devastated and showing little remorse, she continued. "The Goldenrod Festival Battle Tournament follows standard Pokémon League rules. Two Pokémon per trainer, just like a Gym battle. Do you understand the rules as I have explained them, and agree to follow said rules to the letter?"

"Of course," he said, but quickly reworded his response after a pointed glare from the receptionist... Who knew an angel could have such hellfire within her... "I mean, yes. I do."

"Excellent," she replied with a kind smile. The sudden change unnerved him, and made him highly suspicious. "There's an entry fee of 500." Dom nods, and hands her a few crumpled notes after digging through his pockets. She takes them, seemingly making a point to count them all, before nodding. "Take this number, it will identify you as a contestant and help sort out whose facing who in the actual tournament." She held out a sheet of plastic with a large stylized '13' printed on it.

'That bodes well...' he thought as he took it and pinned it to the front of his shirt without a word.

"Be back here in a few hours. We'll be starting shortly after the Pokémon Contest finishes up. Feel free to attend the Contest as well," she says, still smiling and waving as Dominic had started walking away. "The Battle contestant number I gave you will act as a free entry voucher."

Dom turned back, returning the wave. "I'll think about it." He states simply, before disappearing into the crowd.
Soon an announcement was made over a loud speaker that caught nearly everyone's attention.

"Attention! Participants of the battle tournament need to be at the sign up desk within five minutes. We're also taking in last minute entries since we haven't completely filled up yet so feel free to join in now if you haven't."

Robin was already there though along with a couple of others as well, and the rest started to eventually pour in, and more details on how the tournament was going to go down were announced. The tournament was separated into two brackets. East and West brackets, and participants are going to battling in two separate arenas depending on which bracket they're in. The winners of each bracket will face each other, and the winner in that match will be the champion of this tournament.

Robin looked on a board that had participants names on it and they were divided into two separate lists, one for the East bracket and one for the West bracket. Her name was listed on the East bracket. Well I guess I'm ready to do this. I think I'll be able to win this one too.

Soon she was directed to one arena, along with the other participants of the East bracket, to battle there.
Abby grinned to her self as she ate her kabbab strolling through the crowds. She heard someone announcing some sort of tournament and contemplated entering. "Better not" She muttered to her self. "Still have to get used to ever thing here..." she muttered to herself figuring it best to watch the tournament to get an idea of the pokemon and abilities with in this region. She felt one of the pokeballs on her belt shake with excitement and chuckled releasing her eevee Pix from his pokeball. The fluff ball of a pokemon let out a happy cry as he looked around. Abby chuckled softly picking up the excited eevee. "Couldnt be patient could you?"
Dominic hurried back through the crowd, eager to find out who he'd be facing in the tournament. He nearly bowled an oddly affeminite young boy over in his haste when he finally broke free of the masses hold, panting as he attempted to catch his breath. "Sorry kid, didn't see ya there." He panted between breaths, before moving over to examine the lists, first the East then the West. He shrugged, noticing he'd be getting through the first round in the West with a bye.

He woulda preferred a battle right off the bat, but he found it a valuable opportunity to find out what Pokémon and strategies the Trainers he'd be up against used. The others in the West bracket didn't look like much... Against an experienced trainer such as himself, it should be a piece of cake...

He noted in passing that the bespeckled boy he'd nearly flattened was in the East wing. He shrugged, getting in line and walking with the others to the West brackets arena. "West side, represent!" He muttered in passing, drawing a slight chuckle from the trainer in front of him...


"-ther, dodge and counter-attack!" He shouted, willing his Scyther into motion, nearly jumping out of his skin as Scyther blurred to the side of Riolu. He'd never get used to that... Scyther's speed was ridiculous, even as injured as he was, the human eye could barely perceive it.

He'd been right about the West bracket being easy, though he was sure his bye had been instrumental in his victory. He'd been able to go into his first match with a rested and ready Scyther, who easily took apart his opponents. But he'd taken quite a beating in the last round of the West bracket, and had barely managed to defeat his current opponent's Oshawatt. Even with the type-advantage Scyther had against, ah, Lee was it? Yeah, Lee's Riolu, Dom didn't have much confidence in Scyther's ability to continue... He'd have called Scyther in a long time ago, but the stubborn bug had insisted on continuing...

And he still couldn't believe he was up against the kid he'd nearly run over before the matches had started. He supposed his number, 13, had waited to rear it's ugly head with this little twist...

He shook his head to clear his thoughts just as Scyther's counter-attack was about to hit, he watched Scyther's blades swing down as if in slow motion...
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You know it's really annoying to be bowled over because I'm short. Robin thought after someone nearly bowled her over getting to the tournament. Once she was there and ready to go she went into her first match right off the bat. It wasn't that hard of a battle, and actually the ones that followed didn't seem that hard either. Soon she found herself winning the East bracket and she was going to be facing off against the winner of the West bracket.

Maybe my opponent will be more of a challenge.


Grr...that Sycther is fast...too fast.
Robin was doing her best to keep her cool, but she was starting to get antsy under the pressure. She was down to Riolu since Oshawatt was beaten over a pretty close battle between them. I need to slow it down, but with it's fast speed I can't get a good Force Palm on him to try and get him paralyzed. With Sycther on the verge of it's counter attack Robin decided to take a chance on using Counter instead of trying another Force Palm.

"Riolu! Use Counter and quick!"

Unfortunately it didn't go well as planned with Riolu not being able to move fast enough and took the full force of the counter-attack sending him across the arena and knocked out.

"Riolu is unable to battle! Sycther is the winner!" The referee shouted and with that it sent the crowd into applause and cheering. It seemed that they were pretty into the match considering how close that match was and it was intense the entire time.

Robin returned Riolu to his Pokeball," You did good. Take a break." Then Robin walked up to the winner of the match to give him a handshake to be a good sport. She did kinda not want to, but she always knew that being a sore loser was never a good idea.

"Good match," She told the winner holding out her hand to shake it,"Your Sycther's speed is incredible."
Dominic heaved a sigh of relief as Riolu finally went down. It'd been a seriously close match, due in part no doubt to Scyther's battered state... And the Riolu clearly had an excellent trainer. Either way he'd have to get to a Pokémon center pretty soon... Scyther looked exhausted.

"Riolu is unable to continue, Scyther is the winner!" came the voice of the referee, followed by deafening cheers from the crowd.

'Huh, they must've been into it...' Dom thought to himself as he walked toward the center of the field, waving more to please the crowd than any sort of ego. Then again, thinking on it, it really had been a great match. One he wouldn't forget in a hurry, at least.

He made his way to Scyther, his concern for Scyther's well-being leading him to check with it before returning it to it's Pokéball. "You good, bug?" He inquired with a grin, using the word as a sort of unofficial nickname rather than an insult. Scyther nodded weakly, leaning on one bladed appendage while kneeling, it's breaths slowing to a calm rhythm. "Glad to hear it. Getcha to a Pokémon Center in a bit, okay?" Another weak nod. "Alright, you did well today, bug. Made me proud. Scyther, return." Scyther made a pleased buzzing sound as it retreated into it's Pokéball.

Dominic turned to find himself face to face with his opponent, nearly having a heart attack... He could have at least made his presence known. He gratefully shook his hand, glad to see there were no hard feelings between the two of them. "Thanks, you too. It was a close one, I'll admit, but it was a lot of fun. And it's more to do with him than anything I did... He's a determined bug." He admitted with a half-smile. "I was more impressed with your handling of your Riolu. Couldn't have been too high of a level, but you utilized what you had with finesse. You took risks, and they worked up until the end there."
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Abby watched the tournament from the bleachers taking notes on different pokemon she saw noting now different they were compared to the farm raised pokemon she was used to seeing back home. As the fights went on she found her self taking less notes and getting more into cheering for the winners. Most of the trainers were good to their pokemon stopping once their pokemon was unable to battle. Pix sat be side her bouncing along in excitement as he watched the battles as well.

The final matched started and Abby watched in awe at the amazing speed the one trainers scyther possessed it was incredible! "I wonder how he trained his pokemon to get it so fast!" She mused aloud watching as the final moments of the battle took place and the victor was called. The teen cheered along with everyone else congratulating the victors of the festival.

"Maybe I can talk with the trainer and see how he got his pokemon so well trained?" She muttered looking down to her eevee "What do you think?"

"Eevee Ee!"

"Alright!" She chuckled getting up and making her way through the crowd trying to see if she found the trainer anywhere.
Robin tried not to blush, but she slightly did,"Yeah thanks. Well I better go and get to a Pokemon Center. See ya around!" Robin hurried up and took off into the crowed to get to the Pokemon Center. It feels nice to be praised for my skills rather than being compared to someone else. She looked happy. A bit too happy because she accidentally ran into someone on the way to the Pokemon Center and fell top of her as they crashed to the ground.

"Owwww....." Robin said before realizing she was on top of someone,"OhmygoshI'msosorryareyouokay?!" She didn't mean to blurt it out like that though and it sure was going to sound odd to the person she bumped into since she was still looking like a boy.

Abby curiously looked around the crowd trying to see if she could spot the trainer when she was crashed into. She yelped letting go of Pix so she didnt crush him when she fell face first into ground. The eevee jumped out of her arms letting out a small cry of concern. "Owe..." Abby muttered sitting up catching the tail end of her assailants apology before smiling slightly. "Hey no problem" She replied before realizing who had crashed into her. "Oh wow! You're the trainer who the trainer who took second place, your Riolu is amazing!"
Robin sat up as well fixing her hat, which luckily didn't fall off,"Thanks." She said giving off a slight blush,"I was on my way to the Pokemon Center and I was lost in thought. Sorry....are you okay?" Robin stood up and held out her hand to help the girl up,"My name is..Lee by the way. What's yours?"

(Short post is short.... xD )

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Dom smiled sincerely and nodded as she left, before moving to collect his prize. Said prize being a trophy, a picture shaking hands with the Mayor of Goldenrod City posted on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper (unless something actually newsworthy happened, of course.), and, what Dominic thought to be the best of the bunch, one of those over-sized checks good for a portion of all of the entry fees from the contestants. The presentation of it all didn't take long, just a few minutes, as those who had organized it were doubtlessly aware that a trainer's first priority would be to see to their Pokémon.

He was grateful for that fact, too, as he wanted to get there as quickly as possible to avoid the influx of Trainers that would arrive in the wake of the tournament, having held off from heading to the Pokémon Center to see who would win. Which he headed out for immediately after the big check had been exchanged for one that could actually be redeemed.

'Who knew those things weren't actually valid,' Dom thought to himself, mentally shrugging as he slipped the slip of paper into his wallet. 'I suppose it makes sense, in a way. I mean, if I saw someone walking around with a giant check worth a considerable sum, I might be tempted to steal it too.'

He shrugged again, this time physically as he continued on his way, hands in his pockets, pausing only as he passed a pair of young people entangled with eachother. Just the heat of the moment, he guessed. Pokémon matches could get pretty exciting... but eliciting that sort of reaction? He was almost flattered. He shrugged a third time, again physically, and went about his way to the Pokémon Center.
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Abby smiled back "I'm alright, Tougher than I look." She assured taking the trainers hand. "Nice to meet you I'm Abby. If you on your way to the center I'll go with. Gotta see if I can stay the night there."
"Alright. Nice to meet you Abby." Robin said making her way to the Pokemon Center with Abby. "You might have to camp out though because everywhere is pretty much packed due to everyone being here at the festival." Robin told Abby as they walked along to the Pokemon Center.
Dominic Deegan waltzed into the Pokémon Center, a big grin plastered on his face which promptly vanished upon seeing how long the line was to Nurse Joy. He grunted in aggravation, discarding the thought of standing in line, choosing instead to wait it out amongst the other trainers who had done the same. He looked around unsurprised by the sheer number that were crammed within. Well, crammed was a strong word, but it was certainly packed compared to the other days he'd come around. He guessed some were other contestants who'd already been to Nurse Joy, but some were probably just here for a cheap meal or to reserve a place for the night.

He shrugged, pausing to note he'd been shrugging a lot more than usual, to which he promptly shrugged, walking into the lounge area that was more lavish than he was used to. Dom quirked an eyebrow at the overstuffed couches and large screen TVs that bordered the area, which was filled with trainers of all ages, some of whom he recognized as competitors in the tournament.

He took a seat, pulling out his Pokégear and began fiddling with it idly.

(Super writers block, agh.)
"Awe man." She sighed before shrugging "ah well not like it will be the first time. Still should be fine though." she smiled slightly "Your pokemon are very well trained though... do you do anything special to train them?" She asked slightly tilting her head
"Nothing that special. I just work out a daily routine for them to follow and if there's any area's we're lacking in I'll train them a little harder in that area. They're nothing special just some workout tips I've gotten from places and trainers here and there." Robin answered her,"Also some special food here and there that can help out as well."

Robin entered the Pokemon Center and was met with it being really crowded and having a really long line. Darn. That's a really long line, and I don't have any revives to use instead. The line looked like it wasn't going to go any faster any time soon.

"Man it would have been nice for tournament participants to get somewhere else to heal their Pokemon to avoid the long line."
Dom's attention was drawn from his Pokégear as someone voiced his own thoughts aloud. That was interesting, he wasn't the only one thinking it.

'It could've been anyone who had said it,' he thought to himself, his eyes scanning the crowd. 'Could've been a contestant, or just a trainer looking for a place to get their Pokémon healed.'

He focused on the area he had heard the voice, spotting Lee almost immediately. It was hard to miss someone his entire focus had been on not even an hour before. She was as likely a candidate as anyone... Though he was beginning to wonder why he was so dead-set on finding who had spoken... He shrugged, it didn't matter if he found the person or not... He was just bored enough to pursue something as ridiculous as this.

'A spot of conversation could help cure this boredom, and Lee appears to be the only familiar face...' he shrugged again, standing on his feet and waving to Lee, calling out. "Hey, Lee! Big line, eh?"

(Totally ashamed by this post... Pride be my sin.)
Abby nodded slightly. "I see, well its clear to see that you care a lot about your pokemon." She replied tempted to ask what kind of food but it seemed like it was something not readily used. That and it was a bit rude to start bombarding the trainer with questions. "My method is pretty similar but I focus more on the food aspect than training." she added. She looked down the long line "Wow... yeah I can see what you mean... there should be booths are small clinics set up around the fair instead of just one pokemon center as well...." she muttered thinking back into her supplies to see if she had anything to help. She remembered buying some revives but not very many. She looked over as a second trainer approached and recognized him as the winner of the tournament.
(Yay super late reply from me >.> Sorry!)

Robin let out a sigh thinking about what to do about this situation. Let's see I could leave and go to a PokeMart, but the one here didn't sell revives. Leaving the town is a bad idea though with Riolu and Oshawatt out and they're my main defense against wild Pokemon.....

Her train of thought was broken by a familar voice. It was Dom her oppenent. It makes since they'd run into each other here. He must be in the same situation as her at the moment.

"I know," She said rolling her eyes," I don't suppose you have an idea for us. Not sure how much longer Riolu and Oshawatt can hold out without imeddiate help."

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