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Fandom PokeHumans

Ok, um....Kio and Iko are still in the beach house with Dresden, Kanzie, Lilia, Kendra......it was months passed....
Well, Sharon sisters a Venusaurs wanted to moved far far away to live in peace. Sharon decide to go with them because she didn't want to separated from them. That night, she left everyone without a trace on her and months passed, everyone miss her and Kenzie went out to look for her.
Are you accepting more trainers because I want to make one who specializes in a rare Pokemon type. @TheUnamedCharacter
Merp question, what are you particularly in need of atm? Cause I can be a normal human trainer if need be, or I can be a golurk.
You know I'm curious in this rp is there a way for a human to be turned into a pokehuman because since ryu is already accepted I can't change that he's a trainer but can I make it to where he was experimented on to become a pokehuman in the rp, eventually I mean.

@The Unamed Character
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