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Planetary RP


Moonbro brofists Sunbro
So, basically, everyone is assigned a planet and you'll be role-playing as said planet and what it does in its day-to-day life. This is more of a research project and you have to take your role very seriously, or else you'll be replaced by someone else, and we'll continue this RP until we're eventually destroyed by Planet X or whatever. So pick a planet (First come, first serve) and do your research!

Maybe we'll even see a romance scene, yo.


Also, dibs on the Moon.
Wait why in Cthulhu's name is this marked realistic, unless we are like, 5000 years in the future I don't think the sun is going to be colonized
lucidnonsense said:
Wait why in Cthulhu's name is this marked realistic, unless we are like, 5000 years in the future I don't think the sun is going to be colonized
No one said anything about colonization!

We are literally planets. :D
lucidnonsense said:
we are going to just...orbit around the sun. except earth, that gets humans on it, earth OP nerf plz
10/10 story

Pluto floated around the earth.

Ok roleplay over!
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]What if I claim the sun and decide to go supernova?

As this is a realistic roleplay, you do not have any form of control over yourself, the sun most likely isnt capable of making decisions (at least, as we humans understand decisions) and anyway, whether humans can make decisions or all actions are ultimately predetermined has been under debate for centuries and will probably continue to happen for a long time.
So practically this entire RP is just stating "Hey I'm the sun and I'm burning" over and over again?
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]So practically this entire RP is just stating "Hey I'm the sun and I'm burning" over and over again?

Yes, and describe the process of nuclear fusion going on inside your core.
lucidnonsense said:
Yes, and describe the process of nuclear fusion going on inside your core.
Well, if something already sounds boring before it has even started I will not invest my time into it. I'm out
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]Well, if something already sounds boring before it has even started I will not invest my time into it. I'm out

Your missing out man, this will be the roleplay of the century, 10/10 would planet again

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