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(PlaguedWithInsanity & Zafirah)


✧ goth prince ✧
A 1x1 roleplay for @Zafirah and myself ^w^

This will be FxF, so to all who will be watching this, leave if you don't like it. I will not tolerate any hate or bashing, and it will result in some automatic reporting on the hater's fault.

Plot Pairings in Place • Good girl x Bad girl

• Rich girl x Rebellious girl

• Bully x Bullied

(My parts are in italics.)
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Oliver nearly screamed as her alarm went off, the loud erratic beat waking her from her dream - sitting in a gray room, in gray clothing , doing nothing. The brunette's body was aching with a dull throb, she worked a extra shift last night, went to MMA training right after and all she needed was a long nap and some tea but nope, it was Monday. Stumbling out of the bed, rubbing her eyes shut with sleep, Oliver looked around her barren apartment. She had barely enough money to rent the place, there was be room in her budget for decorations. Smashing her fist down on the clock though not even wincing, the time was checked and she was already late, school would be starting in 10 minutes. Trudging over to her boring bathroom, the girl stepped into the shower and began preparing for her day.

After scrubbing down her body with a scratchy sponge and cheap artificial vanilla body wash, Oliver washed through her long dark waves with more artificial vanilla shampoo and got out. Then she carefully put out the outfit that she later out yesterday, primping and tugging until everything fit like it was supposed too which was hanging on her bold curves and exposing lots of tan skin. Finally, Oliver began putting on makeup, heavily lining her eyes and using a decent amount of mascara, coloring her lips and crimson red and combing her thick brows. As far as her hair went, she blow dried it and left it in squiggles down her back.

For breakfast, a pathetic one at that, she just stuffed some cold, left over, yet still good macaroni from the diner on her mouth and went outside. Omari, her best friend was picking her up and the dark skinned girl was already sitting in the parking lot, looking rather pissed. Jogging over, Oliver have her a brief nod and stepped into the truck, "Fuck yeah...Monday...I'm skipping sooner or later, come with me...."
"Grace, it's time to get up!" called an effeminate voice from downstairs that was her mother. Grace groaned from in her room, rolling over on her bed. It was too early to get up, but she knew she had to do it anyways. She sat up on his large bed and rubbed her eyes, wiping out the sleepiness and grogginess that remained within them. She had stayed up all night studying for a test that was today, and she hadn't gone to bed until about two in the morning. She yawned, scratching the back of her head as she looked over at the clock at her bedside desk. She had plenty of time to get up and ready for the day, so she was going to take her time as she usually did. Grace swung her legs over the side of the bed and stepped onto the ground with a small noise of impact. Her mismatched socks hit the floor, minimizing a little of the sound from being on her feet. Her bed was rather tall, and Grace was rather short, so it wasn't too good of a mixture. Her bed's four support beams were easily as tall as her waist, the king-sized bed itself coming up to her upper hip. She was around a flat five feet, so it wasn't surprising to hear those facts of her bed alone. She walked across her room to a connected personal bathroom as she made her way inside whilst closing the door behind her by habit. She looked into the mirror with amusement: her short pixie hair shooting out spiked in all directions from sleeping, the back completely flattened because of her often sleeping on her back. Her hair had been freshly dyed a nice teal, almost ocean-y color that Friday before in the afternoon after school had ended for the week. Before had Grace's dye been a faded purplish-lavender, so this was new and vibrant.

She brushed down her hair and reestablished her natural hair parting on the far left side of her head. She just felt so pretty when her hair was newly dyed, which was very good on her self-esteem and confidence to feel. She patted it all down with a smile before then beginning to brush her teeth, wash her face, and get ready for the day. She walked back into her room and picked out some clothes, today's being a brownish-gray knit cardigan-like sweater with a pale pink loose tee-shirt underneath. She slipped on a pair of black skin-tight jeans that hugged her wide hips and showed off the nice rear end that she had with her pear-like body shape. Grace then walked over to a closet across the room and pulled out a pair of short brown boots as well as some matching gray socks to put on underneath. She finished getting dressed and looked over at the clock. She pulled her phone off the charger and slipped her bag over her shoulder and began downstairs, her boots sounding a low noise from each step. She reached the bottom step and was pleased with the sight of her mother cooking breakfast for the three of them. "Thanks, Mom!" she hummed in a cute voice as she stepped over to her mother who looked just about done with cooking. She had made them all in a gourmet fashion, with all the perfect ingredients mixed inside. Grace took her plate after kissing her mom on the cheek and sitting down at the nice island that dominated their dining room kitchen [x]. She took a couple bites before her mother joined her with her own plate, sitting on a stool beside her daughter. They both finished eating and she took both her mother's plate as well as her own and placed them into the sink. "Alright, let's go, dear." she said, touching her daughter affectionately yet lightly at her waist.

They both walked through the nice house, to the delicately furnished foyer in the front of the door and of the entrance. Her mother took her keys from a rack and then called out to her husband through the house, "Honey! Breakfast is on the table!" They both walked out and into the car. It was a nice little red eco-friendly modeled vehicle that plugged in to conserve car gas emissions. Grace sat in the passenger seat and placed her nice couture purse-styled backpack in her lap as her mother started the car's transmission and began to drive once the engine came to life. She drove her daughter to school, stopping off down the street from the campus to have her walk the rest of the way. Her first class was art, she remembered, and she smiled to herself and waved in goodbye to her mother as she walked into the school. She went to the library first, the place where she usually spent her time before her classes, looking at books and occasionally checking one out. She already had one with her to keep her interested, and that was The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, but she was almost finished with it as of late. Grace was sitting on a chair in the edge of the room until the bell rang, and she got up from her seat and headed to her first class, art, her thick novel still in hand. She entered the classroom as one of the first students, like usual, and took her seat. She pulled out all of her necessary materials for the class, including a watercolor tree she had been working on on a thick white paper board.
Oliver didn't wait for her friend's response, mostly since it was a question said like a demand which was really everything that came out of her mouth. Instead she busied herself with checking her makeup then when finished making sure it was perfect, she moved on to tugging around and messing with various components of her outfit before emitting a large groan, " I lost my damn hat again....my head feels so naked" . Placing her hands on her head, she look to Omari and whimpered with mock terror and earned a jerk of the thumb toward the back of the car from a concentrating Omari. Contorting around the seat to find one of her many beanies that she had lost, Oliver gave a relived sigh, kissed the hat and placed it on her head. As the still intensely focused on driving Omari got closer to school, Oliver fiddled around with the aux chord and her phone until her latest

obsession started to play. Throughout the whole ride, she was singing and shimmying in her chair, even Omari joined in with her half hearted yet still beautiful alto voice.
Truthfully, Oliver didn't even plan on going to school today, just getting up, going to work and if time permits, training but she forgot her backpack in 1st hour senior art. She wouldn't go back for that either-except it had her wallet in it and whatever meager earnings were in there meant a lot too her. Getting out of the car, parked in a teacher that they blackmailed's spot, the fearsome duo strode though the halls of their urban public school with hilariously snooty name, Ashton Ridge High School. All the students preferred calling it , " The Ashes". It seemed like everyone their cleared a path out of their way and stopped gossiping about what " The Ashes Bad Girls" have been doing over the weekend. Oliver made sure to shoot a evil wink at Jenna Ducare who was standing in the corner, a scowl on her blue, black and purple face. The two would split up at the end of the hall, Oliver to art and Omari to AP math, a class no one really knew how she got into.
" Meet me here around...8:00...we'll somewhere".

Entering the bright, festive art room, the hazel eyed girl quickly located her backpack and stormed over to grab it. On the other hand, she could resist going over to the electronic board and drawing a big x-eyed smiley face with its tongue sticking out and a sign on the bottom saying " Suck It !!-love Oliver". Turning around with a snicker, she'd smack into a broad chest. Looking up to curse at whoever did that, the words faltered at the gleeful grin of the senior art teacher, Mr. Vorughs. His arms to automatically reach out to grab her arms and steady her but then the constant grin wided as he saw her, his grip becoming much tighter, " Ms. Oliver May ! I was just looking for you ! We need to talk and I prefer not doing it here ...." . With that, Mr. V yanked her into the paints corner and lost all sort of cheerfulness, sounding angered instead. " Listen you little-nevermind . I pushed and shoved my way through the program to get you this opportunity and you better not waste it. You're a bright kid, Oliver May. You do good in this class which is why I'm confused why you skip. I've tried again and again to get you to tell me but you refused. I'm not leaving you on the streets to do whatever the hell you're doing. That's why I've gotten you a tutor of sorts. You'll stay with her every day 1st period so she can teach you. She's a rather talented artist and I'd like to see how you work together . You won't be supervised but if you skip or any sort of violence is reported, we will go through your files and figure out your situation and home". And with that, he took her arm and began marching her towards the tutor-or Oliver's personal bomb.
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Grace had been working on her tree drawing, a sketching pencil in hand, marking out some more prominent details and giving the primary sketch more shape. The sketch itself was almost finished, the dilapidated tree leaning off the the side, branches mangled and curving in all directions as the tree itself bent off to the side as if intentionally curved. It looked rather decent, but still had quite a bit more to do to it before it was ready to be inked, so the small girl was merely defining out some lines before another individual, that wasn't quite the teacher, entered. A girl with dark hair and cat-eye eyeliner and an obvious liking to a more alternative/punk rock genre, that being given way by her way of dress. Grace looked up slightly in a way that was rather inconspicuous to any onlookers as the girl stormed across the room with an obvious need for something inside the room. She thought that the girl was coming for her, so she slumped a little in her seat, but she was kept going until running into Mr. Vorughs, the art teacher. She hadn't necessarily recognized the girl because of her lack of ever really going to class, but when he said her name, she hummed to herself an 'ohh'. He greeted her until quickly pulling her into the paints room. She didn't know what they were conversing about then, so she simply went back to her drawing, but not without a small sense of unease rising in her chest.

Grace penciled out some little lines along the roots of the tree, beginning to define the bark cords that connected themselves to the ground, the grass soon taking shape with a thin curved line along the bottom. She smiled slightly, yet noticed a small error. She picked up her eraser and took out the mistake of hers in her sketching. She continued to do more of the drawing. The two of them then soon returned from their chat about a minute later, and she looked up slowly at the two. When Mr. Vorughs began walking towards her with the girl named Oliver May, she was intimidated. She slumped in her chair again, unease beginning to set in. "Y-yes, Mr. Vorughs?" Grace asked in a pitifully low voice as she glanced over at the tall girl beside him. She ran a shaking hand through her short teal hair, as she then looked down at her drawing and placed her pencil down on her desk. She hoped this girl didn't involve her, but the way the teacher clutched Oliver's arm made it sure seem like there was some sort of an issue here. Her book sat on her desk undisturbed, while her bag hung gently off the side of the wooden table, her canvas paper drawing in the center with her drawing utensils beside it.
Oliver was plunked, rather rudely, by Mr. Vorugh's into a cold plastic chair across from a girl who appeared to be shriveling in her chair, Mr. V still clamping at her arm. He proceeded to explain the whole deal to the girl while Oliver checked her out, doing it obviously with no embrassment for it. The most noticeable was her short but bright blue hair that framed a pale, circular face that wasn't decorated with makeup like the brunette's. Next Oliver turned her head and looked the blue haired chick's body, nodding with approval . She was curvy and didn't try to hide it, the type of body that was made to snuggle and kiss. "....Okay, Grace ? Oh, I forgot, this is Oliver M-", clearing her throat over dramatically, she glared up at Grace with blazing green eyes, " Oliver. Just Oliver" .

The art teacher gave Oliver's arm one more squeeze and hit her a look with a clear warning before nodding at both of the girls, " I'm going to head off to the rest of the class, you girls be good now ! I trust nothing will happen so no aids will come to check on you, but I expect ANY sort of harassment on Oliver May's part to be reported" . With that, he left the room. Finishing her inspection of Grace, Oliver decided to make the situation better by doing what she does best. Oliver would torment this quiet, dull and she's enjoy it. She unexpectedly leaned across the table to look over Grace, her shirt dipping open to show plains of olive skin that she knew and didn't bother covering up, to snap her pearly teeth at the blue haired girl. " You may speak to me here and nowhere else ,so I suggest you spend it wisely ".
Grace looked over at the girl as her teacher forced the brunette into a chair, his hand still tightly around her arm. She looked over with curiosity, trying to hide her want to know what this was all about. Mr. Vorugh then began to brief onto her about her position, that she was going to be a tutor for this girl—Oliver. She nodded slowly at the deal, although she was actually excited inside at the fact of being able to teach someone upon teacher orders. She tried not to look at the brunette, who was so obviously checking her out, as a small yet very faint blush rose to her cheeks at that. She didn't think she was as cute at this older girl was seemingly thinking, so Grace thought I was a little odd to be randomly stared up and down at by some older girl she barely knew. Oliver nodded to herself, and the younger girl had wondered to what she was nodding to, but the thought was soon disrupted as he teacher checked her for confirmation on the matter. Mr. Vorugh began to tell her her name until he as rudely interrupted by Oliver, as she looked up at Grace with a fiery glare, correcting him. Her eyes widened as she scooted away a little in her seat.

The teacher then let go of the older girl's arm and told them that he would be heading off to the rest of the class and trusting that nothing bad would happen, and that of anything did would Oliver get into trouble. Grace nodded at him when he then left. She looked over at the older girl who was sitting beside her at she unexpectedly leaned over in her seat towards her. Oliver looked over at her, as the front of her shirt hung open, dipping forward to show bits of her chest and breasts from the v-neck opening. Grace tried her hardest not to look, failing for a quarter of a second, as she returned her gaze to her drawing on her desk rather than at the girl beside her who wouldn't stop looking at her. The older girl then told her that she was only allowed to speak to her here and here alone. Grace nodded, smiling faintly. "Uhm, will do... So, what d-do you want to do f-first?" She asked in her rather quiet yet shaky voice, keeping her pale blue eyes on her drawing, feeling quite uncomfortable with the situation which was probably highly evident to the other girl as will. Metal shone brightly in her mouth, double sets of shiny braces lined in pink bands on her teeth.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Confident in the fact that she had made a proper first impression to Grace, she sat back down. Even the way Oliver say showed her personality, arms thrown across the back of the chair, lean legs crossed and chest puffed out with pride . Bringing up a hand to show 5 fingers, each topped with a dark blue, sharp nail, Oliver paused and brought up the thumb of her other hand. The brunette's tone was a mix of sarcasm and barely contained fury at the situation with just a hint of condescending superiority, she started to talk. " We have six orders of business to get through before anything . They are in order as following . First, we introduce ourselves, I bet you don't need any queuing in on who I am but I'll be a lady and go through anyway. Second , I'll give you the rules . Third, I'll explain them..you seem like a bright girl anyway. Fourth, you tell me your shecdule and give me all your contact information . Fifth, you show me whatever the hall you're so focused on drawing, don't think I didn't notice. Though if you're writing about how bad you want the sex goddess sitting in front of you, carry on. And sixth, I take a smoke break".

Oliver's red lips were curved into a smirk at the flush on Grace's cheeks from that brief glimpse at her chest. Drawing a nail across her neck and collarbone, Oliver would give the blue haired girl a wolffish smile. " I'm Oliver Morgandy. I like sex, drugs and sleep. I'm doing this because apparently skipping art class is a offense punishable by tutoring . My favriote color is blue. I like to kiss girls and boys and if you have a problem with that, I'll make you look worst than Jenna Durge...see, it's not that hard. Your turn".
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Grace didn't think she liked this new girl next to her too much, but she would have to give her the benefit of the doubt and get to know her more. She couldn't just dwell on those first impressions and let herself learn to know this girl more. Oliver retained her position, although she sat back on her chair in a rather chilled position of her own that was strongly rebellious in nature. Her arms dangled over the back of her chair whilst her legs were crossed, her chest or towards Grace. The older girl brought up her hand which had been neatly polished with dark blue, filed to a thin point, as she showed her six of her fingers. She gave the younger girl a list, starting with one. All pertained rules, so she listened carefully. First was introductions, second was that she would be giving Grace the rules and not vice versa. Third was her explaining him to her, as she then have her a compliment on her intellect. Fourth, her giving the older girl her schedule and all get contact information. Fifth was to show Oliver her drawing, while sixth was that she would take a smoke break every one and a while.

Grace nodded at the older girl, listening intently to the list of things. She pressed her lips into a line at the comment of her drawing, as this other girl was clearly full of herself. Why in the world would she be drawing her, as a 'sex goddess' no less? Oliver smirked at her, drawing a nail across her collarbone and neck. Grace didn't look this time, as it was clear that she had been caught from before. The older girl began her introduction first. This girl clearly liked to give out quite a bit of information, and I surprised her. She, on the other hand, was very modest. When she said her piece, Grace was a little wide-eyed at all the interesting information, but thought to herself before doing the same about herself. "Grace Virtuoso, and I like reading and drawing. Umm, I like this c-class and my favorite color is lavender or mint. Umm... Yeah." she said with unease, not exactly answering the same questions as Oliver had, avoiding the sexual preference one entirely. "Oh, and m-my drawing," she muttered as she picked up the thick canvas drawing board. "Well, it's j-just a tree. F-for the current nature project" she said, showing it to Oliver. Sure, she was intimidated by this girl, but she was still going to be as nice as possible to her.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Oliver brought out a electronic cigarette in the middle of Grace's introduction, her unnerving hazel eyes darting back and forth from the blue haired girl in front of her and the sleek, metallic pink piece that dangled between her fingers. When she was done, Oliver nodded and quickly spoke, " Damn, I expected just that, you're a A-class good girl, ya know ?". She'd lift up a thick, arched, perfect brow, " Except your last name...its hot...Vir-tu-o-so" . Oliver would slowly try Grace's name on her lips with her urban drawl, making sure to say it in a rather sensual tone. Finally bringing the e-cig up to her lips, she waited for a second and then blew out a white cloud that smelt of blue raspberry. Shrugging, Oliver would tilt the cigarette towards Grace, " Saved up for a while to get this baby...my favorite flavor is Sex on the Beach though". Taking another drag, she would bring her unoccupied hand up to her temple and massage it with two fingers, trying to remember the second rule.

When, Oliver recalled rule number too, she took another drag before speaking, the smoke coming out in slow O's from her dark lips. It was obvious that other students noticed the smoke drifting from the shielded corner of the classroom, but they wouldn't say anything- Oliver loved her smoke. " I only have three rules for you. I don't even need to tell you to follow them, cause you know what will happen if you don't. First off, you will never gossip about this. All the idiotic fucks in the class will probably go out and tell their skanky friends about this deal but you wont give out any details about what we do here. 2nd, don't let fuck with you or fuck you. You are mine. I don't need you getting a black eye and me getting blamed for it and I also don't need you slaving for some guy when you're supposed to be with me. And last but not least, I expect you to come over too mine at least once a week.You'll be over today".
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Despite the intrusion of the older girl with a electronic cigarette, Grace continued on with her introduction with a piqued teal eyebrow as Oliver seemed to avert her gaze quite frequently from herself to her metallic vale pen at her lips. After she had finished her introduction, Grace swept her hand across her forehead from impending blue bangs as they fell over her long eyelashes. Oliver's first comment was about her purely good-girl status, and the freshman couldn't help but give a sheepish smile in response. At the afterword mention of her surname, she blushed a bright red, a flush spanning across her entire frontal area surrounding her nose. Oliver's suggestive tone didn't help any in the matter. Grace was always one that was quick to fluster and turn crimson. She quickly brought a hand to her face to cover the blush. The older girl took a breath of her electronic cigarette, then blew out a cloud of white with a pleasurably fruity scent. After a shrug, Oliver then tilt her cigarette towards Grace and mentioned a bit about how long it took to get her blue raspberry flavor, and which one was her preferred favorite to smoke. After taking a couple calming breaths through her nose, the younger girl's blush was lightening in color and intensity, fading to a more pale pink. Oliver placed a couple fingertips onto her temple and then thought for a moment. Grace absentmindedly fumbled her drawing pencil between her fingers, lightly twirling it like a miniature baton.

Oliver then took another puff, then blew out a slow circular shape reminding the younger quite profusely of the smoking caterpillar in 'Alice in Wonderland'. She breathed in the sweet scent that in which emanated from the electronic cigarette at her dark lips. Grace looked up briefly, her blue eyes following the white floating smoke up to the ceiling of the art room, and out the west-side window that had happened to be open. She looked back at the other girl as she spoke her piece, well, jailing rules. First, she was never to gossip, something she would never do anyways in the first place; second was not to let anyone mess with her or...do anything else unmentionable to her, the latter already out of the question; third, she was expected to go to Oliver's house once a week? Grace's eyes widened as she was also expected to come over that very day. "Wait-wait-!" she said, a sense of panic and urgency in her voice, her twirling pencil hand since stopping and gripping the utensil. She was not going to go through with this. And since when was she Oliver's property?
Scoffing at Grace's blushing face, Oliver grinned, " You're truly adorable, aren't you, babe ? I'm restraining myself from going over there and kissing that expression off your face". Laughing loudly, she slouched in her chair and examined the blue haired girl playfully. Honesty, Oliver wouldn't mind kissing her. She wasn't hot to anyone but it was obvious that she was quite cute and the way her eyes sparkled probably drove people crazy. " Eh, she has a nice ass", the dark haired girl thought. Turning her attention back to the pen as Grace tried to calm the blush down, Oliver shot her a amused smile since her flustered, awkward demeanor was quite attractive in it's own odd way. Closing her hazel eyes, she began to smoke.

"Wait-wait !"

Flickering gray smoke went from Oliver's cherry mouth to her nostrils as she lifted a thick eyebrow at Grace's frantic tone. About three minutes went by before she actually opened her eyes and looked at her tutor. The poor pencil was clutched tightly in her fist and she looked scared. " Hm ? What's wrong, love ?" . Oliver's slow drawl implied she didn't really care what was.
Grace didn't think this was amusing in the slightest, and Oliver's constant flirting with her wasn't helping with her hot crimson blush painted on the entirety of her heart-shaped face. She tried covering her face, and when that didn't work, she even attempted at just looking away until she could cool down. That didn't work either. Grace was far too intimidated of this older girl to simply look away from her, in fear of what might happen to her from not paying attention. Oliver was simply slouching in her chair, as chill as can be, while the younger girl was honestly silently freaking out about how bad of an idea this tutor thing was. At first, she was relatively excited to finally play teacher, but she wasn't quite expecting someone like the person she was assigned to. She was utterly terrified of this woman. Even if she was as chill at the moment as can be, bringing her vape pen up to her lips and smoking the sweet substance yet again, right in front of her without a care in the world.

Once Grace finally spoke up, she bit her lip and regretted making out even a single word. Freezing up, all she got in response was a raised eyebrow from Oliver, and not even an actual verbal response, at that. Her eyes were closed as she merely smoked away, slouched carelessly in her chair. Fearing for herself and her well-being, Grace bit her lip again, a common quirk of hers when in a predicament like this, as her hands began to shake on the desk. She was beginning to become very anxious, even more so when the other girl finally spoke up. And again, without a care in the world, Oliver's slow speaking drawl giving it all away that she honestly couldn't give a damn at what Grace was about to say. With a hard swallow, she confessed at what she was so frantic about. "We just m-met, yet you're acting like I'm a slave of yours or something, as if I've become your property. I d-don't like it." She said in a shaky tone, keeping her voice low as she didn't even make eye contact between them, obviously too shaken up to do so. Confrontation was a concept that she completely and utterly abhorred.
A small laugh bubbled up from Oliver's cherry colored lips. Changing her husky, slow as honey voice into a purposely screeching falsetto, she sang out in a voice mocking Britney Spears, " Imma slaaaave for ya or however the hell those lyrics go". Laughing rather loudly, the older girl leaned close to Grace, placing her lips by her ear as if to tell some scandalous, schoolgirl seceret. " But you are mine". Slinking back in her chair, she would get up from it and walk over to Grace's side and push her chair back away from the table. Sitting on the table with her legs dangling in the space between, Oliver leaned close in until the two were face to face with a hairbreadth of space separating them. Her breath smelled of the sweet vape and it mixed with the scent of fruity body wash and faint sweat to form a overall, delecious scent. " All my life, I've been told to share. Share your food, share your toys, share your girls and your boys. Share your feelings and share your money. School's all about sharing, ain't it ? But now they've given me someone that I don't have to share and even though I don't want you, I'll put you to good use".

Oliver got even closer to Grace, teasingly brushing their lips together. This was too easy. The teal haired girl was completely open and defenseless, ripe for the taking. That's the first problem the hazel eyed girl would have to fix. If Grace was going to be Oliver's and strictly Oliver's only, she would have to start building up her armor. Still almost kissing her tutor, the older girl would send out her pink tongue to glide against Grace's lower lip softy and then dart it back in her mouth. Whispering incredibly gently and oddly sweetly as not to ruin the moment, she said ,
" Don't worry, babe, I'll be gentle with you".
Grace flinched when the older girl started laughing, but then did so as well awkwardly just to join in with Oliver so she wouldn't be punished or something like that. Then she began singing, in a rather high and pitchy voice. She laughed out loud again and then leaned in forwards towards Grace, speaking onto her ear and confirming that she was actually hers, and definitely no one else's. Her blue eyes widened sightly, whereas she flinched away to the side once more in her seat. Oliver slinked back into her chair, and then got up from it and pushed Grace's chair back away from the table in front of her, only to then sit on said table. The older girl then leaned in close, leaving the younger paralyzed to move anywhere.

Oliver then went on about sharing, and how she grew up doing said sharing. She ended her seductive drawl, sitting incredibly close to Grace, their lips nearly touching while her face remained a deep crimson, with how she wouldn't have to share the younger girl, but would put her to 'good use'. A cold sweat began to form on her forehead, her body staying frozen as it was before. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak, shrouded and completely engulfed with the alluring scent of Oliver, their eyes awkwardly meeting and retaining contact. The older girl's eyes were just so cold, so stuck on her with an almost predatory stare. And Grace was the prey, the stalked game.

The teal haired girl was stuck, her face as crimson as a cherry tomato. Her eyes widened further as a soft lip brushed against her own, a pure static brightening up right between them. Grace felt it, likewise to how she felt her heart literally skip a beat. She was afraid, terrified, but a lingering sense of that 'static' wouldn't leave. She couldn't speak, couldn't move. Then came Oliver's tongue: a sweet, dampness on her lip, thus only increasing that feeling from before. Her stomach was full of a feeling similar to that of anxiety, something that one would probably call raging butterflies. Oliver then told her that she 'would be gentle with her'. Grace couldn't shake this feeling, her face a ripened beet. She merely stayed there, her eyes wide and stuck on Oliver's, her hands still shaking quite profusely from where they sat.
Oliver didn't know if it was how Grace's eyes were such a deep blue, like a endless pool, or the look in them which was a perfect mix of scared and curious but Oliver really wanted to kiss her. Bringing up a slim tanned hand to cup her tutor's face, the other woman blinked slowly. Few could tell that there was some sort of spark between them, how small as it may be, but neither of the girls knew exactly what to do with it. Oliver wanted Grace in a way that the blue haired girl wasn't ready to give and she didn't know if Grace wanted her at all.

Oliver could tell she'd regret this. She could tell that it'd leave a big, fleshy bruise in whatever shaky relationship they have so far. So why did she do it ? That was the same thought running through her head as she met her lips to Grace's. Being true to her word, it was a soft, gentle kiss, Oliver gliding her tongue over Grace's lower inner lip. Moving her hand down Grace's pale neck and to her-Oliver pulled away. Grabbing her backpack, she swaggered away with only a small trip showing how shaken she was.
" I'll pick you up after school and take you to my place. Be ready by 3:45".
The mere seconds that they were so close to each other felt like at least a couple eternities as Grace was frozen where she was, sitting in her desk with the girl she is supposed to tutor up close to her with only a very small gap of space between them. The younger girl was so visibly shaken that she could not move even an inch as Oliver cupped her thin face with a single hand to do so. Staring at her, unblinking, she did not know what to do in this moment as the older girl was seemingly taking control over the situation. Grace's own hands were stuck tight at her sides, almost merged to her body with glue, refusing to even budge an inch from their stagnant position. She swallowed the thick ball in her throat—as it felt like the entire classroom could hear it, it was so quiet in the space between them—time being stuck still between the two girls.

And that was when Oliver did it. At a point of no return, she pressed her lips to Grace's, her smooth tongue running across her lower lip, dangerously close to the opening of her mouth. And there was the static again. No, it was like a strike of lightning. She felt a gentle hand run down the side of her neck, until Oliver finally pulled away. Grace gasped as soon as the space between them was suddenly restored, breathing heavily as if she had not breathed throughout the entirety of the affair. Like holding your breath underwater, until you feel your lungs about to burst and you see black at the edges of your vision. Almost instantaneously had Grace touched a hand to her lips, as she sat there, wide-eyed with her fingers at her mouth.

Even Oliver seemed shaken, but Grace was far too dazed to even noticed. She felt dizzy and completely out of it, as if reality was a completely foreign concept and she did not exist. Her hands did not feel like hers, as if they were lifeless, or even detached. The rest of her body felt like this as well, and she did not know what to do. Grace was stuck—frozen—slumping her elbow onto the desk, until finally cupping both her hands over her face in an attempt to hide herself, her face white as snow from shock as as well as bright red from being kissed, both being painted on her face at the same time. She then let out a small whimper, covering her face as much as she could, looking into her hands and nothing more.

Like any misunderstood teenager her age, there would be intense feelings upon suddenly being in such a stressful situation ending with a kiss from someone they hardly knew. Grace was no exception to this. So many overwhelming emotions at once, she had absolutely no idea on how to react now that it was all over. In addition to that whimper had a small tear rolled down her cheek and through her hands, a small droplet landing on her desk. She tried to cover her face as well as she could as anxiety began to seriously set in. Grace only heard partly of what Oliver had said—the important parts were tangible to her, at least—as she now had to suffer for both the rest of class as well as the rest of the school day, in addition to going to this girl's house after-school now. She did not know how she was going to deal with event the first part of the challenge, merely waiting out this class that she could not even enjoy now today.

"You sit back down where you belong

In the corner of the bar with your high heels on

Sit back down on the couch where we first made love and you said to me-"

Oliver took a big breath for dramatic effort, about to flawlessly belt out the chorus when the phone rang. The energetic bleeping completely jolted her out of the I-am-Lady-Gaga-and-Beyoncé-fucking-combined-right-now mood. Oli glared at the device for a moment before stomping over and picking it up, not bothering to turn down the stereo. "The hell do you need ?", her voice changed to a gravelly growl, nothing like the clear falsetto she was flaunting a minute before. A nasally whimper came from the other end of the phone and the coy tone made Oliver want to kill herself. "Peaches, is that you ?", the brunette replied back cheerfully, "Dude, do I even want to know how you got my home number ?". Peaches DeLuca was a call girl and one of Oliver's best friends. The woman was a 5'6, artificially redheaded spitfire-just Oli's type. However, Peaches made it pretty clear that there was no one in the universe more heterosexual than her and that was that.

The two made idle but lewd chit chat for a moment before Peaches said
"Anyway, enough to about the pros and cons of doing it doggy style. How's school goin', kid ?". The question made the hazel eyed girl freeze for a second before she composed herself. "Just peachy-you see what I did there, eh ? Speaking of school, I have to go pick my guidance counselor-issued tutor. Apparently, skipping school is worse than going to school and starting fights. That's why I got stuck with some blue haired heifer to make sure I don't do either". Oliver didn't notice the cruel words that so easily slipped out of her mouth until a moment later. Cringing softly, she just shook it off, no reason to apologize for Grace when-"I judge by the way you are speaking about said tutor that she's attractive ?". Goddamn it, Peaches. She could read Oliver like a book. Simply slamming the phone back on the receiver, the brunette began clomping down to the garage of her apartment complex.

She got into her car, a (I have no knowledge of types of cars so forgive me) black Audi she liked to call Berri, and turned on the engine. Not the American Average started blasting out causing Oli to smile. Grace would know she was here. The teen didn't bother calling because she knew that the blue haired girl would know exactly what time she was coming. Besides, Oli would waltz in and drag Grace out by the ass cheeks if she didn't comply.


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