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Placeholder Name Here ~ 1x1 ~ Meredith & youth


An Apostle of Ghan with Fiendish Intent
Roleplay Type(s)


1x1 with @youth


Muse A is a solo parent. They’ve been a solo parent the whole life time of their child and they don’t regret how hard they have to work for it. Muse A is working two jobs, one during the day while their child is at school, and one from home in the evenings once their child goes to bed. They want the best for their child but they are definitely running on a lack of sleep. 

To much of the outside world Muse A is a grump or a snarky person, but they never are to their child. They don’t mind the long hours, they aren’t looking for pity or for anyone to come along and save them. It’s just them and their child against the world

Muse B is the teacher of Muse A’s child. Muse B has been falling for Muse A since their child started in the class. They begin to find ways to get Muse A into class more often to talk to and see. Muse B is incredibly fond of the child as well as Muse A and one day eventually admits that the reason they called Muse A in was a pretense so Muse B could see Muse A again and invite them out for coffee.

How will Muse A react?
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