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PKMN [Mushroom/DeUil]

Mushroom Wars]We can start here whenever ur ready at [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17748-deuil/ said:
Go ahead and start us out.
Krash let loose a quick yawn. It wasn't unnatural for him to be tired at this time of day, he was nocturnal by nature, but on top of that he had been exploring ice path before coming to blackthorn city. He wanted to at least catch a swinub so he'd at least have an ice type but they weren't appearing so he gave up, for the time being anyways.

That brings us to the present. Krash had just left the blackthorn pokemart paper sack in hand. The afternoon had just rolled around and it was time for lunch. Reaching into the paper bag, Krash pulled out a half sandwich and handed it to the recently hatched ralts that was sitting on his shoulder. Ralts eagerly accepted it, which brought a smile to Krash's face. Ralts was his newfound pride and joy.

He'd bring the others out when he found a place to settle down.

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