• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern || PIXEL W00DS ||


Senpai God pretending to be the Queen of the Booty

Hey, hey! Now that I have your attention with this eye catching sticky note, I would like to let you and anyone else who reads this that the RP is still under construction!


RP Editing

If you do have questions that aren't in the Q&A (I will be adding more! This thread is still UC.), feel free to PM me!

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I'm still tweaking some things out here and there since this is an old RP that I made on another site. :0 There are many things that I still have to do, such as editing mistakes, drawing a few maps, adding a Q&A, and blah, blah, blah. I'll do my best to quickly finish these things, but it may take some time.

However I am really glad to see that people are interested in this! :D
I don't know nearly as much of the story as I would wish to yet, and that is a good sign.

Willing to participate.
@AlwaysYours Sex is different from gender. Sex is what you are/were part wise down there while gender is what you identify as. c: For example, if you picked a roles who's sex is listed as male, you can still pick what the character identifies as. So if that character who's parts are male, you can still say that they are a female (MTF)/genderfluid/agender/male with the 'Gender' part of the skelly. :0

I hope I didn't come off as rude! >~< I just want to explain it really well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also I should have this RP open for sign-ups this weekend, but that may change. School just started for me so I'm still getting adjusted since I transferred to a new one over the summer. @-@"
could you tag me when this is up? i would be interested in joining :)

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