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Pirate War (w/ Roman)


pun master
Elm couldn't discern what was happening - it had all happened so fast. All she knew was that she was being taken away.

In most cases, she would've been able to put up a fight; however, more than a dozen men against one weren't fair odds. She regretted her volunteering to stay alone at the port of St. Thomas while they restocked. She made herself far too vulnerable.

The captain sent quite a lot of his crew to apprehend her, though. That meant that he knew that she was a fighter. No one on the ship would be happy to know that she had killed four of their men.

She wondered what else the captain knew. Moreover, she wondered why the captain of the Sea Maiden wanted HER. It would've been seemingly smarter to take Captain Keen. It would've left a hole in the crew's leadership. Also, Elm couldn't have pictured the ships' feud to escalate to the level it had. She knew very little about what to expect.

Now, here she was: bound to a chair in a room that what she thought to be the captain's quarters. Two crew members were standing in the room, watching her intently and with disdain. She could hear shouting from above - Elm wondered if Captain Keen had come back to notice her disappearance, as well as the presence of the Sea Maiden by their port. Suddenly, she heard footsteps outside of the quarters.

(We should probably play crew members, too - to keep the story going along.)
( Alright, I can do that )

Alastair came down to the hold, a few men following behind. He told the guards they could head up to the deck and took a seat in front of the captive. A frown formed on his face, as he began to notice, the crew didn't take the captain, but a woman. "Who is this?" He asked, the men behind him. One of them stepped up and stated it was their first mate. "Why would we want the first mate? She isn't as valuable as their captain..." Alastair said coldly. Another one of the men spoke, "We couldn't find the captain. If we were able to, we'd try and take him instead, but we took what was we thought was close enough." The crew member explained. Alastair stood up and ordered the two guards to return to their watch.

Later that same day, Alastair returned alone. He took his same seat, he had before and removed a blindfold from her face. "Welcome aboard, The Sea Maiden. The ship that triumphs them all..." He said smirking. "Now, I would like to know, who you are and what purpose you served to, Keen's ship." Alastair demanded. "And this isn't a question."
Elm looked at the man before her with disdain as he spoke to her, demanding answers to questions that he wouldn't admit were questions.

"You don't know who I am?" She asked after a long pause, "Then you're clearly no captain."

She pondered her next sentence.

"My name is Elm, and like you said, I'm the first mate to the superior Pharoh. Any other purpose I serve is none of your concern. I now only speak to the captain." For effect, she leaned in and spit in his face.
erikaleeanne said:
Elm looked at the man before her with disdain as he spoke to her, demanding answers to questions that he wouldn't admit were questions.
"You don't know who I am?" She asked after a long pause, "Then you're clearly no captain."

She pondered her next sentence.

"My name is Elm, and like you said, I'm the first mate to the superior Pharoh. Any other purpose I serve is none of your concern. I now only speak to the captain." For effect, she leaned in and spit in his face.
Alastair frowned and wiped the spit off his face. He looked at her and wiped it across her face, speaking after, "Let me tell you something. One: Don't spit on me if you want to live to see the next day. Two: You're right. I'm not the captain, but I was told to come down here." He said, placing a hand on his sword. "The reason I was told to come down here is because, you're not what the captain wanted, so he would rather no waste his time with you." Alastair explained. He unsheathed his blade and put it up against the female's neck. "Now I could kill you. The captain already gave me permission to do so. That being said, you should answer my questions..."
As Elm felt the blade against her neck, she closed her eyes and sighed. "Look," she muttered, "I've already told you - I'm the first mate of the Pharoh. I'm sure you're aware of the duties and implications of a first mate. There's nothing else to tell."

She eyed the sword. "Now," she said, slower, "I hope that you and your captain are aware that if you kill me, Captain Keen will kill you and anyone you've related yourself with. He lives for these kinds of things."
erikaleeanne said:
As Elm felt the blade against her neck, she closed her eyes and sighed. "Look," she muttered, "I've already told you - I'm the first mate of the Pharoh. I'm sure you're aware of the duties and implications of a first mate. There's nothing else to tell."
She eyed the sword. "Now," she said, slower, "I hope that you and your captain are aware that if you kill me, Captain Keen will kill you and anyone you've related yourself with. He lives for these kinds of things."
"Your captain, isn't gonna touch anyone!" Alastair said, a laugh following after. He put the blade back in it's sheath and took a seat again. "You'll be staying here with us on the, Maiden. Might as well get uses to your new home down here." He said, his smirk returning to his face. "Oh! If your captain is all what you say, he'll come get save you. Til' then farewell. Don't die in here, you'll give the place an unbearable stench if ya do." Alastair then turned around and made his way out of the hold.
After the man left, Elm immediately began figuring out a plan in her head. She knew the captain was coming for her - in fact, she was positive. She pictured the Sea Maiden at steady pace, desperately trying to avoid the Pharoh as it charged behind. It was relief, thinking that if she was able to get to an open window, then she could jump out and flag down her ship.

First, however, she had to get out of the chair with causing a commotion. She scanned the captain's quarters and saw a dagger sitting on the edge of his desk. Too easy.

She gently inched the chair towards the captains desk, and turned her chair around. She leaned foward, desperately trying to grab the knife with her fingers. Once she got ahold of it, she began sawing at the ropes, soon freeing herself.

Behind the captains desk was a window - somewhat small, but she figured she could weasel her body through, if need be. She tucked the dagger into the back of her pants for savekeeping - the crew members had taken all of her weapons - and walked to the window, peering out in search of her ship. She couldn't exactly see it, but she was sure it was there. Perhaps on the other side of the ship...
A few members of the crew came down, the captain's orders. "She won't be goin' anywhere if the captain has his top men on her." One of them men said. Another followed behind, quite bigger than the rest, "You're right. The 'first mate' won't be going anywhere." He said cracking his knuckles. When the group of four made it to her last known location, they were shocked to see her gone. They all reached for the weapons and searched around for her. "Keep your eyes open for her and don't be afraid. She is only one woman..."
Leaving the captains quarters, Elm cursed under her breath at the sight of four men standing a few feet away, seemingly on the search for her. There would be a very slim chance that they could make it past them without them noticing. She pulled the dagger from the back of her pants and tightened her grip on it. Swiftly, she threw the knife, lodging it in one of the men's chests. She then advanced upon the other three, taking her knife out of the first man and jumping on the back of one of the others, knocking the hilt of the blade against another man's head and then the man she was riding. Leaving her and the largest man, she stuck the dagger back into her pocket and took the swords of two of the unconscious men and holding both against the large one's throat. In that split second, she had an idea.

"I'll make this easy for you to understand," she hissed, "Take me to your captain or you will die."
The man frowned, "No. I can't If you're dead." He said pointing behind her. Alastair stood there, a hand on his gun. He slowly walked toward her, aiming the gun at her chest, "Drop the swords now...." he ordered, in a low tone. "If you refuse, I swear you'll die right here." Alastair said coldly.
Elm turned to face the man, but kept the swords the larger man. She briefly considered dropping the swords, but then scolded herself for it. Captain Keen taught her to never show defeat.

"I want to see the captain." She said, voice steady, "And you will take me to him, or you can just kill me." She then took the swords off of the man's throat and dropped them, hiding a smile as they hit the pile of one probably dead and two unconscious bodies.

"Go ahead," she said, "Kill me."
The captain came down and looked the girl down, "What in the bloody hell have you done to my men?!" He asked furious. "Alastair, hand me your gun." The captain ordered. Alastair nodded and put his gun in the captain's hand. "Restrain her." Alastair walked behind the female and tied her wrists with rope. "Now, what do you want with me?" He asked.
Elm rolled her eyes as the man tied her hands. "Your men are starry eyed pigs," Elm said, "they got what they deserved."

She paused. Her on-the-spot plan had been ruined, so she was left to improvise, "Tell me," she said, "what's your plan, 'captain'? The Pharoh is faster than your little dingy here, so they WILL find you eventually. And when they do, they will kill you if I'm dead. Perhaps even if I'm alive. So, what are you left to do if you don't let me go?"
The captain laughed and slapped the woman, "Don't you ever talk down about the Maiden! Your ship may have speed but we have both numbers and strength!" He shouted. Alastair wanted to stop his father from hitting her, but he wasn't able to order his able to tell his father what to do. "The answer to your question isn't die. It's eliminate Keen's crew and raid his ship. Simple as that."
Elm's heart sank at the sound of his plan, but she wouldn't let him see it. "I may be a woman, but don't mistake me or my crew. You and Keen have been trying to eliminate each other with hair-brained schemes for a while now, with no success. It's hardly going to be different this time."
erikaleeanne said:
Elm's heart sank at the sound of his plan, but she wouldn't let him see it. "I may be a woman, but don't mistake me or my crew. You and Keen have been trying to eliminate each other with hair-brained schemes for a while now, with no success. It's hardly going to be different this time."
"Keen, doesn't have these." The captain said pointing to the upgraded cannons. "I doubt his men could even handle these!" He said, smiling a devilish smile. "I'll be leaving now. Alastair, kill her. Big guy you're coming with me." He said as the two left.
Elm glanced at the cannons as the captain left. "If you think a couple of cannons are good enough for this war, you're crazier than I thought!" She called after him.

She then looked at the man, quietly and without expression. If he was going to kill her, she wasn't going to show weakness.
erikaleeanne said:
Elm glanced at the cannons as the captain left. "If you think a couple of cannons are good enough for this war, you're crazier than I thought!" She called after him.
She then looked at the man, quietly and without expression. If he was going to kill her, she wasn't going to show weakness.
"What are you looking at?" Alastair asked. He grabbed his dagger and thought for a moment. "I might be a pirate, but I do have my limitations... Which I think will get me killed one day, but so what." He said with a shrug. "I'm not gonna kill ya, if that's what you'are wondering. Torture is a option, but killing? No. I'll rather have a little fun and take my time." Alastair wiped the dagger clean with a cloth. "Yeah.. torture it is. You may not be scared of death, but no one can tolerate torture for long periods of time."
It was then that Elm remembered the dagger lodged into the back of her pants. She quietly extracted it with her fingers and tried, once again, sawing off her ropes. "What do you exactly have to gain from all of this?" She asked, "From torturing, from following that idiot's orders...you're going to end up dead because of him one day."
erikaleeanne said:
It was then that Elm remembered the dagger lodged into the back of her pants. She quietly extracted it with her fingers and tried, once again, sawing off her ropes. "What do you exactly have to gain from all of this?" She asked, "From torturing, from following that idiot's orders...you're going to end up dead because of him one day."
"Just know if I had to, I'll die with my crew. No need for more questions from you." Alastair said. He heard the ropes hit the ground and immediately gripped his dagger tighter. "You're a pretty tough woman. Now I see why Keen has you around." Alastair then looked around, noticing a few ways out, "You planned on leaving?"
Elm sighed, revealing her dagger. "You didn't expect me to stay here, did you?" She snipped.

"As do you, I also have a crew that I would die with. And for." She gripped the dagger tighter. "So, it seems we've hit an impasse."
Alastair nodded, "We do indeed. I'm glad I was able to share a moment with such a tough pirate. Especially a woman, but I don't plan on dying at your hand. Instead I will let you go free and fight you when the time comes." Alastair smirked. "Though, I'll have to think about that... For now we wait."
Elm raised an eyebrow at him, "Fine. See you then." She turned on her heel and ran, ascending the stairs and emerging on the deck, where she hid behind a post as two crew members passed. She then snuck out to the railing, attempting to appear as inconspicuous as possible as she searched for the Pharoh in the distance. 'No one notice me,' she whispered, 'Please don't notice me.'
erikaleeanne said:
Elm raised an eyebrow at him, "Fine. See you then." She turned on her heel and ran, ascending the stairs and emerging on the deck, where she hid behind a post as two crew members passed. She then snuck out to the railing, attempting to appear as inconspicuous as possible as she searched for the Pharoh in the distance. 'No one notice me,' she whispered, 'Please don't notice me.'
(( That would be hard. We don't have any female crew members. ))

Alastair sighed and sat down in down in the chair, she sat in. "Don't Ger caught... " He said, a slight chuckle following after.

One of the members of the crew stopped Elm and looked her down, "Who might you be? Did Alastair bring you aboard or something?"
Elm felt her face go pale. She turned around and faced the crew member. She nodded.

"Um, yes," she quietly replied, "he did bring me aboard. He asked me to come." She pointed to the waters. "I just, um, like the ocean."

She turned back to the railing. It was then that she could see the Pharoh dotting the horizon. A brief smile flashed across her face.

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