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Fantasy Pine/\Peaks - Character Wiki




Welcome to the Wiki!

Our new "Series" (side note, this isn't an actual series) is underway and episodes are rolling! And as such, a wiki is assembled to record all information revealed along the way.
Characters back at the studio -prior to showing and cataloging- must be accepted as a concept first. As this place is a wiki, things will be revealed about characters along the way, rather than a prior and still sheet of paper. You will be responsible for updating your character sheets. Your character sheets will be checked and monitored. We have a few rules here:

  1. Concepts and Additions must be discussed prior to use.
  2. After each introduction, a wiki will be updated
  3. treat this like a fan-site, leave details open to being discovered- make theories about the others!
If something comes up, we will notify you to discuss and resolve issues found.

If you require assistance in creating your character's wiki, contact the GM immediately. I will happily assemble the code together upon given the info to be integrated into it.

Preview of our code

Your Name Here

(Picture of dude)

Character Information

Full Name:
Other Names
Voice (Optional, Link to vid)
Occupation (If Any)
Quote (if any)

Brief Summary of their history- This section doesn't require much, the depth of the backstory depends on what your willing to write.

A few words on the disposition of your character...

A few lines to detail your character- A few images will do, or (if you lack the images) A short description will do fine. Anything that you wish to add (be it a gimmick of the appearance or anything special) should be detailed here.

~Current Theories~
Become your inner Fan! Craft and create Theories- no matter true or fake- to give some speculative subjects into the fray!

~Family and Friends~
Optional- Extra words on the subject of companionship. If you want to specifically detail certain relationships- Describe them here under a selected name! (delete this section if you'd rather not detail this)
Name of the Dood
Description of relationship

[row][column=span2][div=padding: 0px;][bg=#bed7d1][color=white]
[CENTER][font=ACME]Your Name Here[/Font][/CENTER]
(Picture of dude)

[CENTER][font=ACME]Character Information[/Font][/CENTER]
Full Name:
Other Names
Voice (Optional, Link to vid)
Occupation (If Any)
Quote (if any)
Brief Summary of their history- This section doesn't require much, the depth of the backstory depends on what your willing to write.

A few words on the disposition of your character...

A few lines to detail your character- A few images will do, or (if you lack the images) A short description will do fine. Anything that you wish to add (be it a gimmick of the appearance or anything special) should be detailed here.

[font=ACME]~Current Theories~[/Font]
Become your inner Fan! Craft and create Theories- no matter true or fake- to give some speculative subjects into the fray!

[font=ACME]~Family and Friends~[/Font]
Optional- Extra words on the subject of companionship. If you want to specifically detail certain relationships- Describe them here under a selected name! (delete this section if you'd rather not detail this)
Name of the Dood
Description of relationship






Character Information

Full Name: Ripley
Other Names: None
Age: Seven months
Occupation: None
Quote: "Mrrrow"

This section is incomplete! Not much is known about the cast as of now, but it may be fleshed out in the future!
Brief Summary of their history- Ripley was left in a box with her brother and sister off the side of the road not far from Pinepeaks. Not long after she realized that she had been ditched, Ripley ventured into the woods in search of a home. Instead of home, Ripley found herself lost in the forest. She dealt with hunger and predators in those woods, the sorts of things she had never had to worry about in her tiny life. Though it wasn't just these things in the woods. There were other things that, even as a kitten who had previously never left her small home, she recognized as... unnatural.

By some miracle of nature, Ripley emerged from the woods into Pinepeaks, starved, but alive. After her time in the forest, Ripley became a rather bold town stray. After what she had seen she held no fear of humans or even other stray cats. About a week after her arrival in town she was lured out and adopted by one of the town members (looking for volunteers). Since then she has adjusted well to being a loving, albeit a little wild, house cat.

Ripley is a very cheerful and sneaky cat. She is very nosey regarding other people's business, especially that of humans. She is very confident and stubborn which helps her be brave even in dangerous situations. While she isn't the most trusting, she is a very loving kitty. Whether or not it's an act though depends on how well she knows the person.

Ripley is a small black cat with golden yellow eyes and a long, somewhat floofy, tail.

~Current Theories~
Ripley is just Ripley from Aliens turned into a cat, the true villain was rival town Evergreen Mountaintops all along, melons are the key, and Mickey Mouse is keeping secrets.

~Family and Friends~
Optional- Extra words on the subject of companionship. If you want to specifically detail certain relationships- Describe them here under a selected name! (delete this section if you'd rather not detail this)
Name of the Dood
Description of relationship

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Character Information

Full Name: Lilina Wicker
Other Names: Ovelia, Lily
Age: 17
Occupation: Dollmaker
Quote: "I see you..."



Judging by her appearance, she's not too fond of company and when she's around it, she responds to questions meekly. When it comes to secrets, Lilina cannot shut her mouth. She can't help herself, " Eventually, they will be revealed, what's the purpose of keeping them secret? ".

She usually wear her hair as pigtails with a slight orange bonnet above it. Her dress covers her upper thighs but on certain days, she wears black stockings. For her shoes, some red boots or red doll shoes will make her pleased.

~Current Theories~
She gets her materials in dollmaking in the most unnatural of places. The girl spends most of her time in the forest, searching for something. Her classmates speculate something is up with in her home but it has never been truly proven.

~Family and Friends~
George Wicker - Younger Brother
George Wicker is the younger brother to Lilina in their home but she's more child-like in doing the responsibilities as the older sister. Lilina knows the hobbies of George late at night. She cares for George very much and takes care of him with all her heart.

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Character Information

Full Name: Allan Poe Bellamy
Other Names: Al, Bellamy, Bell
Age: 17
Voice: N/A
Occupation: Amateur musician/artist
Quote: "Watch the hair, man.. I've spent more time on this than my social life"

This section is incomplete! Not much is known about the cast as of now, but it may be fleshed out in the future!
"Allan seemed to have an affinity for the arts since a young age - He was learning his first instrument(s) at age 4, painting along with Bob Ross at 6, and keeping a full sketchbook of all of his drawings at 10. By age 14, he'd gotten extraordinarily good at guitar, drums, and piano, as well as playing bass guitar, clarinet, violin, trumpet, harmonica... The list goes on. By 16, he was playing local shows all over town, as well as doing a few art commissions here and there. Now, he spends most of his days either reading, drawing, playing music, or tagging buildings -- All, mainly, alone."

While he knows his way around a pencil and a pick, the same can't be said about people. If Allan were to be described in one word, it would be... Abrasive. He's not necessarily rude, his personality is just an... Acquired taste, if you will. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, that's for damn sure, but it can sometimes get out of hand. He does, however, have a soft spot for certain people, and if you can get past his rather arse-ish exterior, he's a pretty chill guy.
The picture to the left shows his usual wardrobe - jeans, a denim jacket, and some kind of band shirt (Mainly Pink Floyd, AC/DC, or Rush - his favourites). As you can see, he has a chronic case of resting bitch face, although he does occasionally crack a smirk.

~Current Theories~
He spends a considerable amount of time in the basement of his parents' house, where he lives, as well as at the local library. Could this just be him being antisocial, or something else?

...Yeah, probably just him being antisocial.

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Character Information

Full Name: George Edward Wicker
Other Names: Geo, Wicky
Age: 16
Occupation: None
Quote: "The rain never ends..."


Easy and outgoing, his mask of friendliness is shown when he is around company but as night time comes, his welcoming facade changes into something more psychotic. His eyes become more wide and his smile turns into a grin of sadism. When you cross him, he'll be waiting, with a scalpel in hand.

He usually wears a black shirt and some jeans to go along with it. As for shoes, he wears black and white checkered sneakers or just plain white ones. On cold days, he wears a gray wool scarf.

~Current Theories~
When friends come to visit his home or go to his room, they see a collection of dead butterflies near some scalpels. An odor could be smelt from his room but it is only a faint odor, the scent of blood. Whenever his classmates ask him of this, he says it's most likely due to the butcher shop near them.

~Family and Friends~
Lilina Wicker - Older Sister
She's the older one among the sibling duo, the more silent one of them. People confuse John as the older one of them due to his height but he's actually the younger one.

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Character Information

Full Name: Alexander Benjamin Cook
Other names: Alec, Alex, Ben, Benny, Cook, Chef
Age: 17
Occupation: Cashier at LONGmart
Quote: “[Sir/Ma’am], would you like me to scan this item or not?”


This section is incomplete, more will come soon.
Alexander has been working at the local LONGmart since he was 16. His dad died - died? Left? Is no longer around - and hasn’t been since before Alec was born. Also, birds and snakes are cool.
Very happy once you get to know him

Seems angsty all the time


~Current Theories~
Everyone thinks he’s an arsonist (I can never understand why, but whatever, I guess).
~Family and Friends~

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|| CS - Work . In . Progress ||



Name: Tauki Sumaro

Nickname(/s): Taku, Suma, Maru, Ukii, etc….

Age: 17-19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homo-Flexiable

Clothing preference: Tomboy with a girly hint and a lazy/messy style

Species: Tanuki

Town status: Transfer or new kid around

powers: Tanuki-related. (Mainly just the transformation aspect)

personality & backstory: (discord notes)
XD I mean sure lool she's 'friends' with everyone in a sense as I said to ozzy earlier haha just kinda always in the background, eating or sleeping haha, eh pretty mysterious and quiet though bubbly in nature and always willing to lend a hand though pretty lazy and hungry constantly haha.
lool my tanuki would do anyway, she'd probally just sit there and chat to her lool mutual friends mine sleeps yours quiet so perfect she's not pushy either with secrets, so it's not like she'd have some goal for her to open up she likes to accept peeps just as they are haha
awkward for her becuase tanukis dont get periods like other animals they just have heat haha trying to make up stuff on the spot from what she vaguely knows of periods just like -BLOOD ..... LOTS OF BLOOD EVERYWHERE. just realised at one time or another in a year
she gonna be in heat XD for like a solid couple days to weeksan cus she pretty much totally gay uh that'll be awkward she'll be so confused about male private parts as well becuase male tanuki can stretch out uh their balls super huge like blankets just like- wait that's not normal here? XD sex ed So shes basically oblivious to any sexual innuendo the enemy of my chara exactly Oh shes too innocent for the world not innocent she be so horny in heat XD just- oblivious so she can nap easily without being judge and doesnt have to worry about passing out mid conversation like they expect mine to be offended by that she just like shrugs blank faced yeah.
lool, mine doesn't understand innuendos just being like she's a friend with benefits. Oh girl.
But yeah lots of inner conflict on my one with her secrets from her friends being raised human but well not being one and too scared to know if she would prefer being an animal becuase she doesnt want to loose them but being active in human society is super hard for her and stuff she doesn't know where she fits and feels like she'd lying to those she cares about in a way by pretending to be human Also other Tanuki's would be against it since they're supposed to cause mischeif and keep humans away from their places, not blend in with them and live there she's a pure tanuki but well that's kinda taboo in their society ya arent meant to interact with humans and never reveal your powers no haha, her parents were tanuki's as well, but chose this lifestyle to live as humans, they'd both fallen in love with human society and all their funny quirks like eating like strange shiny things and wearing strange coloured things on top of your body but they never forced their thoughts on her lool it's kinda why shes so aloof they were both kinda out there and overly chill parents but friendly and loving.



Current Theories:



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Character Information

Full Name: Steven Scarberry
Other Names Steve, Stevie
Age: 20
Voice (Optional, Link to vid)
Occupation: Mail man
Quote (if any)



Steven is known for his overly friendly attitude towards everyone. He acts abnormally casual towards strangers and tries to be on a first name basis with all the people he usually encounters while delivering. He's incredibly chatty and seems unable to pick up on the social cues to stop. Steven is a follower at heart, and is easily roped into difficult situations simply because someone asked him to.

Steven has brown eyes, sandy blond hair, and stubble that he should really just shave but keeps forgetting to do so. The only abnormal feature Steven has is his height, which reaches past six feet. In the brief periods of time where he is not wearing his work uniform, Steven wears casual, comfy clothes and colorful pajamas. He rarely ever seen without his hat.

~Current Theories~

~Family and Friends~

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Character Information
Full Name: Zack Tom Zapatos
Other Names: Zap-boy (The only thing he responds to)
Age: 9
Occupation: 'Crime Fighter'
Quote: "There's no need to cower, Zap-boy will fix it on the hour!"

Brief Summary of their history- This section doesn't require much, the depth of the backstory depends on what your willing to write.
Zack, only called Zap-boy, has only ever remembered living with his father. He specifically recalls the many cartoons and books he read previously, and looks up to the many fictional men and women who have risked their lives for the greater good; superheros. This fancy became an obsession, to the point that he always wears one of his two sets of hand made (not actually hand made) superhero suits, and requires everyone distinguish him as a crime fighter.

Zap-boy has always had a soft spot for the morally correct. He can be summed up as 'what would superman do?'. Aside from that, he has a heart as big as a mountain, and a naivety about the same size. To understand Zap-boy's situation, all you have to do is ask. He values big words he doesn't quite understand, like honesty.

~Current Theories~
Sometimes I wonder if Zap-boy went through something to appreciate good-doing. Has something bad happened to him? His mother isn't around, maybe that is related?

~Family and Friends~
Borkaviski Zapatos: A loving father that doesn't quite understand Zap-boy's interest into superheros. Also, a fun quirk is that Zack is Hebrew, Zapatos is Spanish, and Borkaviski is Polish-like, so what the heck is Zack's family supposed to be?
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Nora Quarterlane


Character Information

Full Name: Eleanor Longabaugh Quarterlane
Other Names: Nora (most commonly used and known as; she hates her given name), Laney, Nellie, Sleepy, Bull-Dozer, Sleeper Agent, The Steel Shawty
Age: 16

Voice (Optional, Link to vid): Lydia Knight -
Occupation (If Any): Errand girl + building superintendent at her grandmother's building.
Quote (if any): "(Long yawn)."




If you can keep her awake long enough, Nora is an easy-going, friendly, and laid back gal pal, well humored with a dry wit and often coy and sarcastic, but on the level it doesn't take that much energy. She's like one of those people too tired to actually smile, but just sorta bare their teeth at you, like they just part their lips wide enough for you to see their teeth. That is the essence of Nora. People mistake her sleepy demeanor as a calm and mellow composure, but it's a mistake to miscalculate her chillness/exhaustion as weakness. Despite her willowy and skinny stature, she has a hidden strength that is approximately 80 times her size. She's a sleeping liability, especially after waking up when driven to exhaustion, better diagnosed as her narcolepsy. Suddenly waking her up will activate Russo-Latino mania, where she totally acts out of her usual nature while speaking both languages, an uncontrollable state of mind that can't quite be explained, just stopped by her service dog, Harlow.


Nora has a willowy build, skinny and standing at 5'5'' most of it being her sticky-as-in-like-sticks legs. Her most notable features are her pale grey eyes and her hair, raven black tendrils falling a bit past the mid of her back. She has a penchant for wearing all her grandfather's clothes; at least one item of her outfit was her grandfather's, whether it be a large knit sweater on top of a high collared button up of its a fancier or colder affair, or one of his short sleeve button ups with his name embroidered over the pocket ( he was a mechanic ) over a long-sleeved shirt, which is her usual fare. Her yellow rubber sneakers are always a permanent feature of her wardrobe; like Nora herself, they are practically indestructible.

~Current Theories~

Nora was a cryogenically frozen Russian sleeper cell agent, the vestigial remnant of the Soviet Union in America; the last unhunted witch in a world were red is no longer scary. It's the Manchurian Candidate all over again; experimented on like a Russian Captain America. She has amnesia in order to hide her identity but Grandma Ruby is just her handler, giving her instructions in the chemical signals when her cookies are consumed. She is super sleepy all the time because she was the unknown lone survivor of the infamous sleep experiment. This is all a test to see where Nora's allegiance lands after regaining her memories. Grandma Ruby has instructions to eliminate Nora if she turns insurgent. Then it becomes like Jason Bourne. Dun dun dun.

~Family and Friends~

Ruby Spratt - Grandmother
Nora lives with her grandmother, Ruby; her parents are divorced but they get the job done in terms of child support. Just the checks, not with their actual support or presence in her life, duh.

Harlow - Service Dog and Best Friend!
Harlow makes sure Nora stays awake with a lick to the face or a bark to ear and keeps her from going Russo-Latino mode, and Nora makes sure Harlow knows she loves him.

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Character Information

Full Name: John Miller
Other Names: Jonathan, Johnny
Age: 21
Occupation: Investigative Journalist
Quote: "It seems that something is missing..."



He's quite an idiot and a bit nervous when you first meet him but as he gets more and more used to people, he becomes more of a loyal dog to his friends and a gentleman to women. John casually smokes a pipe to relieve some stress for a while.

Usually wears a coat and tie for his outting's but wears some suspenders and a dress shirt even though he's at home. Has a small watch on his wrist and a small metal ring on his pointer at his dominant hand. Has blue highlights in his hair, he likes it just because of how it looks pretty good on him.

~Current Theories~
He's already a year in the town but some things are off in his nightly expeditions to the forest. He usally writes for his blogs to update them on some certain things that is happening in the town.

~Family and Friends~
Ruby Spratt - B.F. For Life! (also Landlady)
He usually goes knitting with her in her apartment, that she's the landlady of, and does some activities with her. She sometimes lets in on some secrets abot the other elderly people in the neighborhood.

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Drake Sherman.jpg

Character Information

Full Name: Derek Drake Sherman
Other Names: Der, Spaz, Asshole
Age: 17
Occupation: Guitarist and Singer, Student
Quote: "Love me or hate me, you're never going to forget me"

Brief Summary of their history- Derek didn't have the standard childhood, but then again, who did in Pinepeaks? He never really had enough time to sped with his father before he walked out on him, but there was one thing Derek has to thank that man for. Music. The little time they spent together was spent listening to music, singing, and even teaching the young boy how to play guitar. It instilled a passion an an obsession for the boy, and with his ADHD, a remedy to keep focus and not bounce off the walls to even function. Of course, because of this, without music, he's a twitchier and downright vibrating mess.

Derek is a hyper individual, and you won't be able to go a single second without him tapping his feet, drumming his fingers, fiddling with something, bobbing his head to music, you get the picture. He can be twitchy, and this is at its worst during a stressful situation as he's on wide alert and can't keep still to save his life. Sarcastic with a dark sense of humour, Derek doesn't have much of a filter and has to make a true effort to keep from blurting out whatever flies through that hyperactive brain of his, but he appreciates those around him who stick by him. Smug and cocky, he is rarely seen in public without the corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. However, that plastic expression hides a neurotic and paranoid mind, as he looks to everyone with a measured gaze, wanting to feel for them, wanting closer and deeper relationships, however believing that he can't trust any relationship he has, that they will leave the moment he becomes comfortable.

Derek stands at a height of 5'11" and weighs only 120 pounds, looking like quite the twig under his leather jacket and skinny jeans. Black hair usually falls in his stormy green irises, with the length in the back almost touching his shoulders. Tattoos run along his arms, piercings adore his ear and even his lip, and rings adorn a few finger, much to the chagrin of his mother. A slight scent of Deathsticks cling to him due to his smoking habit
~Current Theories~
His dad left just to get away from him, I mean, who'd want to even live with this freak? Also heard he's a liar too, and a thief! How can you deal with someone like that?

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Ruby Spratt


Character Information

Full Name: Robin Eugenia Spratt
Other Names: Ruby ( better known alias )
Age: 64

Voice (Optional, Link to vid): Lauren Bacall -
Occupation (If Any): Landlady, former private investigator
Quote (if any): "Do yourself a favor; take a good look at yourself, and when you're done, take some cookies for the road."




Ruby is a grandmother first and foremost, most often to Nora, but not exclusively to Nora alone; not matter how cold, hungry, huddled, or en masse, she always has the room in her heart to welcome those in need. She seems to have the remedy for everything, though if you tried it yourself at home, you'd be making an ass of yourself; she seems to always but in a magical secret ingredient in everything she makes for someone. However, she is no gentle matriarch; she is the cul de sac queen, ruling the league of Grannies with iron baking mitts. The mafioso matriarch of all goings on and grandma extraordinaire, no detail slips past Ruby - she knows all the games in the book. Cookies, knitting, collecting porcelain ducks, you name it - she practically wrote it after all. She also has an obsession with cowboys and the wild west, carried this far from her childhood.


Despite her age, there is strength in Ruby's build and countenance, solid as an aged tree. She has an olive complexion, the most vivid feature being her pale blue eyes. Ruby is an amalgam of the eras, honoring someone from her past in her wardrobe and carrying their ideals with her. Growing up in the 50's, her sister and Audrey Hepburn are present in her casual wear; high waisted culotte pants and flats with a monochrome sweater along with pearl earrings. Her signature red lip is in honor of her hardworking mother during WWII, and her pinstripe suit is an inheritance of style from her great grandpa, the sheriff of a post civil war Colorado town.

~Current Theories~

Ruby is the sole fighting force against the aliens hiding in plain sight among the citizens of Pinepeaks. It's Cowboys vs. Aliens baby.

~Family and Friends~

John Miller - BFF for Life! ( also tenant )
Despite their age gap, John is an old soul, and Ruby enjoys his company. She loves that he accepts anything, whether it be cookies, casserole, or crochet. Ruby would rather knit with John than the other gossipy grannies on the block every time.

Nora Quarterlane - Granddaughter
Nora is the standard grandkid that Ruby would die for, and is currently trying to turn into a chubby cherub but to no avail.

Harlow - Service Dog
Harlow also lives with Nora and Ruby, and is the man of the house. Ruby spoils him just as much as Nora, as she has raised both as her own.




Character Information

Full Name: Harlow
Other Names:
Age: 5

Voice (Optional, Link to vid):
Occupation (If Any): Service Dog, Guardian and Protector of Nora, Certified Good Boy
Quote (if any): "(Big woof!)"




Harlow is a loyal and loving Saint Bernard with a proud lineage of watchful working rescue dogs. He takes pride in his work as a Service Dog to Nora, and it allows he and Nora to be inseparable. The calm and gentle giant is a steadfast friend and highly keen of newcomers and bad eggs to protect his best friend. He also has a sense of adventure and curiosity, confident in his ability to protect others to face anything, having both the bark and the bite.


Harlow stands muscular with solid legs and three feet tall at the shoulder, gentle giant, with a full and fluffy mane all year round. He is extremely well groomed, as Nora brushes him every night before bed. He has a green leather collar with a bronze dog tag with his name, Nora's number and address, and a silver tag identifying him as a service dog.

~Current Theories~

Nothing. Harlow is just a really good boy.

~Family and Friends~

Nora Quarterlane - Best Friend and Service Person!
Nora suffers from narcolepsy and narcoleptic mania; Harlow can sense whenever she is about to fall asleep and barks at her. Whenever she falls into narcoleptic mania, he licks her face and she reverts back to her normal personality. He also cuddles and does tricks to make Nora feel better.

Ruby Spratt - Grandma and Benefactor
Ruby brought Harlow home for Nora and has provided for him since, knitting him sweaters and baking him treats from pup to protector.

Sock - Stuffed Rabbit and other Best Friend
Sock was made by Ruby for Harlow; an indestructible velveteen bunny that Harlow has learned to treat more kindly over the years.

Ripley - Frenemies
Harlow just wants to be friends.

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Character Information

Full Name: Julian Alexander Cage
Other Names
Age: 24
Occupation: None, government assistance
Quote: "Just don't think about."
"Can you help me get my leg back on?"




Always baggy eyed and half awake. Julian always seems to be half awake and only paying half attention. The lanky young adult is a bit hesitant with people, but extremely friendly to animals, easily fawning over them. If you were to ask him anything of the occult or horror, Julian would go on for hours about that hobby of his. Talking about it makes him happy.


Julian is a bit above average height, but a bit underweight, ignoring his prosthetic leg. Most of the time he's wearing loose and comfortable clothing. Since any amount of cold is too cold, Julian's always got layers on.

~Current Theories~

With Julian's extensive knowledge of the occult, it's likely he was either part of a cult or practices magic.

~Family and Friends~

Optional- Aside from one person, Julian doesn't talk to others a lot.

Feb'Usubi - Friend
athavan-a-eldritch-beast-aths-art-sketch - Copy - Copy.jpg

Feb'Usubi is an eldritch god-like entity from another plane of existence who talks to Julian. As Feb'Usubi hungers for knowledge, he constantly wants to know about Julian's world. The two occasionally send things to each other through planar rips that Feb'Usubi can open and close. Julian sends over random things for Feb'Usubi to reasearch, while just keeping what ever Feb'Usubi sends over as decoration. The shelf where these items are kept is labeled "Probably shouldn't touch."

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