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Fandom Phoenix Academy Common Room

I came up with one, not sure if it works completely but I thought of it as cloth manipulation?... Like being able to control clothes or anything made out of cloth and strengthening it like a blade or making it hard enough to be used as a weapon.
If it has enough drawbacks to balance it out I think it'd be arlight tbh
I came up with one, not sure if it works completely but I thought of it as cloth manipulation?... Like being able to control clothes or anything made out of cloth and strengthening it like a blade or making it hard enough to be used as a weapon.
I think there's actually a guy like that in the show XD
I am thinking hair manipulation but I have a feeling it would be too useful.
Hair manipulation might be viable; as long as its just hair manipulation, not hair growing ;)
Howdy everyone! I hope yall have an absolutely amazing week! I'll be out until friday as my hubby and I are going on vacation for our anniversary! 😁

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