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Realistic or Modern Phantom Resonance


Reverence In Stars
Vince Seong / Kischur
Phantom Resonance: Arc 1.
Vince glanced at the mosaic ceiling and extended his arms to the side, and took a long, deep breath before he allowed himself to relax under the warm sunlight. He remained idle within the lobby of the guild, silently admiring the aesthetic and the days when he participated in its fruition, assisting with the design of the interior by arduously attending events to gather rare materials that would later end up as ornaments of the guild's main room.

He let out a soft chuckle, finding it all too nostalgic. He wasn't the type to reminisce about the old days, finding it all too shabby for his taste. But after several weeks of appreciating the silence, Vince would often log in only to comfortably rest on one of many chairs, looking up at the mosaic ceiling that seemed to always be illuminated under the rays of the sunlight, shining its iridescent colors into the atmosphere of the chambers.

It shared a melancholic ambiance. That's all he could earnestly say, without prosing the description of his mood.

Nevertheless, while he rarely logged on to his main, he would take at least several minutes of his day simply gazing above, losing himself in the world of memories.

. . . . .

After falling deep into his inner thoughts for far longer than he had hoped, Vince voluntarily blinked several times before he would pinch himself awake, once again failing to abide by his schedule. He was late for his daily online self-employed job, although it wouldn't hurt to spare some extra minutes to help himself get back into his normal mood. Vince clicked his teeth and lazily stretched on the lobby couch, not wanting to move another inch and simply loiter around for the day. He could spare it, but he knew better than to neglect his job just for his comfort. If there was no reason to avoid it, then he must not. That's how he conducted his business since the beginning, and he wasn't necessarily interested in messing with his natural routines.

He jumped from his seat with the support of his back, landing flawlessly on his two feet as he sighed in mild annoyance.

"I shouldn't expect anything exciting to happen nowadays." He chuckled, diving back into his rare pessimistic state, "It's a matter of time before they shut down the servers to save space for the new installation, so I shouldn't be investing too much of my time into this. Those poor folks, throwing their money at a dead game like this."

With that said, Vince waved his hand forward to summon the user interface, lazily navigating to the 'character change' menu, and hovered his fingers over one of his many characters.

However, before the split-second he would tap the transparent screen to change accounts, he heard a familiar sound ensuing behind him from the gate of the lobby, and instinctively turned around to face the individual whom he was far too familiar with.

Before he knew it, he intuitively closed the menu and turned around to face the woman, and waved with a friendly expression. "Well, look who's here," Vince chortled, "you're a sight for sore eyes. You've been keeping well?"

Dulce Dulce
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