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Realistic or Modern Pets after dark

"Yeah, Iran away from my home a while ago" she barks, trying to make it sound less painful of a topic than it is.
Seeing that she doesn't want to talk about it, Sarge moves on. "If you want you can come stay at my place. We've got a huge yard and house my owners a police man and his mate is a doctor."
"They're not around much, mostly at night. Sometimes my owner will make me run a course for some exercise and his mate doesn't really do much with us. Their pups are really nice though and they come home earlier than them. They play with us a lot and run around the yard with us."
"Us?" she barks, slightly tilting her head, as she has not heard of another dog, but had smelled one, maybe that is the other dog he is referring to.
"Jumping fences are my specialty" she barks following the other dog. 
Sierra laid on her owner's lap and purred "Where were you kitty" the human said. 
Ellie follows Sarge all the way to a short fence. He jumps it and she copies his movements,as she had not seen this kind of fence before. "What now?"she asks him.

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