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Fantasy Persona: World Recreation(Currently Accepting)

Everlasting Twilight

Ze Coffee King
- The night earlier -

"No no no!!! Felisha just hold on!! Damn you!!!" Maeoutsu(Refer to cs for appearance) yelled while gripping a young woman tightly in his arms. Standing right before him was an individual hidden by a weird mask. "Damn me all you want but that's not going to save you in the end." The individual noted as he pulled out what appeared to be a gun. However, instead of aiming at the blonde teen and the injured girl the boy was holding, the masked man pointed the gun at himself. Maoetsu formed a dark smirk at the site of this before slightly showing his teeth in a dog like manner.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not the one who's going to need saving." The blonde noted while his opposer removed the safety from the gun. Second later, the masked character and Maeoutsu yelled a single word loudly in unison, with the latter pulling the trigger on his firearm afterwards. That word was,"Persona!!!!", two mythical

beings materialized into reality, as if they were but a mere moment away.

Samael - ????


Fujibayashi - Maeotsu


The two giant entities landed in front of their respective masters before engaging in battle with one another right away. The dual wielding being chose to start things off by moving in fast with a barrage of right and left slashes. However, the winged dragon blocked the attacks with it's wings simultaneously, using little to no effort at all in doing so. To make matters worse, sweat begins to pour down Maeotsu's face as his summoned entity's barrage of slashes starts to slow down greatly. Noticing this, the dragon quickly decides to go on the offensive by smacking it's opponent away with serious force; causing the other being to be sent through a nearby wall.

"I knew I would kill you but after seeing your Persona then I thought that you'd give me a fight worth remembering before kicking the bucket. Hmph!!! How wrong I was!!" The masked man yelled as his winged beast began to gather up a large amount of fire within it's mouth. "You want a fight huh!!? Agi!!!" The blonde teen responded angrily as a fireball came from out of the damaged wall and crashed into the dragon without wait. Unfortunately, the red being was still standing. Not only was the beast still standing but it seemed to be completely unfazed by the blast as it continued to build up fire like nothing happened seconds earlier.

"It's been a long time since I've seen fire that small but let me show you what a real ball of fire looks like!! Agidyne!!!" Maeotsu quickly tightened his grip on the girl in fear as the masked man ordered his Persona to release a fireball of enormous proportions at the two. The blonde teen could feel the immense heat emanating from the ball but just as all hope seemed lost for them, the fireball was sent hurling back to it's owner suddenly. "How do you expect to fight properly when you're barely in control of your Persona?"

- A mysterious blue room -

In a room of unknown origin is a old man with an extremely long nose. Not to mention, his eyes are considerably larger than that of the average human. This man happens to be sitting in a nice comfy chair and before you realize it, you are in a chair that is positioned not to far from his. "Ah... It seems we have a few guests with intriguing destinies..." The man chuckles as he continues on.

"Greetings visitor. My name is Igor and I welcome you to the Velvet room. You shall go for now but in the coming days, you will enter into a contract of some sort, after which you will return here. The coming year is a turning point in your destiny... as well as various others. As such, my duty is to provide assistance to our guests to ensure that does not happen. However, as you will soon find out, assistance alone will not be enough to secure your future. Go now but know that our paths will cross again." The pointy nosed man concludes as the surrounding began fade from view.

- The Next day, Thursday, April 3rd, 2016 -



(Play Now)

Today marked the first day of school and as such, attendance happened to be mandatory. Kids of various shapes, ages and sizes made their way to school while being the little chatter bugs they were. Of course, just like with every other year, the school had a special announcement to make. These special announcements weren't anything important so to speak but fortunately for the people in the back of the announcement room, they could dose off without worrying about being noticed. Still, this day was sure to be a long and interesting one indeed.
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If there was one thing Hayate knew personally it was that first days were some of the most important. The majority of people simply wanted them to pass by and were far too afraid to mingle with the others in fear of making a bad impression. However, Hayate loved the first day of school since he got a new opportunity to tell people the various stories of his past, and brag about what his life is like. He took a few extra minutes making sure he looked nice in the mirror before walking out the house to get a ride from his dad. The car was a sports car, the type that probably wouldn't seem all that fitting parking into Minami high. However, it was that difference that Hayate loved. People always seemed to freak out about the car, and he swore that he'd promised at least 20 people that they'd go on a joyride when he finally gets his license.

Hayate was dressed in his usual attire aside from a few exceptions. A white shirt behind a black jacket with white stripes along it. Some all black pants, and all white shoes that probably cost more than other student's entire wardrobes. Most notably however was his lack of a backpack. Hayate didn't really care to bring any supplies most of the time, and this being the first day of school was a perfect excuse to not do any work.

The family Lamborghini stopped in the student parking lot, and before long Hayate walked out of the vehicle. He smiled as if he had just won the Olympics, and briefly looked around to find anyone he might notice or find interesting.
"The last first day of school." He said, having all of his things in an ordinary backpack. School policy had nothing to do with his unfashionable choice, it was economics pure and simple. If he bought expensive things then he couldn't afford Mountain Warrior 3: Path to Heaven, that's how he justified terribly cheap clothing.

On his way out his mom waved and said something but he was caught up in dreamland already.

Arriving at school he noticed the sports car in the parking lot.

"That pompus... I bet he didn't even park right. He's probably taking up two spaces. This is exactly why we need a parking inspection!" He said to himself, not even looking at the sports car anymore.

When he saw the person who owned the car he'd eat them alive... in court. Except not really, he wasn't a traffic law prosecutor. That wasn't something he could just do out of no where, there were forms to fill out and school to attend before he'd even be able to get a job in a law office.

Sighing with disappointment he tried to ignore the guy while entering school. What was supposed to be a composed facade was instead a bunched up brow, eyes erratically twitching. Those who saw him were sure to look away, wondering what the hell was wrong with him.
Yukihira Mayumi walked in through the school gates with a serene expression playing on her countenance. The day she had been mentally preparing for after such a long time had finally arrived. The first day, not exactly the most fun day no matter which school anyone went to, was something of a new beginning for her; a time where she could meet new people, start to have new experiences and hopefully learn new things.

Yeah, being a optimist did that to you.

She was dressed nicely, a clean business skirt clinging to her hips while a clean dress shirt showed off her curves marvelously. She didn't look as good as she did when wearing her light sundresses, but she decided that if she was going to school, she should at least look the part. No one would notice the small derringer that she kept close, concealed by virtue of the shoulder bag she always seemed to carry. No one would ever think the innocent looking blonde girl would be packing heat, and thankfully she had yet to find a situation where she needed to use it.

So with a light skip in her step and a small smile on her face, she welcomed the day, though as one who never really approached others unless forced to, she ignored the fuming boy and the flamboyant target of his rage.
"Niko are you up?". His Aunt knocked on his door trying to figure out if he was asleep. She remembered that Niko did fall asleep quite early the other day. He sounded excited for school and was talking about it ever since they started back to school shopping. As she walked in he wasn't there. Puzzled she called for him"Niko!". No answer so she kept looking around. She soon then finds a note on his bed. Puzzled she walked to the note and picked it up. She soon started to read it. "Hey Aunt I left early so don't worry about me". She smiled and put the note back on the bed."That boy is something.".

Niko(already walking to school) starts to hum looking up towards the sky. He then looks up at the sky and says "Mom I hope your proud". As he says that he hears the sound of Honking cars he could tell that was close to the cross walk. He smiled and he started to hope that this year would have some spice in it since it was his last year. He always saw school as a social place not really a learning environment. He loved it when people talked to him it made him feel good in a way.

As He crossed the cross walk he saw a blurry image of the school in front of him. He checked his watch and school was gonna start in three minutes. Surprised he sprinted towards the school hoping he was fast enough to catch the first bell.
(Sorry kinda late ^-^)

Sky woke up to her grandmother knocking on her door. "Sky dear its time to get up" sky groaned in response but got up and ready for school then walking downstairs for breakfast. "Here dear" sky mutters a thank you to her grandmother and eats her food then stands up grabbing her bag then putting her shoes on. "Bye grandmother, bye grandfather see you after school" she said quitely but her grandparents heard her and said their goodbyes as she walked out of the house and to school. "...New school...New life" sky muttered quitely as she walked into the school gates.
Waking up on time was never an issue for Ichiro, thanks to his younger brother and sister. The two were still fairly young and made a lot of noise—as most children do. Fortunately though, he didn't mind being waken up early, especially not on the first day of school. While it definitely isn't the most exciting day in the world, it was no doubt an important one. However, this year being his last, it did have a small bittersweet feeling to it.

Minutes after waking up, he soon found himself dressed, wearing a regular white T-shirt and a pair of black pants—something that was pretty typical for him. Entering the living room, he was greeted by his parents frantically chasing his siblings, desperately trying to get them to eat. It was a chaotic sight, but familiar and somewhat comforting to him. Ichiro himself was never one to eat that much in the morning himself, but he did so anyways, trying to "set a good example".

Another ten minutes or so later, he left home, though it was a few minutes earlier than normal. Over the years, he has gotten somewhat of a reputation for arriving early to events. He liked to keep his life organized and planned out, mainly since he found it a good way to prevent stress.

Approaching the school, he smiled to himself as he took a look at the building. It was yet another familiar sight that gave him comfort. It was the beginning of the end though, and he wanted to make his last year at Minayomi High count. His last few years have all been pretty standard, and some excitement was in order.
Mayumi walked the halls without much purpose since teachers had yet to call them for the assembly. As much as she didn't like throwing herself out there, she knew how much hatred humans could have, she supposed that learning to talk with others herself was a skill she needed to learn before graduating. One could never live alone, and she didn't really expect much from the people around her, so it wasn't like she would be crushed if a person refused her friendship or just blatantly ignored her. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if it did, it was just water off her back.

Ah, the paradox of contentedness, wanting to go for something but not exactly caring what happens after.

So she went to the flamboyant rich kid in hopes of striking a conversation. She could get a quick read on him, a person who liked flaunting things when he got an opportunity. Baseless confidence practically oozed from his form as he looked around while a superior smirk that made most want to punch his face in played on his expression. This ought to be a bit of fun, and yet so totally disappointing at the same time.

She walked to him with the practiced grace of a feline before gracing him with a light smile. "Hello, no one seems to be here yet so I just came over to say hi." She spoke smoothly, relying on her ability to weave words as she offered a hand as was polite. "Yukihira Mayumi, nice to meet you. I haven't seen you around here, and so I have to ask. You are?"

Hayate was scoping the scene out when he heard a female voice call out to him. He never heard the voice before which made it all the more special. Whether He wanted to admit it or not Hayate screwed up the majority of his relations with females so meeting a new one was always a lot more enjoyable. He quickly donned the coolest expression he could before turning around to face her. One composed of a slight smile, and a welcoming set of eyes.

He told her "yeah, I'm pretty surprised you haven't heard about me. Word tends to fly around here when it comes to me...". His expression turned to an illegitimate confused one as he looked her dead in the eyes "Anyway I won't get upset about it. The name's Hayate Sato, and it's nice to meet you Yukihara". For seemingly no reason Hayate pulled out his phone and started to look at her as if he expected something from her.

- Minutes Earlier -

"Ugh!! Out of all days, why does school have to be today?" Maeotsu pondered depressingly while having his face pressed against the passenger seat's window of a black SUV. Sitting in the driver's seat was Maeotsu's elder sibling, Hiru Sanezwa. However, he didn't seem to be pleased with his brother's complaining as the man glanced back and forth at the teen with a disgusted facial expression. "Are you running track this year because if you keep this up then you might as well be." Hiru hinted which caused Maeotsu to look at him blankly before reverting back to his gloomy state.

"Eh, why not? Everything seems to be going in the opposite direction ever since last week...ever since last week? Hmm...I think last week was the same week that I got rejected by that girl...Ayame!! If it was the same week then that means life is going to suck for a few more days...ugh...huh?" The sixteen year old questioned after realizing that he was the only one still in the car. Looking outside the car window revealed that they had already arrived at the school and had been there for awhile since Hiru wasn't in visual distance.

- Current -

Having left his obnoxious sibling in the car, Hiru decided to make his way around school. As expected, being on the school grounds didn't feel any different than the previous years but after being out of school for so long, he felt at peace. The seniors used to be the new kids on the block and now they've blossomed into noteworthy individuals...at least most of them anyways. In the end though, one cannot deny that even the wannabe comedians have matured in contrast their freshmen selves. Hopefully, this school could rub off on Maeotsu as well.

"Everyone please find your way to the assembly. The announcement will begin shortly." A female's voice was broadcast through the school's speakers as many of the students began to move in compliance with her orders. By the time of the public announcement, Maeotsu hadn't made it out of the parking lot area yet. It wasn't because he didn't have enough time to roam about but simply because he was just too tired to walk any faster than a slug. Catching a glimpse of a nice sports car that was parked in the same lot, the blonde teen couldn't help but stare at it in awe. "I know what I'm getting once I make it big!" Maeoutsu said while continuing on his way.
She raised an eyebrow at the response she was given, lowering her hand slowly with hesitation as he made no move to take it. Odd, handshakes were often considered polite these days, maybe someone forgot to tell him? At least he was kind enough to refer to her last name, that would have been a whole new level of presumptuousness she did not want to deal with. Oh well, she expected him to be civil at least, and she did get that, no use to be making a big deal of something she knew was coming.

He pulled out his phone, eliciting even more confusion from the blonde girl, though his timing, that what she assumed he was doing with the phone, was excellent since even before he managed to glance at the screen, an announcement echoed throughout the hallways. "A pleasure...Hayate-san, though it appears that we have to leave as soon as possible." She spoke plainly before taking a few steps forward. "Coming?"
As Niko made his way to the entrance he jumped with excitement knowing he made it before the first. He walked through the gate out of breath. As he scanned the Area he could see many people having friendly conversation. He can see that while he walks no one looks the same as they did last year. He walked to the front door and went inside. He let out a sigh and said under his breath" I wonder if anybody will talk to me". He shook the thought out his head thinking it was dumb to bring himself down like that. He smacked both of his cheeks and started to walk around to see if anything new happened in the school.

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