• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Persona Gateways Character storage



Trying to bring myself back
A faint chuckle is heard, before your eyes open slowly. Many figures sit in a circle, around a table. The table sat in the middle of a traditional japanese room, the walls made of blue screen. The floor seemed to be made of blue, velvety cushion. Blue curtains were strewn over mirrors in the room. In the dead center of the room were three chairs, occupied by three different bodies, however, only 1 could be distinguished. In a soft, mysterious voice, a tall old man with an unusually large nose and blugy eyes spoke.
"Welcome to the Velvet Room...", the man started his speech.
"It seems this time, we have a rather astonishing ordeal on our hands. There are many more visitors than we usually expect, so we've decided to accomodate you all on this adventure. While everything may not make sense it will fall into place, in due time. Before we begin, i would like to inform you, this information remains anonymous. Nobody here will know of your true intentions, who you hold grudges against, they wont even know the first letter of your first name! Without further delay, i will have my assistant hand out the forms to you all. We are doing things rather differently this time around, we would like to have all of what we need to know about you availible..."
One of the figures stood, and became clear. It was a tale male, with flowing white hair. He wore what looked like a butler or bell-boy outfit, in the same bright blue shade as the flooring and screens. Golden accents adorned their clothing...
"Please, fill out the papers quickly. We require this information postehaste. Without this we may never see your journey continuing.."

Getting the introduction out if the way, here is the character signups thread.
Before i hand you all the form, i would like to notify of a few guidelines.

--The section for roles will be what role you take in the story. "Shrine Maiden" is already taken. As such dont suggest it as a role.
There is room for suggestions as to roles. Dm me about this. Dm me about your roles you prefer or what you want to be in detail, if you dont want it spoiled.
--Some characters will not be availible from the start of the rp, and not all characters will be interacting at given times. If anyone objects to this, dm me about potential fixes. With the way persona works though, itd be difficult to include everyone all the time. I hope you all understand.
--if you would like a secretive role, dm me. A secretive role is one where you say you are one role but are another. Lets say.. You are "part of the group" but youre actually "the culprit". That's one example.
--I'd like to have everyone have a different persona element. As such, rank the elements you want for your persona by writing the top three. The first being favorite.. The second the second favorite... Etc.
--Speaking of personas, not everyone will have one. Someone has to be a Sojiro or Dojima... They're important without having personas.

Perhaps that's a little much to out in, and perhaos ive miased an important detail. But i'd like to get this form out now.

The Basics

Name: (Last, First)



Sex: (Biological, please)



Gender: (Your personal sense of self.)








Description/Image: (Preferably in spoiler)

Damage Element(s): (Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psychic, Nuclear, Light, Dark)

Strengths: (Res, Null, Ref)


Specialty: (Support, Attack, Spell, Jack-Of-All-Trades)

Other Info

Other character info:

Role you'd like to play:


I will use a like on any form i have no complaints about, to show acceptance. I will dm elsewise.
After forms are posted, and other character roles i see that are needed will be added. As of current here are the roles i know for 100% fact are required for long-term characters like these.

1. Protagonist group member (includes Shrine Maiden)
2. Important family member(s) to protagonists

Suggesting any kind of role is fine, clear it by me. And yes there will likely be multiple characters but *everyone* is allowed to play a group member if they choose. There will be characters made with specific intentions, and playing a certain role may spoil a few details for you, but i wont give hugely spoiler filled roles to those who dont want them.
Sprry for rambling, please if there are any questions dm me, or ask them in the OOC which will be posted shortly.

Velvet Room Attendant1 (Edgar): The tall, slender man with long white hair who handed out the contracts. Also holds the Compendium.

Velvet room attendant 2 (Emily): A female who appears like a child, with flowing white hair. She has a blindfold, but claims she can see the future. She guides the players... To something?

Igor: If you don't know The Nose by now, you oughtta be ashamed. His role is that related to awakening persona's, and providing insight to players who've awakened their personas. He does not handle fusion as usual.

Possible important roles: (This list will change over time)

Police officer/Detective/Investigator
Izumi's mother figure.

Potential grudge related character roles: (this list is not meant to be pulles from, things may change over time)
School teacher
School student
Parental figure...
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Deeply sorry, i made a few mistakes!
First thing's first, everyone makes a protagonist group member first. We can worry about important family and ither roles later.
Second, im editing the form to include character appearance. I forgot to do this in my headache last night.
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And since noone has posted their forms yet: i would like to add the names of your persona's should be related to gods whom are related to grudges, or have held grudges. A good example would be Hades, as he despises Zeus. The gods do not have to be japanese in origin.
Name: (Last, First) Sugiyama Eshima

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Appearance: Eshima stands at about 5’4 with platinum blonde hair and Emerald Green eyes.


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Most people would generally describe Eshima as a kind and well-mannered girl. She does her best to present herself as such and is a very hardworking person no matter what task she is working on. Being raised in a family responsible for the maintenance of the local Shrine Eshima is a studious individual in both academic and Shinto studies. Despite her busy schedule she also likes to try and maintain a social life, even if she barely has one. To top it off Eshima has developed a fascination with paranormal and when she was a little younger, she often dreamed of the day that she would get to visit the lands of the gods as a reward for maintaining their shrines. Though she is a mostly forgiving person she is very defensive about her family’s shrine and will not tolerate threats to its safety, a threat to her shrine is one grudge she cannot let go, especially the grudge she has against the woman who abandoned the shrine.

Hobbies: Reading or watching things involving ghost, Maintaining the shrine, Karaoke even if she isn’t that good at it.

Interests: Paranormal activity, Shinto lore, and attempts at having a social life.

Likes: Sweets, Horror films, and singing (any singing is good singing to her.)
Dislikes: Mean people who trash her shrine, giving up, and being idle


Name: The Morrigan


Damage Element(s): Wind/Dark

Strengths: Resistant to Wind, Null Dark

Weaknesses: Light and Psychic

Specialty: Spell

Other Info

Other character info: Eshima is half German and she gets her looks from her German mother

Role you'd like to play: Shrine Maiden
Name: Fujioka, Hotaru

Nickname: None

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Appearance: Hotaru has sharp, narrow eyes, and she often gets mistaken for glaring at people. She has a narrow face with high cheekbones. She’s 5’9” tall and has an average build. Her black hair is naturally curly, but every school she’s been to has made her straighten it, so it’s become habit for her to do so every morning regardless of where she’s going. Her casual-wear is very plain.


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Hotaru often feels as if she doesn’t have a goal in life, not excelling academically or holding an interest in any particular subject. Around others, she’s quiet and on edge, never knowing what the other person wants with her. She has a difficult time trusting others, especially her teachers; as far as she’s concerned, there’s no reason to believe that they have her best interests at heart. While she does hide it, it’s not hard to make her cry, and bullies have learnt to take advantage of her apparent spinelessness. If she were to fight back, the bullies would cry to the teacher, and she would take the blame for the whole situation. When at school, she tries to keep her head down and not attract attention. When she is around close friends, she seems more open and cheerful, able to relax around a small group of people

Hobbies, Interests, Likes/Dislikes: She enjoys playing rhythm games on her phone and listening to music, especially electronic styles, but also old American bands. Playing games at arcades often gives her migraines, otherwise she would play there often. She’s fond of small animals like frogs. Her favourite food is prawn and vegetable tempura.



Name: Erinys, a name for a group of spirits of vengeance in Greek Myth, who punish oath-breakers

Description/Image: (Preferably in spoiler)

Damage Element(s): Ice, Dark, Psy

Strengths: Resists Ice

Weaknesses: Fire

Speciality: Attack

Other Info

Other character info: She’s severely allergic to bee stings. She also takes medication to prevent seizures, so while she hasn’t had one in over a year, she still needs to be careful.

Backstory: Hotaru’s mother abandoned her and her dad when she was still a baby, and Hotaru has no memories of her mother. In her early years, Hotaru was partially taken care of by a housekeeper that her dad had hired, but once Hotaru started school, she was more able to stay at home by herself, and the housekeeper no longer works for the family. On occasion, she’ll joke that she has more memories of that woman than of her own mother and that it took some convincing when she was especially young that the housekeeper wasn’t her mother. Really, Hotaru isn’t sure how she should feel about her mother, never having met her, but it’s hard for her to hold many positive emotions for someone who abandoned them and clearly hurt her dad so deeply.

Her dad rarely talks about the woman he married, only saying that his parents didn’t approve of the marriage, resulting in a falling-out between him and them. Hotaru and her dad have almost nothing to do with the extended Fujioka family. However, even with just the two of them, Hotaru has a good home life. She trusts her dad enough that she can go to him with most of her problems, but after a point, she stopped telling him about being bullied. All it does is worry him, and his complaints to the school have gotten no results.

Role you'd like to play: Group Member
The Basics

Name: (Last, First) Urami, Izumi

Nickname: Izu, "Leader"

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Appearance: Izumi stands at a surprisingly tall 6 feet.

Gender: Cisgender, Female

Sexuality: Bicurious

Personality: Izumi is a calm, reserved individual. She is not outspoken, and has developed very little in terms of her social life. Her life having been filed with hatred and hurt, she has learned to use metaphorical masks. Her personality may occasionally make her a drag to be around as she is rather aerious and lacks a concept of fun. However, she has a determination unlike many and an unrivaled curiosity. So despite her cold nature, she comes off as warm and welcoming,even if ahe can bombard someone with questions. She does have a more relaxed side, but it rarely shows itself.

Hobbies: Izumi enjoys writing, reading, and playing music. She also rather enjoys games, and investigating things helps to feed her curiosity.

Interests: Izumi has an extreme interest in the paranormal, and has found herself investigating it closely.

Likes; Izumi likes sweets alot, especially choclates and aour candies. She also enjoys discussing mysteries.
Dislikes:Bitter foods, Noddles.


Name: Discordia.
The goddess of Strife who turned on the gods, and caused them to fight to their own dooms.

Description/Image: (Using the Smite depiction.)

Damage Element(s): Psychic.

Strengths: Null Psychic, Resistant to Nuclear.

Weaknesses: Weak to Light, Dark.

Specialty: Jack-Of-All-Trades

Other Info

Other character info: 2nd year at the highschool. (Name of school TBD)
She possesses the power of "The Wild Card". However, she will rarely use any persona aside from Discordia.
Izumi was the girl who's hand seemingly dissapeared into the other world (but yes, she still has it)

Backstory: Izumi comes from a line of politicians and businessmen. As such, she rarely gets to see them as they are always gone.She also finds herself frequently pressured into following in business or politics, and is threatened with having her family ties cut. She resents this alot, and often feels lonely. She does have a parental figure in the form of a mother figure who watched over her. Her mother figure is the proud owner of a local resturant and hangout spot. She lives nearby the shrine and the resturant is close by. This left Izumi with a place to work at where she entertained guests with performances on various instruments. Typically, ahe played her heart out and her name was rather well known, though not much was known about her personal life.

Role you'd like to play: Leader of Group.


If anyone wishes to fill the mother figure role and has ideas on how to make her inportant to a story, tell me. She wont be a peraona user! Also, other important characters will be added to the main post, i plan to play most if not all of them but, if youre fine with potential spoilery content later in the story, you could take those characters when you dm me. These will be added sometime tonight or tomorrow.
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Name: Matsudaira Mugen

Nickname: "Faker" / "Mu-chan" (he hates both)

Age: 17

Sex: Male



Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: To say that Mugen has a chip on his shoulder stemming from the austerity of his name would be a colossal understatement. Mugen doesn't stand out in any particular fashion, and therefore that old family name became the core of his pride. That pride leads him to do a lot of foolish, inadvisable things, including picking fights he can't win and pretending that he's much more important than he actually is. Few, if any, take his act seriously, and more often than not he can be found getting the stuffing beat out of him as he attempts to avenge a perceived slight or becoming the butt of a joke at the hands of his classmates. Beneath the thorny exterior though, you will find a loyal friend with a high moral compass who puts his whole heart into anything he does, even if he does err on the overdramatic side.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, strategy games, acting, particularly historical costume dramas.

Interests: History, literature, and folklore, particularly anything connected to his family

Likes: Salty food, acting dramatically, even when at school or in public, retro fashion
Dislikes: People who don't care about history, modernist architecture, spicy food


Name: Hessian


Damage Element(s): Dark & Fire

Strengths: Res. Dark, Null Fire and Instant Death attacks

Weaknesses: Weak to Light, Psychic, Ice

Specialty: Glass-Cannon Attacker

Other Info

Other character info: Despite his public personality he is dedicated to his studies and very well behaved for his utterly normal parents. Chuunibyou much?

The role you'd like to play: That one Junpei/Yosuke/Ryuji Group Member. Friendly but Dim.
Name: Tanaka Toru

Nickname: You guys make one.

Age: 17

Sex: Male



Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Soft spoken and taciturn speaking with an eloquent and formal manner which sometimes makes him come of as a little snobbish and itnroverted delicate rich boy. However he is quite the opposite, approachable and gregarious quick with a joke and quick to help anyone he considers close to. His upbringing means he is not very expressive of his emotions, rarely shows negative emotions keeping his calm outspoken manner and though ready to give help he rarely asks for it. Too proud to admit he cant do something or too eager to please or help to do ao for himself.

Hobbies: Boxing, cooking, mechanics/driving, strategy games, mysteries

Interests: Boxing, cooking, motorcycles, Mysteries

+Activity, cooking for people, learning, rush of adrenaline from any source.
-having to take over his eldest brothers position, his parents, lazing about, fast food.

Name: wip

Description/Image: (Preferably in spoiler)

Damage Element(s): (Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psychic, Nuclear, Light, Dark)

Strengths: (Res, Null, Ref)


Specialty: (Support, Attack, Spell, Jack-Of-All-Trades)

Other Info

Other character info: Heir to the estate and business of Tanaka industries. He had an elder brother who was the original heir but died mysteriously, local rumours say he was one of the victims of the festival murders. Had wishes of becoming a chef and opening a restaurant before his brother passed away.Toru helped raise a younger sibling until he had to take his elder brother place as heir. (Younger sibling role is open to claim PM me.)

Role you'd like to play: the Mitsuru group member or if a person wants to have him a sibling i can make him older and have him as a sojiro/good Ikutsuki/sae. A supporter and Financier in the know helping the group find the cause of his brothers death)
Name: Nonomiya Komachi

Nickname: Komachi

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Chiaki Kurihara 01.jpg

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A girl of so few expression, Komachi is actually an emotional person whose mood can easily swing from happy to sad to angry and so on. Realizing that quality of her by herself, Komachi always tried her best to not put so much pressure upon herself, usually by acting in a way that won’t make people’s expectation toward her high. Komachi is also the type of person who won’t let go of her grudge so easily. It doesn’t help that she is also a generally clever and cunning person. Aware of her short-temper and her vengeful tendency, Komachi actively tried to avoid getting into any sort of intimate relationship with anyone.

Hobbies: Dancing, kendo, reading.

Interests: Noh theatre

Likes: Lemon juice, crepes, shoujo manga.

Dislikes: Society.


Name: Chun Hu

Description/Image: (Preferably in spoiler)
Junko 02.jpg
Damage Element(s): Nuclear, Dark.

Strengths: Resist electric and nullifies dark element.

Weaknesses: Weak to wind element. Also susceptible to Fear and Rage ailment somewhat.

Specialty: Support

Other Info

Other character info: Raised by her single mother and were taught the traditional Noh dance alongside her little sister until her younger sister got killed in a certain occurence.

Role you'd like to play: Group member.
I need 2 of you to DM me abiut being Izumi's other 2 frienda on the night her hand went into the other world through the gate. I plan for all 4 of them to meet and explore more into that world first, and after the initial go-in everyone else part of the group could start coming in, they just wont all be a part of the other world yet. Kay?
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The Basics

Katou Hinata (加藤 陽向 Direct translation: Increased Sunshine)

Sunny, Sunshine








Hinata is a straight-forward yet laid-back individual who always states what on his mind and what he thinks about others. He is a strange mix of polite and casual. He greets people politely and talks in a polite manner. But he tends to casually refer to people by Cha and Kun. and then their nicknames. It's a habit he never grew out of.

Hinata is extremely dedicated to his studies and learning new things and experiences. He is always looking to be organized and disciplined. And while he doesn't expect everybody to do as such, it still annoys him at times when people act disorderly or undisciplined. He feels personally responsible for the well-being of his friends and family. Considering it his duty to take care of others. For reasons that are his own.

Hinata is calm and collected even in the face of adversity and always keeps a level head. Smart and rational, He is known for his exceptional judgment and is rarely swayed by emotions. He disapproves of rashness and irrationality. He can come off as overly judgemental and self-righteous.

But he is humble, willing to admit his mistakes and apologize to those he either misjudged or acted rude towards and is always aiming to improve himself in every way. He believes and values fairness, honor, and justice, and has serious issues with those he deems break that triad of personal values.

Hobbies: Archery, Studying, Organizing, Making sure his friends are safe, Being the "Parent" of the group


+ Sunny weather
+ Reading
+ Things being organized
+ Peace and quiet
+ K-Pop

- Video Games
- Rainy weather
- Anime
- Chaos
- Violence




Damage Element(s):
Wind / Dark

Strengths: (Res, Null, Ref)
Res: Wind / Light

Dark / Psy

Tanky Healer

Other Info

Other character info: Raised in a normal home with a younger brother he loved dearly until one day his little brother never came back. And when rumors of him being one of the victims of the festival murder Hinata's normally logical mind clung to this theory and studied everything about this hoping to find something, anything. He hopes one day he can find his brother or even his remains so he can be buried properly.

A third year at the local high school.

A mix of the Makoto and Akihiko of the group!

Role you'd like to play: Group's Second In command
Name: Smith, Patrick

Nicknames: Pat

Age: 16

Sex: Male



Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Pat is the definition of what he jokingly refers to as toxic masculinity, he is aggressive, violent, and extremely competitive. He loves nothing more than to dominate the competition in any venture he applies himself to, he is also quick to anger, as in his mind angsr is an emotion that is acceptable, and is relatively unemotional and that being emotional is a sign of weakness, and he cannot abide by being weak. Due to his thinking he becomes easily flustered when confronted by his emotions and tends to bottle them up, when someone asks him about his emotional state he responds with... you guessed it, more anger. One of his real fears is losing control of himself, knowing what he is capable of.

He is a very capable fighter and enjoys a good brawl to relieve some stress. He's not a very dedicated student, and doesn't care about doing work, as his test scores are all fine. Although he talks and acts like he's the best, there's a nagging voice in the back of his mind that always questions if he is good enough and what would happen if he failed. People who challenge his claims of strength are met with a tirade of verbal abuse before a fist to the face.

Despite his competitive ways, he believes in concepts of honor and respect, and actually quite despises bullying (ironic right). He loves insults and crude humor as well as recieving them. He can come off as arrogant and quite frankly an asshole, but in his mind he is just extremely confident in himself. While his self confidence is always present in a group setting or with other guys, he usually becomes sheepish of flustered easily around women.

Hobbies: Playing guitar, singing, mix martial arts, rowing

+ Winning
+ Video games
+ Metal music
+ Fighting
+ History

- Pacifists
- Disturbances
- K-pop
- Drama
- People who can't take a joke


Name: Glass


Damage Elment(s): Nuclear, Dark

Strengths: Null nuclear, resist dark

Weaknesses: Ice, wind

Specialty: Burst attacker

Other info

Other character info:

Second year student

Is an American who came to Japan with his family due to his father's work, he is a bitter at the fact that he was forced to uproot and move. He is an extremely skilled guitar player and can usually be found playing when he isn't looking for trouble around town. Doesn't actually know about the festival murder's and despite acting tough, is extremely afraid of paranormal things like ghosts.

Role: Groups muscle inside and outside of the mirror world/Kanji
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The Basics

Name: Hoga Natsuki

Nickname: None, but open to some.

Age: 17

Sex: Female



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Natsuki is a Gemini through and through. She's awkward at speaking, but nonetheless loves to be sociable and have fun with other people. Natsuki is usually happy and curious, but very clumsy, individual prone to mishaps. She has the worst of luck, but generally tries to keep her head held high in tough situations and will try to make the best of things, making her very much like the human version of the energizer bunny that can get on some people's nerves. Furthermore, she's compassionate and empathetic, perhaps to an almost naive point, believing that there is a little good in everyone, no matter what. This isn't to say she wont stand up for herself or others when the time comes for it, but she'll do it as kindly as possible. She's stubborn as a mule though, and once she's set her mind on something, it's hard to stop her or convince her otherwise yet not impossible. She's quite reserved at times, doing her best to hide any pain, often behind a smile or dancing around the subject in some fashion, mostly by rambling or pure random acts, but those that know her well can tell that something is bothering her. She tries her best to put others before herself and finds it silly to do otherwise. All in all, Natsuki is a kind, intelligent individual, but has a habit of working too hard and bottling up her more negative emotions constantly. Her self-esteem isn't always the best either.

Hobbies: Gardening, reading, cooking, and singing

Interests: Mysteries, traveling, and taking care of people

Likes: Desserts of all kinds, sleep, being busy, and trying new things
Dislikes: Being the center of attention, messes, people talking bad about her friends and family, and dolls (What? They're creepy!)


Name: Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and resentment

Damage Element(s): Ice/Wind

Strengths: Null Dark, Ice

Weaknesses: Nuclear

Specialty: Evasive Tank

Other Info

Other character info:

A second year at the local high school.

Backstory: Being the eldest of five siblings, Natsuki's life growing up was pretty hectic. After their mother left their father when she was 12, she became the primary caregiver of her much younger siblings and thus had to mature much sooner than other people her age. Her father worked 2 jobs to provide for the family and wasn't very present in his children's lives, leaving a lot of pressure on Natsuki's young shoulders. To this day she doesn't get a lot of free time, and her life is a repeating pattern: School, take care of siblings, and study until she passes out. She smiles through it all though, for that is the only thing she knows how to do.

Role you'd like to play: Group Member
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The Basics

Name: (Last, First) William Connor

Nickname: Yank.

Age: 17

Sex: (Biological, please) Male

Appearance: (upload later)


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi


Many people see William as the scary hooligan, the foreigner who naturally has bad manners, and the big guy who ruins everything. In reality, William is isolated from everyone around him. He has issues with communicating after being left on his own for a number of years and has a lot of unresolved anger for being perceived as a brute. He's kind whenever someone gets to know him and protective to a fault. He likes listening to people and really enjoys hearing stories.

Hobbies: Reading, games, browsing the internet, playing MMOs, volunteering at the local animal shelter.

Interests: Religion, others, technology, animals.

+fluffy animals
+cute things
+The color blue

-rude people
-older generations
- the color yellow.


Name: Samael

(Is bound in chains and a muzzle until he attacks)

Damage Element(s): Nuclear, Phsychic, though mainly uses statuses and debuffs

Strengths: None

Weaknesses: None

Specialty: Jack-of-all-trades

Other Info

Other character info: embodies the Judgement Arcana. He's an exchange student who has lived in Japan for 3 years.

Role you'd like to play: Group member/monster.
I feel as if, maybe, the number of group members have gotten a lottle far out of hand... >~<
I havent really provided role options but its mostly due to my lack if iseas on how to include someone playing othwr roles.. I.m have gotta see what i can do about including everyone.

I fwlt i had to mention this in case of any later entries.

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