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Fandom Persona: Debts Unpaid


New Member
Have you ever had a bad day? Not just a day where everything goes wrong, but a day when your entire life seems to freeze and it seems like death would be better. Maybe you find out that your debt will kill the business that has run in your family for years, or there is a tumor in such a spot that you will die but it can't be removed. From sure to die to removing your will to live a select unlucky few are faced with such terror. But fear not for you are not alone in these trying times, because when you need help the most Midas Bank is here to ensure that everything ends up all right.

Simply open an account with one of our representatives and we will grant you a wish that will make everything okay. That tumor will be gone, your company will sell its products until you can stand on your feet again. So long as you work off the debt your life will go on in this state for as long as you live. And if you are ever unsatisfied with the results of your wish simply contact our representative and we will revoke it. Then you will go back to whatever state you once where in.

But you might be asking, what can I do to possibly repay a debt such as that? Well our payment plan is rather easy, and don't worry about having to give over that hard earned money of yours. No all we ask is that you help with a small problem, you see Midas Bank has throughout time come across certain elements of time and space that can be quite a bit of trouble if no one is looking after them. So we simply ask for you to aid us with the occasional troublemaker jumping between their reality and ours. We will of course provide you with the tools to complete this task, and so long as you have a bit extra after your monthly payment you should consider a bit of an upgrade, easy to do with our on the go mobile app.

Thats right, connect with other Deal Makers in your community to hunt down incursion critters and split the profits. An entire group of people in the same boat, what an easy way to make friends!

Now then, seeing as you have signed the contract I think its time we got started. Oh don't worry this isn't a gun, this involves a lot more pain. Now just stay where you are, running isn't going to help anymore. ... ... ... See was that so painful? Well okay it was but buck up the worst part is over. Oh you are wondering about the creature next to you? Well it isn't going to hurt you so do try and be a bit more dignified will you? That is a reflection of your soul, a Persona. It might not look like much right now, but given enough time and some nice little upgrades from our mobile store it will become a powerful ally. Well that is my phone, so that means our time is over. If you have questions check our handy mobile app for fun FAQ's or use the forums. Oh and do be careful at night, now that you can see the little bastards trying to break into your world they will be gunning for you.

Enjoy your life, you only have one after all.

Welcome new users of Midas Bank and welcome to your exciting new lives. No doubt you are here after realizing that what you experienced probably not so long ago wasn't a dream but in fact reality. Don't worry you aren't insane at all, simply getting used to a new version of normal. As you are new to this service you might have some questions. We here at Midas Bank have put together a small FAQ to help you out.

Q: Why do I feel so different after making this deal?
A: Your body has now been pushed to the limit of human capability to help you against those who seek to invade your world.

Q: What is the 'starting package' that is flashing at the bottom of the app notifications?
A: The Midas starting package contains a free ticket for any weapon of your desire, along with a ticket for instant proficiency with it. Along with it is a 'Mask Change' a way to empower your Persona from the small ball of light it is now to a more powerful form.

Q: What is a Persona?
A: A Persona is the manifestation of your soul given shape by the President of Midas Bank. With our handy app you can increase its power and change its form for a small price. Your basic starter ticket might not make something to impressive, but just you wait.

Q: What is my monthly payment?
A: At the end of every month a set amount will be pulled from the Midas bucks you gain from destroying invaders. If you don't have enough your wish will be revoked and all that was gained from it will be rendered null and void.

Please enjoy your account with Midas Bank. We hope to have you around for years to come.

Character Sheet
Starting Weapon: (Anything from a gun to a hand to hand weapon)
Starting Persona: (Any low level creature from the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona series.)
Name: Warren Ledden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Starting Weapon: Baseball Bat
Starting Persona: Jack Frost
Personality: Warren is a generally upbeat and positive kid. He tries his very best to see the best in every situation, and help others in that way. Warren will try to make an attempt to help others, even though he might not have the right idea at the start. Dispite that, Warren has a hair trigger, and will get angry, and go on the defensive easily. He tends to rush into things without thinking. When put on the spot, warren kinda freezes, and has a rough time figuring out what to do next.
Background: Warren is a normal high school kid living a pretty normal life, with both parents and a little sister he cherishes. Warren wakes up, goes to school, comes home, does homework and goes to bed, like everyone else. For 16 years, it was like this. With some things in between of course. But for the most part, it was basically the same old routine. But, one day his sister fell gravely ill. She was taken to the ER and was in the hospital for weeks. She was diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease. She has very little time left. Warren is doing his best to cherish every moment he has left with his precious sister.
Appearance: Warren has curly auburn hair and bright green eyes. He is commonly seen wearing a black T-shirt with the words "GAME OVER" in pixelated writing, with a grey and black flannel over, with jeans and basic gym shoes. He has a beard comprised of heavy stubble which he has been growing out for some time now.

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