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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Dan followed into the building where everybody else was and summoned his persona. "I'm ready too get this party started." Dan pulled out a staff a started beating up some shadows along with his persona destroying them with paper storms.

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Chirpy sighed a d put a few shadows on fire with his fire powers and followed the humans.

Kuro turned to Rey. "Did you really just use a taijutsu? You gotta branch out with you techniques." Kuro summoned his persona. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Kagu-Tsuchi burned more shadows into grease. He used his nagita to cut up a few more. He dicided to show off and convert it into a ninjite. He then knocked on the door, which he thought could be the one Adara was behind. "Aaaaaadaraaaaa! We're here to rescue you! I think!" He looked around. "NOPE! Definitely rescuing!"
“Oh~!” The shadow ran closer to the gang, a wide- eager smile over her alluring contents. “Is that the people who talk to you? Ah look~! All these people you were finally able to speak with after so many long lonely months of living a recluse.” she said, gazing over knowingly towards Cyrus. “...They don’t know do they?”

“Shut up!!!!”

The shadow put her hands over her ears dramatically. “Shut up shut up shut up! Blah blah blah!” she screamed in a mocking manner. “Damn, I know we have better vocabulary than that!” She spun around and pointed accusingly towards Adara. “Better that! Stop lying! How will you ever grow a bond if you can’t even be honest! Now look them in the eyes and tell them the truth!”

Adara looked over towards the gang in front of her - locked her eyes to Cyrus’s for a moment before looking away. Her eyes wet and glazed she shook her head.

“There’s nothing to tell…” she said softly, with a voice that dripped the negative emotion of nothing but shame.

“Damn you’re fucking good for nothing!” She sighed, looking back over at the group before her, smiling in satisfaction. “I guess I’ll just have to tell them myself~” she said, stepping over towards them. Adara was about to say something when suddenly a strange sort of ooze erupts from a section of the floor where the neon light illuminated from- caging Adara in a cocoon of sorts. It was transparent and it was still visible and somewhat frail but Adara had to work on pounding her way through it. Her screams could not be heard.

Satisfied, the shadow began.

“We two share mind and body! I’m just more or less the honest side that she chooses to lock away, leaving her to live such a pitiful existence! Don’t listen to her denials, for they’re nothing but false! Everything you saw on the midnight channel thus far has been nothing but true!” All the screens cut off, leaving only one on- revealing a scene of various scenes that seemed to be from Adara’s past.

“Embellish in these memories of mine- all that I do not hold dearly in the least!” she said, watching herself the memories of multiple men. “It didn’t matter who made themselves homely in what is now my so called home but it was always something - abuse, whether physical or verbal, fear and even the losing of innocence.” she said, holding herself closely in security however she appeared nothing but frail and insecure. “But that was nothing but the name of the game wasn’t it? Even though I cursed those sorry men, in the end...it was all I could seek out. It was all I felt comfortable with. Thus began what one might call my daddy issues!”

Another screen lights up, viewing many different men.

“I started with just normal dating~ sure typical for all teenage gals~ but I didn’t feel warmth from them. In fact, I was disgusted and irked by their presences. No matter what, online dating, real life dating - it didn’t matter. If you weren’t immediately an interest you were completely left from my mind and taken place by another that would soon meet that same fate. I guess that’s what they call cheating, isn’t it?” she shook her head. “However that didn’t work! In fact, it was all sickening and tedious! Kisses were nothing but wet and sloppy germs that met my lips that left nothing but an after pressure! Make-out sessions were nothing but just added on physical attraction that would bud into lust! Nothing but some annoying tongue fighting another’s tongue- with not euphoric feeling like there was in the media!” she stomped on her heel -causing an echoing sound. “Hickeys were a pain in the ass to get! All the makeup I had to use! All the paranoia of being caught! And getting it wasn’t even a sensation! Slowly but surely I’m just turned into easy, until guy’s finally catch on they can stick their hands down my pants in the middle of gym class!!!!!” she was silent for a moment, before she began to giggle. Looking over at Adara, she formed a desiring smile. “But that’s the best isn’t it? At least we felt something nice there. At least then were we finally able to crave more. What’s more is that we were familiar with that gesture...that’s how it was meant to be. But something was missing. Something that would make us feel, per say, at home.” she winked. “The age. The older men. That’s when your family bond finally tumbled down like a terrorist attack!” she announced, arms open to the matter. “All those men you started seeking, craving their attention and affection. My~ we just couldn’t live without it. But we were just being little babies crying for help- we wanted a nice daddy! Isn’t that it!?”

Finally, through reddened fists, did Adara break free from her imprisonment. She tumbled out, through downpouring sobs and muffled whimpers she screeched. “SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!”

“No! I won’t! Because this is who we are!!!! Be free to it!!!” she screamed back, backing up and looking towards the gang again. “But that still wasn’t fucking enough! We wanted to feel completely needed! And thus, started the sexual harassment! The many pedophilic men we began to texts, sexual role playing with them, so that they could get off on us! And they liked that, we managed to satisfy their needs through our vocabulary, our voice!!! ...but it became consistent. Suddenly that’s the only people we ever got to talk to us. That’s all we’re good for. Just to be somebody’s little pleasure toy. And if we ignored them, they kept texting and calling and emailing. And telling them to go away didn’t help either! There were so many and they kept calling for you! Pleading us to pleasure them! So why weren’t we! If that’s what felt right then why didn’t we!?”

“Please...stop…” Adara murmured through ongoing sobs.

“No I won’t! Tell us!!! Tell us why!!!! Why did all this stop!” she said, pulling out Adara’s phone, upon opening it the screens were lit up with hundreds of texts - all suggestive and not very worksafe, leaving it open for all eyes to view.
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Chirpy just stayed silent he didn't understand this, since he never came in conact with a human until now, but there is one thing he understood is that the girl felt guilty and was afraid that the people around her would look at her differently if they found about her past and that they will leave her. He sighed a little, he has been living in this world and has recollection of what was happening before he got here.

Rey looked at the texts. "This...is actually not that bad...it's actually pretty mild compared to what I've seen, don't ask." He pointed a few out. "I'm actually impressed, good grammar is such a rare thing to find nowadays." He focused. "I mean, wow, good vocabulary Adara, I might go to you for help during english assignments."
Cyrus couldn't take the yelling anymore, "I've had it with your Insolence shadow" He pulled out his Katana, and his pistol in a fighting stance, Tears flowed from Cyrus' eyes, "You can say all those thing you want about Adara shadow but it won't change anything, I told her this, and it should never be forgotten. She did what she did in the past, that's over now the only thing that matters is what she decides to do in the future!" Cyrus looked up at the shadow his face now fuming with anger, "You just had to terrorize her didn't you shadow, you couldn't just leave it alone." he looked over at Adara his expression completely changed once again and he smiled, "I told you I would accept you because you deserve it, this changes nothing. For i am your knight by your side; who will protect you to the end." once again he turned his attention to the shadow waiting for his chance too strike.
Through her sobs, Adara looked up at Cyrus. How could he accept me for this...I don't deserve it.

"heh~ that's cute." the shadow giggled, pulling Adara into focus. "I see what's going on here. And it's real cute. Too bad it's all for a lost cause. We'll just tear you apart. We already lied to you."

"STOP IT!!!!!!" Adara leaped up to push the shadow down, fed up with her antics. But the shadow hardly budged.

"Stop what? Speaking the truth?"

It was the truth, and Adara knew it. She should accept it, live with it. Yet...to her it would be the acceptence of being the evil lowlife she is.

But Cyrus believes in me...it doesn't matter to him. He said he'll ... protect me.

The shadow looked over and tilted her face upwards to look into her own shadowy eyes.

"Stop it. You'll just hurt him. That's what you do best. Why others hurt you. You were born a toy for everyone else to play with. To please everyone else."

N-NO I'M NOT!!!!" She screeched, finally losing it. Shoving away her shadow she fell to her knees.

"I'm not...you're not me!!!"

Like that, followed by a blood-curdling roar, the shadow began to transform.

"You're right! I'm not a little used play thing like you are! Nobody would want to be you!!!!"

Suddenly what was once a mirroring image of Adara, was now replaced by a vile monster. It was a huge cacoon-like shape inplanted in the ground- with a white female like figure pulsed out from the top of it, her arms covering her breasts. Tentacles cascaded from all areas of the cacoon- white and wispy like smoke. Not slimy like the classic.

"The power!!! I am a shadow! The true self!!!"

Adara screeched and jumped up, backing away. "I-I'm sorry!" she screeched.
Chirpy flew towards adara and grabbed her by the shoulders and moved her away from the shadow.

Rey whistled. "Now this is disturbing." He said. "Hey lady! You better not touch me with those damn henticles! I don't know where they've been!" He shouted to the Shadow. "I mean damn, put some freaking clothes on." He taunted before turning around and walking away. "This is your time guys, I'm out."
Dan walked around and killed more shadows. Heh. These shadows ain't no match for me. He walked into a room and saw Adara and her shadow taking form. Well this could be prove to be fun. Dan waved to Kuro, Rey, and Cyrus. "Hey what'd i miss."
Rey smiled as he walked past him. "Nothing much." He said. "I might've pissed her off though, so I'm going to head back, good luck guys, I'm rooting for ya!" He said and started to walk away. "Which way's out?"
Cyrus shook his head, "There is no exit, we must defeat the shadow." Cyrus handed the gun to Rey with some ammo, "Use It wisely." he ran over to Adara and helped her up, "Hey are you feeling ok?"
Ashamed and embarrassed, Adara wiped her eyes and darted her eyes away from Cyrus. She was thankful...yet so ashamed with herself. "I-I'm sorry..." she said through sobs, over apologizing again and again. 
The mannequins that surrounded began to swing over in grace, swing their bodies towards the gang not in hostility but in a senses of desperation. Only, in finality to get trapped within the Shadow's tentacles, and pulled in- being absorbed and consumed by the humanoid monster - whom gobbled them up easily like a venus fly trap.
Chirpy sighed and patted adara's head with his soft feathered wings. "Calm down..." it said softly yo adara.

Rey stared at the gun for a good long minute. He then shrugged and jumped onto the bird thing. "Let's go then, bring me as close to the head as you can."
Chirpy was surprised at the sudden object on his back. "Don't jump on my back suddenly you stupid human!!!" He yelled in annoyance and sighed. "What are you planning? You don't have a persona..."

Chirpy look at him and sighed "hold on tight...." he flapped his wings and flew up into the air and flew toward the head of the shadow.

When they got close nough he suddenly dropped off Chirpy and crossed his arms. He let himself fall until he got to the Shadow's eye level where he emptied the clip onto its eyes. Then he proceeded to land and slide down one of its tentacles.
Chirpy was surprised "are you trying to kill yourself?!" He groaned and regretted his choice to fly.


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