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Fandom Persona 6 DD: Persona Users


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is where your character sheets shall go. Anything involving the Wild Card will go in brackets.




Age (Your character should around 14-16, as they will be freshman in the school):

Knife Style (This will be important for later):



Persona Appearance:

Persona Name:

Elemental Affinity (Starts with one):

Name: Sam Kane

Age: 16

Knife Style: Close Range, black and silver blade

Background: Sam was born and raised in The Big Apple itself, New York City. His family wasn't very rich. They were comfortably middle class, but every now and then it was a struggle to make end's meet. Sam himself had to work a part time job along with school to help his family pay for things like rent, electricity, and food. Sam's parents were good people, and only wanted what was best for their son. This included sending him out of state for school so that he could focus on his studies while they focused primarily on getting their family financially stable. Sam was understandably a bit apprehensive about going to a new school in a completely different state, but he knew his parents were doing this for his own good. Sam now currently resides in Ravenswood, Indiana with a cousin of his, named Dean, who owns a comic books shop, above which sits an apartment he'll lend Sam for the year. It's not free of course, Sam still has to help around the shop, but things seem to be going pretty smoothly...aside from a local business mogul by the name of Cletus Armstrong. Cletus owns most of the businesses in town, and has been after Dean's comics shop for years, wanting to use the space to build another car dealership. Dean has done a good job of staving off a potential hostile takeover, but things have been getting much more difficult, especially with the comics store not making as much money as it has in previous years. If Dean has to sell the comics shop, he'll be out of a job, and will surely be rendered destitute, along with Sam. Cletus doesn't care however. He wants that spot, and he wants it bad, and if Dean going bankrupt will give him the means to aquire his dealership location, then so be it.


Persona Appearance:

Persona Name: Odysseus

Elemental Affinity: Electricity
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Avery Ryokou


Knife Style: Throwing Knife, Purple

Avery loved his family. And they loved him back. Avery was one of those kids you'd envy if you knew half his story. He could play the piano like a master, was a swimmer for his athletic life, and did very well on his grades. But if you knew the other half of his story, you'd stop what what you were saying immediately. HIs family was forced apart by a money hungry counselor, manipulating Avery's brother, Samuel, to twist around his words and throw them against the family. Avery now lives by himself (surprisingly), with help with bills and such from his neighbors. His brother and parents live at friends homes, strewn out in Indiana, but all far away from Ravenswood. He knows that evil counselor will try and prolong the case end jut for her own personal sake, and if Aery does anything for anyone but himself, she'll turn the case on him, making him feel selfish and hopeless.




Elemental Affinity: Psy​
Viviana Davis



Knife Style:


Viviana lived with her mother, stepfather, two younger half sisters, and her older brother, Alexander, for most of her life. She grew up constantly moving from state to state due to her mother switching bases for work every half year. She wound up unable to make deep connections with others due to the fact that she always knew the situation was temporary. In all she maybe saw her mother one a week due to her harsh schedules, this meant that she was raised mostly by her stepfather. While her stepfather wasn't a truly awful man he didn't seem to care for Vivi at all, and Alex just got a bare minimum of attention due to being the only boy. Alex was the one who actually put time into helping Vivi, whether it be by learning something new, help with homework, or even just some social interaction. While her situation wasn't ideal it got worse once her mother died as Viviana turned 13.
They had just moved to Ravenswood and her stepfather who was previously a stay at home dad now had to find work. Since it had been so long since he had a job he had to start back up from the bottom. Which was definitely not a good situation for someone with four kids. He managed to make a job that was almost enough. Alex who was now 16 had jumped into looking for a job to help. In fact Alex had been able to make up the rest needed and more. However this was no great stroke of luck, in fact Alex had knowingly got involved with some real bad characters from the town over and was now under a constant threat of death if he didn't stay and continue to do their shady work. While for a year Vivi was unable to know she couldn't miss the signs that her brother seemed to be more and more out of it as time went on. Not long before the story starts Vivi had decided to follow him to his 'Job' and while she didn't stay long she had understood the gist of what her brother signed up for when he took on the responsibility of helping the house.


Persona Appearance:
Persona Name:


Elemental Affinity (Starts with one):

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"Don't tell the gods I left a mess
I can't undo what has been done
Let's run for cover"


Riley "Riles" Atwood


Knife Style:
Mechanical Knives/Slashing (i.e Folding knives/Butterfly knife), Red


Riles is a Ravenswood kid though and though. His parents and their parents' parents lived here, not like he knows nor cares. As his Parent's died when he was young and all he had for a family in this world is an older sister. She always tried her best but damn if he wasn't hard to raise alone. He has a reputation and record of being a troublemaker and petty criminal but he cares for his older sister. His older sister moved out of their family house to live with her boyfriend since her memories of the house was too painful to keep reliving, her boyfriend is controlling her and planning on killing her once she signs her will to hand over all of her parent's insurance money. Riles knows this is happening due to a phone conversation he heard while he came home early one day, but he hasn't confronted neither the boyfriend nor his sister since he knows she wouldn't believe him since he lied to her in the past and something so dramatic would be thought of as a lie so he's biding his time. Riles currently lives alone in his family's house living off of a monthly allowance from his sister who also pays for the bills.


Persona Appearance:


Persona Name:

Elemental Affinity (Starts with one):


Jo-Vaughn 'Joey' Arkwright


Name: Jo-Vaughn 'Joey' Arkwright.

Age: 16.

Knife Style: Close Range, Silver.

Appearance: His appearance is one of a typical guy his age, though he has skin that's considerably much more paler than most people. Jo-Vaughn is tall, and stands at the height of 6 feet and 2 inches tall for his age. His hair is a peculiar sight, as it's been dyed the color of a light purple and is easily the most noticeable thing of his. It's length is slightly long, just barely exceeding his nape and is a messy sight. Jo-Vaughn's eyes have very visible bags underneath them, and at first glance, were the color of hazel. Though in reality they're just contacts that helped with his sight and his eyes are really the color of silver.

Background: Jo-Vaughn is best known to people as a tech prodigy, known for his ability to create programs and his genius-level intelligence when it comes to technology. He was the person you would go to if any of your devices needed fixing as well the person you blame for anything terrible that happens on the device after he fixes it despite it not being his fault. Born to a rich family, he had a mother who was the CEO of her own tech company and a father who worked as an architect. Jo-Vaughn had an older sibling named Daniel too.

The two brothers shared a very close and tight relationship with each other, and considered each other to be best friends even to present times. Daniel was older by ten years, and was already married by the time he was a second year in middle school. He didn't really care much about it and welcomed her into the family. Jo-Vaughn had more important things to do, like program something stupid or a newfound hobby that he picked up, which was hacking. A peculiar hobby that he kept to himself and enjoyed just as much as programming.

On a day where he feels particularly mischievous about it, he decides to hack into his brother's phone as a small harmless prank and record any audio conversations that popped up then show them to his brother. Though that wasn't the case. Upon hacking into the phone, Jo-Vaughn picked on a conversation between the married couple. Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant listen.

Their relationship wasn't what Joey thought it was. From what he could hear, it was abusive. With the wife being the abuser. She was asking for money despite being rich, and was giving Daniel death threats if he didn't obey her commands. And that if he were to tell anyone about it, he'd be dead quick and it would all look like an accident so no one would suspect a thing. Joey knew his brother, and Daniel was a bit of a meek and shy guy who was really altruistic so he wouldn't stand up to that and she was going to take advantage of that it seems.

After it ended, Joey was rendered speechless by it and a certain feeling of wrath was now present within his heart. The purple haired boy wanted to do something about it, but he couldn't. With what he heard, if he were to show even a single sign of knowing about it, his brother would be dead. But just to confirm, Joey decided to keep on doing it and also hacked into the wife's phone too. Listening to conversations, and it all only continued as the days passed into weeks and passed into months. Joey even acquired new knowledge that was more threatening. Apparently the only reason she married him was greed. And her parents were on it too.

Greed was the reason, and Joey fucking hated that he couldn't do anything about it.

Roughly a few month before his second year at middle school, Joey, Daniel and his friends are playing truth or dare late at night at a sleepover session. Upon nearing the end of the game, it was Joey's turn and he picked dare. A friend then dared him to dye his hair purple for a few days and see what people's reactions would be, but unfortunately they didn't have any dye so they put it off until the next day came. Thankfully it was a day they didn't have school, and the gang bought purple dye and came the actual dare.

Little did they know it was permanent dye.

And that's how he got his hair. Joey decided to keep the look as he did actually like it. Everybody reacted to it, and eventually came to live with it.


harrow gold.jpg


Persona Appearance: The appearance the Persona bears is quite similar to that of a priest, and is seen to be littered with the colors of a caramel gold, crow black and white. It's body shape is humanoid. Astraeus also wears a mask of mainly a black color with white covering the right eye and little bits of golden. The mask has a strange trunk-like appendage at the mouth of the mask.

Persona Name: Astraeus.

Elemental Affinity: Bless/Light.

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Name: Markest Clay

Age: 24

Knife Style: Slashing at close range

Background: Markest grew up in a abusive home with a drunken father as well as very strict and hostile mother. Markest wasn't alone for the abuse because he had a brother ten years younger then him. He did his best to take care of his brother as best he could but he had to leave for college so he could have a better life and hopefully get his brother out of his parents grasp. As he was going through college his grandfather died and left close to $400,000 to his little brother. While some of that money could of been used to help his brother have a better life his parent start abusing the money and not using to really help there son who the money really belonged to. After graduating college and getting a job as a history teacher at Ravenswood Indiana, Markest started fighting to get custody of his little brother. His parents ,arguing Markest is just doing it to for his brother money, have been fighting Markest and stopping every attempt to get his little brother. It been two year sense he began teaching and trying to give his brother a better home and while he does his best in both tasks, he only been able to be a good teacher and not as good a brother as he wants to be.


Persona Appearance: nanaue.jpg

Persona Name: Nanaue

Elemental Affinity: Ice
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