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Futuristic Perchance to Dream

Just a Dame

Location: A Dark Alley

"Mary Mary, Quite Contrary... How does your garden grow." Heels clicking against the cement, the woman walked behind the young girl, singing softly to herself... her voice carrying through the alleys with a note of eeriness, echoing off the walls and into the darkness.

"With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row." Humming, she watched the girl and a slow smile spread to her lips, "You know. Ms. Saadat... lying doesn't become a pretty girl like you."

Subconscious awareness develops when it's literally needed every single day of the week, and Ava's was just about as sharp as it possibly could be without scientific support. The echo of the woman's footwear reverbing through the unusually calm night was closely followed by her singsong, putting the girl on edge automatically. Still, it didn't warrant to pause her own steps, until she heard her own name said out loud. Swirling around on her heels, the brown-haired girl's muscles tensed up, her knife readied underneath the fabric of her oversized sleeves.


Having to try harder than usual, Ava put on her plate-sized eyes and tilted her head. "I'm sorry, Ma'am?" She looked about as clueless as one could, all the while the cogs in her head started to scorch trying to guess how she could know her last name. Not even Delilah or Demitri knew it, even after years.

"What'd I do?" Smiling faintly, the woman shook her head, "For starters... the innocent angel act really isn't necessary. I think this conversation will go much better if we agree to be honest with one another. And your name, Ava... why did you tell them it was Mary?" Heat rose in her cheeks, and her eyes began to water. Being see through was just about the last thing that could make her cry almost too easily. Biting through the building pressure in her throat clogging her pipes, she upheld the act with all her might. "I... I believe you're mistaking me, Miss."

The arm feeling the cool steel of her blade shivered ever so subtly.

"Can I help you find... Ava, maybe?" "That... is actually why I'm here." A small, gentle smile formed. Reaching into the purse slung over her shoulder, the woman pulled out an envelope, handing it to the girl, "...Bring this with you tomorrow night, will you? I assume you received my text?"

Ava stepped back once, her body adopting a slightly more defensive posture. At the sight of the envelope, confusion arose only to be swept away by shock. "The... text?"

So this was the person she had foolishly believed could've been her father. She had long known that it wasn't. That it'd likely never would be. But now hard proof had not only stepped into her sight but somehow knew more about her than she would've liked to admit. Her eyes now squinted, Ava stopped trying to protect her identity, the stranger clearly knowing just who she was. "Who are you?" Her voice was cold, but a hint of panic sprawled underneath the surface, palpable. "How do you know who I am?" "My name is Dolly... I'm nobody special. Just a messenger." She said, simply, "You'll find out soon enough all the answers your questions. All of them, little one."

Waving the envelope again, she held it closer to the girl, "...Tomorrow night. I promise, you'll understand everything." Ava took the envelope, her arm moving slowly while her gaze was glued onto Dolly's face. The other arm remained distinctly calm and away, like a snake readying herself to strike. Her breathing had gone almost completely silent, her small chest stopping to rise and sink. Okay, she eventually breathed out weakly, her hand tightening around the piece of paper.

"Tomorrow night..." The smile didn't fade, as Dolly took a step back, "Don't open that until then, alright? I'll see you, tomorrow, Ava."

Collab with @Sunbather

Finn Carver

Location: The LCD

Finn didn't waste time in the locker room. He showered off, changed into a pair of slacks and a grey sweater, and packed up his bag and roughly ten minutes after leaving her at the ring, he made his way out of the Colosseum to find the red head.

It was a bad idea. He knew that much. He was emotional and confused, and throwing a wrench in like Skye hardly seemed fair. It was a terrible idea...

But he wasn't going to back out for anything.

Skye half expected him not to be there, but sure enough he was. The sound of her heels against the concrete seemed to echo through the bustling city and they stagnated her thoughts. It might have been a terrible idea, but Skye Fiera was not known for backing down.

"Right on time, I'm impressed," Skye smirked as she came up alongside him, "You clean up nice."

Chuckling, Finn glanced down at the red head and shrugged, "Gonna look like a troll next to you, but it'll do."

Gesturing, he started away from the steps of the Colosseum, "You up for a walk? There's a decent joint a few blocks away, closer to the LCD. It's not flashy, but it's quiet." Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he smiled dryly, "Get knocked in the head a few times and clubs lose their appeal."

"I can imagine," Skye chuckled softly, matching his steps as the two made their way away from the noise for once. She'd always made a point to stay where it was loud, vibrant, and dark and the thought of going somewhere quiet was almost a bit unnerving, but so was this whole encounter, really.

"You'll have to stay close, though," she joked a bit, remember a few uncomfortable encounters down in the LCD, "This red hair is loud enough. I might not fit in too well in a quiet place without someone else."

Looking over at her, Finn's smile softened and he shook his head, his hands tucking into his pockets, "Might be hard to believe, considering you just watched me get my ass kicked, but I'm actually pretty good at takin' care of myself. I won't let anyone mess with you. Besides.. the LCD's not half as bad as people think."

"The kid with a shiner is good at taking care of himself," Skye laughed, "I'm sure you are, you've gotta be in a place like New Miami."

"I grew up in the LCD, actually," Skye mentioned offhandedly, though she was not sure why, "Spent most of my time elsewhere, but when I'd have to come home to dad -- it was this little rickety excuse for an apartment that had a killer view of a dumpster."

Laughing, a warm, genuine sound, Finn shrugged, "Wanna know a secret, sweetheart? I could've put that guy down in a heartbeat tonight. He took a punch to the temple two nights ago and his reaction time's slowed considerably. Trouble is... It ain't exactly in the cards for me to win, you know?"

It was more than he meant to tell her, but after the emotionally taxing day, it felt like such a small piece of him, "...Damn, lucky girl. I stare out at a brick wall. Sometimes my neighbor across the alley leaves his window curtains open and I get to see him in all his glory, but I'd take a dumpster, believe me."

"To be honest, looking at you? I've got a hard time believing that you'd lose anything you didn't intend to lose," Skye mentioned, now understanding the fight she had watched. He was supposed to throw the fight and while the way the fights were run should have disgusted her, it didn't. This was just New Miami where everyone had an agenda and the streets reflected the worst humanity had to offer. To expect any different was to risk heartbreaking disappointment.

"So after getting your ass handed to you in a fight you could win, you get to come home to a brick wall and a naked neighbor? Sounds like I should be jealous of you," Skye smirked, "Grass is always greener, I guess."

Collab with @Poe: Part One

Skye Fiera

They came eventually to a little hole in the wall bar and Skye immediately felt the eyes of the men smoking outside on her, but she kept all of her attention on Finn. "This the place?"

"Yeah... If it weren't about what I'd lose if I didn't play by their rules, it wouldn't be my first choice." He turned to her and grinned, shaking his head, "When I say naked... I should probably mention the guy's roughly three-hundred pounds."

Looking up to the bar he gave a nod - Lola's wasn't much... it wasn't really anything to write home about, but it was quiet and the drinks weren't half bad. Pulling the door back, he gestured for her to head in first, "After you."

"Three hundred? That's like, three of me," she laughed as he nodded at her and opened the door. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had done that for her.

"Careful, a girl could get used to that kind of chivalry," she said with a playful edge, "Thank you."

Lola's. It was small, quiet, and sparsely occupied considering most of the clubs and bars Skye frequently were often jam packed, bodies against bodies, with blaring music. This was just quiet -- nothing more than a jukebox in the corner pouring out songs she had never heard before.

"What can I getcha?" the bartender asked and Skye glanced up as she took a seat at one of the bar stools. "Double whiskey on the rocks," Skye replied, glancing over at Finn, "What about you?"

His smile broadening, Finn shook his head, "Trust me... I'd rather there be three of you. Hell... I'd take one of you, just fine."

Following her inside, he dropped his hand just above the small of her back, guiding her through the room towards the bar. It wasn't crowded, which was a small favor, but he was sure he hadn't imagined the eyes turning to see who had come in, and continuing to stare at Skye made her way across the floor.

She wasn't the first pretty face to walk through the LCD, but she was stunning, there was no denying it. As she took a seat, he took the one beside her, nodding to the tender, "Just a beer. Put it on my tab, would you?"

"Well, I can't give you three, but you've already got one of me," she quipped, her eyes flicking over his as she took the glass that was placed in front of her. The whiskey burned going down, but hell if she didn't need it after today.

"So, tell me something about you. Anything. You could even lie to me and I wouldn't know the difference," Skye set her elbow on the bar and brought the glass to her lips again. "What's your story, Finn?"

A brow quirked, and Finn's lip twisted upwards, "...I've got you, do I? Well... this night's certainly lookin' better."

Plucking up the beer, he took a small sip, watching her for a moment. She was so easy about it... the words slipping out like they meant nothing to her. It was intriguing. Everyone in New Miami lied, sure... but to give him the permission…

She'd grown up in the LCD... but had lived elsewhere since.

"My story? It ain't too exciting. Grew up here... started work at the warehouse pretty young." Frowning softly, he turned on his stool, leaning back against his elbows, "I made some pretty stupid choices. Got caught up in some things... Wound up pissing off the wrong guy. Now I'm payin' off that debt at the Colosseum."

"Yeah, yeah. You've got me," she smirked, "Let's see if you can keep me."

She listened attentively as he spoke, noting the way his words dripped with honesty. She'd given him the chance to lie, to make himself into whatever he wanted to be, and here he was telling her that he was a puppet without control of his own strings.

"No one ever pisses off the right guy," Skye laughed gently, taking another sip, "So you grew up here, work at the warehouse by day and get your ass kicked by night. At least you've still got your wits about you. I assume getting hit in the head as much as fighters do doesn't often bold well for good brain health, huh?"

Grinning, Finn shook her head, "Sometimes, I think I'd rather be a little stupid. But I still got most of my wits about me."

His eyes shifted, as he looked over at her, "So what about you, Skye? You got a story? A real one?"

"Ignorance is bliss," Skye shrugged, "or so I'm told."

"A real story? Probably somewhere," she took another sip of her whiskey and set the glass down so she could run her finger over the rim of the glass. She should have ran at those very words, but she didn't. Something was keeping her in that little dive bar on the outskirts of the LCD and she doubted it was the cheap bottom shelf whiskey she was drinking. "Let's see. Mom was born and raised in a brothel, dad was a drug addict. Both dead by the time I was seventeen. There aren't many places for a pretty, lonely girl to go, so I'm sure you can put two and two together."

Shifting, Finn's smile faded as she went on. In truth, he'd already pieced them together well enough on his own, but hearing her all but confirm it, it surprised him then that she'd be there with him... wasting her time with a bum, when she could be out earning a better living than the warehouse could give.

"...Lonely, huh? Guess we got that in common." Staring ahead again, he finished off the beer, clearing his throat before he continued, "...That girl who jumped today. She was my ex-girlfriend."

“Lonely? With a smile like yours?” Skye glanced over at him, noting the way his face fell at her little story. It was always the same with men, thinking they had her figured out just because she opened her mouth once or twice. There was something different in his gaze though, regret, maybe? Grief? Hell, he’d been the only one at the meeting today who even really seemed upset.

And then it hit her just as he spoke.

“She was beautiful,” Skye said after a few moments of silence, unsure of how to approach the topic. It had clearly been weighing on him and she had that way about her. She’d learned so much over the years about people she knew she’d never see again – but somehow they all stayed with her. Immediately, her words from today during the session blared in her mind like angry sirens. “I’m sorry,” she took a deep sip of her whiskey, trying to find the words, “How long did you two date?”

"Few months." Chuckling, he shrugged, "I realize that's not exactly ground breaking, but if you knew Dolly... She just... she was alive, man. She had this way of turnin' everything around, makin' you believe life around here could be better. That's why it's so weird... thinking she'd..."

Shaking her head, he forced back a smile and looked over to Skye again, "Guess you just never really know people, till you seem 'em smashed apart in a courtyard." The smile twitched away, and he looked down at his hands, finding profound interest in his bruised knuckles, "...You are too, you know. Beautiful."

"Doesn't take years to make an impact on someone," Skye said as he shrugged off how long they'd been dating, "People, good people, they stay with you even when they're not around."

At his abrupt compliment, Skye couldn't help but crack a smile and place her drink on the bar. "Here, give me your hand, tough guy," Skye reached out and took the hand he seemed so interested in and held it out palm up in her own. "My mom was crazy, right, like completely insane most of the time and she had this love for palm reading and tarot cards, the whole nine. My whole life she told me that you could tell everything you needed to know about a man by his hands. I think I remember some of it."

Tracing her own soft and nimble fingers down his skin, Skye gently turning over his palm as if she was inspecting it for some grand discovery. "Bruised knuckles from fighting, some of your fingers are crooked from what I assume was breaking them and never really getting them fixed," she breathed out, "Calloused palm from warehouse work, and a bit of dirt still under your nails even though you showered."

"This," Skye ran her fingers down one of the lines on his palm, "is the only one I remember, but it's your life line. These little breaks mean you've had traumatic experiences that changed who you are, but it's long which means despite all of these little breaks, you're a rock. Steady, dependable, and able to endure."

Glancing up at him through her dark rim of lashes, she smiled gently, "Like I said, could be a whole load of bullshit, but if crazy old lady logic is your cup of tea, then I think you'll get through this. Even if it isn't easy right now."

While she watched his hand, Finn watched her, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as she worked her fingertip feather soft along his palm. He wasn't unaccustomed to beautiful women - working in the Colosseum, even losing, he was known enough that people thought he was important, and women - certain women - flocked towards those types because by proxy they thought it made them important, too.

Skye, though, was the first woman since Dolly who held a shred of interest. Really, she was endearing... and it felt strange to think that about a person in New Miami.

Maybe that was what pushed him to kiss her. It was impulsive and quick, his free hand moving to cup her cheek as he leaned in. Pulling away again, after only a moment, he brushed her jaw with his thumb, before letting his hand fall to his side.

Swallowing, he shrugged, "I'd say sorry, but I'm not."

The moment his lips reached hers, Skye knew that Ava was right. She was doomed. It had been so long since a man had simply kiss her, gentle and quick, that she could not find her own breath for a moment. "Good, apologies are boring. That being said, I wasn't quite done yet," she finally breathed out and leaned in herself to capture his lips one more time with her own. It was slow, deliberate and she lingered for a few seconds longer before pulling back.

"There," she smirked, "and, for the record, I'm not sorry about it either."

Grinning, knowing he probably looked like a child, he sank back on the stool, "You're somethin' else, Skye... You really are."

"Something else, huh?" Skye finished off her drink and looked over to see the brightness return to his features, "You're not so bad yourself."

"I'm alright." He said with a chuckle, "I definitely have my moments. One or two of them. But you? You're stunning, Skye. And I'm not just sayin' that cause you kiss like an angel. This day? It's been crap... but the last hour, it just feels like I'm gonna get through, you know?"

"Stunning, huh? Always with the compliments," Skye laughed, unsure of what to say at the kind words. It had been a long time since she's spoken to a man who had so much sincerity in his words. She was almost at a loss for words.

"You'll get through it. You're a good guy, Finn," Skye glanced up at him, "This might be a shit life, but I guess deep down I've gotta hope good people like you will see a better day than today. Like most days."

"But don't tell anyone I said that," she chuckled, "I've gotta keep up appearances, y'know."

The bartender came over, taking both her empty glass and his beer, "You want another round or you tabbing out?"

Collab with

@Elle Joyner PART TWO


Finn Carver

Location: The LCD || Finn's place

A good guy... Maybe somewhere down inside he used to be. But good guys weren't cons. Good guys didn't miss the signs that their good friends were suicidal, "Appearances are everything, they say..."

His gaze traveled to her first, then the bartender, then back to Skye, a small smile appearing, "You wanna come back to my place?" Holding up his hands, he laughed softly, "No expectations, honest... I just... I like talkin' to you, and I think I'd rather stay sober to do that."

"How forward of you," Skye teased, her hand slipping through her fiery red hair, "I'm not sure anyone has ever invited me back to their place to hear me talk before."

She exhaled with a bit of a laugh, "I suppose there's a first time for anything but only because I'm really invested in seeing this brick wall view you've got."

Laughing softly, he rose to his feet, slipping the credits on the bartop with a small nod to the tender, before offering her his arm, "Well, I hope I don't disappoint... Ready?"

"The door and an arm? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to make an honest woman of me," Skye laughed, slipping her arm through his and following his lead for once. She watched as he paid and led her back out of the bar back into the night air.

"And I can assure you, you won't disappoint," she smirked, "I'm very impressed so far, but don't you dare for a moment think I'm soft. It'll ruin the whole persona."

"Hell, you think that's impressive? Just find me a puddle. I'll carry you over that puppy, make sure your shoes don't get wet." Leading Skye out of the bar, Finn started down the street towards his apartment complex. It was only a block away, a large building with a crumbling brown clay facade, sturdy, but only in the sense that it appeared to have gone through a lot.

Guiding her up the steps, he pushed the door open and following behind, gestured to the first door on that floor, "It's not locked..." Smiling slyly, he shrugged, "Lock broke a year ago. Ain't exactly a priority of the old landlord." Pushing the door open, he nodded, "After you."

His apartment building was vaguely reminiscent of her father's place, though most buildings in the LCD looked the same to her. He guided her up the steps and through the door and she could not help but smile at his words. "My hero," she laughed, stepping into the run down apartment and stopping just a few steps inside the entry way.

She raised an eyebrow at the sight and chuckled, "Nice place you've got here. The broken lock really adds to the rustic charm."

"You think that's rustic... turn on the faucet." Chuckling, he shook his head, "Can't complain, though. At least I got a roof over my head." Closing the door behind him, he moved to the couch and sank down onto it, rubbing his ribs, which had already begun to swell with bruises.

"...Ah. Only three more years and I can stop feelin' like I got hit by a bus, every time I go home."

"I'll take your word for it," Skye smiled, watching as he plopped down on the couch with his hand on his ribs, "Three more years of this, huh? Here, let me take a look."

Skye walked over and sat down on the edge of the couch next to him, her hand tugging up the hem of his shirt, "Relax, you said no expectations right? You just gotta trust me, then. I'm good with bruises." With no intention on elaborating, Skye looked down. His ribs were a mess and her fingers traced over the skin gently, "If you lie down, it'll help minimize the swelling. You got an ice pack or something?"

As her fingertips brushed his ribs, Finn swallowed, reaching to cover her hand with his own for a moment. He didn't care how much those bruises hurt. He'd have taken a sledge hammer to the ribs if it meant she'd keep up those ministrations.

Smirking dryly, Finn gestured to the ice box, "I've got about a hundred..." But as she moved to retrieve one and he lay back against the couch, a frown found his features, "Do I wanna ask how you're so good with bruises?"

Skye stood, letting her hand slip slowly from his as she made her way to the ice box for a couple ice packs and returned to his side only a moment later. "Probably not," she chuckled, raising his shirt again to gently place the ice packs along the bruised area, noting the time as she did it, "Occupational hazard, really. When you work at night, a lot gets lost in the darkness."

She was doing it again and she damn well knew it. Skye was a master of answering questions just enough to divert conversation elsewhere. Deep down she was kicking herself for even opening her mouth, but there was something about Finn that made her forgot the walls she kept, high and impenetrable, around her heart. "My father was just one of those men who talked better with his fists than anything. Always got through to my mother loud and clear," she finally said, the honest comment coming out in a blasé fashion as though she was simply talking about the weather.

"This doesn't hurt, does it?" she mentioned offhandedly, referring to the gentle circles she was tracing on his skin with her fingertips.

The frown deepened as she went on, and no amount of gentle coddling could distract him from she'd just said, "My bruises are an occupational hazard. Pretty sure you don't get to use that excuse..."

He captured her hand again, the one leaving maddeningly enticing patterns on his skin and stilled it for a moment, looking up at her, "...He get through to you, too? Your father?"

At his words, Skye could feel herself slipping back into old habit. It was easy to leave, to go back home alone the way she had always been, and just lie down until the world spun fast enough to make her disappear. There was a beat of silence between them before she shrugged, "He didn't come around a lot until after mom died and left alone with a sixteen year old me running around? Yeah, he tried."

"Can't say it ever really got, through," she shook her head, a slight smile on her lips, "I'm still just as big of a pain in the ass now as I was back then."

Pulling her hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to the knuckles, before releasing it again, leaning back and letting his eyes fall closed, "...Pretty and strong. Hell, Skye... you sure you're real?"

"Not usually," she smiled gently at the feeling of his lips against her knuckles, "But you, Finn, seem to be breaking all of my rules."

"I feel bad about that..." He said, with no conviction, whatsoever, "...Really, I do. Just terrible."

"Oh I bet you do," she laughed, a bright and melodic sound, "You seem real hung up on it."

"There might be tears, soon..." Opening his eyes, he smiled up at her, "I'm holding it together, but I don't know if I can be tough for much longer."

"You poor, poor thing," she smirked, leaning down to press her lips against his gently. Not for want of anything, really, but instead just because it felt right. It'd been so long since she had just talked with someone without expectation, that she found it almost feeing to be with Finn. For two people caught up in their own little worlds, the air felt lighter here.

"There, better?"

His smile broadening, he reached to brush his thumb across her chin, nodding, "Definitely an improvement..." Shifting onto his elbows, he wound his hand through her hair and with a shake of the head, pulled her in for another searing kiss.

It was a deeper kiss, speaking volumes where there were no words, and Skye almost lost herself in it. No expectations, he had promised her, and while there weren't any -- for the first time in her life, she was wondering if she shouldn't give way to the urges that were so clearly evident. "I thought," she breathed out in between kisses, her lips upturned into a smile, "you were trying to make an honest woman of me."

Chuckling, Finn dropped back against, laying his head on the couch pillows, "Fair point. But you're gonna have to become significantly less sexy, in that case."

"I can always go open the curtains," she smirked, "and see if you neighbor is ready to give us a little show. I'm sure that would make this moment infinitely less sexy."

Groaning, Finn laughed with a nod, "You have no idea. First time I saw it, I thought the guy bought a bear or something. It's not an image you want burned into your retinas, believe me. Why don't you just c'mere and lay with me, instead?"

"I guess I can do that," Skye sighed as she reached down and slipped her heels off. She carefully laid down next to him, careful not to injure his ribs any further and rested her head on his chest. "Am I hurting you?"

Fingers brushing through her hair, Finn shook his head, "Not at all. Comfy enough I could fall asleep."

The words escaped without a thought, but as soon as he realized what he'd said, his eyes snapped opened and for a moment, he couldn't take a breath. How had he let himself get that vulnerable? How had he allowed himself to slip like that...?

"...You know... if I could fall asleep." He added, but he knew it was a little too late to recover.

"Yeah," Skye said evenly, not missing a single beat. If only he knew. If only he knew how hard it was to lie like this with someone and not doze off. It was why she never bothered to stay, why after every client she excused herself politely or ushered them to the door. "I know what you mean."

"Well..." He teased, still brushing his fingers through her hair, "You wanna fall asleep, you're safe here, Skye."

Skye glanced up at him as she pieced together his words. "You too, tough guy," she teased back, wondering if there was something deeper in his words.

Smiling, he shrugged, "...Well there we have it then."

Whether she meant it or not, he couldn't tell, but it had been such a long day and his eyes were struggling to stay open. Every inch of his was sore from the fight and it felt so good, Skye wrapped around him, to just... let go.

She didn't mean to doze off and she certainly did not think he would take her words as truth, but soon enough her eyes fluttered shut. With Finn's comforting embrace around her, she felt something she had not felt her entire life. Safe.

Collab with @Poe: Part Three


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