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Realistic or Modern PDS ⭐️ The Studio⭐️ In-Character

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
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Phoinex Dance Studio was founded by a girl who had life problems and wanted to help those who where like her or in worse conditions, so she created the studio, searching for one in need of help. This created the Phoinex of nine.

These teens, now some young adults, came together knowing very little about each other, but leaned on each other for support. Some how they formed a group and bonded over one thing. Their love for music. They always danced or did song covers of their favorite songs. They became a family over the years, hiding away from their past and reality. However things are bound to change....




The nine friends have trended on YouTube for their covers and even their own songs and choreography! It's still a big surprise when they get an offer from a company wishing to help move their group forward. Venom Entertainment, was the name. It was only a few months old with one rookie group already debuted. The nine agreed and accepted to join.

However their secrets lurk, and their new fame has put them in the crosshairs. Can they stay together without losing their sanity? Or will their new flame burn out and reduce them back to ashes? (brief summary )

☆Phoinex Dance Studio☆




The leader| Male, 22 preferably| Leader, main vocal.

The Founder| Female , 21 | Lead dancer, Female Rapper/main rapper. In charge of choreography. (Yeo Na-Ri)

The Rapper| Male , 20, preferably | Lead rapper, caretaker of the group. Writes raps for the group.

The Hard worker| Male, 20. Preferably | Main rapper, Main dancer. Creates the music for the group.

The twins. Male and Female| 17 preferred. | Lead vocals, Maknaes. | (two people need to either collaborate the family history or one person gets two characters.)

The Pure | Female , 19 preferred| Female visual, in charge of lyrics. Main vocal.

The Face| Male, 19 preferred| Male, male visual , in charge of lyrics, main vocal.

The Vocal| Male or female| 20| Lead vocalist, main dancer, English speaker of the group.

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<pics to be added?>
Dorm 1: The Twins pasta pasta and Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
One desk, bunk beds, two dressers. Between the Hardworker and The Rapper and then to the right is The Visuals.
Dorm 2: The Hard Worker and The Rapper social social and b a r i s t a b a r i s t a
The room has bunk beds to save space, it has two dressers and two desk.The first room to the left of the stairs.
Dorm 3: The Pure C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s and the Face pasta pasta
The spacious room of the studio, two dressers, desks and two beds. Right between the Twins and The Leader and Vocal.

Dorm 4: The Leader social social and The Vocal Yunn Yunn

The door is actually just a window. There is one small desk, two dressers and a lot bed to make up for the small space. Almost the last room to the right of the stairs. After it is Nari's room.
Dorm 5: The Dancer (aka founder) q r o w q r o w

The smallest room all the way squished in the right corner. The dressers is close to the foot of the bed, causing Nari to jump the bed to get to the desk. No wall decor except pictures of her and the rest of the team.


The studio is the largest room in the house? Well...property. Mostly because the rest is add ons by the person Nari got the place from. Located on the opposite side of the main house. Away from everything. (Through a few hallways.)

Office/recording area.


Second biggest place. The picture was taken from the stairs. Nari's favorite place to be when not dancing. A hall to the left of the stairs leads to the dance studio, and a hall to the right leads to the dining room and living room.

Living room

Other than the kitchen and the dance studio it self, this is Nari's favorite place to be. Because it brings everyone together for small chapter and rest. Or just to chill and hang out with each other. It is located right past the dining room tucked into the corner.

Dining room

The smallest place in the house. It does have nine chairs, and is mostly used for its purpose. Eating. It is located through the hall way in the kitchen, the living room sits beside it.
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location:The Studio (Dorm-Kitchen.)
mood: Hungry
tags: pasta pasta , Yunn Yunn , Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , b a r i s t a b a r i s t a , C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s social social
Yeo Na-Ri
The faint ringer of her phone caused her to sit up straight. 'What time is it?' She thought ripping her eyes. She looked at her surroundings her laptop was turned off on the floor, but she didn't remember turning it off. She was still sitting in her chair , yet someone had thrown a blanket around her. Her room was empty , no one was in so she couldn't point out who did it. Or did she do it in a sleep daze? Who knew.

It was currently 8:09 in the morning, and she was hungry from staying up so late. So, climbing out her chair and stretching , she smiled. "I wonder who else is up..." she said out loud. Nari padded over to her dresser, grabbing a grey hoodie to throw over her white baggy tee shirt she fell asleep in. She just left her shorts be, tip toeing down the stairs so she didn't wake any one. The studio , kitchen, and living rooms where on the first floor, dorms on the second and finally the studios/recording/ composing areas where attached in a seperate building.

Making it to the kitchen, she lurked around for food items, deciding on fruit pancakes since it was all she could gather up. "I need to get more food...." she said out loud, humming as she cooked. By the time she was done, it was 8:40 in the morning, so she waited for the others to wake up and come down stairs. She stretched in the kitchen, since there was enough rom and time while she waited.
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Pin Tae Woo
Location: Kitchen
Mood: Tired
Interactions: q r o w q r o w
Tags: pasta pasta Yunn Yunn Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s social social
Tae-woo woke up that morning to see the sun shining through the blinds next to his bed. He hadbeen sleeping on his arm and when he stood up it had been asleep almost, but it hurt. He took off his blanket and got out of bed, spreading the same blanket over the bed to make
it look made without having to do much work. He sat back down on his bed and stretched his arms and legs before getting up again and leaving his room.

He walked down the stairs in his plaid pajama pants and cotton sweater and was surprised to see Nari in the kitchen.
"Oh morning," he said softly in his husky morning voice. For some reason, he wasn't quite used to people other than family knowing the quirks and appearance at home.

He ruffled his hair and looked around the kitchen for a minute before walking to a bar stool and sitting at the counter. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, not knowing what to say really. He wasn't sure if that kind of question was alright to say. There was only so much you could say with such a straightforward question. What was she supposed to say? It was alright? No I have insomnia? He leaned over the counter and rested his head on its surface feeling tired all of a sudden.

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Ko Kyung-Mi


Location: Dorm Room/kitchen
Mood: A little startled
Interactions: q r o w q r o w b a r i s t a b a r i s t a

Kyung-Mi was splayed out in her bed with her arms loosely thrown around her giant stuffed dog. Her body tossed and turned while she the demons that haunted her nightmares. In her mind, she was a little younger and trapped in a familiar basement that reeked of mold. She could only watch on in fear as a burly man approached her. This nightmare was a common occurrence but it never got any easier to deal with since she was unable to stop the next events from happening to her former self. The horrible vision of what happened will forever be burned into her mind as she jolted up from her sleep with a sharp intake of air. Kyung-mi had a death grip on her dog, Gyeoul, and was drenched in a cold sweat that left hair stuck to her forehead. She sighed as she used her hand to brush away the stray tears on her face and knew that her eyes would red from that.

After climbing out of bed, she quickly checked on her brother and was glad to find him sleeping pretty easily in his bed. She tugged down her oversized long sleeve shirt that was covered in pawprints and adjusted her shorts. Kyung-mi made sure that Gyeoul was safely on the bed before heading downstairs. She truly hated being up this early in the morning but she knew that there was no chance of her going back to sleep after that dream. Her eyes were barely open and her hair stuck up in odd places but she didn't care about her appearance at this point. She took notice of Tae-woo and Na-ri and greeted them "Mornin' everybody." There was a small plate with strawberries and blueberries so she chose to pick up a few and pop them into her mouth while she sat on the nearest stool in the kitchen.

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location: The STUDIO: Dorm-Kitchen.
mood: Just woke up kinda mood.
tags: q r o w q r o w pasta pasta b a r i s t a b a r i s t a social social Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha Yunn Yunn

Interactions||||Young-Bum , Ko Kyung-M i||||
Yang Sa-Hee
Sa-Hee rolled off the bed, planting her feet and standing. Yawning, she looked over to the other bed, seeing young bum still sleeping. Sighing, she got up and grabbed her clothes, Heading for their bathroom.

She didn't know how Nari got a hold of this place, but it was big enough for the group. For that, she was impressed. She quickly changed and threw her clothes in a small hamper bag on her side of the room. She looked over to the boy , walking over to his bed. "Bummy~ I'm heading down stairs." She said, still a bit sleepily. Not checking if the other woke up, she started out the door and down the stairs. She navigated through the hall into the kitchen, swing a few others up. "Morning." She said , going past everyone and to the counter.

She grabbed an apple off the counter, biting into the peel. As always she was smiling and listening to the conversation, even though nobody was actually talking to her. She took a seat next to Kyung-Mi. The girls eyes where a bit red. "You okay? Rough night? " she whispered to her.
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location:The Studio (Kitchen.)
mood: Neutrual
tags: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , b a r i s t a b a r i s t a , C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s
❤️Yeo Na-Ri❤️
Currently in a lunge postion, she looked up in time to see Tae-Woo coming down the stairs. She smiled and waved. "Morning. Foods on the counter." She said motioning to the food she made for the group sitting on the counter. It wasn't much, but it's all she could do in her hungry state.

"My sleep? " she asked confused. It was evident she had insomnia as she hardly slept, but it's not something she made noticeable. "It was alright. I guess." She said, standing up and getting a cup of water. She turned to see Kyung-Mi sit and pick at the bowl of fruit she had used. "Morning Kyung-Mi." Nari said taking a sip of water. It's wasn't like they had any big events his week, so the morning atmosphere was tense free. Good thing they didn't start working till next week.

She turned back to Tae-Woo. "What about you? Sleep well?" She asked him. Leaning against the counter across from them. As-Hee came down the stairs and slid past Nari to grab an apple. "Sahee is any one else up ?" Nari questioned while lifting her glass back to take a sip. She looked at Kyung-Mi again. "You alright hun? Your eyes look like you either got no sleep or you woke up crying." Nari said, her voice dipped with concern.

Although, Nari's eyes where probably red for lack of her own sleep.
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Ko Kyung-Mi


Location: Kitchen
Mood: Tired
Interactions: q r o w q r o w C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s

Kyung-Mi waited until she done chewing before giving Sa-Hee and Nari a smile even though it was painfully obvious that she wasn't in the mood to smile. It was one of the things that she hated, being the maknae always left the older members to worry over her when all she wanted to do was ignore her problems. She dragged her sleeve across her eyes again in the hope of getting rid of any evidence of what she struggled with last night. "I'm fine, it was just another nightmare unnie," she whispered back to Sa-Hee. Kyung-Mi was silent for a little while she realized that they didn't know the specifics of her dreams but probably knew that she has had night terrors. It was especially bad in the beginning when they first got together to move in. She tried to offer a brighter smile to Nari in the hope that it would put her ease, "Nothing to worry about, just a rough night."

After crossing her arms on the counter and placing her face down, she looked up at Sa-Hee with a sad expression. This was a common occurrence, the thought of the past usually ruined her mood that would be displayed on her face. It was a relief that they wouldn't be too busy for short while since she could be free to be laze around as much as she wanted to. She took in a deep breath before letting out a small sigh and tried to blow the hair that had fallen into her face out of the way. "So do we have any plans for today or anything that you all want to do if we have free time?"

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Ko Hee Joon​
Hee Joon had fallen asleep pretty late the previous night. He had spent most of the time watching commentary type videos on youtube as well as trying to learn english... Since he had fallen asleep so late, sleeping for him came so easily. He didn't even have a single dream.

He awoke a little while after his sister woke up. He let out a soft groan before rolling over, causing him to wrapped up in a blanket burrito. He sniffled due to his stuffy nose... The past few days he had been experiencing symptoms of a cold which was never a good. Since his nose was too stuffy he felt like he couldn't fall back asleep.

He sat up before began to untangle himself from the warm blanket. He cleared his throat before throwing his legs over the edge. The bright like showing the window caused him to squint his eyes. "Ah," He groaned. "This light," He mumbled, his voice a bit stuffy from his clogged up nose.

He stood up, and began to trudge towards the kitchen. He still fell a bit groggy, mainly because he woke up just a few seconds back.Too tired to even greet anyone, he walked straight to the fridge. Maybe it was a bit informal of him, but right now all he cared about was food. He didn't even notice there was pancakes... "Ah... I'm so hungry," He complained as he stuck his head into the fridge.

Tags ; liek everyone in the kitchen i guess?

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Pin Tae Woo

Location: Kitchen
Mood: playful
Interactions: q r o w q r o w pasta pasta
Mentions: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s
Tae-woo sat up again, surprised to see almost the rest of the group sitting at the counter. "I slept well. As far as I know," he said nonchalantly. He noticed Nari and Sa Hee's concern for Kyung-Mi. He
felt as if the atmosphere was getting a little tense and he didn't want to suddenly chime in on the pity party. He had hoped that their maknae was alright, but he wasn't that great at showing it.

After about a minute or two he heard someone else coming down the steps. He didn't have to turn around to recognize the man's familiar voice. Immediately his mood brightened. He stood up and walked towards Hee Joon and stood behind him, pouting.

"Hee Joonie, my best friend Joonie~" he said in a sort of whiny voice. His hoarse voice was still visible, but he didn't care all that much with Hee Joon around. He gently rested his head on the man's shoulder. Because of their history together, Tae-Woo was very close to him. Whenever he was around, he would act like a baby around him, despite the age difference between the two. He seemed to act more like the younger one rather than the other. He put his arms around his waist, giving him a back hug. He didn't expect him, or anyone else, to think of what he did as a romantic gesture. In fact, he likes to think that the other members think of his skinship as a platonic thing. He never really imagined himself acting like this if he had a significant other.

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TAGS: everyone tbh


A pink hood was all that could be seen from underneath the gray blankets. The material itself belong to pretty much only one person. A person who was constantly cold and rarely wore anything that fit him properly. It all was so damn big. Tae-il. A mess of blonde hair suddenly emerged as the slender male sat up, eyes closed as he didn't really want to wake up. He pretty much wanted to be like 'oh hey i woke up at like 5 am. now i can sleep longer' but obviously that didn't happen. He could hear the voices of other people downstairs. Then came the smell of pancakes. In five seconds flat, Tae-il was racing down the stairs, sporting his huge ass pink hoodie, and form fitting athletic sweatpants, with a touch of super sliding socks. Practically sliding into the kitchen, the male stared at the food that was prepared. "Pancakes. For breakfast. Did someone break something? It looks really good" He asked with a smile as he pretty much went to investigate the food.

Since he was someone who liked to take care of others, he was used to cooking breakfast. Which meant it was nice to wake to food being prepared already. 'Remind self to make a good lunch for people'. Making a mental note of actually acting like a leader, Tae-il pursed his lips as he made his way to grab a plate and some food. As he was grabbing fruit, a strawberry in his mouth, he realized he didn't even greet anyone. Turning to look at everyone, Tae-il swallowed his food before he tilted his head slightly. "Not everyone's up... Well they should get up eventually. But did everyone at least survive the night? I should've said good morning already but half of you kids look so sleep deprived, I'm not sure if you need a pillow or a hug" Tae-il wasn't someone who really enjoyed negative atmospheres, which led to him trying to brighten them up.

"Ah, I interrupted Kyung-mi's question. Sorry" Smiling apologetically at the younger girl, the leader ended up finding a place to put his food down, munching on it. He knew that Nari was the one who made it, after all she was like a mom. Honestly that's how he viewed her. Thanking her for breakfast, he looked around once more, humming slightly. His roommate wasn't up yet, which caused Tae-il to have the urge to wake him up. But the last time he did something without Soon-young's permission. Well, that wasn't all too fun. Oh well, what can you do? You only have limited power, even as the leader.


location: The STUDIO: Kitchen.
mood: ••Content••
tags: q r o w q r o w pasta pasta b a r i s t a b a r i s t a social social Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
⭐♥Yang Sa-Hee♥⭐
Sa-Hee nodded slowly at the maknaes whisper. She faintly smiled, trying to make the girl cheer up. She rubbed the top of the girls head. "We all have our days, well in this case nights." She said, watching Nari join the wagon of concern. Once Kyung mi but her head down and frowned, she pouted. Poking the girls cheeks. "No sad faces. No sad faces." She said, trying to get her to at least laugh or smile.

She couldn't answer her question, Nari was the one who knew the answer to that. So she looked around seeing Hee-Joon announce he was hungry, then get swooped up by Tae-Woo. She turned in time to see Leader-Hyung come down the stairs.

"Hee-Joon Nari made food if you turn around and look at the counter." She told the boy as he looked in a empty fridge. Well, not completely empty, but wasn't very much to eat. She got up and threw her apple core away, turning as the Tae-Il spoke. "Hmm. A pillow and a hug would be nice. Preferable even. " Sa-Hee said patting his shoulder as she past by. "I'm going to go wake one of the sleepy heads up. If I'm not down in ten minutes , back up appreciated." She said jokingly, heading upstairs to her dorm.

She creaked her door open and walked over to a window opening it with her eyes closed. The bright sun filled the room. As her eyes adjusted, she padded over to the boys bed. "Young Bum. Get you bum bum self up. " she said shaking his shoulder gently, repeating his name over and over. Most annoying alarm system ever. "Get up Young Bum or I will tell the others to eat all the food before you come down." Sa-Hee said trying to contain her laugh.
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location:The Studio (Kitchen.)
mood: Happy
tags: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , b a r i s t a b a r i s t a , C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s pasta pasta social social
♥♥♥Yeo Na-Ri♥♥♥
Nari smiled at Kyung-Mi's words, hiding a doubt and second quesses behind it. 'Am i doing enough? Is she happy? Do I need to change anything?' She tilted her head at the question. "Well~ I need to go shopping for food or we are haveing ramen for lunch and dinner...but other than that today is free. Tomorrow you all keep your schedules clear. We have plans. " she said, a knowing smirked across her face.

She turned to see Hee-Joon in the fridge, but didn't say anything and watched him look into the vast emptiness. 'He will figure it out eventually.' She said as Tae-Woo back hugged him. Another figure came in with out saying good morning, but had went straight for the food instead of the empty fridge. "Hyung~ Good morning. " She said happily. She laughed quietly at his observation. "I will take the hug. Even if I had a pillow I wouldn't be able to sleep now." She said, full of energy already. She watched Sa-Hee climb the stairs and make a joke about waking Young-Bum up. "Good luck. " she said as the girl disappeared upstairs.

Washing her cup and plate, she looked at everyone's plates and the pan she had used. "I cooked who's washing?" She joked. Of course Nari wasn't serious, which was clear when she grabbed the pan and started washing it. She nodded when Tae-Il thanked her. "Oh. I got a thanks. I feel honored. " she said, glancing at the others? Beforing turning and humming while she cleaned what had finished its purpose.
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Ko Kyung-Mi


Location: Kitchen
Interactions: q r o w q r o w C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s pasta pasta social social b a r i s t a b a r i s t a

Kyung-Mi enjoyed having her head pet and had no choice but to laugh when Sa-Hee poked her cheeks. She watched as the other began to file in and watched as her brother looked in the refrigerator for food when there was food laid out on the counter. A somewhat cocky smile made its way across her face and she lifted her head, "I always knew that I was the smarter twin bro." Her smile only grew more as she watched Tae-Woo basically clung unto Hee-Joon like a baby koala and suddenly turn cute. It was a common sight but she did wonder if there may be something going on between them. 'I'd never let him live it down without teasing him to death.' Kyung-Mi raised her arms above her and stretched until she heard an uncomfortable pop and immediately stopped. "Ah a pillow sounds great Tae-Il oppa, I feel like I could sleep the rest of the day away."

Her ears perked up at the sound of Nari mentioning that she would be going shopping for food. Kyung-Mi knew that if she went, she'd have a better chance at getting snacks that she wanted. It was alos a good excuse to take her mind off of irrelevant things. She sat up and waved her arm in the air, "Ooh unnie can I go shopping with you? I'd hate for you to go out by yourself so I want to go and keep you company." Kyung-Mi showed a cheerful smile and puppy dog eyes. She was aware that this combo made it hard for people to tell her no.

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-Jeong Young Bum-

Everything works out so good, I wear the robe like no one could

c l i c k
Young Bum was sleeping peaceful until someone came into his room to bother him. Anyone who knows him, knows he doesn't enjoy being woken up. He just groaned in response to him roommate constantly repeating his name again and again. He pulled his pillow over his head in an attempt to block out her voice.

"They can have all the food," He replied as he rolled over. "I can... just buy something at the store." He yawned. He didn't care if he wouldn't actually have time to go to the convenience store. Right now he just wanted to sleep, and if giving up food was the only way to get Sa-hee to leave him alone, he would do it.

He reached for his phone, and pulled it towards his face. He pressed the on button to check on the time. "Ah, why are you bothering me.... It's not even that late," He complained. "Ah, you're such a bothersome." He pulled the blanket over his head to block out the bright light.

"I swear if I can't fall back asleep, you have to by me tteokbokki next time we go out." Young Bum knew he was being stubborn, and he'd probably end up getting up anyway.

C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s

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location: The STUDIO: The Visual Dorm
mood: ••Playfully Serious, Determined.••
tags: pasta pasta
⭐♥Yang Sa-Hee♥⭐
Sa-Hee pouted, as the boy moved, causing her to almost fall off the bed with what little she sat on. She sighed and re adjusted herself. 'Why does everyone hate mornings?' She questioned herself, poking his side. "You know, the more you ignore me, the more annoying and whiny I will become." She said with a fake, yet convincing whine.

"No. You are not going to the convince store when. Nari cooked for us, you are getting up. " she said placing her hands in her lap. "Nice try, but in not giving up this morning. " she said sternly. She crossed her arms and watched him check the time. "It might not be late, but I said wake up~~" she sang lowly, it wasn't a actual song, she just felt like singing it instead of saying it.

"Yes, if being annoying is so bothersome then I'm 88%. " she told him, rolling her eyes. She sighed, "I will buy all the tteokbokki if you get you lazy tale up..."

She said, then a mischievous glint came in her eyes. She pulled off his blanket and threw it out off his reach. She rolled him over so he was facing her, laying on his back. She placed her hands on both side of the bed, not allowing him to roll back over. Sa-Hee let a playful, get a hidden seriousness, expression cross her face.

"If you don't wake up, I will roll you out this bed, drag you down the stairs and spoon feed you myself. Then I will smear syrup all on your face and take your phone and post the picture on your social accounts." She threatened playfully. A childish grin across her face as she loomed over him.
coding by cychotic
Ko Hee Joon​
Hee Joon wasn't too phased when Tae-woo came up to him, and began talking to him in a whiny voice. He glanced back when the other wrapped his arms around him. "Ah, you're so weird," He complained. He scratched the side of his nose before glancing over at Sa-hee when she told him there was food on the counter. His face made an 'o' shape. "Ah really?" He asked. "I need to pay attention more."

"I need to get food," He said to Tae-woo. Once the other had let go of him, he made his way to the pancakes, grabbing plate a fork on the way there. He would've grabbed a set of chopsticks, but he felt eating pancakes was easier with forks. Since he thought syrup was absolutely disgusting, he kept his pancakes plain. Many of his friends had many fun of him in this past because of this. He stabbed a pancake with his fork, and pulled it onto his plate. The pancake looked really good, so he was extremely excited to eat it.

He walked towards the table, and set down his plate before taking his seat. "We have old women plates," He acknowledged, just quiet enough so only he could hear himself. Hee Joon began to cut the pancakes into bitesize pieces with side of his fork. He was so tired, he didn't feel like he wanted to speak to anyone, except maybe his sister. He looked up from his food, and moved his gaze over to his sister. He decided not to speak to her because she seemed to be speaking to Nari.

b a r i s t a b a r i s t a C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha


TAGS: nobody rn


People, the smell of food, honestly it was enough to wake anyone up. Or at least anyone. There will still group members who were sleeping, and Nao was one of them. The rapper was totally curled up under his large fluffy blankets with his earbuds in, playing some slightly loud music so it drowned out most of the commotion downstairs. He wasn't one to wake up early when he didn't need to. He treasures his sleep, especially since he stayed up late practicing. You see, Nao isn't very confident in his abilities as a rapper due to the fact he's not a native speaker of Korean. He spoke mainly in his home language for most of his life, despite living in Korea because he was too stubborn to really learn it. Now it's come back to haunt him. Whenever it stresses him out, he often practices rapping or just dancing, as if chasing his worries away.

After awhile, he stirred in his sleep, finally lifting his head. Normally perfectly styled black hair was sticking up every which way and his warm brown eyes were closed in defiance to actually waking up. The male practically rolled out of his bed, yawning tiredly as he changed into some actual clothes. Loose sweats and a Chicago shirt was his outfit of choice, a red beanie hiding his messy black hair. The white earbuds were still in his ears as he walked downstairs to the commotion in the kitchen. Yawning again, Nao sleepily smiled at people, managing to find himself a seat, laying his head down immediately. For someone who is usually always energetic, it was odd to see the Thai male so tired. "I want to sleep more. Can I go to the living room?" Nao asked tiredly, not really to anyone in particular. His Korean and Thai sort of came together in the sentence, causing him to not really wait for an answer.

The living room area was a really nice place to relax. Since Nao has a thing for corners (he finds them cozy), he seated himself in the corner of the couch and laid down, closing his eyes. He was actually really hungry too since he skipped his usual snack time the day before, but sleep was more inviting. You see, the male is known as the hardworker of the group, constantly training, constantly trying to improve. He studies his Korean religiously, and is always training when he's not studying. He's prone to hurting himself in some way or getting sick, which is why the leader is always carrying around medicine for him. Which was why Nao liked to sleep a bit more whenever he could. He hated not being with the group, but he knew that they'd like him better if he was more of a living person than a sleep deprived one.

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Pin Tae Woo

Location: Kitchen ~ Living room
Mood: amused
Interactions: ~
Mentions: q r o w q r o w , pasta pasta , social social
Tae Woo let go of the man after hearing his response, not wanting to be a nuisance anymore. He pouted. He had completely forgotten about eating breakfast. He wasn't really one to take care of himself diligently. During the day, he'd often forget to eat or sleep (if that's even possible) because of how busy he was. It wasn't the most healthy way to live, but he survived nonetheless.

Only now, realising how hungry he was, he grabbed a plate and took a pancake from the plate on the counter. When putting the syrup on, he made a swirl and watched in awe as the topping fell on the pancake. It really was only the little things that amazed him, and it wasn't everyday that you saw him become so amused over something as simple as a breakfast topping. Placing the bottle down, he began eating his breakfast. "Daebak! Nari is a wizard! This tastes amazing!" he thought to himself, casually humming as he ate.

When he finished eating his breakfast, the man walked to the sink, placing his dish there. He walked off into the living room where Nao was, planning to wash his dish after Nari was done. He looked over at the sleeping man. To think, for the longest time he's known the guy, he's never seen him sleep before. "Wow," he thought for a second before turning to the tv and sitting down on the other empty couch.

new style!​


Tae-il happily ate the pancakes, possessively grabbing one more when the hoard of boys came down the stairs to eat. He was pretty much just munching on his pancakes quietly as he looked at everyone interacting. They were all so cute. The leader was known for his, well lack of being the leader all the time. Most of the time he acts like the maknae, often pulling pranks with his partner in crime, Tae Woo. The two are usually getting scolded for this, which causes Tae-il to sort of whine their way out of punishments. He is certainly a very hyperactive and playful hyung, which everyone seems to enjoy. He is quote on quote a devilish leader due to him causing some rather interesting problems, but they aren't like bad problems. Just ones that may result in one person being totally drunk and Tae-il just recording the whole thing for insurance purposes.

Once he finished his pancakes, Tae-il took care of his dishes and helped Nari clean up a bit, humming a bit as he did so. The male looked at the time, and realized that there was at least one member still sleeping. Or at least one in a bedroom. He didn't want to wake up Soon young because he was scared he'd get burned alive, since nobody likes getting woken up, but there is one person that doesn't mind getting annoyed when trying to sleep. Heading to the living room with a bright smile, Tae-il soon was literally on top of Nao, clinging the the male like a baby koala. "Nao-yah~ Did you sleep well?" He asked with a cute laugh as he pestered the younger. Seeing Tae Woo on the other couch, he smiled broadly. While continuing to disturb Nao, despite the younger weakly hitting the top of his head, he looked at what the other guy was watching. "What are you watching? I haven't watched this show before" He said before he laughed a bit when Nao's small fist hit the top of his head. Tae-il wasn't going to bother him for much younger, but it was cute teasing him. "Did you eat breakfast Tae Woo? I know Nao didn't, but did you?"


location:The Studio (Kitchen-Living Room {really should finish the location list soon....})
mood: Happy
tags: Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , b a r i s t a b a r i s t a , pasta pasta social social
♥♥♥Yeo Na-Ri♥♥♥
Nari nodded not looking at Kyung-Mi. "Of course you can come, your I hope you don't plan on going out like that." She said, talking about the girls hair. She turned to see the girls face. Nari mimicked it best she could. Mostly everyone ate, and Nao came down then went to the living room. She cleaned up, with the help of Tae-Il.

Tae-Woo put his plate in the sink, and she washed since she was already doing so. Nari looked to the Twins. "Well. When ever you feel like getting ready, preferably before lunch come get me Kyung -Mi. " she said, waving to the two as she walked up stairs.

She took off her hoodie and threw it on the bed.
She turn on her speaker and let music play while she got changed. She brushed her hair, the just braided it back.

Turning off her music, she jump a few of the steps and went into the living room. She grabbed a blanket that was draped over the couch and put it over Tae-Il and Nao. "Tae-Il~ let him sleep. Nao stop punching him." She laughed playfully.
coding by cychotic
-Jeong Young Bum-

Everything works out so good, I wear the robe like no one could

c l i c k
Young Bum rolled his eyes at Sa-Hee. "I'm not even that hungry anyways. Why do you have to listen to you?" He shot back, glaring at her playfully. He narrowed his eyes at the girl's expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned. "Geez, what's gotten into you?" He groaned. "Why are being so stubborn? Let me sleep for like twenty more minutes."

"Yah!" He yelled when she ripped his blanket away. He was unsure if his yell was loud if enough to be heard throughout the house or not. "I'm under attack," He gasped. "Hm, whatever," He said cooly "It was too warm anyway."

"Ohhhhh. Is that a threat I hear coming from dear Sa-hee? Hm... Interesting. You think you can do that to me?" He questioned. "I'm pretty strong, so I don't think you can... I guess it doesn't hurt to try," He paused. "Besides, female fans would probably find it cute. It's not even that bad. I can just go take a shower afterwards." He looked around himself. "So yeah, I'm going to go back to sleep, right? Good try."

(Kind of shitty, I apologize~)

C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s


Ko Kyung-Mi


Location: Kitchen, Room, Living room
Interactions: q r o w q r o w pasta pasta


Kyung-Mi noticed that Hee-Joon was looking at her so she sent him a small wave, "You look like you could use some more sleep Hee-Joon." She was looking at him in the way that both of them understood as concern. It was one of the man signals that they had come up with to check on each other when they weren't able to speak for fear of punishment. No matter how bad she felt, she'd always put her brother's well-being above her own. Kyung-Mi's face brightened up again with a smile since Nari said that she could go along with her but stopped in the middle of her celebration, "Why not? It's way too early to care about appearances." By the time she finished talking, Nari was already making her way upstairs so Kyung-mi decided that it was time for her to get dressed too.

Kyung-Mi was halfway up the stairs when she heard a loud yell that caused her to squeak in surprise. Once she made it all the way up, it came as a surprise that the yell came from Young-Bum. "Never knew you could hit high note like that Bum-oppa," Kyung-Mi spoke loud enough for him to hear her before headed off to the shower. It was just what she needed before getting ready for the day and putting on some comfortable clothes for this outing. Kyung-Mi took one last look in the mirror and realized that her hair had turned into a semi-wavy mess since it wasn't completely dry yet, "...Brushing my hair out now would be way too much trouble so I'll just wear a hat and no one will notice." She placed the hat on backwards and headed back downstairs to join up with Nari. The living room seemed full of life since there were a few of them playing around in there. Noticing that Nari wasn't paying attention to her, she decided to pounce on her to scare her a little.

code by pasta
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location: The STUDIO: The Visual Dorm
mood: ••Playful, Determined.••
Thougts| 'why can't he just get up.'
tags: pasta pasta
⭐♥Yang Sa-Hee♥⭐
Sa-Hee laughed at his glare, shrugging. "Because I asked nicely?" She said, smiling. The smile dropped when he called her stubborn. "Look who's talking calling me stubborn when your refusing to get out of bed and-" she stopped, playfully glaring at him.

It was funny , he yelled really loud when she ripped off his blanket, causing her to cover her ears and her eyes widen, something hidden within them. Fear maybe? It quickly disappeared when he started talking.

She heard Kyung-Mi say something about the pitch and laughed again. "Aish. I'm not hurting you yet. Wait until the attack then announce it okay? "

A threat was rare from Sa-Hee, but playful teases where common. "It's only a threat when it gets carried out." She said mimicking pulling him from the bed. "You may be strong, but I can always get assistance if I ask." She grinned, thinking about one of the other members helping her. "I'm sure one of the hyungs or even the younger ones will be willing to help my case. " she said, sticking her tongue out.

She pouted when he ignored her threat with his words. "Not fair! I will sit here and jump on the bed if I need to." She said, not backing down. "Ah. Young bum get up~ I will let you sleep in the day after tomorrow for as long as you want if you get up now~" She said loudly, glaring at him.
coding by cychotic

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