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Realistic or Modern PDS ⭐️ The Studio⭐️ In-Character

tags; idk

"Mmmm." Groaning, he shifted his body to another position trying to sleep. With eyes still open he blankly stared at the wall for a minute before picking up his phone next to his pillow. 4:00 AM. "...Again?"

Slowly getting up from his bed and glanced at the other bed across from his. Carefully, with the best of his abilities, he looked in his closet and put on a black sweater along with shorts and cap of the same color as quiet as possible. Taking only his phone and ear buds, he left the dorms for a jog. Being unable to sleep and jogging had become the norm for him now. With music playing in his ears he began to run. Only after he's tired and out of breath, once the music can't reach his ears, he knows it's time to stop and go back.

Upon returning to the dorm after an hour he went towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Leaving the glass in the sink instead of returning to his bed he walked towards the living room. Going behind the couch he sat on the floor by the window and pulled the curtains wanting to watch the sunrise sighing. "Ah, I really want to go camping now."

With his body leaning more towards the window he yawned, finally feeling his eyes getting heavy. Even when everyone was crowding the kitchen he was only half awake and continued to hide behind the couch, hugging his knees, bunched up in a ball. It was only until he heard someone's loud voice did he get up from his spot and returned the favor. "Hey, can you guys keep it down over there!"

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Pin Tae Woo

Location: Kitchen ~ Living room to bedroom and back
Mood: playful
Interactions: SociallyAwkward
Mentions: ~
Tae Woo continued to stare at the tv screen, looking almost as if he was mesmerized by whatever he was watching. However, he wasn't. Usually when he looks at a tv screen he just spaces out without really realising it. The man quickly got out of the trance after hearing someone's voice.

"Ah...I don't know actually. It looks interesting though," he said plainly as he turned to Tae-Il and smiled.

"Yea I ate breakfast," he said, remembering how happy he was when he had Nari's pancakes. Starting to relax a little, he began to sit back in the couch enough to have his head buried in his chest. He looked as if he was pouting, but really he was just a bit bored.

He decided to go upstairs and take a shower, still feeling a bit groggy from waking up only about what seemed like a little less than an hour ago. He rolled up his plaid pants to just below his knees before standing up to go upstairs and take a shower.
After taking a shower, the man went to his room and changed into a striped black and white shirt and black straight pants that stopped at his ankles. He looked in the mirror and smiled. "This looks alright," he thought. Looking around the room to find something to do, he found a deck of cards laying around.
He came down the stairs and walked into the living room again.

"Who wants to play cards?" he asked whipping out the deck and holding the cards with a grin, as if he was a sly anime character.

new style!​

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