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Path of Legends (Open)

  • It was never a time easily remembered. These were the tales of legendary heroes and villains, when we still believed the world was flat and magic was not a myth that time forgot. Come, enter the lands of Creation. Sit, the fire will replace the chill in your bones. Listen to the different paths walked by legends.

    Welcome to Path of Legends

    This is an epic fantasy dice rpg set in the gaming world of the Exalted RPG known as Creation. You will enter the world taking on the roles of children destined for something far greater than what any mere mortal could ever hope to achieve.

    In order to participate in this game you will need to create a character, a child really someone between the ages of seven to eleven years of age. Oh don't worry the formative years won't last very long, but it is a requirement to enter this game. Each player Must not only have an idea of the child, but must also know what the concept of the character as an adult. The players have the ability to create the child's family and friends or leave them up to fate. The games will begin exploring a bit of the childhood of these special children then the teen years into the ages of young adults fifteen years total. It will be at the age of adults that the characters will each experience a life changing event that will forever change each of their mortal lives.

    There will be no character coordination between the players. You are each expected to create a role that you wish to explore and a feel you will enjoy. The "prelude" will be of a longer length than you are used to experiencing, but I plan to make the fifteen years worth your while. The story begins in earnest at that point.

    Your characters will each grow up in the city-state of Treqe. Treqe is in the Threshold of creation east of the Blessed Isle. The city-state is composed of an island in the Inland Sea and its eastern continental provinces which lies southwest of Thorns. The Island is considered Western Treqe and the continental side is considered East Treqe. The Eastern side is divided into three separate regions. The Regions being North Treqe, Central Treqe and Southern Treqe. The common language spoken is Riverspeak. These lands are ruled by King Jasant Aroun with influence from the major noble lords called Meridian Knights and the Lesser Assembly. There are four Meridian Knights each addressed by a color followed by knight or lady. Each region west, north, central and southern have a Meridian Knight who has been granted the region and authority that comes along with it. They are the Blue Knight, Black Knight, Red Lady and Green Lady. The capital and king's castle is the city Treqe located in the west region. Here the Noble Court runs the city-state with advise from the Realms Satrap. The Realm has only recently acquired Treqe as a tributary state after breaking ties with the Confederation of Rivers.

    This is the area that the game wlll center around and each player is expected to make characters that have been raised within this city-state only. Each region has a different atmosphere and leadership, each being ran more like separate states or nations. The west, north and southern regions are more European while the central region has an Asian theme. The story will concentrate mainly on these lands and the lives of our heroes.
    May we all enjoy.
  • You think you heard in a story or two, “that with great power comes responsibility.” But, in your case it is not like you were given a damn guide!Recently your entire life took an unexpected change. Previously you have gone about your life in this world like everyone else, regardless of your background you just tried to enjoy your life as best as possible.
    The world has always seemed like a pretty, cruel world where those in power have often been tyrannical lords only concerned for material things. People like you are often just a resource to be used for the gain of others. Slavery abounds, drugs addictions common and the value of an individual’s life often less than that of herd animals. Peasants toil the earth often until death.
    Many individuals in power gained that position through having abilities that far exceeded the norm. When you come from a world where spirits are reals, gods walk the land, and rulers often have magical abilities what can a mere farmer who is tied to the land, eking out an existence able to do? Who will even notice the actions of a serving lass? Who cares the plight of the orphans?
    As the curtain opens you and a select few like yourselves have within the last twenty months been given this great power. Who gave it to you? Most would have you believe that the source of your powers are from demonic beings that in the past ruled the world with an iron hand. They say life in that time was far worse than it is today. If these tales be true then you are supposedly destined to try and repeat the same things, mainly to subjugate those who you come across and destroy the world!
    You have seen or heard of others in the past gaining powers like yourself. Those who follow the Immaculate faith call these people Anathema. These are being whose souls have forever been tainted by dark power who must be destroyed. This faith is followed by everyone on the Blessed Isle, but outside of this land; attributed as the "Threshold," Immaculate people tend to be those who say they follow these teachings, yet only give its tenets lip service. A person in the Threshold tends to often be judged by their own actions more than teachings of faith.
    You are unsure where your power comes from, what you remember distinctly was that during the moment that you seemed to be empowered with these powerful magic like abilities, you underwent some type of “vision.” Make no mistake, it seemed real and as if you had been temporarily transported to a different place.
    You stood, knelt, or laid on lush grass, the sun, or whatever the light source before you was so bright you had to avert your eyes, some force was drawing your attention to gaze into the light. In the distance stood a being you could barely make out. The creature, a giant who appeared to have two pairs of arms! You could barely make out all its details. Eventually you could see that the being was not even facing you. As your eyes finally began to adjust to the light, everything came into focus.
    The being before you was not facing you, he was standing maybe twenty or more yards away. The source of light came from the being's head, you could see that its head was completely a glow and it made the immediate area appear as if it was daylight though beyond this light was darkness. Above, the sky was full of stars, some of which were shining brighter than the others. The moon was full as well. You began to unconsciously walk towards the giant four armed humanoid who stood at the ledge of a dangerous cliff. He held an object in each arm, though try as you may you couldn't make them out. They each reflected or glowed with lights of their own.
    The being was not looking at you, instead its attention was beyond the edge it stood near. One of it's arms stretched out waving to draw your attention. As you neared the ledge you could see in the distance a beautiful city which had many buildings shining like gold. A place you had never seen. The city had a bustling port with many ships present. You suddenly heard music and cheers, though you knew the sound was not close, yet your ears seemed within earshot of a merry gathering. Suddenly the sounds of joy was replaced with screams and sorrow. Another light in the distance brightened the city, it was large multiple flaming objects, all headed for the city! In that moment you realized that nothing but death and destruction awaited this city and all the inhabitants.
    The giant turned, its face was almost blinding. It looked from the city, and brought your attention behind where you stood, the light seemed to now extend just beyond you two, now you could see creatures possessed glowing red eyes and weapons. There was many perhaps thousands! They all seemed intent to inflict harm on you, but the giants aura of light keep them at bay.
    The giant faced you again, pointing with a finger towards the heavens. Absent now was the stars and moons. You could only see flaming objects descending above the city. After some time you felt the heat that radiated from the giant, It looked at you. But, your attention suddenly was brought to your body. Many different arms and hands began to grasp at your limbs, then they surrounded you and suddenly you could feel your entire body was being dragged below the surface, by steely hands with vice like grips. Your nose was filled with a horrible odor that could only be the stench of rotted corpses.
    The grass was starting to burn away all around you as you plummeted, unable to escape your faceless foes. You could see the limbs bringing you down where pale where the skin could be seen. They had sickly seeping wounds which oozed some kind of putrid dark blood and writhed full of maggots. Looking for your giant companion you noticed it was no longer near. From a distance it held out an outstretched hand to you. All you can remember is trying to reach out so the giant could help you, but you were out of reach. The giant seemed to radiate a feeling of disappointment in you. The giant still held its’ arm out to you but the distance between you two grew further.
    Suddenly you felt a great warmth within yourself. You began to shine your own light somehow. You shined so brightly the limbs grasping you began to loosen the grips and fall off your body as they withered in the glowing aura. Realizing you were free you gathered your wits about you and looked around. The giant was no longer in sight. Now you stood at the ledge alone. As you looked around the scorched earth had no more animate limbs, the light emitting from you kept those other dark creatures back and the city in the distance had burning objects still headed for it.
    As suddenly as the vision came it vanished. What happened while you had drifted off you don’t remember, but when your mind came back to your present surrounds you were glowing intensely! What happened then, do you recall it?
    Now it has been sometime since the vision, you travel with unknown allies. What are you destined for? You can’t seem to hide or run from an unknown future that draws you to some unknown fate. You are on a journey and now have abilities far greater than any mortal. In your travels you see at times the eyes of the desperate, the smiles of the greedy, the fear of those who just don’t understand exactly what you are. A world awaits you, and it seems yours for the taking. No one has told you what to do with your powers.The choice is yours, but you know that your life will never be the same again. Some people think your are a threat, they are likely to one day cause you problems.
    The Realm (the Empire of the Blessed Isle) calls itself the most powerful nation in all of Creation. They are lead by other mortals that have elemental like powers of air, wood, fire, water or earth. For nearly a century the Realm has been run by a powerful lady called the Scarlet Empress who has been leading the realm from the center of creation. She has control of powerful defensive weapons that are placed throughout the world which helps keep evil beings called the Fair Folk from destroying Creation. Allied nations of the Realm exist throughout the Threshold known as Satrapies but not all nations bend to the will of the empress.
    The Realms religion marks you and others like yourself who have gained non-elemental powers as the gravest danger within the world. When they find out about an "anathema" the Realm put together a powerful team of Dragon-Blooded as they call themselves and track down known Anathema to kill. As of right now this is your biggest danger of concern. These teams known as the Wyld Hunts. If they find you, no matter what way you use your powers they will destroy you. Children that have received unknown powers have been killed without hesitation, and you will be treated no differently. But not all Dragon-Blooded are a part of the Realm, and not everyone follows their beliefs.
    Conveniently the Realm’s religion uplifts the status of anyone who exalts as a Dragon-Blooded, considering them superior to every other being in creation. In fact by their beliefs the Dragon-Blooded are supposed rulers of the land. The Immaculate faith states anyone can exalt into a Dragon-Blooded if they live their currently lives righteously and dedicate themselves to the faith. Then maybe in a future incarnation they too will be gifted with such an Exaltation. Yet, the Realm is not full of beings with immense power looking to make the world better for all. In fact most of them seem only to care about themselves and using others to further their own goals. The Realm is a constant threat to non-conforming nations within the Threshold.
    Ever thought about what you would do if you woke up one day with super powers? Well the thought has become a reality. What will you do with it?
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