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Realistic or Modern Pass, Set, and Spike [OPEN]

Mika figured the wait was either because Haruto was putting way too much into his texts as per usual or he just hadn't seen it yet. Ever since Aleks started training with the team for his debut, Mika had grown closer and closer with Haruto, finding his company enjoyable as he really understood her struggles. Besides, he was just a nice kid. And passionate about volleyball too. It was admirable. But she'd quickly learned of one of his little quirks when they'd exchanged numbers. Long ass texts that could be their own novels. And that was the situation here.

She was finishing up with stuffing the flyer into the farthest corner under her bed when she heard her notifications go off. She wasn't expecting it at all, so her head immediately shot up. It banged against the wood of her bed, and she crumpled to the floor with both hands holding her head, her form rolling back and forth from the irritating pain.

"Mika?" Aleks called up from noticing the noise. "Everything alright?"

"It's fine!" Mika was still making the effort to avoid speaking Japanese at every possible turn. Even with little things like this she spoke in Russian. It was her own little way of rebelling against the move, and it worked. "I'm fine!"

That was that. Aleks left her alone because of the angry force she put into the Russian words. She sighed while still clutching her head and finally went back up on her bed. Damn, that hurt way too much. She scratched at her head and then looked towards her phone. The screen had gone dark, but she'd heard her notifications. And sure enough, when she hit the button, she saw a banner for Haruto's text.

Mika excitedly scooped up her phone and opened it up to pull up the text. She smiled. Even though the guy was Japanese, he was using Russian letters. Part of her had been scared he'd immediately get changed by Japan. It was his heritage, so maybe he'd end up shunning his time in Russia like she was trying to shut out Japan. But her friend was still the same. Just seeing the Russian words and the length of his text proved that. She felt like this was the first time she had genuinely smiled in days. She'd been so irritated by everything since the move, but she felt light now while getting to talk to someone who understood her.

She gave a chuckle as she read the text. He was always passionate, even while texting he conveyed his excitement. "Oh, shut up!" She texted in a playful manner, "Yeah, it's crazy here. The bowing and everything is over the top. Its so weird. And I swear I see all them giving me looks when I mess up with something. Its like we're aliens to them, y'know? Like, its not a custom in Russia so give me a break. But of course I'm gonna get stared at. I mean, I seriously don't look like I'm from here. So I totally feel like I'm some entertaining little freak show to all them. You're so lucky dude! You have the looks to sell yourself and no one's talking about you're dad! lol. And you're basically a Russian, too. I least I consider you to be. Lucky ass." Mika participated in bashing both Japan and the people at Lakeside. It was the only reason she was doing longer texts too. She really just needed to vent. "But, anyways. I'm back "home" with the wonder boy himself. Dumbass was late picking me up too. I had to stand out there for forever until he actually picked me up. He's such an idiot. And don't even get me started about the idiots I have to go to school with, and their stupid volleyball team. You're so lucky you don't have to deal with this. Right when I walk in, there's a kid who knows me. Called me "Alek's little sister". Its like I don't have an identity outside of him, y'know? But that was after he showed me around. This asshole only tours me around to all my classes to get on my good side. Then hands me a stupid ass flyer and asks me to join. Like, are you kidding me? Its why I'm not there. No way in hell am I signing up for that team when I know they only want me because they love Aleks. God that sucks." Her feet tapped on the floor as she typed kind of aggressively. Sorry Haurto, but Mikaela had no other outlet where her feelings would be recognized. You'll have to endure her wrath as she vented. "Another kid came up to me too. Asked me to join all nonchalantly. Do they think Russians are dumb over here or something? I'm seriously not falling for that. They aren't exactly quiet with the rumors about me. I know exactly what they're going for. First dumbass was like a fucking giant to me. All calm and collected until he had his time to pounce. Second dumbass didn't even look Japanese. What's up with these kids? Sorry, Haruto, but you can deal with that on your own." Mika was being harsh and disrespectful with her descriptions of the two. There was no excuse for it. She was just taking her anger out on those guys. All she could perceive of them were that they were terrible people. Like those assholes back in Russia. She just couldn't stop herself from thinking those kids would be the same way. Still, she was only succeeding in isolating herself. Thinking like that was going to get her nowhere.

KaiMedia KaiMedia
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