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Multiple Settings Partners In Crime. 😎👽

Celtic Fairy

darling, you are my northern lights.
Hello my beautiful story tellers.
I hope you are having a absolutely lovely day.
I’m here to find some like minded female writers (sorry boys)
If you enjoy using face claims, third person novella style, and doubling; continue reading.
If not thanks for stopping by and I hope you find the writing partner of your dreams.
P.S. If we RPed in the past and I disappear I do apologize.
Due to a move and personal thing I had to deal with real like shiz.


⇨My Rules⇦
I’m easy to get along with as long as you follow my boring rules.
I get that my style of roleplaying is not for everyone.
Still, when you contact me I’m going to assume you’ve read over everything

and that you’re style matches mine.

1. Please be a female 18+. This is what I am most comfortable with. I’m married and in my twenties. It is just something that doesn’t quite sit right with me being married and RPing with the opposite sex. (Or you being under age.)
2. CREATIVITY, CREATIVITY, CREATIVITY. I don’t want to be the only one coming up with plot ideas and feeding the story.
3. Doubling is a MUST. Non-negotiable. I personally love play both male and female characters. (Also please play your male and female characters equally.)
4. Be flexible and patient. I have a busy life and other RP partners, so I may be able to post seven times one day and then the next few days I may not be able to post at all. However, I will always do my best communicate.
5. I’m interested in character as well as world development; meaning I need visuals and detail. I would love if my partner was just as excited about character sheets and mood boards as myself.
6. I write third person, past tense, novella style. I can write anywhere from 500 to 2000 words per post, per character depending on my inspiration.
7. I only use real face claims and would prefer that you did as well.
8. I do prefer other platforms, so just ask!
9. I only do M/F Pairings.

About Me

You can call me Celt,
I’m 28 and have been role playing for 9+ years.
My favorite animal is a fox.
I’m a mom to be.
I’m a traveler.
And writing is an obsession for me.

OKAY OKAY....ENOUGH about me onto the fun stuff.
Are you here for Fandoms or Originals?
Don’t fret, I’ve got both.

I’ll be bolding the character’s I’d like to play
✨May take some convincing
🦊Has a plot
🧚🏻‍♂️ Has Idea for my OC

OC X Jim Halpert || Anyone you prefer X Your OC
OC X Dean Winchester || Sam Winchester X Your OC
OC X Billy Hargrove or Steve Harrington || Anyone you perfer X Your OC
OC X Real Miles ||Clone Miles X Your OC
OC X Nandor || Laszlo X Your OC
OC X Rick || Morty X Your OC
I’d like to base this off the show, bit with original characters.
OC X Shazam or Dr.Strange || Tony Stark, Joker, Peter Parker (These are who I’m most comfortable playing. I’m not super versed in Marvel so you would have to be patient with me) X Your OC


I’ll be bolding the character’s I’d like to play
💋Plots I’m most interested in at the moment.

The Bronswick sisters(My OC and Your OC) have been sheltered in a small town that no one has ever heard of, deep in the woods of Massachusetts. The reason for them being shelter, they are the last of their kind; purebred witches. Aside from their grandmother of course. However word of their existence has made it’s way to the witch hunters, guy one and guy two. Their job is simple, get in, get the job done, and get out; But nothings every really that simple is it?

Inspired by Possibility-Lykke Li

Two hot shot detectives are joined by an incredibly talented FBI Profiler and an ex-criminal turned informant. The four of them build a team called CCDU (Cold Case & Drug Unit). A special forces unit in the police station that focuses on large drug raids, cold cases, and trying not to fall in love with each other.

Muses A & B think they’re going to have a simple girls trip in the City of Love, Paris, France. See the sights, enjoy the food, and admire the handsome foreigners. What they don’t account for is getting involved with two handsome charming spies. Sending the four on an fast paced, thrilling adventure. (Could use some more plotting with my partner.)

The fifteen hundreds: Beheaded for her beliefs a country rose against her. Fostered by fear and persuaded by the very men who were supposed to support her. Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth Queen of England we’re two very powerful women in their time; lead astray by thoes who were supposed to guide them. Modern Day: Reincarnated with faint memories of their past life as rulers of Scotland and England. Mary and Elizabeth must find their way in a new world; amongst new people in their respectable royal families. Will love cause them to faulter? WIll they betray each-other once more? Only time will tell. (Needs some kinks worked out.)

In this dystopian world, love is out of the question. In fact, when you’re born that chemical that creates the feeling of being in love is taken from you; pulled from your very Chemistry. In this world, if you aren’t royal you are of the serving class. If you step out of line in the serving class, there is no mercy for you. You are sent to the HEAT camps and you never come back. If you’re lucky enough to be a Royal, every bit of you’re life is planned for you. Muse A has become of marring age, Nineteen. She’s set to marry another Prince, move away from her kingdom, to stand by another ruler; Muse B. Muse C, is a servant in Muse B’s house, she keeps her head down and does what she’s told. Her good work has gotten her promoted to be Muse A’s new handmaiden. While Muse D can’t stand his older brother and honestly wishes he wasn't a royal at all. What happens when even though the very chemical that creates the feeling of love has been removed, you still fall in love and with the wrong person.

Inspired by Where’s My Love-SYML

I’ve already got a couple of RPs underway, so Ill only be taking a few partners.
If you reach out to me and I have already found my partners,
please don’t be discouraged.

Also, if you read over everything and nothing caught your interest I’m always open to hearing
your ideas.

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Hello! I'd be very interested in doing The CCDU storyline with you if you're still up for it!

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