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Partner seeking!


Arakkna Kashiko, Mankind's Web spinner.


This heart is how much im dying to do the rp.

Hello! A tidbit about me before we begin is in order i suppose.

I am female and i only play female characters.

I prefer romance and adventure but usually will do almost everything.

(if the mood hits, anyway.)

I will NOT accept one liners.


And i like to do long term.

With that over with here are some pairs i would like to do....

GhostxHuman (<3)(<3)(<3)




This will be updated at a later point with more ideas. :3 if interested, just drop me a LINE!

Hi saw this post and I'm willing to do a rp with you, though I don't have an idea but was thinking of ghostxhuman but could lead into a ghostxghost

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