Part I - Orientation

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

The Beginning Of A New Life

Part 1 - Orientation

Valzael.jpg   Olympis.jpg    Alcaeus.jpg

Valzael                                 Olympis                                Alcaeus


Alysander.jpg   Cyra.jpeg

Alysander                                       Cyra       






Aeris Extos.jpg    Theo.jpg     Iona.jpg

Aeris                              Theo                              Iona 


Xylona.jpg    Kilnuri Illuminare.jpeg

       Xylona                                             Kilnuri


Naia.jpg    Tabbris DeLabrith.png    Io.png

Naia                                             Tabbris                                             Io 





Adonis and Carissa.jpg    Lydia and Lyle.jpg    Kalthazar.jpg

Adonis and Carissa                  Lydia and Lyle                       Kalthazar      


Xolos.jpg    Devorantum.jpg    Tansy.jpg

Xolos                              Devorantum et Sanguinem                              Tansy


    Meris Trant.jpg    Azralis.jpeg    Thera.jpg

        Meris                                         Azralis                                   Thera


Ebony.jpg    Lilitu.jpg    Draak.jpeg

 Ebony                                       Lilitu                                Draak



"What do you think they're thinking right now?" whispered Cyra to Alysander, looking at the demon children through her peripheral vision. The children the other angels had brought into the Heavens were sitting in a room with the angel children and the teachers at The School, and had already segregated themselves to either side of the room. The demon children were mostly quiet, sitting sullenly on the benches, looking down or at the angels, each presenting themselves in a different way. Some seemed openly angry, while others looked scared and confused, but it was hard to tell what was genuine. 


"I don't know, but the Council has been in sessions for quite a while. I heard they began discussing a little while ago, though, so they should deliver their decision soon," The older angel glanced over at the angel children, who were whispering together and glancing uneasily over at the demon children, who reacted in turn. "Do you think it's safe for everyone to be together?"


Cyra shook her head. "No way! I told them to lock the demons in a room on their own or something, like a jail of some sort, until the Council decided on their fate, but they refused. What if this is all a big trap?"


Alysander put a hand on her shoulder, his strong gaze softening. "It'll be okay, all the teachers are here, and we can protect the students if anything goes wrong. I promise everything will be fine, Cyra. You're letting your bias take over."


She sighed. "Well, shouldn't I? These are demons we're talking about. The centre of evil? Everything we've ever tried to get rid of in the world? We were supposed to be celebrating today, not stressing about a whole new problem."


"Hey, this could still be a good thing. After all, the most powerful demons are all gone. We only have the children to deal with. Maybe we can even convince them to follow light rather than darkness."


Cyra snorted. "Fat chance of that." She bit her lip as Alysander sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm usually optimistic about these things. You know I'm the first to argue for more guardian angels. But these are... you know where they've lived. What they must have been raised with."


He nodded. "Yes, and it will be tough. But we need to have faith. If the Council decides to give them a chance, we need to give them the best one possible."
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Part 1 - Orientation

"The Council has come to a decision. We will be bringing the group, both angels and demon children, to the Council Room shortly so that the conclusion can be announced. Before they are brought in, however, we would like to get a short list of each demon and angel child and their abilities."


A guardian entered the room, approaching Cyra and Alysander and explaining the situation. He handed the former a piece of paper and a pen and then exited the room. "Well, this is more modern than what the Council usually uses. I thought they were still insistent on scrolls and quills?" Cyra mused.


Alysander chuckled. "Well, that's only because Lari insisted that it would make them look fancier."


"Hey!" Cyra gasped. "You shouldn't refer to the Council Members in such an informal manner, even Epulari."


"Epulari and I are friends, remember? He's the youngest in the Council, and he's the representation of the less serious side of the world. Besides, if we were really going to refer to them in the formal manner, we would have to call them by their full titles, and that takes way too long, and it feels unnatural."


Cyra sighed. "Well, nevertheless, we should call them up one by one and get a small idea of who they are. I'm assuming by the desire to understand them the Council have chosen to let them live."


"I came to the same conclusion," Alysander said. "Now, who first?"


Cyra shrugged. "We can just let them come up on their own." She turned to the group of children. "Attention, everyone! The Council have made a decision, and as such we will need all of you, even the angels, to come up and give us a short explanation of yourself and your abilities. Take note that you cannot lie, as we will know, sooner or later, and it will not help your case. Please come up one at a time, in whichever order you wish."


The first to come up was Xylona Acacia, a bouncy angel whom everyone knew well, particularly after the time she accidentally trapped everyone in their rooms by growing vines all across the School. The girl was nice, if a bit naive. "My name's Xylona Acacia! I'm a chlorokinetic, but you already knew that." she giggled. "Are the demons going to come live with us now?" she asked, eyes wide with curiosity. "I hope they like it here," she added in a murmur, before heading back to her seat.


Cyra nodded, writing down a brief statement about Xylona. She sure hoped the girl wouldn't lose her cheerfulness because of a bitter demon. Next up was a small girl with long, chestnut hair and small brown antlers on the top of her head. She was wearing a simple kimono, and her expression was blank. Cyra thought she looked quite harmless, even cute, but the lack of emotion on her face was disturbing. "My name is Thera."


"Just Thera?" Cyra asked dubiously. The girl nodded. "So... what do you specialise in?"




"...That it?"




Cyra sighed. "You can go." She wrote down, 'Thera: Illusions. Kinda scary for a little girl.'


Next up was another demon, another young looking girl with large black horns and pointed ears. She leapt up to the front, almost like an upright version of a cricket, and pulled her lollipop out of her mouth. Cyra recognised this demon from a conversation she heard two guardians having earlier. "Aw, man, where's my candy? I asked you to hold it." "Sorry dude, this one demon girl wouldn't leave the Abyss unless I gave it to her. It's like she can sniff out sweets."


"I'm Tansy. Most people call me Sweets, at least, they would if I wanted them to. My power is geokinesis. Do you keep your hair when you cut it? It looks like fairy floss. I think it might taste nice. Probably not like candy floss, though."


Cyra stared at the girl uncertainly, not sure whether she was playing a joke or was just plain creepy. When the girl did nothing but stare at her, head half cocked to the side, she quickly scribbled down the information and waved her away. "Who's next?"


Alysander tapped her shoulder, pointing at two older looking demons who were doing something in the corner. Oh god, was the male eating the girl? "Hey, woah, no cannibalism here!" Cyra shouted, storming over to pry them apart, focusing her magic as she went. However, when she got there, her focus disappeared in a flash as she found out what they were really doing. Alysander chuckled behind her, and she shot him a glare. "You two, get off each other. Geez, get a room."


The male, a tall, handsome guy with spiked red horns, got off of his... partner to look Cyra up and down. He was wearing black clothing with silver edgings, his shirt open to reveal his muscular stomach. Cyra avoided looking at the rest of him and focused on his face, which was set in a smirk. "I'd love to get a room. Is yours available?" He winked at her, and the girl demon with him giggled, not at all fazed that her... boyfriend? was flirting right in front of her.


Cyra spluttered for a few seconds before glaring at the demon. "Name and ability, please?"


He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall of the room. "Well, since you asked so nicely, doll, the name's Adonis. You know, like the mortal who stole Aphrodite's heart? Not to mention the Queen of Hell herself."


Cyra rolled her eyes. Someone clearly thought highly of himself. "Ability?"


"I'm a fiery one, myself. Kind of like you, bearcat. What do you think, baby?" he turned to the female demon.


The girl, who looked quite a bit younger than Adonis, although Cyra could only assume they were of a similar age, had a picture perfect face, with wide, baby blue eyes and perfect, shiny blonde hair. She had what looked like fox ears on her head, and a long, swishing tail. Her clothing was... revealing, to say the least, much like her male counterpart. She giggled and batted her eyelashes. "Oh, I agree. I think she's a cutie, though."


Cyra struggled to control her temper. The more flustered she got, the more angry she got, and even with Alysander right next to her, she was getting more and more frustrated with the knowledge that these demons would probably end up living right next door. "Name."


The girl pouted. "Aw, no manners for me? But I'll tell you my name anyway, since you're so adorable. I'm Carissa. I'm a cryokinetic."


Adonis chuckled. "Cold as ice, yet so incredibly hot, doll."


"Aw, you flatter me, baby." Carissa giggled again. Cyra wondered if all she could do was giggle, bat her eyelashes and pout. Quickly, she wrote down the information and headed back to the front of the room.


Alysander followed, slight concern in his eyes. "Are you alright? Bit of a handful, those two, huh?"


Cyra snorted. "That's an understatement."


"Well, anyway, who's next?"



(You all know what to do! Come up one by one, and once you're done, you can interact with the others while you wait for everyone else to finish. If almost everyone has posted and some people are just inactive, their characters can just be disregarded, I guess (please don't let this happen!).
Xolos had watched the introductions and listened quite carefully. The cute angel with a pool of energy was a chlorokinetic like himself. That meant he could start off on a good foot with at least ONE angel. Then two demons made brief intros that left varied feelings hanging in the air. However, the pair that had just spoken left a bitter taste in Xolos' mouth. They were nothing but animals basically on top of one another. That wasn't what romance or love was like. That was purely lust and left no room for true feeling. No wonder the woman looked disgusted by them. He would have to step up and prove that not all demons were those two.

He strode up toward the woman and man with the clipboards. He smiled as he pulled a seed out of his pocket, one of the things he'd brought from the human world, and forced it to grow into a blooming blue rose. "Madame, allow me to apologize for the atrocities that those two displayed before you. My name is Xolos Orthian. I am a chlorokinetic demon that was raised on Earth." He smiled as charmingly as he could to Cyra and the male before handing the rose to her. "A small token of gratitude for sparing us. Though I feel that this flower's beauty does doesn't even compare to the way you shine yourself." He smiled before looking over at the angels and demons around him for the first time since arriving. He held himself with confidence as he strolled back to his bench. THAT'S how you make an introduction. He smirked towards Adonis before he took his seat and waved hello over at the girl Xylona.

Kalthazar had chosen not to sit but instead leaned against a corner observing each individuals actions. The first angel to introduce themselves was quite the annoying type. She was chipper and happy. Not someone he looked forward to dealing with. At least he was alive though. That in and of itself was a blessing and curse. He decided no to wait long after the flamboyant chlorokinetic demon had made his introductions. He was good with words, but that also meant that he probably lacked fighting ability. However, the satchel around the boy's neck left room for debate. Whatever was inside did have a sense of life from what Kal could tell.

He moved up to the two and looked at them. He observed them quietly for a moment before finally deciding to introduce himself. "I'm Kalthazar Ternaval. I'm an aerokinetic. I don't plan on getting chummy with you or any of the others here. It would probably be best if I had a room to myself though. I'm pretty noisy in my sleep.You're more than a bit noisy. You're a monster. He chided himself as he hid the fact that there really WAS a monster inside him, a geokinetic beast that took several old demons to contain. The fact that he could even release that kind of a terror also meant that he was dangerous, but he couldn't run that by anyone. With his introduction done, Kal returned to his corner by aeroportation. He didn't think that showing them that power would pose much of a problem as he leaned back again and eyed each of the other kids in the two groups with cold disdain.

Iona had her nose buried in a book from the moment she was summoned to the moment introductions began. This really didn't concern her. Her and Aeris were an inseparable team and that's all that mattered. They could handle themselves in a fight, even against demons. After all, very few could compare to her when it came to barriers and healing. And Aeris was a dedicated fighter. That was all there was to it. Finally closing the book when Xylona cheerfully ran up to introduce herself first, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the girl's unbridled joy. "She never changes." She smiled like a mother admiring her children's attitude before watching the first four demons introduce themselves.

The first two were strange to say the least, but at least they weren't as boorish as the last two. Iona had to hold back vomit at their displays almost every time they spoke. Calling each other babe and doll? What were they? A couple of teenage kids from the human world? She sighed as she stood but before she could introduce herself two more demons had gone up. The first was at least less, uncivilized, about his flirting. Wait did he say he grew up in the human world?! Iona's eyes lit up like stars at the new source of knowledge for her. He was an untapped resource just WAITING to be used.

Then there was the second boy. Iona watched him carefully like she did EVERYONE. He spoke in a manner that said he was hiding something. His eyes constantly avoiding locking onto another's. It meant something was buried within him, but he didn't want to talk about it. Knowing he was a demon meant that WHATEVER it was, it was a bad thing. She merely waited for him to finish but was surprised to see him teleport back to the corner rather than walk. That position of leaning in the corner was something suspicious as well. It meant he really WAS hiding something.

She approached and smiled to Cyra. She knew the woman at least somewhat from having to help out with messes that transpired in the past. "Hi Cyra. As you know, my name is Iona Yvana Solara Marie Valatan. But please, call my Eve, Sol, or Solara." She curtsied as per proper greeting before finally turning around to everyone. "My magic of choice is abjuration. Just come to me if you need a strong shield or some healing." She smiled warmly and gave off that faint glow that she did whenever she was exuding her power subconsciously. It was a healing glow but it made her seem more angelic than normal. With nothing more to say she curtsied to the others and the teachers before immediately returning to her seat and speaking to her side. "How'd I do?" It was only when she heard nothing in response that she remembered that Aeris had gone to Earth with her parents for some personal training. It stung to not have her close friend with her at this moment.

@A Mysterious Figure @Thanatos
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[SIZE= 28px]Valzael[/SIZE]

Valzael stood watchful in the middle of the room full of <Angels>... and <Demons> among them, with a giant lantern was floating on his left, while a chained scythe was linked directly to his right hip. Never had he dreamed about seeing the two sides of a single coin which represents the force of light and darkness respectively, standing altogether in a same place without a fight, and he doubted if he would dare to think of such thing.

But it was certainly true, as of now. The <Demons> had arrived to <Heaven>. Originally, Valzael was one of those who opposed the idea, but forced himself not to any longer since it was the decision of the <Council> for them to stay here. Still, the ancient <Angel>'s hatred for those malefic beings could hardly be diminished even with his will alone, for he was made of not just only one, but many slayed individuals at the near end of the <Eternal Conflict> between the <Heavenly Host> and the <Demonic Legion>. They did not wish to forgive what the <Demons> caused them to suffer that easily, and was crying for their retribution on the young ones. However, they were still bound together as one, and so long as one soul resisted, they could never lay a finger on the demonic children. 

"Shut up, [Us]." Valzael scoffed "himself".

'But why, [Us]? This is our best moment to finish them once and for all. With the power of the <Lantern>, we could easily purge the---'

"The final judgment was given by the <Council>. And [We] must follow our order." He explained to the rest of "himself" while reinforcing his gaze on everyone presenting there to make sure that no incidents would happen under his care.
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Theo decided not to stay in one place waiting for his chance to go and meet with the instructors, instead, he walked around the room dropping the temperature a bit when he came close to anyone, he enjoyed seeing people shiver from the unsuspecting coldness, he loved to see people react to what he was doing, it made him happy to see he was doing something.  He waited and waited, he watched every angel and demon walk up and intruduce themselves, as the girl who appeared to be using her power to make her look more angelic was done he rushed up the stairs to meet with the instructors.  "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Theo" he stated with a toothy grin "That's a beautiful flower you have there" he said creating one identical to the flower, the flower Theo made was pure ice that you could see right through "Here have this, it's as delicate as a human's heart" he place the flower on the ground right next to Crya's foot, as he got back up and started to walk away he turned back to say "I'm a cryokinetic if you couldn't tell" 


Aerokinesis | Demon

Lilith watched as everyone came up to introduce themselves, both angels and demons in the same room and both introducing themselves... She wasn't sure if having the angels introduce themselves as well made her feel better or just out of place, squeezing her bear, Mr. Teddy, close to her chest as she waited for her turn which was coming up sooner than she was prepared for. Waiting patiently in her most delightful dress, Lilitu made mental notes of being in heaven and how it differed from the Abyss such as everything. Heaven was brighter and cleaner, it wasn't as dark and eery as compared to the Abyss and there were more children running around than she expected there to be. It was just different in both a refreshing yet uncomfortable way like you would feel when going to a distant relative's house, unknowing of what was ok to do and what was off limits. 


It didn't take long before she was lost in a day dream and was lightly pushed out of it to signal that it was her turn to introduce herself. Hi, my name is Lilitu. My ability is Aerokinesis. Hi, my name is Lilitu. My ability is Aerokinesis. Hi, my name is Lilitu. My ability is Aerokinesis... She continued to think to herself before finding herself right in front of the panel of angels, already feeling their stares like pins and needles pricking at her, trying to study her every limb and how she presented herself.. Squeezing Mr. Teddy closer to her chest she spoke in a mousey-tone, "Hello.. My name is Aerokines-- No wait, I'm sorry no. My name is Lulu but-- Well thats what people call me but my full name is Lilitu.. I don't have a last.. uhh name and.. My ability is Aerokinesis.." Tapering and becoming more quiet towards the end of her mess of statements. Becoming flustered with herself as bright pink flushed her cheeks, keeping her head low as she used Mr. Teddy's arms as a distraction from this embarrassment before walking off once they dismissed the young demon.







Ebony sat quietly, sharp eyes studying every individual present in the room. This was ridiculous and preposterous. She knew that Angels were and has always been absurd and their little decisions are as horrible as them. Angels and Demons, two forces very different from each other, the forces that parallel each other. It was plain stupid to combine them into one room. They're like an oaf trying to mix oil and water hoping that it will blend well. Heaven, it was too bright! There was light everywhere and she needs to squint her eyes every now and then. How she wish she can open a portal back to the Abyss...or she can devour the souls of everyone present in the room. But she couldn't. They were under the care of these angels and they will be even in the future. The demons, the older demons disappeared all of a sudden. In a blink of an eye each and every one of those dark beings disappeared. There was, of course, only one to blame. The angels. How dare them act as if they have done nothing!?

She watched as her fellow demons introduced themselves, they were fools. After the angel,Theo finished his introduction, she planned to introduce herself yet the small demon girl took the stage. When she was finished, the illusionist demon saw the ice flower that the angel who calls himself Theo put next to the angel woman's feet. "Pathetic.." she mumbled before walking towards the stage, she intentionally stepped on the ice flower, with a loud crunch, it smashed into pieces. 

"...Whoops. It looked like it will look good underneath my boots so.." she shrugged her shoulders and smirked evilly, "My name is...Ebony." her red eyes gleamed with danger and her wings, as dark as the Abyss' endless night, looked so out of place around the heaven's light. Only a fool will actually say the truth in front of anyone. She opened the palm of her hands and looked at it, in a blink of an eye, a ball of fire appeared. "Let's just say I control fire." she lied.

The fire in her hand was far from real, it was a mere illusion that none will realize. Her appeal lingered the stage for a little while before she walked off and leaned on a wall in the corner.

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On the long celestial hallway, a young man clad in blue clothing, holding a long hammer-like object wrapped in bandages was running like hell with the <Angels> nearby watching him with confused expressions on their faces. His feet were sore from all the running he had done up until now, and while his breaths became more intense with moments as he exhaled with no spare seconds to gather some more air into his lungs, however, the gap between him and the place where he was supposed to be was not reduced by a single bit in his vision.

"Why is this hall so freaking long?!" He exclaimed loudly, not minding his words. It was safe to judge from from his look that he was already late for something.

'Valzael is so gonna kill me..... and her to follow up with.....' He cursed himself for waking up so late this morning and increased his speed accordingly. 
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It was happening, finally happening. Angels. Demons. Colliding into, hopefully, a peaceful relationship. However, regardless of this intensely serious situation, Io found none of this to affect her. Her heart was pounding, nerves aching with nervous anticipation, and even her three couplets wings shifted, unable to contain themselves in her fidgety state. This was not fear, albeit very similar when affecting one physically. This was excitement. Though, thankfully her jittery-ness was temporarily interrupted as her fuzzy feline companion materialized at her side.

"You know, " he begins, floating through the air lazily and curling his tail this way and that, "if you get much more riled up, you're liable to faint." 

"As if, Rhythm, I've never fainted! I'm not some swooning damsel or anything." 

"Could've fooled me." 

"Bah, you're impossible," she replies, tossing her hands in the air.

"Literally. So... what'd I miss?" 

"Hmm... well, basically," the young angel began explaining to her Sky-Cat friend, " just some sass and , uh... well, a rendezvous between an Abyss couple. That's about it. Oh gosh, just sitting here thinking about them, just-" Io stops for a second to let out a rather quiet, but high-pitched squeal.

"Are you... fan-girling? That's so like, human."

"I am not human-like!" the seraphim replies haughtily, "they chew each other out when they get desperate and angry." 

"In more ways than one," the cat muses, purring as he perches atop her head, "supposedly they taste like beef, but have the flesh texture of pork. Not that I'd know." Io crinkles her nose as her supervisor chuckles to his furry self, and then Io pauses, as if stumbling upon a new idea.

"What do you think they taste like? Fruits, perhaps different sweets to make up for their sinful ways?" 

"You're demented."

"Thannnkkks. Really feeling the support here. Anyways, quick question: Do you think sin-creatures respond better to positive or negative behavior reinforcement."

"Well, probably positive if you are referring to Bureaus Skinner's work."

"Ahh, okay, I  thought so too, after reviewing his notes you brought me. I'll make sure you won't regret it!" 

"I better not!," then the cat looks down at his watch upon one of his dainty front legs," Ugh. My shift at the cloud-making facility over Australia is about to begin, see you later kid," the feline rubs affectionally across her face before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. 

Io goes to say goodbye, but is met with the empty space where he stood- left with a vague feeling of disappointment. She shakes her head, and takes to staring incredibly intently at the demons in the room, which had willingly separated themselves from the holy hosts around them. The smallest, almost cute, and child-like demon caught her attention. Leaving her to wonder whether or not the demoness transformed into a multi-legged insect beast that devoured souls. Io then chokes, a result of her nearly foaming at the mouth. 
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Halard stood quietly in the corner, his arms crossed and his duster wrapped tightly around him. All the fresh faced angels and demons was...unnerving, most times he was seeing a full grown demon or angel on the full attack. It was much like a human seeing a lion in the wild, then seeing a cub in the zoo. He had to wonder how one became the other... Angels were actually quite common to humans as far as behavioral similarities, demons were always wild cards. Who knew what was going on in their twisted broken minds. 

Halard had been escorted here under heavily armed guards and been magically blinded as well as disarmed of most of his charms and relics. He felt absolutely stark naked, relying on solely his regenerative abilities if a battle should ensue, it felt sloppy. A nearby girl angel began to choke on what appeared to be her own spit and Halard stepped forwards, his concentration broken, "You good lassie?" He said, his deep Irish accent cutting through the chatter of the other students.

He was here as a glorified cop, making sure students didn't kill each other, or themselves for that matter. He had needed a break after his last encounter with demons on a angels behalf. This was a special favor, and the first time he had actually been allowed into the heavens. The angels had assured him that he would get his charms and relics back soon, with them he could take on the most powerful of demons and angels, without, well he was at serious risk. But as of now no one had payed the Irish man much thought, and he had what appeared to be a choking girl on his hands. @SolistheSun 

Draak brooded miserably in his seat during most of the introductions, his thoughts shrouded by a combination of anger and confusion after a thorough sweep of everyone within the room had determined that none of his siblings were present in the crowd. Was it possible they'd been left behind by the Angels? Or could they have disappeared along with the elder Demons like the others? It was impossible to tell with their mental bond being so weak, not even a flicker of activity having passed between any of them since they'd been split during the Hunt. A wicked crunch resounded in the otherwise quiet room, and Draaks attention was brought back to the present environment as a dark winged demon, calling herself Ebony claimed to control fire then promptly summoned a ball of 'fire' in the palm of one hand. 

Whatever that had been, there was a prominent sense of wrongness to it that made Draak want to stamp it out until it died under his heal. Fire was the life-blood for his kind of Wyrm, such a part of their very being that they couldn't quite bare to live without it for very long and were drawn to it like worshippers to an alter. Such a perversion wasn't worthy of the title. "Ain't right." He whispered to himself, digging his claws into his palms so that it hurt, but kept him from acting out like he wanted. If Ebony wanted to play things like that, fine. He didn't owe the Angels anything.

Getting up from his seat the Wyrm approached the two Angels after Ebony left. He was reluctant, and it showed on his face as eyes narrowed and nostrils flared, searching for any sign of deception; the Angels hadn't done anything to harm them yet but some types liked to play with their prey and it wasn't to say they weren't planning anything yet. "I'm Draak, don't got a second name or nothin to give ya. Other Demons just call us Wyrms. I can get real big or small, an I got that pyrokenetic ability to use fire." He paused, a considerate look crossing his face as a glimmer of hope sparked in his chest. If the Angels were paying attention to every demon they'd caught, maybe they'd know about the other Wyrms too. "An hey, are ya sure ya ain't seen any more that look like me? May be another Angel did?" 

(Will post other characters soon.)

 Devorantum et Sanguinem

D watched as all the demons, and angles introduced themselves. It was not to long ago the angles forced them to come here. Know it was as if this was simply a vacation a getaway from the abyss. He sneered at the thought disgusted, by all the divine energy around him. He was standing next to the wall towards the back. He did not care to be near the other demons nor angles for that matter. His blood red eyes scanned the room assessing those he could.  When the demon calling herself Ebony summoned her ball of flame he could tell after a few seconds it was not real. Things he learned to recognize when dealing with illusion types served him well in this moment. Then came the Wyrm a strange thing indeed to see one here. He had never met one personally, but he had read about them. Of all the beings here this one intrigued him. Until he noticed a man in the back speaking to a choking girl. In that second  a image flashed in his mind, causing him to place his hands on his forehead. After a few seconds he looked back up to the man. It had bin a long times since his blood memory was recalled. Before the man could notice D made his way up to the front. It was his time to introduce himself. His blood red eyes looked out to everyone in front of him. He stood tall keeping a calm collected posture. He gave nos sign of emotion just a cold blooded look. He spoke in a stern tone" I am D that is all you need to know for my name, as for my abilities i am a Hemokinetic.was all he said, before calmly walking back down to where he was standing earlier. D kept his head held high looking directly towards the two angles. He could feel the stir of hunger within himself which didn't bold well. He would need to feed soon...he wondered how the angles would take to that. For that matter he never had angle blood.....the thought of what it could taste like hunted his thoughts.

Cyra watched as the next person came up, a guy who smiled at her and pulled a seed out of his pocket, creating a beautiful rose which he presented to her. She took it without thinking, her mouth slightly gaping open in disbelief as he introduced himself as Xolos Orthian, a chlorokinetic (as he had shown) who had been... raised on Earth? She had never heard of something like that before. She was surprised that he was so... charming. Sure, demons would flirt and act polite sometimes, but it was always in a way that made it clear that they were not doing it sincerely. This was... strange. Could it truly be that living on Earth had... changed this demon? 


A nudge from Alysander shook her from these ridiculous thoughts. Her eyes narrowed as she quickly wrote down the information. "Deception does not get you very far in the Heavens. I advise you to drop the act now, as your lives are still at stake. We may have rescued you thus far, but do not think that you will survive by acting the same way you have before. It is still highly likely that the Council has chosen a worse fate for you."


Alysander raised an eyebrow at her in a silent question, but Cyra simply tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the next angel or demon, however she absentmindedly stroked the petals of the flower, now resting on top of the notepad in order to allow her to write. A young boy was next to introduce himself, stating quite matter of factly that he was not planning to socialise or make too much of an effort. Cyra shook her head as she wrote down his name and ability. "Kalthazar, aerokinetic... I'm afraid that even if you do end up staying here, single rooms are rarely permitted. If you have some kind of demonic ability that hinders this, the Council will analyse your case. I will also remind you that you are in the Heavens now, a place where we all strive to work together to achieve common goals. In this particular case, your goals are likely the same as the rest of your fellow... kind."


"Must you be so cold, Cyra?" Alysander murmured to her as the demon went back to his seat. "We do not want them to hate us immediately."


Cyra sighed. "They already hate us. They've hated us for centuries. It is unlikely that a few kind words will alter this fact."


The next person to come up was Iona, an angel Cyra knew vaguely. She introduced herself and Cyra smiled in greeting, writing down the information. "Thank you, Iona."



After her came another angel, a cryokinetic named Theo whom Cyra also remembered seeing around a few times. He replicated the introduction of the Xolos, creating a copy of the rose in ice, which he placed gently beside her on the floor. Cyra smiled slightly, and nodded in thanks. "Thank you for your kind gift."



After Theo came a little girl carrying a teddy bear, looking quite nervous as she approached them. Cyra could hardly believe it when she realised this girl was a demon. It is merely a trick, an innocent appearance to lull us into a false sense of security, just like those other young looking demons. However, as the girl stuttered out her greeting, Cyra couldn't help the rush of compassion flooding through her, something she felt no matter how hard she tried to control the emotions that all angels seemed to feel in situations such as this. She smiled at the girl. "Thank you, that is fine. You may go back to the other children now," she said in as neutral a tone as possible.


"Was that... kindness I heard in your voice?" Alysander leaned over to say, a hint of grin threatening to emerge on his face.


"We are angels, are we not? We are supposed to show compassion when others would not," Cyra growled, continuing to face ahead.



The next to introduce themselves was a frightening looking girl with wicked eyes and pitch black wings. The girl approached and crushed the ice flower beside Cyra without a care. "Ebony, hm?" She said as she wrote the name down, her expression remaining nonchalant. Looking up, she saw the ball of fire in the girls hand. "I'm afraid shows of magic are prohibited from demons at the current time. Considering your nature, that most certainly includes you."


However, Alysander stepped forward, momentarily surprising Cyra. "Excuse me, Ebony, but I do believe Cyra has already voiced our thoughts on deception in the Heavens?" He waved a hand through the fire, and faced the demon with a stern stare. "While angels and demons may be complete opposites in theory, the abilities available to both parties are the same, and experienced angels such as myself are knowledgeable of what is real and what is not."


Cyra shifted slightly as the demon girl returned to the others and Alysander turned to face her. "That was... embarrassing," she mumbled, glancing behind her at the older angels who were observing.


"It's alright, you're still young. That demon was quite adept at illusions, even I almost missed that, although I'm sure the others would have pointed it out if I had not."



Next up was a young boy who was quite clearly a demon due to his dragon-like appearance. He introduced himself as a Wyrm named Draak, and Cyra nodded, lost in thought for a second as she remembered her studies on the type of demon. It was surprising one had made it here, considering what their kind usually did. She was brought back to the present by the question he asked, and shook her head, feeling a bit bad for the demon, despite the circumstances. "I'm sorry, Draak, but as far as I know, you're the only one of your kind here. I'm sure other angels will keep an eye out though, as a few are still searching the Abyss for other demons."




After Draak went back to the other children, another demon approached, fixing them with a cold, emotionless stare that made Cyra uneasy. "A haemokinetic... Hm, haven't seen one of them for a while," she murmured to herself. 


Alysander nodded. "We'll need to discuss what to do in regards to sustenance with the Council in his case."


"What do you mean?" Cyra asked, puzzled.


He sighed. "Best to leave that until later."



Azralis Hexitalion Umbris

Azralis had isolated himself to a corner of the room with Glädgen perched on his shoulder in avian form, the Contractor's  large talons fusing into his body where they intercepted with the flesh. He was watching the introductions attentively, storing the knowledge for later use. Occasionally when other demons infringed on it's invisible perimeter apparently surrounding him the Contractor snapped fiercely at the air and hissed, on edge in this new environment; Heaven was unfamiliar territory and nothing was to be left to chance. Others cannot be trusted

However, Azra said taking particular interest in the Angels reactions towards the behaviour of certain demons, if we proceed with hostility here; where violence and deceit is not so easily tolerated, it will be as if we have placed a target on our backs. They have given us a choice, an opportunity to escape from the Abyss, so let us not invite those who would like to strike us down to practise their aim.

You of all would allow yourself to be confined here? Curiosity and surprise cloaked the loaded question, the desire for Glädgen to reach into and pluck the answers directly from Azra's mind was becoming apparent. But it would not, that was a boundary they'd established long ago. 

Never! I am free, now and forever. Thanks to you.

Then why? The Contractor dipped forwards until their gazes were on equal level, they're eyes met, a strangely disorienting experience for something so simple; like looking at a photograph of a memory you can't remember but finding yourself somewhere in the crowd. Only there was something else not a part of the picture, something both frightening and alien... utterly ancient. Glädgen was old, often times Azra asked for an age, but the answer was always the same 'Old.'  

Because the Abyss is a prison, we Demons inmates and no one even knows it. 

Heaven is better? This too was unexpected, the possibility of living elsewhere than the demon homeland had never been a possible consideration for the Contractor's generation. Not long-term anyways, and never among the enemy. 

Yes... and no. I don't plan on staying here forever, You are made of the dark and the shadows here would not sustain Us. I... think we should go to Earth.

The contractors claws tightened suddenly; solidifying with the intensity of emotion, No! Not Earth, what use have you for there? Humans do not welcome us and Angels will hunt Us foreverThis could be different! Azra thought to himself, for despite the others objections, the Vessel still felt the idea had potential and he desperately wanted to protest the fact. However the harsh torrent of emotions swirling around the other side of the link meant now was not the right time. No longer focused on their internal conflict, he was finally able to notice the room had gone silent once again  "We will discuss this later then. For now let us get this over, shall we."

The demon approached the two observers then gave an extravagant bow, his wings fully extending for a few moments and fluttering gently through smoothly controlled motions. When he spoke his voice radiated, long accustomed to capturing the attention of a crowd. "I am Azralis Hexitalion Umbris, Vessel to the Contractor Gladgen." The demonic bird on his shoulder showed no reaction to the their attention, but watched the two Angels with a keen gaze; searching their reactions for any signs of deceit or agression towards his host. "You'll find that We are Umbrekenetic and are not limited by form." They might not be in agreement yet, but whatever happened it would be best to play along with things for now, even if that it meant stooping to obeying the commands of someone else. Even if those people were Angels.

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)](Ok. Super tired when I wrote this, but inspiration hit and that bug doesn't always bite when I need it to. Changes may be made to this, depending on how I feel about it in the morning.)[/COLOR]
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Alcaeus was caught by surprise as he was performing his usual schedule consisting of prayers, studying and preaching the word of the almighty. He immediately grabbed upon his staff which he had placed next to a column to allow himself to focus on to the issue at hand. He kept his hood on, for he did not wish his face to be looked at by the "demonic filth" a phrase he usually used to refer at all creatures from hell. He had all objects of faith hanging from his neck, pierced in his ears , scarred on his body and bouncing on his light armor, which itself consisted of multiple battle-scars as well as "scars of faith" showing his devotion to his lord and his undying-faith. All of this clearly displaying his hatred and disgust towards anything capable of being considered Demonic , Heretical , Sinful or Unclean. A book written by his own hand was attached on his side,covered in chains and small golden crosses. The book's cover consisted of a yellow cross on it and the cover being mostly shades of gray with some slight parts white, showing that time had taken its toll on it. As well as his owner, beneath the accessory covered armor were multiple pieces of ripped and damaged cloth, its white color slowly starting to fade towards darker shades. All this accompanied by his dry,deep and echo producing voice. He slowly dragged his feet across the floor. He approached the area where the children were located to get a closer look. All he could see was darkness.

"The signs are clear,these children are destined to be against us. They are nothing more than daemons spreading their filth and dark influence over these holy grounds. Infecting our holy and innocent youth with their disgusting ways. Enabling them access to the heavens and thus access to earth is to be considered an act against humanity and His Holyness. It is to be considered HERESY" he mumbled to himself as he tightly clenched his staff. His emotions of anger,confusion and disgust all colliding with each other inside him. He had no intention of allowing any incident to go unnoticed. He was going to show his loyalty. He was going to protect the heavens. Even if that cost lives. They were not mortal children. They were demons, their destiny and fate etched in stone. He would remain a stone wall against all others who would accept these rejects of the light to defile the youth of the heavens. However,a small golden drop of hope was inside his heart. He could never harm a child. His chest filled with pain just at the thought of him performing such actions. However, it was his duty.

(I'm really excited about this, however i'm still getting the hang of it,please bear with me)


As Olympis was taking a break from the introductions he overheard someone talking, Alcaeus he presumed.  "The signs are clear,these children are destined to be against us. They are nothing more than daemons spreading their filth and dark influence over these holy grounds. Infecting our holy and innocent youth with their disgusting ways. Enabling them access to the heavens and thus access to earth is to be considered an act against humanity and His Holyness. It is to be considered HERESY" he heard the latter say.  "Alcaeus they are just children!  Please give them a chance, they've done nothing evil yet.  All they've done to you, to all angels, is tell us their name.  If and I say if they do anything to hurt or endanger our realm I will be there to put an end to it as soon as it starts, I am one of the supervisors remember.  Look I know you have your own opinion on this matter, and so do I, if we had an elder demon like this I would kill him or her on the spot, but these are just children, we can't go and kill every child demon we see!  Let them mature a little if they still has sinful ways in mind, I'll let you have your way"

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[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Lucida Sans Unicode']Io[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

There was someone talking to her. Dang it. She needed to divert her thoughts and focus on him. Swallowing her gathering saliva was a start. Complying to her body, she obligingly swallows and sucks in a deep breathe to refill her supply of air. Her fqace flushed, and her surprise evident at his sudden presence, she coughs and manages to regain her composure. 

"Yes, I'm fine... thank you," she replies, nodding her to acknowledge his superiority- as she did not actually realize he was indeed a Nephilim and not a 'true' Seraphim - in an apologetic manner with her wings hunched. Not that she would know well about the Nephilim  anyway- they're nothing more than grim whisper in the wind now. Io refuses to meet his gaze, in hopes not to insult him, and her rose-hued hair rolls forward tickling her face to hide her embarrassment.

Okay... time for phase two. Helpful tip: Try not to freak him the heck out.

"Sorry for worrying you; it's just that the chances of an event like this is one is nonexistent sir, and this is a prime research delicacy I can't wait to delve into. I'm just having a hard time containing myself," Io trails off, and then smoothes her feathers down to try to look a tad less reproachful. 

She glances past him, back at the demon registering himself. He was beautiful. His body was decorated with a layer of slick red scales, and lithe wings were perched upon his back. His elegant horns attracted her attention, and she had to turn away to keep herself from barging into his personal space and questioning everything his very existence. Her focus lasted into her thoughts for a minute, and she saw another abyss-dweller come forth. It was like, a possessed being, was the contractor part the demon? Or perhaps... oh god the possibilities. 

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go.. register..." she mumbles politely to the angel and skitters over to the table in line. 


She just wanted to get closer to more of the sin-creatures. 

Mentioned: @Abyss @A Mysterious Figure

Tags: @DrinkingGlass
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Halard nodded slowly as the girl regained her composure and headed off. As she made her way off to register he watched her wings sway behind her, a flash of envy in his eyes, but he quickly looked away. That was a wound long scabbed over...but it still ached occasionally when being surrounded by so many angels. A deep wound, probably never to be healed.

Halard suddenly felt extremely conscious of the twisted deformed knobs which were concealed beneath his duster and shirt, the feeling of nakedness creeping back in. But as he had always done, he kept his posture and diligence, watching the children. A young man walked up and introduced himself as "D" which brought a slight knot to the nephilims stomach, where had he seen this boy before? Who knew. Halard shrugged off he shiver he squared his shoulders and begin shoving his way through the crowd. He was not rough, but definitely firm when he pushed a assorted demon or angel aside, always with a frosty, "Excuse me." The groups parted like the Red Sea, making a beeline for Cyra, his face drawn into a scowl.

The towering nephilim was like a sky scraper in the ocean of children, standing at a unusual height for even angels. His grim face was shadowed underneath the wide brim of his black hat and the one charm he had refused to let be taken from him hung around his neck. A small shield with a inscription only Halard knew on the back, weighed heavily on his chest, the cold silver almost burning to the touch. He called out above the chatter, "Cyra, a word."

Halard was tired of quietly accepting the angels demands, he wanted answers and most of all, his charms and trinkets. Now. He didn't feel safe without them, and the angels had finally gotten him annoyed with their constant deflection every time he asked about getting them back. That boy, D, had given him a unnerving feeling he couldn't shake, and the only reason he was here and his brothers were not was because he trusted his gut. It had yet to lead him wrong. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he made his way through the crowd, he would make a scene if he had to, in order to get his powers back.

@A Mysterious Figure

Tabbris DeLabrith

Having been about to step from the crowd to begin her own introduction, Tabbris was somewhat surprised when the towering man shadowed her along with many others throughout the crowd so much so that she stumbled back a breath. Staring at the back of the gruff man's head, her own angled slightly in curiosity Tabbris moved around to get a glance or so at his face, wondering just what this battle scarred man had wanted with Cyra.


How fascinating, is he angle? Perhaps, but he has the air of something much less..


Her hazel gaze locked onto his face shadowed even in the blinding light her home promised, she was somewhat surprised as even with his harsh appearance he seemed to have something that reminded her of her father-- peace loving yet unafraid to do what must be done. Having gazed up at the man long enough she turned back to the front to wait her turn gaze locked on the observers, hands folded gently over the soft brown skirts of her dress, her cheeks pink with natural blush, and a soft smile lighting her lips while her bubble of peace danced around her. She waited.


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Upon hearing the Angel's reply, disappointment squashed the hopeful swelling in Draaks chest, though pride glowed dimly in the background, slowly gaining strength; his sibs were strong, and if they could continue to outwit the Angels, they would survive fine on their own.

But, can you? Solitary wyrms didn't last long in the Abyss, but this was Heaven so maybe that could be different.

As he settled back into the demon crowd, a familiar itch nagging at his senses alerted Draak to the presence of one particular Angel; a female with many wings and pinkish hair, whom was staring at him from across the room. He tried to ignore it and succeeded for several seconds before he looked back at the sound of footsteps to find the Angel stalking him, with that growing type of focus; like a predator with it's prey in range for the killing strike. His long ears flicked back and forth, switching with his moods as the flight or fight response stirred within him. Finally they laid firmly back against his head, stand your ground Draak"Whadya want?"


Halard paused behind the girl angel, and cased his crusade there, standing in line silently instead of pushing his way through and making a scene as he had planned. Her look had brought him back into his senses, and his many many years of manners took hold once more. The nephilim took of his hat and bowed slightly at the waste, "Ma'am." He muttered and averted his eyes to the ground.


Halard had found one of the best long swords men in Ireland many years ago and trained under him. The old coot had demanded that Halard uphold the strict manners he himself did. Learning and holding to these manners was one of the hardest things Halard had ever done. The angel still hadn't quite gotten over his savageness, but at least refined it. His Irish accent wasn't so bold now that he couldn't be understood in other languages. But still noticeable.


The little girl had loosened slightly the knot in Halard's stomach, she was one of the few who it seemed wasn't trying to size him up or gauge his power. He just hoped his gut wasn't leading him astray. 


In the mean time Halard played a little game with himself, spot the demon. He sifted through the crowd, looking for the demon boy who had made him so uncomfortable. Long ago Halard had discovered it was better to face said fears then ignore them and let them fester. So he looked absent mindedly for the demon. Not that he would do anything when he found it.

Tabbris DeLabrith

Nodding a silent 'thank you' to the man before stepping to the observers as she had meant to moments ago with hands still clutched before her in a calm and gentle manner, serene smile still on her face Tabbris began her introduction of choice her flighty Yorkshire accent ringing like a small bell. "Hello, my name is  [SIZE= 14px]Tabbris DeLabrith Rademon McRadlmph," [/SIZE]Her smile never faltering nor did her peaceful, oddly mature for her age speech pattern and stance as she bowed slightly in recognition. [SIZE= 14px]"But most who'm I've had the joy of meeting have called me Tabis'." [/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Gesturing her slight hand gently through the air which gladly shifted and swayed by her small command, Tabbris' smile was renewed with the slight breeze and harmony it seemed to entail. [/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]"And I am an  Aerokinesis. I do hope to at the very least coexist in peace with each and every one of you."[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] She nodded to each of the observers before turning back to the crowd to once again be submerged in its many, nodding politely to the gruff man before she was once again in the middle of the numbers, the picture of peace itself.[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 14px]That wasn't so bad.[/SIZE]

@DrinkingGlass @A Mysterious Figure
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[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Lucida Sans Unicode']Io[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Target has made eye contact. Repeat; Target has made eye contact. Abort mission. ABORT! 

Io gave the Wyrm warm grin, secretly mortified. She didn't realize till now that she had been so direct in her approach. Oh well, there was nothing she could do about it now, save for deal with the turbulent of warning sounds and buzzers going off in her head. Thoughts that voiced that demons were the enemy, something that had been ingrained into all the angels in the room. Indeed, she heeded herself to stop, particularly so, because on all sides were the demon-children- she had left the safety of the light and was treading into the dark. She was trapped with sin. Ironic, being that angels were supposed to be sin-free. Yolo, she muses to herself. 

Taking care to not use an offensive stance, the white-cladded seraphim outstretches a tender and soft hand that was unadorned. It was a very human gesture, but Io was determined to make some sort of contact with this being. Especially due to the fact it was the only one in the room, and.... well, she just really wanted to touch those scales. Were they sharp? Or of a stronger element than that of some of the holy weapons? Or could they be used in forging or magics? 

"My name's Io, and since you guys are gonna to stay here for a little while... I figured I'd get to know some of you!" Io replies to his abrasive question, unperturbed at the current time by his demon-ness. She was more focused on how he was able to vocalize language if his body was draconic in appearance. And if it was true, that dragon-kin breathe fire, then they must have additional organs to do so, but were they present in all forms?? At least she'd be lucky if a scale came off his hand? Or would it be a paw..? Hrnnng.

There are some liquids that cannot mix. Naia had tried; manipulating each together. Even swirling them. But each stayed separate. One would split, forming small spheres, trying to adhere to its kind when dumped into its opposite. Each cluster of demons dropped into heaven reminded her of vinegar. Or was it the oil? Many of her fellows' faces reflected the bitterness of their thoughts, Though not all: Olympis was open in his plea for peace. Still, she could feel the tension, the potential for this distrust to boil.

Carefully, Naia slipped through the crowd, finding the small spaces easily. She paused near the front. Was there a line? No, nothing so orderly. As the small girl spoke, she couldn't help the smile at her name. It seemed bigger than she was. Only the girl's nod attracted her attention to the He seemed both gruff and smooth. Like he was a mixture of something. He was as apart from the angels as the demons were...then her eyes widened. Could he be one of those halfbreeds? Naia had only heard of them through rumors though. Her eyes flicked throughout the crowd again. Were there others? She had believed them gone, but perhaps gone had meant to the Abyss. With a shrug more mental than physical, she stepped back. Whatever he was, he could be no worse than the demons. She would simply adapt to his differences as well.

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