Other Parallel Universes Theory - What's your opinion?


Neutral Medic
Parallel Universes, or Alternate Universes as some call it. String Theory.

Here's how I see it:

Imagine an outline (like a rough sketch drawing) of yourself. There are five main colours. The one in the middle is a drawing of you in black. The drawing of you behind you is red. The right one is yellow. The left one is blue. The one in front of you is green.

These four colours are the main way we can go. Right now, you could have taken a step back, or maybe a step left. Whatever you do, the other four colours of you do the opposite. One goes backwards while doing it (red), one goes right (yellow), one left (blue), and one forwards (green). Between these four colours are different shades of that colour turning into another colour.

Think of the four colours as a different path you could have taken today. The shades between them are also different paths you could have taken. Every millisecond, you are walking through one of the main colours, or a shade.

So basically, as you are moving, there are different coloured versions of you doing something else.

Maybe, each one thousand or more years, there is another primary colour added because you have wider options in life. Or maybe because you have met more people who have influenced you. Or something happened that changed your view/opinion on life.

Get it so far?

If not, then here is another version: You are in the middle, the emotion of mixed feelings. Behind you is a door representing the emotion anger, to the right is happiness/love, the left sadness, and the front fear. Between these four doors are other doors, emotions you feel when you are stuck between two of them.
Now, think back to a certain event that happened today. Think of the main emotion you felt right then. Imagine it is something between love and hate, which places you directly between anger and happiness/love; or does it? If you feel more love then hate, then you are a bit closer to the happiness/love door, the same applying if you feel more hate then love.
These doors are linked together. Maybe you are three doors away from the happiness/love door; maybe thirteen. Maybe more.
No matter what, you will go through one of those doors, through a hallway that lasts as long as you have that main feeling, and enter another door when you feel a different main emotion.

So right now, you could have stopped reading this. Or you could still be reading. Stopped for a moment to answer someone calling your name/asking you a question. Accidently spilled you coffee over a paper, or maybe your laptop. You could be sitting down reading this, wondering when it will end, or maybe you are absorbing this like a sponge. Waiting to get to the next paragraph. Finally had enough and stopped reading, never coming back to it. Or maybe bookmarking it for later. You haven't even realised I could have left this to finish next week, or in the next 37 minutes, or 48.31 seconds.

That is a parallel universe.

Us fanfiction writers? We are constantly creating parallel universes. We rewrite the story with another character, usually a "better" version of yourself, and sometimes put them together with a character in that fandom. Or maybe you put two characters from a fandom together; fluff, smut, angst, etc. One word can make a parallel universe, by selecting one word over another. And thus, a domino effect that causes others to keep reading the story, or grow bored of it. Same applies to RP's.

We are both creating and destroying parallel universes.

Do you think this is a plausible explanation? Why or why not? What's your opinion?
that was absolutely fascinating. really made me think, or at least this version of me.

i don't write fanfiction but if this is true i owe my ocs an very big apology...
All I know is that it's Berenstein and not Berenstain.

Do you think this is a plausible explanation? Why or why not? What's your opinion?

Well let me just start by saying I appreciate your efforts in trying to simplify it for readers. :3

My main gripe is two things.

The Title; since parallel universes and alternate universes are not the same thing if we go by fictional instances and to a lesser extent real studies done.

Alternate universes are usually seen as a subset of parallel universes with some fixed point of reference. A 'what-if?' scenario.

eg. What if World war 2 resulted in Axis victory or what if I had taken the bus instead of walking somewhere.(Usually consider only 2 splits from there. What had happened and what might have happened)

Parallel universes is the set which includes literally everything that could be,like you explained, but is not focused on any given event. In fact you need not even exist as you are or at all in a lot of these since the further you go from the initial point the lesser chance of you existing at present.
eg. Domino one pushing two dominoes and then those two do the same for two more each and so on. 
      So your birth. Reliant on your parents being born and their parents being born and so on means that even in a hypothetical infinite number of parrallel universes our existence gets more and more dubious as we go away from that initial creation of paths.

The question; I mean you wouldn't really call it an explanation as you did a good job telling us what it is but nothing to justify why it is. So if you're only asking us whether your explanation was plausible then we'd agree since we have no way of disproving it.

As to whether we want it to be true ... well in my case I'd want to consider two things. Am I aware of them and are they are of me or not?

If I knew I was in one of the worse iterations and also aware of the points I made a mistake for sure then I might very well go mad dear writer of fiction!

And if I did not know then why would I care beyond a simple 'Huh...' as I ponder a 'what if' situation.

I love reading alternate reality stuff in fiction but as to it's applicability in our existence? I think I'm in a majority that prefers to stay as sane as we can afford without knowing every fuck up we've made while being unable to stop making them.(Since time period would not change btw. Only what happened in that time would change.)

Thoughts? ;3

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