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Pairings and Fandoms, a Second Attempt


Intergalactic Manifest Destiny
I posted a thread when I first came to RpN and garnered some interest. Much to my dismay many of those who'd bothered to set up a roleplay with me simply disappeared or never responded. I'm going to give this one more attempt in the hopes of better results.

A Bit About Me

-I am particular about grammar and punctuation.

-If your grammar and/or punctuation are bad, it will likely cause me to lose interest quickly.

-My posts range from just over a paragraph to six or more.

-I am on frequently, and it can be expected that I will post at least once a day.

-If my partner is online with me, I will post back and forth indefinitely until I run out of time.

-I play only male characters.

-I enjoy romance in almost all of my roleplay, even if it is not the focus.

-I greatly prefer straight pairings, but others are not out of the question.

-I am a xenophile, which means I will love you forever if you play some other race to pair with my humans.

-I simply dislike photographic face-claims (profile pictures) for character use, it kills my sense of fiction.

My Expectations of You

-Fair grammar and punctuation.

-Respect: if a roleplay is not to your taste, or your time has suddenly been found lacking, inform me. I shall do the same for you.

-Compromise: you and I may not always agree or share the same desires, but I firmly believe the compromise is the way to handle such situations. If you're willing to give a little, so am I.

-Comparable activity, meaning at least one post a day for around 5 days a week.

-If you've read these conditions, please insert the word 'cashews' into your reply.

So here we are with plenty of options, so let's begin shall we? My parings will be broken down into categories, and each category into a more specific locale/fandom. The Italicized role is that which I'd like to play. Those followed by a • are particularly craved. One (•) is a mild craving, five (•••••) is an extreme craving. I will happily play all listed RP's of course, but those with dots will be met with extreme enthusiasm.

Fandoms (Games and Anime)


Spartan Olympia Vale x OC •••

Spartan Buck
x OC •

Spartan Buck x Spartan Holly Tanaka ••

Kelly-087 x OC ••

x OC •

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Male Inquisitor x Sera (Yes, I know that in the game Sera is only Romanceable by a Female Inquisitor. I'd like to fudge the canon a bit.) ••••

Female Inquisitor x Dorian (See above) ••

Tera MMO

Castanic Female x Human •••

High Elf x Human ••

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Female Robin x Lon'qu •

Tharja x OC ••••

Tharja x Male Robin ••

Nowi x OC •••


Any Female Character x OC •••• (PM me about this one so we can discuss it.)

Temari x Naruto

Mass Effect

Female Shepard x OC ••••

Male Shepard
x OC •••

OC x Quarian OC •••

Tali x OC ••


Eris Morn x OC ••••

x OC ••••

Holiday x OC •••

x Holiday ••

Fallout (Any)

OC x OC •••

Curie x Sole Survivor

Gurren Lagann

Yoko x OC •••


Lilith x OC •••

Maya x OC ••••

x OC ••

Mordecai x OC ••

Final Fantasy X/X-2

Rikku x OC •••••

Lulu x OC •••

x Rikku •

Paine x OC ••

x Paine

Fandoms I am willing to play in, but should/need to be discussed

League Of Legends •••••

Full Metal Panic! ••

Evangelion ••••


Love Hina ••

Tower Druaga •••

High School of the Dead •••

Clannad •••

Bakemonogatari ••••

Psycho-Pass •

Original Pairings

Science Fiction

Human Soldier x Alien •••••

Human x AI ••

Human x Cyborg/Android/Robot ••

Virtual MMO Player x Virtual MMO Player •••

Horror Survivor x Horror Survivor •••

Modern Paranormal

Human x Ghost ••

Human x Demon •••

Demon Hunter x Demon ••••

Human x Magical Creature •••

Human x Monster ••••

Medieval Fantasy

Male Knight x Female Elf ••

Female Knight (of any race) x Human Mercenary •••

x Dragon/Half-Dragon •••

Ancient Human x Different Race Who Awoke Him ••

Viking x Denizen of Asgard

More will come in time, and I shall make a thread post to indicate when the lists have been updated. I hope to hear from you.

I am very interested in many of your ideas! Naruto (Female Character xOC), FFX/X-2 (Rikku x OC), Demon Hunter x Demon, Human x Half-dragon, male Knight x female Elf, Human x Alien
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I like those cashews in your hand. :3

I like some of the original ideas you have, so feel free to toss a pm in my direction and we can see where it goes from there. :)
Mass Effect with:

*Male Shepard x OC

*Female Shepard X OC

...and I love the series. Not likely to disappear either, if you have the interest.

Ooh, ooh. I'm extremely interested in the Alien x Human Soldier one if you'd be willing to start something up with me. I also like the idea of the Human x Magical Creature!
Cashews, but the knight and mercenary or either of the demon pairings sound right up my alley. But the knight x mercenary is definitely my preference

make good


Virtual MMO Player x Virtual MMO Player

ahhhh can it be VRMMORPG?

Demon Hunter x Demon ••••

I have a demon char~

I only play male... Will that be a problem?
If you're still searching, lets strike up a Mass Effect story together? c; I'd be down for the Male Shepard x OC if it's available. Otherwise, I'd love to do the female shepard x OC role, if that's available.

Thank you!
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If you're still searching, lets strike up a Mass Effect story together? c; I'd be down for the Male Shepard x OC if it's available. Otherwise, I'd love to do the female shepard x OC role, if that's available.
Thank you!

There appears to be some error, and I am unable to send you a PM --let alone go to your profile page.

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