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Fantasy P.I.C. Lore



Despair :3
Any and all Lore regarding Haunts, ghouls, spirits, demons etc will be posted here. Information about the school, surrounding areas and towns will be posted as people reach those areas. When interacting with certain areas a message will appear with red text during the RP that will say (New Information Discovered) When this happens, it is best to review any information in the Lore to determine what new information has been updated. If a new piece of information has been added to existing lore than a note saying: NEW! will occur beside it. It will be wised to review these as time goes on and things are found.
Izaya Shrine: This 100 hundred Year Old Shrine has been within the Izaya family since the founding of the City of Ogre. This Shrine has been a statement of both ancient times and traditions to celebrate the defeat of the Ogre from the myth of the Lance and the Ogre. Recently Kei Izaya has taken up the mantle as the new Shrine Keeper.New!
Leslie Academy: Founded by the government and seen as the status quo in terms of schools, it is deemed the perfect school. With its construction it is a well known fact that anyone who decides to graduates from this school is guaranteed success in life. NEW!
Grief: A popular band that has toured all across the nation to the excitement of their fans. Recently the fans have become rather unhappy with the sudden disappearance of the lead guitarist. Lately the crowd has been feeling a bit less enthusiastic lately. Especially with rumors spreading about a 'falling out' between the guitarist and the Lead vocalist Christine. NEW!
Library: With 3 massive libraries on campus, Leslie Academy has a unique collection of various very rare and very unique books from around the world. Being the leader in the industry, it only makes sense for the Academy to at least have this many facilities. NEW!
Cafeteria: home to a number of chefs, the cafeteria is a well known place for students to frequent. Well over 50 tables and chairs line the inside, outside and the roof of the cafeteria. Overlooking the lake behind the school and the green fields, is rate for a student now to enjoy this beautiful scenery. NEW!
Lake: A man made lake was created and placed behind the school to give the students a more relaxing experience outside. Around the lake is a trail that encompasses the body of water. At the northwestern point of the lake the trail lead off to the schools gardens. To the north east, a ranch with horses could be seen. It was one of the newer additions to the Academy. North of the lake lay the forest. NEW!
Auditorium: Capable of holding a minimum of 1000 students within it's seats it serves as not only the perfect place for the drama club and their plays but for speeches. The massive stage, made of cedar, shone a brilliant dark red with the overhead lights. If one were to look down at the wood closely they would be able to see each individual line from the previous wood used. High above the chairs in theatre style seats were the teachers seats. Which were made in such a way that students could easily see the teachers without obstruction. NEW!

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