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Fandom Overwatch: The New Heroes (Always Accepting!)

Safety Hammer

A walking piece of shit in a stupid looking jacket

After Overwatch reformed, it quickly came to the attention of the founding members Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Ana and Mercy that there were many former members that came unaccounted for when reforming the original team. Too many, in fact. So, when it was brought to the attention of Gabrielle Adawe, the founder of Overwatch, she decided that it would be best to split the teams. An 'A' team, which would feature the most notable members of the original Overwatch as well as combat TALON on a public level, and a 'B' team, which would include lesser known operatives that would be sent to stop other terrorist threats as well as fight TALON at a lower level. They are based in Watchpoint: Matterhorn, which is found in the Swiss Alps.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Ghost Toast Ghost Toast Aquaknight Aquaknight yuckeroni yuckeroni Krim Krim
Bella woke up in her room, like always, next to a sleeping Nigel. Her coworker, and, albeit secretly, her boyfriend. It took her a moment to realize, and remember there were other people there on base, causing her to quickly get up. "Babe, wake up," She said, pushing him. "Come on, go back to your room." They had to be secretive about their relationship, otherwise not only would it put the team in danger, and would lead to accusations that Bella was reviving special treatment. "Nigel up!" Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
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Bella woke up in her room, like always, next to a sleeping Nigel. Her coworker, and, albeit secretly, her boyfriend. It tool her a moment to realize, and remember there were other people there on base, causing her to quickly get up. "Babe, wake up," She said, pushing him. "Come on, go back to your room." They had to be secretive about their relationship, otherwise not only would it put the team in danger, and would lead to accusations that Bella was receiving special treatment. "Nigel up!" Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Nigel yawned and slowly opened his eyes to see a messy haired Bella pushing at his arm. He smiled a sleepy and somewhat content smile, before snuggling her. "What time is it, love?" He asked with a tired tone, before falling back asleep with her in his arms. "Scratch that... It's way too early to be gettin' up...."
Nigel yawned and slowly opened his eyes to see a messy haired Bella pushing at his arm. He smiled a sleepy and somewhat content smile, before snuggling her. "What time is it, love?" He asked with a tired tone, before falling back asleep with her in his arms. "Scratch that... It's way too early to be gettin' up...."

"We aren't the only ones here anymore! Ya gotta get up fucker," Bella said, freeing herself, and pushing him outta the bed. "So put her boxers on and get to your room."
"We aren't the only ones here anymore! Ya gotta get up fucker," Bella said, freeing herself, and pushing him outta the bed. "So put her boxers on and get to your room."
"Shit!" Nigel said, before falling down from the bed with a thud. "God dammit. You know, you didn't have to push me..." He groaned, as he picked himself from the hard floor and rubbed his ass. "Hey Bella? Who exactly is here anyways?"
"Shit!" Nigel said, before falling down from the bed with a thud. "God dammit. You know, you didn't have to push me..." He groaned, as he picked himself from the hard floor and rubbed his ass. "Hey Bella? Who exactly is here anyways?"

"They got here yesterday, you don't remember?" She asked, sitting on her knees with the blanket pulled around her. "Anyway, captain, you're doing the introduction today."
"They got here yesterday, you don't remember?" She asked, sitting on her knees with the blanket pulled around her. "Anyway, captain, you're doing the introduction today."
"Yeah, but it doesn't happen till ten." Nigel whined as he pulled on his boxer shorts. "And it's only eight o' clock." He sighed, and slipped on his uniform, as well as scratching at his beard.
"You've gotta help too, Captain Gallagher."
"Yeah, but it doesn't happen till ten." Nigel whined as he pulled on his boxer shorts. "And it's only eight o' clock." He sighed, and slipped on his uniform, as well as scratching at his beard.
"You've gotta help too, Captain Gallagher."

"Well, I get the lixuray of extra sleep Ástvinur," She chuckled. "I'll join you soon though."
Korhonen had woken up hours before sunrise, as she had for three decades. Most would say her habits were unnatural, considering that she slept late and woke up early, but Taru's routine had been customary for so long that the effects of sleep deprivation and such had slipped past her. Her overcoat had been shed and left in one of the rooms, and the faint scent of coffee lingered on her black oversuit as she wandered the base in an attempt to commit the layout to her memory. Her helmet, safely fixed upon her head, was set to its highest volume, an effort to make sure she could hear everything around her as she strolled.
Naomi had entirely the opposite problem - she was nocturnal. Waking up wasn't the difficult part, staying awake was. She stared longingly at her bed, and then rubbed her eyes. Walking past the window which had been set to 100% opacity, she opened the door of her quarters and set off toward wherever it was she was supposed to report to. Come on, she told herself, you pulled plenty of late nights when you were human, this is no different. Perhaps she just didn't like the idea of working on someone else's schedule.

"Going legit is more trouble than it's worth." She mumbled to herself.
Nigel sighed, giving her a smile and kissing her on the cheek, before leaving her room quietly. Walking down the halls of the base, he couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the prospect of new recruits. Well, new in regard to the new team. There were some completely new recruits, not a part of the original Overwatch team, and then there were ones who were there from the very beginning. Longer than he was with Blackwatch, which was only a year and a half. And he really didn't want to have a power struggle with his team. Mako shook the thought out of his head, and walked into the mess hall, before pouring himself a cup of coffee.
yuckeroni yuckeroni FireMaiden FireMaiden Krim Krim @Talon Lena Oxton Ghost Toast Ghost Toast
(Open for interaction)
Dedrick was currently in the armoury working on his axe and armour, he was currently cleaning the helmet as he rubbed off the grim from the battle he had before he came to this place. He hasn't been any near Overwatch for a long time, as he finished up and place the helmet onto the armour as he stood up to his full height of 6,11. Dedrick wondered why he was here but he remembered that he had problems with some crooks, grabbing a coat before he went upperstairs to meet "Leader."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer FireMaiden FireMaiden Krim Krim yuckeroni yuckeroni
Bella smiled, turning over to get more sleep. Only, She didn't get any. Bella laid there for a bit, before getting up and getting dressed in her normal attire. Anyone outside would hear the heavy foot falls she was making, thanks to her legs. Well, anyway, once she was dressed, She left her room. And on her way up to sort a few things out, She ran into the hulking man Dedrick. "Oh hey, hows it going?" She asked, falling in beside him while flipping through some papers she grabbed from desk in her room. Rage Rage
Dedrick noticed the women beside him and said "Alright....How was last night for you?" he grinned as he kept walking to Nigel but he would know that she would punch him in the arm for that comment. Unlike others, Dedrick had the say that he knew about Nigel as they did work together for a couple missions and learned abit about him and how he acts. He also knew that Bella and Nigel had feels for each other as he caught the glimpse of them looking back at each other from time to time. FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Same old, same old," Bella replied, punching him in the arm. "Settling in nicely?" She asked. Though she as pretty sure Nigel didn't know Dedrick knew, She knew he knew. And she has threatened him before, so he wouldn't tell. That, and he knew how it could hinder the team."I hope this old place is holding up for someone of
..your height." Rage Rage
Dedrick laughed slightly as he heard Bella before she punched him, it was very funny to mess with her but he understood what compilcations would happeb if anyone beside him knew about Nigel and her. "It's....Too Cramp in my Opinion, Mainly because my armour is so damn big. It's hard to get around when I'm suited up." FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"Its cramped because you're so same big," She chuckled. "But, if Reinhardt could fit himself in here, then you can." She briefly stopped walking to pickle up a few papers she dropped, only to fall back in line with him. Rage Rage
Eventually, Taru's wandering and impeccable hearing aids would lead her to where she heard people talking. She stopped behind a large man and another woman, conversing in a topic Korhonen would probably not be interested in. "Uh, hello, comrades," she says, giving them a wave of her hand. "How are you both this morning?"
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Rage Rage
Dedrick smiled at Bella's response and said "Yeah....Only Crusader before me to have walked these halls as one of Overwatch, I have massive shoes to fill. Not only for My Country but for Myself as well." Noticing another of the new members as he saw Tarun and he heard greeting before he replied with "Perfect. Worked on my Armour, had a good breakfast and got to chat for a bit. How is yours?" Asking her a question after he answered her own.

FireMaiden FireMaiden yuckeroni yuckeroni
She snorted a little. "Im not sure if thay on was intentional, but it was pretty good." Someone else joined them, making her stop once more and turn to look. "My morning was fine. Haven't gotten a chance to get coffee, and if you two want to join me, that fine. The coffee where the breakfast is served is pretty shit. And we have a bit before Nigel gets off his ass to get orientation underway. I'm the actual captain of this little team, but in not good with speaches." Rage Rage yuckeroni yuckeroni
Then on their way to get coffe Eliza appers from aroud a corner half saying half yelling "Hello! I don't think we have officially met. I'm Eliza, or Rivet." Glare(at bella). Shakes Dedrick and Taru's hand. "Well I hope our 'unfourtuneate encounters' don't get in the way of our friendship!"
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Then before they can leave Eliza bursts into the room half saying half yelling "Hello! I don't think we have officially met. I'm Eliza or Rivet." Glare(at bella and nigel). Shakes Dedrick and Taru's hand. "Well I hope our 'unfourtuneate encounters' don't get in the way of our friendship!"

(Okay. Nigel is not with Bella, Dedrick, or Taru. Those three are currently in a hallway)
Taru smiles, unbeknownst to the two in front of her. "Ah, good to hear! My day has been pretty nice so far." She exclaims. "Too bad about the coffee, miss. Well, since I'm here now, I'll just follow the both of you? Hope you don't mind." Although her seniority surpassed Bella, Korhonen refused to give anything but respect. Upon the appearance of another woman, Taru shook hands eagerly.

"Hello. It's really nice to see some fresh faces around here," she said, her last sentence addressing to everyone else. Although Eliza's appearance, Dedrick's stature, and amount of people she met in just 5 minutes startled her, she remained harmonious and cool in the situation.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Rage Rage wdinatx wdinatx
"Yes, good morning Rivet," Bella muttered returning the womans glare with one of her own. She then addressed Taru, "Well of course, that's why I offered."

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