Video Games Overwatch RpN Group

Got the game a month back. Just discovered this exists recently. 
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I've been considering getting the PC version lately since I already have the console version but I feel the lack of communication available on console is so crucial and having better communication with teammates might make the experience better.
I got Overwatch for PC fairly recently, and I've been quite enjoying it. To reply to @An Adequate Captain I'm on EU. Also, I'd appreciate the discord server if that's okay.
This thread is beautiful. I love it.

anyone else main way too many characters? Mine, in approximate order, are Tracer, Mei, Symmetra, Lucio, Ana, Mercy, Zarya and Widow, occasionally playing 

And I know, I'm very biased. Nearly all of my mains are girls X D
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This thread is beautiful. I love it.

anyone else main way too many characters? Mine, in approximate order, are Tracer, Mei, Symmetra, Lucio, Ana, Mercy, Zarya and Widow, occasionally playing 

And I know, I'm very biased. Nearly all of my mains are girls X D

Haha me too I'm well biased, I love playing as the girls  ^^ I'm all about Dva, Mercy and Mei. 
Howdy! *Urgh bad opening statement but now that's done!*

Just joined the site about a day back and found this. I've been playing Overwatch on and off for the last 2 months and so I got to enjoy the characters more.

Sadly what drove me to play more recently were the summer skins.(of which I got around 2/3rds)

I'm usually stuck as support due ... do I really need to explain? *Heh* :)  

So I tank main Rein,DVa and heals Lucio, Mercy. I go defensive too if able but hardly offense, more out of habit now, and I have an irrevocable vendetta with Mei ._.

I do confess I love destroying the hopes of other players by going Rat and messing up all their plays :3

Well that's my say in all this. Waiting on the new map and ofcourse partially dreading our new 'Partial Stealth' character :\ Sigh ...
^ Yeah. Name is Sombra. I'm actually quite interested to see how they play. A lot of my favorite moments in TF2 were related to Spy shenanigans.

There's also Doomfist and some character in a hazmat suit which I'm assuming, if they ever make it into the game proper, will be some kind of style based around poisonous "damage over time" abilities. Probably a couple more concept sketches that didn't make it in, so I have a feeling we'll be seeing roster additions for a while still.

I'm usually stuck as support due ... do I really need to explain? *Heh* :)

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, we totally need two Hanzos. Don't worry, I'll just switch from a our only turret class to healer. Again. You just do you, it's fine."
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I thought Sombra was going to be Ana's original name, after all, I believe there were teasers with her face and that name on them. It also makes sense, doesn't sombra mean something like sleep, or shadow? (I dunno, I don't study Spanish ^^") That would make sense since she's a sniper. Also since she has a sleep dart. And in-universe, she was for a long time considered dead, and therefore was said to have become a metaphorical ghost. 

Some people just don't know

My mains (as I've already said) are Tracer, Mei and Symmetra, but lately (for the past couple of weeks of overwatching) I've been healing nearly exclusively. First off, I like it and its fun. Second, with a good team, it's really really fun. And you're not begging other people for healers because you're the healer. 

But when we have a team on offense and you choose mercy...

but someone of a far lower level chooses her way after you..?

My personal code is that whoever clicked first gets to play the hero, because I don't like duplicates. If you get there at the same time, then you should decide by level. But apparently that only occurred to me. 
And just me. 

Sorry 'bout that 'lil mini rant

I'm sure ya'll guys aren't those kinds of troll players. 
That was actually the common theory for a while; that it was simply her code name. That was debunked with Ana's release.

Apparently there's a big ARG going on right now revolving around Sombra. She's affiliated with Reaper in some fashion. Prior to her release the little we saw of Ana usually had her in her Shrike skin, and given that Sombra also seems to be wearing a mask of some sort it's understandable that the two got a bit mixed up in speculation.

I really wanna unlock that Shrike skin... I like it...


Do you have an OC idea? I do~~ I'm just like that ^^
My personal code is that whoever clicked first gets to play the hero, because I don't like duplicates. If you get there at the same time, then you should decide by level. But apparently that only occurred to me. 

And just me.

That's how it should be in my opinion, first come first serve. It's only polite. That said, I have no faith in level. I'm 4X right now and I've played against people who are 2XX who are terrible. It happens way too often. Not really an accurate representation of skill, just free time and possibly dedication.

I think someone else is dead set on filling the role that you initially chose then it just comes down to confidence. Do you feel you could really do well with another character in the setup if they absolutely have to be the person that sticks with your initial choice? Then go for it. That's why people who only stick to a single character kind of irk me a bit. Like, yeah, it's just a game. Lighten up. Etc etc, I get it. The entire balance is focused around counterpicks and switching mid-match though, so to limit yourself in that manner is detrimental to your team on the whole. Not to mention, really, Overwatch isn't that technical of a game. Almost all of your choices you can pick up and have a moderate understanding of within a few minutes.

I enjoy healing too, but every single time? Nah. Variety is nice. I play a lot of Zarya, Mei, and pretty much all the supports. Using Roadhog a lot lately though, that hook is a looooot of fun.

Don't have an OC or anything yet, haha. Just now starting to eye Overwatch as a potential roleplay to take part in. I think a lot of all the designs the game has so I need to wait for inspiration to strike to maintain that level of quality, y'know?
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i dont care if ppl suck tbh. I'm only there to have a good time and when people get all mean on voice chat about people sucking or whatever i leave immeadiately
Same! Except I guess I'm a bit of a troll to sore losers... Sometimes I say serious stuff tho

One time someone was complaining about a bad team (my team) because they wanted to level up, so I retaliated with something along the lines of 'some people come here for fun, so stop ruining it'

it sounded more sophisticated than that though ^^"

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