Overview & Main Roleplay

Klaus rose to his feet and dusted off his hands. He only nodded at Prudence's praises. He was the only one that knew how to take care of her? Well of course! He was a doctor, after all. The conventional approach could often best magic when it came to mending pain in the body, he thought. Magic was fast.. but it lacked thought. Klaus stepped to the side as the parties spoke, smiling and trying not to laugh as he heard a name he found funny. "Shaz", he thought to himself. "I wonder how long I could annoy them about such an interesting name."

@Enuky K @Trombone Geek

. . .

Aizen's meditation was broken as Lanister arrived. He quirked an eyebrow at him.. straight to the point, he was. With a deep breath and some pondering thought, Aizen dug down for what he knew about magic. His interpretation.

"Magic is.. actually something anyone can learn." he began. "To my understanding, most magic is cast via a catalyst of some kind, like a wand or staff. Weak magic, or strong casters, however.. do not require wands. Magic can be cast through vocalizations, motion, with material pieces, or a mix of those three..." he began to ponder what else he knew about the nature of magic. He dug through his mind about books he read, people he'd killed, or gossip about a john or jane doe.

"Er.. There were a few varieties in spellcaster, I believe. Someone who learns and casts magic through books.. thats a Wizard. Someone that can cast magic naturally, thats a Sorcerer. Someone that draws power from a non-Godlike entity to use magic, a Warlock. One that uses the power of nature to fuel their spells, that is a Druid, and someone that does use Godlike entities.. they're a Cleric. Then there is.. magical musicians, Bards they're called. Dont quite understand how they function." Aizen trailed off.. looking up at Lanister. He had hoped that this was what Lanister had asked for. If he knew about how to use magic, then maybe it would save Lanister a few steps of instructing him. "That correct, Sir?"

(Note, this is all my original writing)

Lanister would nod, before helping Aizen into a meditation stance. It was the Seiza stance. "Very good, you have a basic understanding.....But to truly  understand, and see the beauty that is the magical arts, you'll need to clear your mind, and allow yourself to feel the world around you." He said, as he would then place the man's hands, crossing his arms, over his chest. 

"We follow the three ways of life, or in the dragon tongue, they're called 'Fogah Ulhyrri Di Tobor'. "He said, setting around him. "They are the guiding principles upon our understanding of magic. At the Mage's college here, they teach that they were apart of the three founder's magical philosophy. We've passed this tradition on, both orally and literally, through generation after generation." he said to him

"The first is 'Wer Gul Mavli' - The Cold Endured. " Lanister said. "We are thrown into this universe against our will, and given no tools for survival, but what we make and take for ourselves. We live in a cold place, surrounded by frost, but there is warmth to be found: For by enduring the cold, we thrive in an environment where others merely survive." He said, explaining it the same way that he was taught to understand it. "By this experience, and understanding, we learn to cast the most complex art of our known world: Magic."

"The second is 'Wer Ixen Sitelia' - The Fire Captured. "Lanister said. He would then move the male's hands, and place them over his heart, the source of his 'Fire'. "The Inner flame that controls our emotional response to the universe can keep us warm, but it can easily spiral out of control. Like unrelenting rage before reason, a fire can burn and destroy everything it touches, but once captured, it provides the pathway to security, knowledge, and inspiration, and companionship. To be able to experience the best of the universe, you must have control over your emotions."He said. "By the flame of your passion, you can bring forth the will to cast magic, but unless controlled, you'll easily destroy everything in your path, willing or not."

"The last, but not least, is 'Wer Navnik Ifpespa' - The Spirit Calmed." Lanister said, before moving Aizen's hands into a cupping motion, as if he was holding the very essence of his being. "Through experience we gain understanding. Through the inner fire we brave the cold around us. Through the cold, we learn to survive and thrive in a world that is not kind to any. But to connect with the universe, to realize how vast it really is, your spirit must be calmed and free-minded. For once calmed, you realize just how little differentiates you from the rest of the galactic whole, for the Universe is one body, and you are but a single drop of blood in it. " Lanister said, motioning towards the world around them.

"Through the calming of one's spirit, one can look at the vastness of the universe, and never feel truly lonely. Through the strength of the whole body, you are never without support. You are not one, you are Many." Lanister said. "When we cast magic, we call upon the strength of our many bodies to give power and protection to our hands. The energy you feel is not only yours: It is mine, and everyone's. We help eachother as one body, and we fight to preserve ourselves. Now, Hold out your hand, Aizen, and think carefully on what you want to protect: Pour your passion into your hand, and bring forth Fire." Lanister instructed, waiting to see what the hobbit would do.

South Yunakai--

After Klaus finished rubbing Prudence's feet, the female sunk into her sofa and rested comfortably. She listened to Syniad's agreements with little surprise. She had expected the order to accept her terms. Now the witch was smirking slightly, satisfied that the negotiations were going her way.

Perhaps Prudence had become too caught up in her plans; she wasn't paying enough attention to react to Shaz's sudden attack. In a split second the female had a sword drawn on her, causing Prudence to become tense with alarm. Prudence clutched the sofa with her hands and stared into Shaz's eyes. Her green hues carried a glint of fear in them, and seemed frozen on the blade pointed directly to her heart. 

"I...I...", Prudence stuttered as her eyes finally shifted to Klaus and Syniad, waiting to see what they would do. When Syniad barked his orders for Shaz to back down, the female at last relented and sheathed her sword. The witch sighed and relaxed, but appeared visibly flustered by being threatened in such a way. 

"Clearly I expect better treatment than that", she said, narrowing her eyes at Syniad. She then cast a quick cold glance to Klaus, who hadn't reacted with much alarm to Shaz's assault at all. Shaz could have ended her life! She reflected bitterly, deciding that in her present state she shouldn't be bothered with the burden of protecting herself. Indeed, this should be the responsibility of others, thought the witch. 

She crossed her arms and elaborated more on her goals for the order. "The Umbra Carcerem has remained untouched for more than two centuries. If we could find some way to harness its power we can reclaim the kingdom of Alethea for ourselves. From the skies no one will stand in our way of ruling all of Morganna", she explained. Prudence had a vision of inhabiting the lost kingdom and one day making it into the resistance capital. She knew unlocking the Umbra Carcerem would prove tricky indeed, but with the assistance of the order she was confident it could be done. 


Cecile tried to linger there long enough for Lance to take his leave, but as usual the king was unwilling to leave her unsupervised. It was no wonder, either, considering Cecile could lose her senses and wander away at any time. The princess only sighed and followed after him; she was used to not being trusted with freedom outside of the castle. She then followed Lance back into the castle without complaint, and sure enough once inside Lance was comfortable enough to leave her be. 

She watched as Lance disappeared into a small hallway, and quietly made her own way deeper into the castle. When she made it to the court yard, she began practicing more of her spells alone. She felt comfortable without the worry of Lance watching over her. 

Cecile busied herself with creating more icicle spears to practice throwing, but after just several attempts a dizzy feeling came over her. She stumbled slightly, knowing these were the first signs of losing control. Now the witch sat upon the ground with her legs crossed and her hands together in meditation. She was breathing deeply and trying to will herself to remain sane. 

Despite her efforts, soon the female lost all conscious thought about her surroundings. The girl began to wander mindlessly about as she often did, playing and laughing to herself all the while. She was alone again in her world of insanity, and the Bathelon guards knew not to intervene unless the girl tried to leave castle grounds. She was left to carry out her episode as she wished. 

When Cecile returned to her senses she awoke to find herself tucked safely into bed. It was a large room different from the tower she spent her prison sentence in; she refused to revisit that space. Instead, she was given a much nicer room elsewhere in the castle. Cecile sat up and sighed, upset with the familiar feeling of uncertainty she faced following a black out. One of the guards must have returned her to her room after she crashed, decided the princess. 

She laid there in silence for some time while she thought bitterly about her curse. She needed it cured, but no progress was being made as things currently were. She was growing impatient with it all. Lance would eventually surpass her training, and Cecile would continue to be held back by her curse. She scratched at the golden marking over her heart and sat up. She climbed from the bed and began her search for Lance. 

She eventually found Lance in his study, buried deeply into research. Cecile stood there quietly and watched him for a brief moment, knowing he had likely already been informed of her latest episode. She was trying to decide how much time must have passed since she lost her senses, but Cecile had no way of knowing. At last she spoke out to Lance, "Lance", she said and stepped into the room. She'd been standing in the doorway. 

Cecile paced the room and hesitated. She wasn't sure what to expect from Lance after hearing what she had to say, but it was something Cecile had been considering for quite some time. She avoided his eyes while She spoke, "I know you've been working very hard to find a cure for me, but... there is no cure for this curse. I think it's time for us to find the cause of my curse... my attacker". Cecile paused in hesitation before continuing, "I could identify her if I saw her... I could never forget her". Indeed, Cecile could remember well the short female responsible for her condition. 

"I know I wasn't a year ago, but I think I'm ready to face her now. I believe she is our only hope for curing me, and it's time for us to find her and demand that she fix this", Cecile said and fell silent. She wasn't sure if Lance would agree to her plan to seek out her attacker, but she knew she could not pursue such an endeavor on her own. 

@Trombone Geek @DemetrioMachete @Andraus 
"I apologize. It's difficult to tell how Shaz will react to things, since she's always so quiet," Synaid explained, finally glancing back to Prudence at her second mention of the Umbra Carcerem. He was frowning. "Do you not know why that place is sealed, Madam?" he asked in a stubborn tone, crossing his arms. Bathelon nursery tales had it that the demons wandered about at night snatching children from the streets should they wander when they shouldn't; this had worked well to keep the kids in bed, better than tales of werewolves or spectres. But even the Bathelon guardsmen couldn't shake the dark and uneasy feeling creeping up their backs during their nightly rounds, and most of them found themselves to become strictly religious and murmuring prayers under their breath until morning or when their hoarse voice ceased to work. Some had even gone insane, reinforcing the rumors. 

Syniad knew all about Alethea. He'd done research, and the kingdom actually had existed for a time, until the Demon Raids decimated it. There was a legend that three members of some secret Roseland military division had sealed away and hidden the kingdom, and after begging the Wilting Rose to access their libraries he'd finally found the truth. And he wanted nothing to do with that place. But there wasn't anything he could refuse to do if he wanted a secure alliance with the resistance, and so Syniad decided he'd go along with Prudence's plan. 


After a hurried courier had rushed in and announced Cecile was in a fit, Lance's stress had skyrocketed. The king had punched a wall in frustration, leaving his knuckles bruised and bloody but, unnervingly enough, healing quickly on their own. He'd watched with morbid curiosity until the source of this mending crossed his mind and he'd punched the same wall a second time with his other fist. He'd gone out, forced Cecile into a sleeping state with a spell that left him sore in his head as well, before putting her to bed and returning to research after bandaging his knuckles, mostly to keep blood off of the books and partly to hide the nasty bruising and help them heal without infection.

When Cecile entered the library a few hours later, Lance pretended not to notice her, letting the slightly agitated princess gather herself first. When she spoke, Lance bookmarked his page and closed the book, leaning forwards and bracing his elbows on the desk, holding his pounding head in his hands. "Cecile, we don't have the time or the means to go chasing after that damned witch," he said tiredly. "Philip is an old man and I cannot trust that he would live through my leaving a second time, whether by murder or by age. And while I could leave the throne to Katha, where would we even start looking? What if the closer you got to the witch the more your episodes occurred? I just can't--" With an irritated sound, Lance dropped his head to rest it on the desk instead, lacing his hands behind his head.

"She won't lift the curse if you ask her, Cecile. People like her don't do those sorts of things." He glanced up at the princess, eyes dark with his own memories of killing. "You would have to be ready to end her life before she would willingly aid you. Do you really think you've got that drive, Cecile!?" His voice rose slightly, the closest to yelling the king had ever been. "It's not worth it to live with that sort of thing!" He paused. "And I don't want you to, either," he whispered to himself, standing and turning to look out the window behind him to help disguise his words. 

"Do you really want to chase after this woman?"


Maeve staggered at Yaro's initial attack, but forced herself to recover to avoid being ripped to shreds. She found herself trying to stop and beg for him to forgive her with every second, but she knew she couldn't do that. Kalamitat was right when it said Yaro had to be stopped; it had repeated this many times during the run here. As if it had peered into the future and seen this very encounter. Maeve planted another knife into the ground before a spike caught her in her arm, tearing through her elbow; with a short cry, mostly frustration as she discovered it hurt like hell to move her right arm, she grabbed a dagger from a sheathe on her thigh and leaped savagely at Yaro, trying to bury the thin blade into his shoulder just right so he could no longer move his own arm, either, before retreating, eyes lit from within with emotion and Kalamitat's own anger.

:Don't hesitate, youngling! Let me help you kill him,: it insisted, but Maeve refused to lean on the demon for aid. Instead, she would do this on her own. 

"If you want to die, Yaro, from the wrongdoings you haven't yet committed, then this will be your gravemarker. But know that the path you're taking is the wrong one! But enough jabber; fight me with all you've got!" These words seemed a bit out-of-character from the assassin, revealing that Kalamitat may be influencing Maeve more than she thought.
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South Yunakai--

Prudence watched Syniad with bored eyes as he did his best to explain Shaz's actions. She was uninterested in whatever excuse he had to offer, believing that Shaz could no longer be trusted regardless. Prudence rolled her eyes at his lame excuse, "I don't care what her problem is; I am not to be left alone with her", she snapped. She was still somewhat irritated by the lack of urgency concerning Shaz's attack. 

As Syniad began to gently school the woman about the Umbra Carcerem, she appeared disappointed. She hadn't anticipated that the order would be so reserved about her future endeavor. It was no matter, thought Prudence. She was confident that she could enter the shadow prison with or without thier support. She mirrored Syniad's frown as she answered him, "of course I'm well aware of why the kingdom was sealed away... however, fear shouldn't be allowed to limit our potential", she said. She then shifted and brought a hand over her belly, gesturing to it. "As you can see, I have a few things left to square away before we can start our expeditions", she explained. The witch had no intention of dragging herself into such dangerous territory while pregnant. They would have to wait until she could rid herself of the beast inside her. 

Now Prudence felt a surge of impatience come over her. She was irritated with the order, and growing in her frustrations over still being left alone to deal with them. "We will discuss more in depth about our plans once I am ready for it", she added. Hopefully, by then she could have the order more comfortable with her plan. She glanced to Klaus and back to Syniad, "do you require anything further from me?" She asked dismissively; she was ready to find out just what was taking Yaro so long. 


Cecile watched with widened, sad eyes as Lance put aside his research and acknowledged her presence. She expected his decision to be a negative one, but she hadn't expected Lance to raise his voice with her in such a way. The unusual agitation of the king made her nervous, and the princess was soon looking in any direction to avoid the eyes of the king. 

The rose princess stuttered and hesitated; she was clearly unsure of whether or not to argue with Lance. After struggling for several moments, it seemed Cecile found the confidence to continue. "I do know where she is...", she insisted. Lance and Cecile had long learned of the political instability facing South Yunakai, and Cecile believed this to be the most likely location of her attacker. 

As Lance further critiqued her plan, Cecile blushed. Luckily, she knew to anticipate Lance's unwillingness to pursue the witch, and had long prepared her response for once she was told no. Cecile stepped nearer to Lance's desk and gazed quietly upon his mountain of old books and papers. She knew he was acting in what he believed to be her best wishes; he wanted only to protect her...

"but, Lance, what's going to happen when I don't come back?" Cecile knew that the roads to South Yunakai would be especially long and dangerous for a pair of royals at this time, but she wasn't sure how much longer she could afford to wait, either. She shifted anxiously as she braced herself for his response, secretly hoping he would answer her more gently than how he previously spoke. 

@Trombone Geek
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Klaus watched idly as Shaz advanced on Prudence. True, his response was one of standing around, but what went through his mind as he saw it happen was

1. If he tried to stop Shaz, himself being Unarmed, Prudence would have likely died.

2. Whatever damage was dealt to her, Klaus could fix.

Thus, he stayed out of it. It worked out for the best.. as Shaz seemed to back off. Klaus sighed with relief. Blade wounds were bad for infants and their mothers. At first, Klaus almost responded, thinking Prudence's last question was addressed to him, but alas, it seemed to be directed at Syniad. In this stead, Klaus merely added onto the situation.

"Klaus.. Klaus, Klaus. We need to keep weapons sheathed in the presence of Klaus. I see another weapon.. I will try to eat it." An unorthodox warning.. Hopefully enough to confound everyone; Klaus' ulterior motive!

. . .

Aizen grew alarmed at first, When Lanister repositioned his body.. though he did ease up, and closed his eyes upon realizing he needed to be calm. Lanister's words echoed through his mind.. It was a lot to take in at once, and Aizen felt it may have taken a few read-overs to memorize it all. As his hands were moved, he could hear his heart beating, echoing throughout his emptied mind, and the sounds of his cupped hands echoed like a shout on the horizon.

Now.. What was it, that Aizen wanted to protect? The Rose Kingdom? The Wilting Rose? Lanister..? Himself? No. Such perspectives were not broad enough. He simply wanted to protect everything he cared for. What thoughts that ran through his mind, they all fell in that spectrum. Now, his fire would come forth!

With a sudden grunt, Aizen's hands sparked. Then again, when suddenly, the flames erupted. Aizen did not open his eyes.. He could feel the intensity, and the light glew through his closed eyes. Soon his hands began to tremble, as though struggling to maintain the flame. With a small burst, the flames vanished, and Aizen's concentration was broken. His breathing picked up as the world returned to him, he looked up at Lanister, blinking before nodding his head. He wasnt sure what to say. Was this.. Satisfactory?
Yaro would couldn't move fast enough to dodge the attack, and bit down a yell of agony from the blade. However, this would have unexpected results: The cut had sliced open the top left (his left) part of his shirt. Yaro's chest would be exposed. As He collapsed to one knee, Yaro simply looked at his arm, before looking at Maeve, seeing how she was being influenced by Kalamitat. Yaro felt his skin go cold, and his mind would shift to his past: Adriana, Kallos, Vernon, Titania, and Fevric......his friends, his second family, killed by a demon. A demon like Kalamitat. Yaro's eyes would go blue, before he would let out a scream of rage towards them. Then, Kalamitat and Maeve would be able to see, as he was standing up, scars on his chest.

Demon scars. Over his heart.

Maeve would remember Yaro didn't leave for his adventure alone: He brought along five friends, but when he came back, he was not only scarred, but he was by himself. It was assumed by many that the wilds claimed them, but the scars over his chest would be enough to fill in the blanks. Yaro would then hold out his hand, as his gauntlets would glow. "It was creatures like you, Kalamitat, that made my friends all disappear.....But everything they care about? It's why I am here."

Yaro's eyes would go purple for a second. "I am their mercy...."He said, before fire would appear in his hand, and his eyes would shift back to blue. " -and I am their Vengeance!" Yaro yelled. The Fire in his hand glowed with a bright white light.

It would then click. Yaro was wielded WHITE fire! Holy fire!

"See this Kalamitat? Do you forget what the Wilting Rose used to be?! By my power, you hell-spawn, I will burn you from this world!" Yaro yelled, as he began throwing fire at them. His rage drove him with the desire to destroy Kalamitat, as if killing him wound bring satisfaction to the ghosts around him. Yaro, however was trying to maintain his sanity, as his eyes were shifting constantly. "Damn you Maeve.....Would it really be wrong to admit that this is all a lie?! Can you not see I don't want you to die?! But I can't think of any other way to save them!" He said, almost as if he was basically begging Maeve to stop. 

Lanister would nod approvingly. "The talent of magic is natural in your blood....you did better than most beginners: They simply cast sparks. You cast a full flame. That will be all for today, for your mind will need to absorb the knowledge given to you. "He said, getting up. "Tomorrow we will experiment more. I will not go easy, and I am not a forgiving teacher: I expect good results out of you, but to be perfectly honest? I don't think I'll be disappointed." He said, giving the young hobbit a smile, before speaking up. "Also, you'll need to come with me tomorrow. Our leaders are, for the first time, going to address the issues with the current monarch's.....I hope we can find a peaceful solution to this: Yaro doesn't deserve the harshness this world has dealt him." Lanister said, as he would open the door for them to leave.

At this time, a messenger would walk into the room, where Ornis and Thornton were. "My lords!" The Messenger ran forward, and bowed. "Deepest apologizes, but I was told to deliver this immediately. "He said, handing them the message. "It's the Wilting Rose: They will be arriving here tomorrow to say something to the public! what it is, I don't know, but they're going to address you both." He said, keeping his head bowed.

@Inheritance @Enuky K @DemetrioMachete @Trombone Geek
Tension ran out of Lance's weary body and his shoulders slumped at Cecile's last statement. It was true; even with his intervention, her fits were lasting longer and were harder to dispel. It would be a touching moment for him to have her promise she'd always return, albeit irrational, and for a moment Lance saw himself desperate enough to try. Words don't dispel these things. This isn't a novel, the king thought sourly. He finally turned to face Cecile, expression that unreadable stoniness Lance had begun to adopt more and more often as his worry over the princess had grown. 

"What do you need before we leave? I need about a week to organize things with Katha, I think." He continued mumbling to himself, grabbing a sheet of blank paper and scribbling a short to-do list on it. Within a few minutes he was sure he had everything down. "You think she's in South Yunakai, I take it? The journey there and back is at least 4 days, maximum, at a leisurely pace..." on the back of the paper he began writing down everything they would need for their journey. "Do you think anyone should accompany us?" he wondered aloud for a moment, then shook his head. "If at all, one guard at best. The quiet type, in terms of movement and such.. Do we have anyone like that? Maybe Cartson.." Since Lance was usually quiet, it would probably come as a sort of surprise how much he actually talked, even if to himself to help him better handle his thoughts. "I'll need a quick method of communication with Katha.."


"I wasn't planning on her being around you much anyways. Nor does she enjoy the company of people," Syniad replied, his own tone slightly sharp as if to let Prudence know she was being a bit too high-and-mighty about this all. "And I can understand you want the prison, but there's the risk of the demons within escaping? Are you so sure you can stop or subvert their people?" As the doctor--wasn't his name Klaus, or something?--spoke to himself, completely detached from the conversation, Syniad rose a questioning eyebrow; but otherwise brushed it off.

"The Order will lend whatever aid it can, and its members will be sure to keep themselves under control. Another incident like today will not occur." With a short, curt bow, Syniad had turned and left, probably to wander the city while waiting for further discussion over their plans.

As Syniad wandered, he came across Shaz, who seemed to be much calmer now. "What was that just earlier?" he asked, only to receive a heated glare in response. 

"I lived through the Demon Raids, if you've forgotten. Most of those who remember them are dead now, and nobody today seems to truly understand what horrors were committed then," Shaz snapped in return, not deferring to her leader as she should.

"I would like for you to return to Bathelon and await further orders, with the rest of the Order," Syniad replied cooly.

"Gladly, sir." With a dramatic swishing of her cloak as the woman turned sharply on her heel and walked briskly away.

That was settled, for the most part. Sighing, Syniad decided meandering about and learning all he could about the city--whatever it was called he didn't remember--while he was here.


Maeve's shock gave Kalamitat the shove it needed and wanted against the assassin's normally iron will. Where the girl faltered, Kalamitat leaped to the forefront, spreading a too-wide grin across Maeve's features. "Oh, kiddo, you finally provide a challenge?! It's about damn time!" it called out gleefully, rolling to the side to avoid the hot fire that would almost decimate it on contact. Laughing maniacally, the demon moved to plant a third knife into the cave's stone. And a fourth. One more to go, but it was caught in the arm by a ball of flame in the same spot ice had earlier caught Maeve.

"Sunnuva--!" Hissing loudly, Kalamitat retreated behind a pillar. Maeve was mental dead-weight now, making it hard for the demon to focus. :Kid, if you want me to get us outta here alive you better shape up right away. I need your help. I don't know how to trigger summoning circles, and I don't know ice-lady's full name. Oi, now would be a great time!: Kalamitat was forced to hide for almost half a minute before it felt Maeve's side of consciousness twitch with a response. :Good girl,: it praised, rushing out from its hiding place to quickly plant the final knife needed. Yaro was in the center, marking him as the summon's target.

Maeve/Kalamitat cried out a name that quickly faded from any memory that hadn't learned it already, and the walls of the cavern began to freeze over. Some ethereal force booted Yaro out of the circle, not forcefully, just removing him; where he once stood a tall, pale woman appeared. Shiva in her chosen form. The summon turned icy eyes on Yaro, a challenging smirk on its face.
Yaro had been fighting for the two hours. Add that, that he was already exhausted, and the wounds he's received in the fight, and Yaro was out of break. While the force of the circle wouldn't normally send him to the ground, this did. His arm was bleeding, he was in pain, yet Yaro didn't seem to want to give up. Seeing the challenging smirk on Shiva's face, Yaro tried to stand, but couldn't bring himself to. Yaro would then bite down on his life, again pushing his body to stand, this time managing to stand. Yaro was willing to fight, but even he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against Shiva in his current state. "How can you keep on going, Maeve?! Like this world, of repeating history and actions, doesn't hurt you?! I just want to destroy this corruption and deceit, it's the only way forward, the only way that these people will know freedom and joy once again! STOP RESISTING DAMMIT, and LET ME WIN!" Yaro yelled, collapsing to one knee.

Is this really how it's going to end.....all because I couldn't beat this ONE woman?....

It doesn't have to end like this, you know.

Yaro would then look around, as he heard that voice in his head. Yaro would then think. Great, I've finally gone insane. At least it's in the last moments of my life...."

You're not insane. I can help you. Let me show you.

Yaro would then hear the sound of metal crashing, and would look in front of him. it was a pure black gauntlet, with red engraving on it. Yaro would reach down and pick it up. The aura and design would only be familiar to Kalamitat: It was Demonic armor, Pre-Raid design. This armor was top quality. It wasn't something that anyone could get their hands on. You had to either steal it from the Infernal Kings Blacksmith, or you had to....






Do not listen to them now, Child. That Armor will give you the strength you need to protect those you love. How far are you willing to go to protect them?

Yaro would look at the armor piece one more time, before looking towards Maeve. His deepest desire, his most trusted one, was to protect those he loved.....He couldn't stop now, even if he wanted too. Sucking in all the will-power he had left, Yaro would stand, before unclasping his own gauntlets. Yaro would then look at the strange piece of armor, eyeing it warily, before slipping it onto his arm. 

Then, it happened.

Yaro's body soon began becoming encased in this black armor, the aura pouring form it increasing, until it was a Full-Suit of armor. Yaro then suddenly felt no pain, no exhaustion....nothing. His armor would then shift, and it pushed the muscles loosened from before back into place, and allowed Yaro to move his body freely. Now, Yaro only felt one thing in his chest: Fire. Pure, undying, unending hatred towards Kalamitat. He wanted only one thing: To rip the demon's flesh off, and burn it's body until it vanishes from this world. Yaro would then let out a scream of Undying rage, glaring down at the spectre of Shiva, his body glowing with white fire.

Things just went from bad, to worse....

@Trombone Geek

As Lance's entire demeanor became visibly affected by her words, a warm, fluttery feeling crept into Cecile's chest. She absentmindedly took another step nearer to his desk while she watched him scrambling together the logistics such a journey would require. His face was more hardened than it used to be, and it brought guilt to the princess who suspected herself to be the cause. He was hardly paying her any attention now while he jotted down ideas, but Cecile was closely observing him. She could see so much emotion in his behavior. It wasn't like Lance to change his mind after deciding against something, and Lance's sudden readiness to take on so much for her brought a good feeling to Cecile's heart. The passion in his eyes gave her hope for the first time that her curse would be lifted.

Cecile reached a hand out and gently stroked Lance's hair. In the moment she was overwhelmed in her own emotions, leaving her temporarily speechless. She felt both grateful and surprised, and was still trying to wrap her head around the reality that Lance agreed to her wishes. He was dropping everything to pursue her attacker-- even putting his kingdom second to this cause. It brought a strange feeling to the girl, who appeared almost entranced while watching the king and stroking his hair.

Lance's question about who else would accompany them snapped her out of her daydreams, causing her to withdraw her hand and take a step away from the desk. She admittedly hadn't heard any of his comments before he directed his question at her, but before she could answer him Lance was already buzzing to himself about more that would need to be done. The princess's thoughts about the king were quickly deserted then as she sorted through her thoughts for a good choice to accompany them. 

"What about Edwin?" asked the princess eagerly. Despite Lance's distaste for the Rose Knight, Cecile and Edwin seemed to get along well. Edwin chose to remain in Bathelon following Cecile's arrival, and he often entertained the princess.

@Trombone Geek

South Yunakai--

Prudence narrowed her eyes at the tone Syniad used with her, but she made no complaints about it as he took his leave. She maintained her cold expression while she watched him, but as soon as she perceived the man to be out of earshot she released an exasperated sigh. It may have seemed as though Prudence was her usual, harsh self, but in truth the situation had affected her nerves more than she would have liked to admit. She felt uncomfortably warm and bloated again, but was pleased with herself for maintaining her composure for the entirety of the meeting. At least she secured the alliance before reaching her last nerves, thought Prudence.

She turned then to face Klaus. She was much more relaxed than before. "Did you remember to bring anything for me, doctor?" she asked him. She was of course referring to drugs... and hoping Klaus had brought along something especially potent to alleviate her boredom with. The witch knew the doctor would not advise such drug use, but she cared little for the being in her. She knew, too, that Yaro wouldn't have approved, and was relieved to have a moment alone with her quirky friend. However, if Yaro did not return very soon she felt they would need to investigate his absence. 

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Lance continued about organizing things, not noticing Cecile as she stepped towards him. Even when she ran a hand through his hair, it took him a second to register what was going on, still rambling on for a second. "What--" He looked up at Cecile, confused and a bit uncomfortable with the physical contact, watching as she snapped out of her own daydreams and stepped away again. He watched her quietly, frowning so lightly it almost wouldn't be noticeable as the cogs in his head turned in thought. "Edwin.." Lance muttered. "Of course.." He was still mostly distracted by what the princess had just done, but not so much that he blocked out her suggestion.

"I.. dislike Edwin, but he would be good for the job.. Most of Bathelon's soldiers aren't equipped or trained for much else other than parade and defense of caravans. Very well. Would you go and ask him about that?" Lance didn't exactly want to part with the princess, but he had other things to do and she would have a better time convincing the Emerald Knight of anything. The man was obsessed, after all, but on the bright side he wouldn't try anything to harm the princess. Lance would have to try and control the jealousy he'd forced himself to admit harboring around the other man.


"YARO!" Kalamitat screeched in warning, although it wasn't easy to tell whether this was the demon or the girl crying out in warning. Either way, Yaro didn't hear them, so desperate and lost to the armor's voice already. Then they had to reign Shiva in before she disappeared, and their shared body was left vulnerable and mute. Shiva stared down at Yaro-not-Yaro, dancing lightly away from him in a teasing manner.

"Come after me, boy. Don't let me get bored, will you? I love to watch and experience a good fight, even when I'm not in control," the ethereal woman taunted, ice crackling under her feet as she touched the stone floor, which suddenly went cold. The summon's smirk never once left her face.
Heinrich turned his head to Prudence. Anything for.. Her? Well he didnt bring any demon tomes or spellbooks.. Stuff he thought witches liked. When his mind echoed back to all her pain through pregnancy.. He did remember to get something. But first, he felt as though he needed clarification.

"You wanted the little bugger inside you dead, right?" With that question out in the open, Heinrich reached into his robes and pulled away a purple tablet, the size of an eyeball. 

"I got this from my most trusted shady dealer." he beamed upon it proudly. "It is like... oooh, its like it turns your blood into hallucinogens! Perfectly nonlethal unless you do something stupid under its influence." he offered the tablet to Prudence, his palm flat. "If you wish to take it, just suck on it until it dissolves, then swallow. Dont worry about the flavor, either. Tastes like grape."

@Enuky K
Yaro would just stand there in his armor, before the helmet would move. It revealed his eyes were red....and he was smiling. "Come on, Maeve.....It's your old friend, Yaro....."Yaro said, a last weak attempt to reason with her. When he saw her enter Shiva's body, he closed his eyes, and looked down. " ~Sigh~ right....You are so lost to that voice in your head, you don't know what you're doing......I spared my friend that madness once, before the demon took his soul completely......with what affection I still hold in my heart for you, Maeve, I'll save you from that nightmare......For what it is worth? it was nice knowing you, you were my best friend.....goodbye." Yaro said, before a maddened grin took place on his face, and his eyes went blue. The helmet would reappear, as wings of white fire would shoot from his back. Yaro would use these to levitate off the ground, and though Shiva could not see it directly with his helmet in the way, Yaro had that mad grin still on his face. 

"Here we are again. It's just me and you, Kalamitat, right? With your demon magic, and your fancy powers? Heh, Guess what though? Your last hour strikes now." Yaro said, as he held out his hands, several dozen white balls of the holy fire appearing next to his hands. He would then send them out. Upon hitting the ground (or Shiva herself) They would explode, creating spheres of white fire each explosion. Yaro would then just start laughing. "You should prepare to just die, because like all your little demon friends, you'll have a really great time! But I guess creatures like you are always just fools, coming at me trying to kill me with your fancy tools. " He said, as he would then hold up his left arm, as beams of white fire (short instantaneous beams) would just fire out, trying to hit Shiva. "Let's get this room a bit chiller.....after all, you're just another killer. "Yaro said, still laughing.

Yaro's sanity was completely gone while wearing this armor, and whatever was in it was FUELING his hatred towards demons, and he was using that hatred to power his attacks, trying to kill the person in front of him. Meanwhile, where Prudence, Klaus, and Syniad (I think, I am not too sure) were, they would hear the sounds of magic explosions, and Prudence (if she could sense that far) would recognize the familiar aura and taint of Demon Magic. However, this was much different.....Older, more potent, and MUCH stronger then your run of the mill demon.

It was that of a Raid Survivor.

@Trombone Geek @Enuky K @DemetrioMachete

(I suck at fight scenes, so I hope this is okay)
Aizen nodded at Lanister's words.. Hard training, that was nothing new to him. But now the premise on which he would be trained had changed. Hopefully that of all things would not throw him for a loop. Aizen rose to his feet, dusting himself off. 

"Is there another place where this training can take place, sensei?" Aizen asked him. "I would.. Rather not destroy my quarters of living."

It was at that moment the messenger arrived. Aizen stared blankly.. Would this get in the way of his training? Probably so. He sighed at the thought...

Cecile couldn't be sure if Lance was frowning at her or not, but she felt like he was. It made her a bit self conscious, and left her wondering just what she did to earn a frown. Her cheeks were slightly reddened, and her lips dipped into frown as well while she eyed him with her sad, blue hues. 

Then after the king agreed to her choice of accompaniant, he dismissed her to find Edwin. She couldn't shake the feeling of having done something wrong at that point, and his dismissal affirmed this idea. The princess said nothing else but gave Lance a quick and awkward curtsy before taking her leave from his study. It may have once been very unlike Cecile to show any respect to Lance's position, but becoming a burden to others made her into a less confident pleaser. 

Her expression of guilt remained on her face while she roamed the halls in search of Edwin. She of course knew nothing of Lance and Edwin's personal differences. The princess was still trying to decide what had dampered the kings mood. 

South Yunakai--

The pregnant woman's eyes sparkled with interest when Klaus revealed a large, purple tablet. She reached for it as Klaus explained its effects. As she observed the tablet up close she asked the doctor, "how fast will it dissolve?" She hoped it would last a long time.

She plopped the tablet into her mouth and began to suck on it, enjoying its sweet flavor. She spoke to Klaus as it began to slowly dissolve. "Going through with this pregnancy was such a mistake. I wish you had advised me against this", she began, "It's true it comes with certain desirable effects, but being the size of a whale makes it difficult to enjoy having such power". She was attempting to keep a conversation going between them as it wasnt very often she had company.

Prudence was massive in size, but perhaps she appeared additionally large given her small frame. She was almost childlike, and her chubby face had a youthful glow about it. Despite her constant complaints, she looked healthier than ever except for her often sour expressions. Her mood at the moment was unusually pleasant, and it was because she was happy to have Klaus with her.

She was beginning to feel a slight sedative effect of the pills when a distant explosion caused the room to shake slightly. There were multiple explosions, and finally Prudence rose to her feet and peered out the doorway and to the distant beaches. She scanned the area for signs of trouble, and immediately her good mood was replaced with anxiety. 

The distant disturbance left Prudence feeling very unsettled. She paced and returned to Klaus with a worried, sweaty look, "I'm worried about Yaro. Can't you find him?" She whined as the effects of the dissolving tablet began to slowly creep further over her. 

Before Klaus could answer, Prudence stumbled forward slightly; the world around her was becoming mushier and its colors more vibrant. 

She placed a hand on her forehead and steadied herself, but not a moment later she leaned forward hugging her stomach as if sick. The creature in her stomach had become very active. It felt as though the thing was thrashing about, and it brought nausea and pain to the witch. 

The witch slumped to her knees and groaned to herself. She was having a hard time focusing on the matter at hand now that the drugs were kicking in. Finally, she peered back up to Klaus. "Is it supposed to hurt?" She asked. Everything in the room had a liquid texture to Prudence, and like the ocean waves the room rocked back and forth. 

@DemetrioMachete @Trombone Geek @Andraus
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Shiva rolled her eyes as she danced around Yaro's attack. "One, with aim like that you'll never hit me; and two, holy fire won't hurt me unless you manage to hit my summoners, which they wouldn't let happen. They aren't that careless," Shiva answered back mockingly, freezing a ball of fire and kicking it back gleefully towards Yaro. Whatever it hit first would be shredded to bits by icy shrapnel. 

:He's quite hypocritical right now.. Don't listen to anything he says. It's not actually him talking anymore,: Kalamitat reassured Maeve, who was despairing again. When the human didn't respond, the demon sighed and focused more on controlling Shiva's movements. The battle so far was a dull one, with Kalamitat refusing to voice any responses to Yaro's words.


It seemed Lance's inadvertent dismissal had upset Cecile, and while he felt slightly guilty over dismissing her so roughly without noticing her mood changing and trying to reassure her that he really didn't mind, he just wasn't used to these things.. "Enough excuses," he muttered to himself, and returned to writing down everything he would need. It would be a busy afternoon, although he was sure it would be at least a few days before he, Cecile, and Edwin could leave. Of course, with small company, who knew how fast it would all go?

With a sigh, Lance tacked the parchment somewhere he would notice it, and began writing notes on other small slips, wandering out and finding a single messenger, asking him to go find a few others. Instead of piling the whole job on one servant, splitting it would make it less stressful for the messenger and a lot faster as well. When they arrived, he gave them their tasks, and as each one returned Lance would mark a task off his list. By the time dinner was nearing, Lance had already finished a good portion of preparing. He was going to talk with Katha over dinner, and Edwin could give his response--probably yes--to him then as well. Tomorrow would be more individual packing and such, with a few other tasks, and then the trio would be on their way, hopefully to cure Cecile. For now, though, he would prepare for dinner. Which he hated, because people. Hopefully he could get away with maybe eating in his room or the study; just somewhere with less people. Even if there were only a handful of them in the castle. 

In the end, he failed, being forced to dress in slightly fancier clothing and hope he didn't look too stressed. As it was, he felt confined in just the clothing--lately he'd found himself becoming somewhat claustrophobic. Social gatherings and dealing with his allies and people turned into stress and anxiety being shoved down his throat. After asking Katha, Edwin, and Philip what they thought of his plan after he explained it, he remained silent.


Syniad bent his knees to avoid being pitched to his knees as the ground quaked suddenly. Several other passersby fell, some managing to stay balanced or ground themselves, and all of them looked around, bewildered and fearful. A few guards' hands cautiously went to the pommel of their swords in warning and readiness.

Syniad looked towards the sudden fountain of demonic energy coursing not too far away, frowning. It was unusually ancient--though not as ancient as Shaz, it seemed--for any normal demon, and the description he'd only read in books and never felt hit him. One of the demons that had survived the raid hadn't been caged in Alethea! Hurriedly, he took off down an alleyway, hurrying towards the city's edge and where he'd sensed the demon's aura. However, it would probably be around an hour before he reached it.

"Absolutely not!" sneered Phillip immediately upon hearing of Lance's plan. "The princess isn't to go anywhere near South Yunakai! That is too great a risk! Need I remind you what those barbarians did to establish 'South Yunakai?" He raised an eyebrow to Lance; he was of course referring to the assassination of kuvira.

Then Edwin, who had been grinning from ear to ear throughout Lance's explanation, chimed in. "If you ask me, I say it's about damn time we go after that wretch. Her majesty has been waiting long enough". He paused then and a more serious look came over his expression, but this time it was directed more at Phillip, "don't worry; ill take care of the kiddies", he snickered. The trip would in fact leave Edwin the most experienced spell caster of the group.

Phillip became red in the face with anger at that remark, "remember your place, knight!" he fumed. 

"That's enough", said Katha finally, and of course the former queen speaking out was enough to quiet both men. The silver haired woman leaned forward to better see her grandson from across the table, "We all know that Cecile's condition is worsening. If the woman responsible for creating such a curse is in South Yunakai then we must apprehend her. There are ways of making women like her talk". 

To this Phillip and Edwin nodded. It was in agreement. 

She continued, "Conditions in Bathelon are stable right now, and I'm sure Phillip and I can attend to things here. You need to get in and out of South Yunakai as fast as you can, Lance, and above all, do not let anyone discover you are a noble". Her voice was remarkably calm, and it was easy to see the woman had an extensive political background. 

@Trombone Geek
While Yaro had managed to dodge the ball proper, he could not move in time to step away from the resulting ice shrapnel. One piece would be large and strong enough to his his arm, and dislocate it from it's place. Yaro would land back on the ground, before looking at his arm. He still had two white fire balls in the air, out of view, but instead of trying to hit Shiva again, Yaro just stood there....and started laughing. With his unbroken arm, Yaro was holding his stomach. "Wow! I never realized it until I couldn't feel it, but pain.....pain is hilarious! "He said, as he would then hold up his dislocated arm.

There would be a series of short, sickening 'cracks' as Yaro's arm would force the bone back into place. Yaro would then clench his fists, as his gauntlets fingers sharpened to claw-like knives. "Okay then.....why don't we get up close and personal, then? It would make this a much more....intimate setting." He said, still chuckling. He would then start running after Shiva, slashing at her with the bladed fingers. The now maddened Yaro looked like he was having the time of his life.

Kalamitat would be able to see something on Yaro's armor that wasn't noticeable before: A symbol. This symbol represented the Infernal King, who ruled over the Demon Clans, thus confirming that this armor was no mere copy: It was Authentic demon raider armor. Berserker Armor, to be exact. It fed off the rage, hatred, and anger of the user, thus empowering them. It would also set bones and torn muscle back into place, allowing the user to keep fighting, ignoring the pain as their nervous system was cut off.

At this time, the last two remaining balls, which Yaro had kept in the air while he distracted the trio (including Shiva), would fly down towards Kalamitat, attempting to hit him. However, when Kalamitat was either hit by them, dodged out of their way, or blocked them, Kalamitat would be able to feel a MUCH more powerful aura than the armor in front of him. 

The air now smelled of fresh fire and darkness, as if something from hell had just walked out. The aura around this being felt like hellfire, pure and rich demonic aura, stronger than a normal demon breed. There was the scent of magic rich around them, and it was clear the aura was well aged, hinting at a very old being. Now in the room, visible to Kalamitat was a woman.

This woman stood at about 4'9, skin as soft-looking and as pale as snow with a light blush on her cheeks, eyes the color of verdant glass, and a smile that could enchant the hearts of men and women alike.....But Kalamitat would know who this woman was: Only one person had eyes like she had.....like shattered glass. The aura of dmeonic energy was potent around her, old and powerful, and the weapons and armor she before were not of this age, but stronger than anything that many could come up with.

"It been such a long time.....since our last 'encounter'........Hello, Kalamitat."

The voice was soft and kind, but her eyes said it was anything but. This was Chalondra Mazoku, Second in command of one of the largest remaining Demon Raider clans: The Mazoku Clan. "It seems you're having fun......mind if we play with you?" She asked, as fire appeared in her hand. These flames were not orange, or white: They were blood-red and black, the color of Hellfire.

(You can bring it Ferris if you want @Trombone Geek and I can just change it to 'we' instead of 'I' )
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Lance watched quietly as his advisor argued against his plan, although Edwin spoke up before the king did. The other two men almost got into an argument of their own until Katha stepped in with a firm voice, and Lance smiled slightly. "I'm aware of the danger, Grandmother. Are there any methods I can use to communicate with you? I'm thinking perhaps I could go speak with Thornton and the new Yunakaian king while I'm gone."

Lance really was grateful to have Katha helping him; he wouldn't be rather lost on what to do and probably not allowed to go anyways if it wasn't for the old witch. His smile had faded as quickly as it had come, but he seemed in a much better mood than before, and he'd removed the bandages from his fully healed knuckles before dinner. He looked less stressed and more like young man now that he wasn't frowning.

"And, if we get lucky, we might get a glimpse into the Resistance's plans," he added.


Shiva danced aside from Yaro's attacks, but one ball of fire managed to catch the unconscious body Maeve and Kalamitat shared. With a mental curse from the demon, Shiva faded and Maeve jumped to her feet after a moment, although Kalamitat was obviously in control of her movements.

"Chandra, how nice of you to show," Kalamitat said scathingly, glaring at the woman. Another presence caused Kalamitat to whirl around, only to almost get whacked in the face with the flat of a sword swung viciously. The figure that had attacked her laughed maniacally as she attacked a second time, though she moved to have the attack missed, toying with Kalamitat. The golden demon hadn't even had a chance to answer Chandra's question with some snappy reply. 

"Hey-o, kiddo! How nice to finally meet ya! I've heard so much!" Ferris said with a wide grin, tangerine eyes bright with bloodlust. She paused, seemed rather calm for a moment, and tossed her head back to look at Chandra. "I'm not breaking any laws of the universe, am I? Or did you want to mess with her? Do I get to play bad cop? I've got the right voice for it." She cut her eyes at Kalamitat, who looked back warily. "Hey, kid, wanna see a dead body?!" she asked in a mock-angry voice, flipping her sword so the blade faced away and bashing Kalamitat's shoulder hard enough to dislocate it, before kicking the demon away. "'Cause if you stick around after you die, you'll get to see yours," Ferris added darkly. Most of what she was saying was a complete jumble, although Chandra was probably used to it by now. However, the demon made no move to attack again, which set Kalamitat on edge.

Klaus listened to Prudence, a hand going to his chin as he began to think. The drug didnt take too long to kick in.. as evident. He didnt want to leave Prudence alone.. she might have gotten hurt. Or killed. As she fell to her knees and asked if it was meant to hurt, Klaus shrugged his shoulders.

"It never hurt me. You might be hallucinating the pain, if that drug already kicked in. Or wait..." he recalled earlier about asking if Prudence wanted her unborn demon child dead.. Maybe it was retaliating against the drug? But could it..? It hadnt even been born yet! 

"Let's uh.. Lets find you a place to lay down! Yaro is a strong guy, he can take care of himself. Alright now come on.. easy does it." Heinrich reached down, trying to help Prudence up. He could only imagine what was going through her mind...

@Enuky K @Andraus

"Absolutely", said Edwin in response to Lance's last statement. "We need to monitor this so-called 'resistance territory'. It could very well become Bathelon's problem if nothing is done about it", he added and then shrugged his shoulders, "but don't ask me; I'm just an Emerald Thorn". Phillip sent him a cold stare, but made no further complaints as it seemed he was the only one in opposition of the plan. To his look, the arrogant knight smirked and continued, "I have traveled through the Yunakai nation on many occasions... I know the land well. This mission should be no trouble for us, so long as we keep our heads low". Phillip and Katha nodded. Although Phillip would never have admitted it, he was relieved to have Edwin accompanying them. 

It was then that the dinner was interrupted by the entrance of Cecile. She approached the table from behind Lance. Edwin was facing her from where he was sitting opposite of him. Upon seeing the princess, Edwin began waving his hand at Cecile, "are you in your right mind, princess?" he asked.

Cecile's face became bright red and a look of disgust came to her. "Don't you ever ask me that again!" she snapped. She was sensitive to the subject, and Edwin's question left her heated. While Edwin fumbled over an apology, Cecile took her seat next to Lance. Edwin appeared much more considerate of his own kingdom's royalty than Bathelon's. After that the knight made no more snide remarks. 

"Why have you started without me?" Cecile asked them, but turned to Lance for his answer. 

South Yunakai--

Prudence attempted to rise back to her feet, but she found it difficult given the... water in the room. She shook her head; she wanted to complain about the rippling effect coating everything, but she knew Klaus could not see this hallucination. In her aggravation, Prudence chewed up and swallowed the remainder of the tablet. Within just a half hour longer, she would be experiencing the full effects of the medication. Meanwhile her unborn fetus would face the harsh effects of the chemical, making it wither on from within her belly. It was trying desperately to evade the chemicals; it wanted out.

The next thing she knew, the doctor was at her side helping her to her feet. She held onto his arm, allowing herself to be lifted upward, and leaned against Klaus while they made their way into the manor. "Take me to my room", she groaned and from then on directed the way to her bedroom. By the time they reached it, objects appeared to be floating around in mid air, and it was making Prudence dizzy. She was relieved to finally be in her bed, hoping that now the painful effects could pass. 

She curled up to hold her stomach, groaning to herself. "It must not want to die", Prudence muttered to Klaus. Never before had the fetus been so active, and Prudence believed that once it was dead this would all go away. She was glad that the medication seemed to be working... until it happened. Without warning, a dull ache came to her lower back. Prudence  grimaced in pain and sat up to face the now floating doctor. She said, "I think I'm having a contraction".

@Trombone Geek @Andraus @DemetrioMachete
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Chalondra would just smile towards Ferris. This was the norm for her, and while it certainly was.....unorthodox, it did keep other demons in line. "Tempting, but you remember what brother asked of us, so tie her up and put a gag on her for now, we'll take her with when we leave. I'd rather not hear her talk or scream, it can get dreadfully headache inducing." She said, as she walked towards Yaro.

Yaro would stand up from the spot he was on the ground on, before looking towards Chalondra. She had a.....caring face on now, and thanks to the armor he wore, Yaro couldn't feel the demonic aura from her. He didn't know what she was. The helmet would pull back, as he stared at her.

Immediately, Chalondra went to work on their part of the plan: She placed a face of sympathy on her head, as she would gently take the mans cheek. "Dear, sweet Yaro.....what a sad hand, that the fates have dealt you....Family murdered, forced fight your best friend, and a kingdom bent on destroying itself....."He said, as she walked behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "You don't want to listen to the sounds of idiots cheering, as your head hits the muck, do you? You want to see your country strong, to see it rise above the ashes of the old rule, don't you?" She asked him.

As Yaro couldn't sense the aura from her, Yaro did not know what was happening, how easily he was being played: The armor made him feel his darkest emotions at their full strength, and at the moment, all Yaro could simply do was nod. He wanted to protect his people, but he was afraid....no, he was terrified that all of his strength wasn't enough. He needed help.

"Good....let's see now, if we can do.....better. Also, to make this more interesting, keep the armor: It's my own personal design. Consider it......a gift." She said, helping the male up, a smile on her face. She would then turn towards Ferris. "We shall head back to the capitol. If you want, Ferris, you can come with us, or you can go inform brother that he should move our forces here." She said, an obvious glint in her eye as she looked towards the female. Chalondra only got this look, when blood was in the foreseeable future.

A new Darkness was drifting over the horizon, and the Mazoku clan would meet it with blades raised, and hearts glad. It was time to set the plan into motion....

@Trombone Geek @Enuky K 
Lance winced inwardly at Edwin's tactless greeting to Cecile as she entered the room. He was glad for a distraction from a potentially brewing argument between a stubborn advisor and rude soldier, though. He briefly considered telling Cecile Edwin had meant no harm by his greeting, but in an inwardly childish display of mulishness he decided against it.

"Sorry, princess; I was just making sure I had Philip and Grandmother's approval for the little trip we're taking. Now that you're here, though, we can discuss a particularly touchy subject that I would very much like to have your input on." He inwardly braced himself, and sent Cecile a slightly apologetic look. "If, the closer we get to Yunakai, or the longer we are out of this palace's safety--because let's face it, with the Order up and about nowhere in my own kingdom is truly safe anymore--your fits happen more often, last longer, and/or are harder to dispel, what shall we do then to remain under the radar and keep us all safe as well?" He frowned at the table top as he spoke, not quite willing to meet Cecile's eyes out of a small amount of guilt for so insensitively asking such a thing, but it was one solution he just couldn't come up with, not on his own or behind the princess's back without consulting her.


Ferris's grin turned into more of a smirk and she shrugged. "Bad Cop Jr., I suppose, then," she murmured, turning to face Kalamitat, who had backed into a wall holding her arm as if it pained her. Which, judging from the nasty bruise Ferris could practically sense forming, it was hurting, very much. Ferris took her time walking towards the demon-in-a-human's-body, letting the drama and tension build with a threatening smile. 

"Yaro, don't listen to her!" It was Kalamitat's knowledge but Maeve's words and voice, begging the man not to take Chandra's offer. "She will ruin you! She's a demon, a monster, and if you go with her you'll be one too!" she cried, but before anything else could happen Ferris had bashed her hard across the head with her nagamaki's long hilt, knocking her out clean, before taking some rope out of her jacket--so it seemed--and proceeding to tie Maeve up, then pulling out a rag and gagging her. 

Ferris's shoulders shook softly in quiet laughter as she looked back towards Chandra with a crazed expression. "Lookie there. It's all beginning now, and what sort of bloody mess will we create this time?" the demon wondered aloud as she hauled the unconscious Maeve over her shoulder, moving towards the cave entrance and lifting a hand to wave at Chandra, her decision to go meet the woman's brother obvious.

"Don't play in the streets tonight, kids; things are getting dangerous." 
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The doctor nodded, leaning down to assist Prudence in getting up, lifting her arm over his shoulders.

"There there.. Baby steps. Heheh." With caution, he walked Prudence to her room, and setting her down easy on the bed. He did not leave her side, taking a deep breath as he rubbed his hands together. How was the baby handling all of this?

Heinrich's eyebrow raised high upon hearing Prudence's claim. A contraction.. The first thing that hit his mind upon hearing that was the thought of her going into labor, and what he needed to do to make sure she lived through it. If push came to shove, he could use magic.. and maybe the hallucinogens would mask her pain with some other sensation.

"Okay, okay.. lie on your back." Klaus hastily requested of Prudence, reaching for some gloves within his robes. 

"I believe the time has come for you to finally get this past you." 

@Enuky K

If Lance felt pity for Cecile following Edwin's question, he would likely feel even worse following his own. The princess looked horrified as Katha and Phillip leaned in expectantly for her answer. It was, of course, the unspoken question lingering on everyone's mind, including her own. Still though, Cecile shifted nervously and tried to conceal her shame. She couldn't believe Lance had put her on the spot surrounded by so many others... 

Cecile appeared ready to bolt. She tried her best to focus on the tabletop to avoid everyone's eyes, but it was hard knowing that all eyes were on her. She fidgetted in her chair nervously, but at last she attempted to answer. Cecile said, "I want you to use whatever means necessary to keep me out of harm's way...". 

Both the adviser and the old queen remained fixated on Cecile after she finished her statement, expecting her to elaborate. Cecile, however; was still struggling to continue. It was Edwin who interrupted then, seeing the princess was in such discomfort. 

"The princess should be with one of us at all times, and if an episode ocurrs we can shrink her with a spell and get her away from any trouble", suggested Edwin to Lance. He raised his eyebrow to Cecile to gauge her approval, and the princess made no protests although her expression was still beyond hurt. 

Edwin then faced Lance, hoping he found the solution acceptable. Edwin knew he was capable of the magic needed, but he wasn't as certain about his royal highness. 

South Yunakai--

Prudence was left uneasy by the doctor's instructions, but the female did as she was told and laid on her back. The pain was expanding from her lower back and deeper into her pelvic region while growing in its intensity. "What do you mean this will be past me?" She snapped. "I'm not ready for this!"

The witch wasn't exactly left with any choice as the tablet's effects reached their peak. Just after the half hour mark, the pain became unbearable and the frequency of her contractions skyrocketed.

The rest of the event became a blur to Prudence. She remembered screaming in agony for an eternity while the doctor coached her through the gory act of childbirth. After several long and gruesome hours, Prudence gave birth to a baby boy. 

The sound of soft infant cries became audible in the room, they were weak and watery. The baby made very little movements, perhaps suffering from the effects of the drug. 

Prudence's eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply to herself. She was exausted in every way, but the baby's cries were enough to make her lift herself and identify the source of the sound. There in Klaus's gloved hands was the tiny figure of her baby. He was lying limp there, and his crying had subsided. His mother could say nothing as she looked over his blotchy, rashy skin, irritated by chemical burns. There were no outward signs that this child was anything more than an ordinary human, struggling to survive.

"You mean that thing is a baby?!" she stammered, her own voice trembling.

The room fell silent then as an avalanch of emotions buried Prudence's heart and soul. When her last remaining strength diminished, the witch slumped onto her back. She was losing consciousness. Whether from the stress of an unexpected motherhood or the exausting effects of an arduous childbirth was hard to tell, but the doctor was then left with a malnourished newborn and a rapidly fading mother. 

@Trombone Geek @Andraus @DemetrioMachete

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