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Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]

aquaInferno said:
Nope, I may not be of much help then.
[QUOTE="Thorn of Discord]I remember playing inFamous, the first one, but that was much too long ago. Sorry. (I liked it if that helps any)

Well even if you don't know or remember, you can still enjoy it.
Thorn of Discord] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19598-arcanesentinel/ said:
Come to think of it, I have a charecter I've been wanting to use. I might have to tweak her a bit, but can I shoot you a pm?
Well I'm working on making the thread right now. You can still pm your character to me if you want though.
@Space Face @Neuton @Razyn @Azure Sky

Hey everyone! If you're still around, thank you for bearing with me for this stupid long haitus, but now that im finally free from the public education system, i should be able to update in due time hopefully!

Im not going to make any guarantees or concrete ETAs because i still need time to recuperate and relax, but we should hopefully go off of Haitus soon!

Sorry about the post! but it's probably more my fault then anything since What i do for guest writers is i have them write out a plan i've set out usually, but we do needa get thigns moving along story wise and the haitus was bad enough :P
@Neow46 You fine bruh. I'd go with it totally, except except I have a feeling that it'd be better for Jaik to arrive at the Tower for the next post so it can be planned and fleshed out more than to randomly appear up there right now with no introductions or idea of exactly when I come in. So I'll have my little conversation and then you can drop me in when you feel like it, to make things easier for all of us.
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... Unless, of course, my conversation partner never talks back. xD

Also, it was my birthday on Thursday. Just got done with the party. Figured you guys'd want to know!
@Space Face @Neuton @Razyn @Azure Sky

Hey everyone! If you're still around, the next update will be hopefully aimed towards this weekend to give people some time to respond if they need, especially since plans have changed for me and im not at my usual set up!
Rad + cookie for hype. Not sure why they went for cookies.

Anyway, anyone needing me for character interaction before updoot PM/skerp me and I'll try to be around
@Space Face @Neuton @Razyn @Azure Sky

Copy paste from the skype group

[3:16:55 AM] Prince Neow: Update is still slowly getting there

[3:17:24 AM] Prince Neow: nearly finished with main conference then have to wrap up a player's part, then it should be finished

[3:17:32 AM] Prince Neow: so uhh, hardest part over with I thiiiink

[3:17:43 AM] Prince Neow: procrastination and stress is the fucking worst I am very sorry everybody. hopefully the update should be done soon, very soon

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