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Realistic or Modern Out of character - closed

Yeah, that would be for the best. We'll just let her jump right in when she gets back and pretend like she was there the whole time. But at the moment, she doesn't exist in the role play.
sorry i missed the post, was working on some other rp's. i should also say that i wont post much on Thursdays as ill be busy all day thursdays
You didn't miss a post. XD That was one that I saved and it ended up sending for some reason. I was typing it early down there and it sent for some reason. I'm gonna delete it. Weird RPN.
A relative of mine is celebrating their birthday tomorrow and I've got to prepare. So I might not be able to reply until sometime tomorrow night. Just a heads up.
Would you guys be alright with a time skip of sorts? Maybe they've settled down and gotten a place for themselves in a small village? Just trying to make things work?

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