Out-of-Character Chat

FruitNinja said:
Where are you? I think I can jump into that scenario.
Aiden had just blown the brains out of a raccoon member but he's not in anyplace particular. Like for example the residential district.
Refaulted said:
Aaaaand I return to religion talk. Great....
if you would of read it, it was a legitimate conversation. With an attitude like that is what creates flame wars. -1 Karma point for yew
Kaine said:
if you would of read it, it was a legitimate conversation. With an attitude like that is what creates flame wars. -1 Karma point for yew
I find this post especially funny because of my signature being Natsu :P
Sorry. took it as a rude comment. i mean we had a legitimate conversation. no arguing no whos who. We ended it then to just come along and be like "*face palm*"Fucking Religion conversation srsly?"

I mean theres a lot of stupid shit people talk about in OOC but you dont see me being rude about that obnoxiousness. Nothing person Refaulted, and yes i probably misread your tone. Joys of the interwebs. But in all seriousness its not like we were arguing or trying to force it onto someone...
Dude i will be your extremist member. Kidnapping people and forcefeeding them cookies till they confess their faith of the cookie lord. O.o .

*starts with Refaulted* "Say little child, would you come into my car for a... cookie?!" *kukuku's*
Never said it was an argument. Just called it a talk. Which is a conversation. So, please, I'm not attempting to be rude. I never accused anyone of forcing it onto people, either. I read through it and saw it was very civil. I have no large problem with it. I live in a household where 80% of my family is religious, and I'm one of the 20%. So I get the argument of converting into religion when I wouldn't like to. I just find it a touchy topic on me. But I have no problem with anything you all want to talk about. :)

I've already been a creator of Terrarianism.

Where we all live in a Terrarium and are fed by God and his angels :3

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