Out-of-Character Chat

lol Fruit, you can just call me Infi x3 
Nothing's wrong with them, it's just eh.

People tend to clump me in with Catholics and I'm NOT CATHOLIC >.>

That and I don't get why they worship Mary....


//hypnotized by that one word

//floats off as a ghost


@Infinities Lover
lol Fruit

I think Kin was the one who started calling me Infi. Here it just kinda stuck x3
Well technically I'm not Roman Catholic either. I'm Celtic Catholic. Which is pretty much the same thing, but there are a few differences. As for worshiping Mary, Catholics don't.
Lol valid point infi, ive never understood the worshiping mary either. doesnt that fall under false idol? anyways. I could never be catholic, to many assassins creed games in my mind *-*;

Either way your religion is unimportant. Not in a "no one cares manner" but a "its private and doesnt need to be public" way. As long as you had fun its all good. Pastor of a church i went to when i was younger was pretty awesome. Church irritates me with all those old hymns thou. felt like i was reverting to the stone age ;-; Had an urge to throw a stone at someone after a session about sinners once. *shrugs*
Course Mary was technically the perfect example of innocence from what i gathered at my time in church, so i suppose thats not so much a false idol as much as an expectation you try to live up to.
The Catholic church my grandmother my grandmother used to attend? They worship Mary. My mom has been to a few different Catholic churches and they worship Mary as well.

But like Kaine said, it doesn't matter. Well said by the way.

Oh! Though you mentioned pentacostal. Tim, our pastor, he jokes around and says we're pentacostal x3

He's hilarious. Makes a joke about baptizing people when he spits on them on accident x3

We sing more recent songs. What gets me is that we just stand and sing for an hour x3

My attention span is wayyyyy too short for that /fail
That's a big misunderstanding that people have of Catholics. Yes, your religion is your own beliefs and everybody should respect that. But I personally don't mind discussing it. Since you mentioned, I will just say that Catholics pray to Mary and the Saints. Not as idols, but as intermediaries. We believe that their soul still exists and that we can talk to them through prayer. So when we pray to Mary, the most common thing we're doing is asking form Mary to pray for us as well. It's the idea that having more people praying for you doesn't hurt. Catholics like to do that a lot :P  
Also, the stone age songs annoy me too. Can't we come up with anything new?
Naw fruit Religion is a touchy subject. Personally i love discussing it with people who know a lot about their religion. I find knowing what different religions are anout to be highly enlightening. Makes you understand a lot of real world issues. Right now i do a lot of research about Islam and how people view it differently and interpret it differently just like American's do with Christianity. Once you get over the "muslims are terrorists" at look at the bifferent beliefs between Peace muslims vs radical muslims of the middle east, its a real eye opener at how much BS you see on the internet and read in the news. 
Back in the day i use to listen to newsboys and sometimes this modern stuff is irritating so its nice to just turn to Klove and listen to some mellow "jesus music" as my dad calls it xD
I completely agree. I am Catholic, but you can't hold a true claim to your beliefs unless you've actively delved into it. Of course you're still entitled to your own opinions, but actively searching is important in my opinion. Speaking of looking at other religions, it really does help you understand the world so much better, and you also learn that they tend to have a lot in common. 

Valuable point, I must say there, Kaine. But the reason I try to avoid this is because some of the time different religions tend to despise or treat others differently (not trying to hate, it happens) and that can possibly split the relationship between the friends and my way of avoiding this complication is not mentioning each other's religion. This also helps with people being tempted to judge the other one by their religion. Everyone should be treated with the same love you would give to someone of your own religion. So...That's all I wanted to say. It is a subject I like to avoid, but I don't mind talking about. :3

This just goes to show that there are idiots in every religion. Because yes, things like that did happen. People believed that by making themselves suffer in this life, they would lessen their stay in purgatory. They used to put nails in their shoes too. But that wasn't wide practice, so don't get me wrong. Just some idiots.

The best way to suffer in this life is not by whacking your head with boards, but by doing something like Mother Theresa or Grandi 
Oh man, spellcheck made me laugh so hard! It doesn't know who Grandi is

Now I feel stupid. It got me twice.
Personally i want reincarnation. or eternal life. As messed up as the world is. i truly want to live for hundreds of years and see what is in store for the human race. Yes there is pain and suffering, but there is so much good and innocence in this world too. i think people forget about that. Seeing how far humans have come in the past 2000 years, i would love to see where the next 2000 lead.
Archdemon said:
Okay then...... I might move Aiden so if anyone wants to interact with him, now is the time.... *Checks previous posts* I said this many times so this shall be the last one!
Where are you? I think I can jump into that scenario.

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