Out-of-Character Chat

[QUOTE="Mad Prince of Sanity]So no plot post, huh. Weirdness abounds for me this weekend it seems.

Welcome to....

BLUR said:
@The Suspicious Eye Your post is in the past of current events. I guess that's not really a problem, but I'm letting you know just in case you didn't realize.
Yeah, I wrote it in the past with a open ending so I can read and get caught up and ask around to where I can land her so where she can interact with. It's a buffer post (' :) )
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Only when it comes to you ( ;) )


DaughterofAthena said:
Is this supposed to make any sense?
Not really to anyone else, no
DaughterofAthena said:
Is this supposed to make any sense?
No, but I can explain a bit to you. Infi dared me to notify her. I did in one post, though it only gave her 1 notif. She seemed pretty bummed out about it, so the good person I am, I took to tagging her in everywhere I could. If she wants more, I will gladly send her a few in some public threads. This may come as a shock, but Infi is my daughter (:3)
DaughterofAthena said:
Then why is it happening here where it only causes confusion!?
Because Kin is being annoying.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]No, but I can explain a bit to you. Infi dared me to notify her. I did in one post, though it only gave her 1 notif. She seemed pretty bummed out about it, so the good person I am, I took to tagging her in everywhere I could. If she wants more, I will gladly send her a few in some public threads. This may come as a shock, but Infi is my daughter (:3)

NO! Nononono! I did not dare you to do anything mommy! You tagged me twenty times and I told you I got one notify! Then you went everywhere and tagged me! Don't lie to Athena!
Arkytior said:
Because Kin is being annoying.
NO! Nononono! I did not dare you to do anything mommy! You tagged me twenty times and I told you I got one notify! Then you went everywhere and tagged me! Don't lie to Athena!
Fine, fine. I may have fibbed a little bit. Just trying to cheer you up pumpkin cakes (o'v'o). I hope it worked ( ;) )( :D )
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Fine, fine. I may have fibbed a little bit. Just trying to cheer you up pumpkin cakes (o'v'o). I hope it worked ( ;) )( :D )

Momma Kin (>_>)



Ugh fine, thanks for trying to make me feel better (<3)

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