Out of Character and Questions

A fedora has a wide brim (example, Indiana Jones' signature hat). A trilby has a short brim and is worn mainly by closet homosexuals. 
Hey, I'm at work, I'll try to post, but the phone-posting is limited. I might have some small spelling errors, and I wont be able to put in a speech color.
Um, it appears that my post has disappeared... it was supposed to be after Raspberry's response to Aldous and Olive's arrival.

So, before I look into reposting, I have to ask, was it deleted or just lost in the eather?


Because there were only 3 short post after where I expected to post, I just edited the post and tacked it onto the end.  Hopefully, that's not a problem.
No. Not at all. I didn't delete it. I don't know what happened. Anyways, I'm not enforcing a post order. If you get ninja'd by someone, just edit the post. There are few enough of us I feel it's not needed. 
Yo haha could we like chill on the rp guys and take turns or something? Y'all going way to fast for my slow typing ass and I have to work today :')
I feel it's a bit restrictive. Especially when waiting for people that we could just string along with little consequence on the plot. Of course if it's something you guys really want, I'm up for it. 
Same and I would prefer it honestly...

And if someone's gonna be gone and doesn't mind us continuing then they could like post here and we'd see it

Also this gives me and probably other lol time to formulate a good and gochesive couple of paragraphs if they can type it out right away.. for example I was thinking about having Miles introduce himself properly but woah did the rp shoot far ahead of that..
I'm waiting on Miles's next post.

Also, I'll be on vacation all next week, including the weekends.  I'm going to miss this story while I'm gone!
hey so in my last post I did some swears. Typically i swear a lot and I kind of went by the PG13 rules of swears... do you mind us swearing?
I mean cus I swear a fuck load in general.
Well let me rephrase that... can we swear a decent amount provided its in appropriate context like someone thinking to themselves and such?
On a separate note, my sister's wedding is this Saturday, so I'm going to be busy probably tomorrow and all weekend. In case I miss anything, Julia will mostly follow along, and listen to their guides hopefully wax poetic about their fair city.
Question, can I assume that the bathroom is on the 3rd floor?

I'm thinking it'd be a good way for Amy to get in trouble with Mr. Delacroix if she's up once or twice a night to go.  It would be a great way to get information from him while he's overseeing one menial task after another.
Okay folks, it's official, I'm on vacation.

Feel free to have Amy pay for stuff, kick some goons' asses or use her feminine charms to distract some guards or whatever so the group can sneak past.  Oh, she will lose sunglasses here and there - I know, weird, right?

I'll just have to catch up as best I can when I return.

Love you guys!
Hey, @Jennifer, uhm I don't really mind, and I think it works with your character, but I kinda want to mention that Julia really doesn't say anything about herself or what she thinks about anything. The fact that she hyper-analyzes things would be unknown to the crew. She probably didn't even mention her major, just said something noncommittal about those choices being very fluid until the third year of college. 

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