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Fandom Ouran's Hostess Club RP Thread



the princess



hopeful, confident, nervous


OHS Female school uniform [x]


3rd Music Room: The Host Club


The Host Club

This was it, their moment to shine. She had been waiting for a long time for this moment, despite it only really plaguing her mind for a while. Her poor dear friends, all 5 of them, had to deal with her talking about this endlessly, especially Chiye. Kimiko always had a passion for wanting to help others, entertain others, and wanted to join a club that did just that. The host club. Known by all girls far and wide, yet, Kimiko saw something, an opportunity and she wanted to be the first. Walking up the familiar staircase to the 3rd music room, she took a deep breath before she stared at the door, closing her eyes and once more, a deep breath. She was this far, and now it was her time.

Bursting the doors wide open, the host club would witness and bright, wide smile Kimiko stood in the door frame, delicate in frame, wearing the school uniform that went well with think pink-blonde hair. Without waiting for a moment, she knew what had to be done and before anyone could speak, in all of her dramatics, Kimiko pointed a finger at the host club king himself, Tamaki, flanked by the rest of the host club to declare her statement.

"I want to join the host club and become the first hostess member!"
she declared.

It was just that. She wanted to become a hostess. In her own mind, Kimiko saw no problem, even knew of sorta what type she could be, who she could learn from, she had it all figured out in her head, and need the simple yes from the host club to join and finally, her purpose that she realized weeks ago would come true. Her moment to shine was moments away, Kimiko felt it in her bones despite also being scared. I mean after all, who could say no to her? She was pretty, smart, and loved to help. Having a hostess could even bring in more profits for the host club, now extending to a male audience as well. Really, she saw there was nothing to lose.

♡coded by uxie♡
Tamaki : “Kimiko, but Daddy is sooo happy to see you ! ho and Kyoya wanted to see you”

Kimiko : "Again I want to join the host club and become the first hostess member!"

Tamaki : “No, there is no way even for my precious child, image how many girls would ask to come in after that”

Hikaru carrying an armchair outside the club : “Tamaki ! We’re short on arms here help us you useless garbage !”

Tamaki : “So sorry I can’t, My duty as a Host come first”

Hikaru, finaly perceiving Kimiko’s precence :
- “Sorry miss we’re preparing a lot here can you visit us tomorrow on the new club room,
*this armchair seems so heavy*
- it will be one floor higher”

Kimiko :”Hm, yes but”

*Hikaru goes outside

Kyoya : “Ha Kimiko I wanted to see you, Tamaki go on help us”

Tamaki : “But Kimi”

Kyoya : “She’s a big girl, she can live without you, SO HELP US”

Tamaki : “Daddy will be back soon” He take a table and goes

Kimiko : “I, hm hello Kyoya”

Kyoya : “Hello Kimiko, I hope you’re doing well,

As you should have guessed we’re or MOST OF US

Tamaki : “Passing”

Are moving the club upstairs, so the rooms is going to be mostly empty and,
we’re thinking of a kind of party"

Kimiko : “Ho how nice, but”

Kyoya : “But we could use some of your father caterer, can you please ask him to give us a nice deal ?”

Kimiko : “Hm, so this room won’t be used anymore after you move ?”

Kyoya : “No, no club asked it yet but that doesn’t”

Kimiko : “Well if you make sure to keep this room for my club I will surly help you”

Kyoya : “Hmm,

I can give you two weeks”

Kimiko : “Perfect, we’ve got a deal !” she goes happily away

*After some time
Tamaki catching his breath “His, haaa, Kimiko, haa, gone ?”

Kyoya “Yes, 2 minutes ago, did you knew, she seems to want this room for her club”

Tamaki “What she will never succuced whitout the help of her daddy, Kimiko I’m going t”

Kyoya : “ You’re not going anywhere else except where we need you”


*Far away
Kimiko “Atchoooo”
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the princess





OHS Female school uniform [x]


Hostess Club Meeting Room


All Hostess Club Members

It was just like that when Kimiko was first disappointed, then turned into a rage, but not an irrational rage but one that sought to prove someone wrong, or really the Host Club. The initial denial was so half-hearted, they barely gave her any time to talk or even make her case, which only increased her motivation. Hearing that the 3rd Music room was going to be open, the gears in Kimiko's head started to turn. If they won't let her join, she would make her own club! It would make a bigger statement anyways. Standing in the now refurbished hostess club room, she smiled, awaiting everyone's arrival for the first-ever, Hostess club meeting, remembering how it all started.

She had just left the host club's old room, tears nearly in her eyes as she stormed off, pulling her phone out to send everyone a text, telling them all to meet up at lunch the next day. Come the next day, Kimiko had loudly burst into the lunchroom, smiling and waving to her fans giving her looks and gracefully ness as she walked over to the table her friends had secured, slamming down the piece of paper in front of them with a grim, and a raging fire burning in her eyes. At this point, they all knew she wasn't accepted into the hostess club, she wasn't very quiet about it, and this had to be her quickest comeback.

"If they won't let me join, I'll make my own club! I just got the forms done and filled out and already took the time to sign you all up! We are now the school's first-ever..... HOSTESS CLUB!"
She exclaimed loudly, the whole lunchroom going quiet, just as she planned. Get their attention while the Host Club least expects it.

"We are going to take this school by storm! You heard it here first! With I, Kimiko, as president, we shall burn a new path!"
She continued, now sorta addressing the rest of the lunchroom. This was it, the first initial announcement before the grand announcement of the Hostess Club.

-During that week-

She had spent a lot of time and money, ordering and shipping new furniture for the hostess club room, wanting to make sure it felt nice for every, including tea sets and establishing a caterer for their snacks with her father's connection. She would have assigned everyone a role and job during the week trying to get everything together in time. She was stressed but, excited, and couldn't wait until the first official meeting.

Back to the present new week: Monday the first Hostess Club meeting-

The room was perfect, just as she imagined, looking at all the beautiful furniture they got the chairs, the couches, the tables, it was all perfect. Now all that was left was to wait for everyone to show up. Kimiko would sit down on one of the couches, tea she had prepared set up as well as samples of types of food they would serve so that all her friends could taste some before they begin hosting. She was non the less, very excited, barely able to sit still but, forced herself to wait, facing the door with a cup of warm tea, lavender to keep her calm, in theory.

♡coded by uxie♡
The Damsel in Distress
Morita Sango
“I walk around like everything’s fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.”


What was that 'thud' sound?

Oh. It was Sango. She got super excited about the club. She started to run there and, of course, tripped. Welp. You can't say that this wasn't to be expected. One of her best friends asked her to join what sounds like a super fun club, so she rushes down to see what she has planned. These past few days at school have been hectic for no apparent reason. Everyone was either nose-deep in studies or was planning for the weekend. Nonetheless, the hallways were still bustling with crowds of teenagers.

Sango wasn't any different, though, because lately, the blond was working herself to the bone with studying (She is actually pretty intelligent for someone who falls on her face all the time).

So you couldn't blame her for being super excited to finally take a break from studying to hangout.

She burst open the doors and said, "I'm Here! Sango Reporting for Duty!."
She was wearing her normal uniform a yellow fitted-bodice dress with a pointed white collar and red loosely-bowed tie; Juliet sleeves ending in a white cuff, and a skirt that is typically calf-length and somewhat puffy. White tights and black Mary Jane shoes complete the uniform. She added cute stickers and pins to her uniform to make it pop on top of her cardigan. She walked into the room and started looking around. She immediately noticed the desserts that Kimiko had set out. She walked over to Kimiko, and before trying a dessert, she sat down next to her.
"This room is so pretty!"
she said as she picked up a scone and started munching on it. She waited for the other members to come with Kimiko as she tried the desserts to bide time.
Code By Nano
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Morgan Valu walks into the room like a sane person, wearing a small red jacket with her bag over her shoulder, snapping her gum. "Hmm. Could be better." She remarks as she looks around the room and the two people sitting on the main couch. "Well, I'm here, let's celebrate." her voice is flat and dull as she walks over to the others, pulling a phone out of her pocket and dropping her bag behind the couch, leaning over it from behind the others to get all three of them in a selfie, wrapping her arm around Kimiko's neck and giving a peace sign. Sure it's not all of them, but they can always take more pictures!

Morgan stands back up to examine the picture. "Nuhhh..." That one isn't so good... well, good thing she took multiple pictures! Now to go through them and find the best one to post to her favourite social media!
Morgan grabs a biscuit and sits down on a chair, one foot on the table and one foot on the chair, as relaxed as can be.


— by Peggy Owens

annoyed and anxious

Ouran High School jacket uniform

Talking to the Ouran Hostess Club


Miru Mochizuki

― "The Tsundere enters."

"I don't need love."

I can't believe I agreed to this.
That was Miru's first thought upon walking into the newly claimed Ouran Hostess Club room. It was very much Kimiko's style, which meant plenty of pastels and flowers, which Miru didn't hate, more like she had been conditioned to accept. As she took it all in she took off her blue uniform blazer, throwing it over her shoulder and walking inside. Seeing the other girls, she felt slightly anxious. Kimiko had been the one to convince her to join the hostess club, despite all of her concerns about joining a club where they would entertain people who were frankly desperate for attention. That's what she assumed the first host club was doing from what she had heard. Being... not the best with handling emotions herself, this was going to be weird for her. Miru wondered if there was still time to quit, but she was already in the room.
With a sigh, Miru took at seat at the table with the other girls, hanging her jacket over the back of the seat. She gave a small gulp before looking towards the others expectantly, "Welp. I'm here. What now?"

coded by xayah.ღ








  • home (filler tab)

Caro Emerald

Tangled Up

Chiye never did think of the Ouran Host Club highly. A club whose only purpose was meant to entertain and please all who visited the club ran by some of the wealthiest and most popular students in the academy. The idea of them being entirely genuine in this venture was too good to be true. However, Chiye never had a reason to figure out what occurred behind the scenes. No particular grudge that encompassed the depths of her mind. No specific action ignited as a desire to hold evidence of their lies over their head. No string that she felt inclined to tug hard enough to pull their whole facade apart. That was until now.

Black Mary Janes lightly clicked across the hallway as Chiye turned the corner and approached the club room, arriving at the doorway to see a sight she found unsurprising. Only Kimiko and Morita look genuinely excited about this meeting. On the other hand, Miru was evidently reluctant to be here and Morgan seemed more or less more interested in posting on her social media account rather than focusing on the club meeting. And Rimi wasn't even here. Probably not a good sign in terms of the hostess club meeting but Chiye didn't expect anything less from her friends. As much as she cherished them, she was well aware that Kimiko's passion for beginning the hostess club was not exactly shared among the rest of the group. Chiye herself, despite being the vice president, only had joined for Kimiko's sake and also in order to see the Host Club's reaction. For a group that prided itself on being founded on supposedly such good intentions, they were quick to turn away a similarly well-intentioned volunteer simply because of her gender. It was the very action that they needed to do for Chiye to see her sights on them and the hostess club seemed like the perfect way to mess with them enough to send a message about how obvious their lies are. A shrunken ego never hurt anyone after all. That said, she wouldn't doubt if her friends only joined for Kimiko's sake as well, justifying the air of unenthusiasm that filled the room.

"Glad to see most of you are here,"
Chiye piped up with a smile as she walked across the room, glancing around. She must say, this was quite a good choice for their clubroom. Elegant, appealing to the eyes, enough windows present to fill the room with sunlight. It was the perfect place for the student body to lounge around in.
"And I must say, this room is quite the sight."

Chiye announced as she sat down in the closest open seat, her normal smile becoming slightly teasing now.
"Would anyone like to make bets on how long it will take for Rimi to arrive and for us to start? I'm going for a minute and... a half. That sounds plausible, does it not?"

♡coded by uxie♡
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q5vy.jpgClass had ended and Rimi hadn't even noticed the bell had rang. She was sound a sleep on her desk mumbling in her sleep. No one bother to wake her for this was a normal occurrence for Rimi. Her brother Kyo showed up five minutes later and facepalmed when saw her sleeping. "You've got to be kidding me." He said to himself as he walked up to her desk. He gently nudged her and she mumbled something he couldn't understand. "Rimi wake up your going to be late." Annoyed look appeared on her face and she waved her hand as if she was trying to swat a bug away. Kyo finally yelled out. "RIMI WAKE UP!!" The remining people in class glanced over at Kyo and his cheeks went pink with embarrassment and Rimi shot up from her seat looking around frantically. "Huh?!" Rimi blinked a couple of times as realization slowly hit her. Kyo had his arms crossed with his eyebrow raised. "Seriously sleeping in class again?" Rimi scratched the back of her head and gave a sheepish grin. "Well I mean a girl needs her beauty sleep. Anyway thanks for coming to get me! Come on let's go I'm starving! I want to grab something to eat before heading....." Rimi had grabbed her bag and was making her way out the door until she noticed her brother wasn't following her. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kyo sighed and stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Rimi did you seriously forget? You have your first club meeting today?......" Rimi blinked. "Club meeting?....OH CRAP!" Before Kyo could say anything else Rimi was already gone dashing through halls heading to the club room. "I can't believe I forgot! I hope I'm not late."

Rimi burst through the club room doors and yelled out. "I'm here!" She quickly walked over to the other girls. "Totally didn't forget......" She sat down on the couch and sat her bag next to her feet. Her friend Kimiko had decided she wanted to start a hostess club and had sighed them all up before they even had a chance to decide if they even wanted to join. Rimi wasn't completely against the idea though she had to admit she wasn't sure how good at it she would be. This club also was basically a response for the Host Club not allowing Kimiko to join which honestly Rimi wasn't to surprised by. Her thoughts on the host club was ok she had been a costumer a few times. The first time she went she made her twin go with her and honestly he was not amused. Though she could of sworn she saw him blush a few times. Though her brother tended to get embarrassed easily so that was nothing new. Though she did agree with him on one thing. Definitely wasn't a huge fans of Hikaru and Karou's whole twinsest thing. Her and Kyo got a little freaked out by it cause well them being twins themselves it was just uncomfortable . Though from what she has seen of them in class they seem fun hang out with. Out of all of the host members Honey was definitely her favorite and she like watching Mori and him together. Tamaki was for sure a charmer and would get her to blush but she mostly just see's Honey. Then there was Kyoya and he was well....she really didn't have much of a opinion on him though.....she did think he was attractive.

Rimi glanced around the club room taking in the décor in awe. She really did like it, it was absolutely beautiful. She then grabbed one of the plates of food and started eating not thinking about the fact that food was for everyone. "Man I'm starving is this really all the food we have?" Rimi said as she continued to eat.
606 606
BlossomBunniess BlossomBunniess
cinderspeare cinderspeare
Stitches and Patchwork Stitches and Patchwork

  • scroll

    the princess



    Excited and Energtic


    OHS Female school uniform [x]


    Hostess Club Meeting Room


    Hostess Club Members

    "I'm Here! Sango Reporting for Duty!."

    She couldn't be more excited than to hear the voice of her good friend Sango, excited to see the members arrive and would hop up for a moment, clapping her hands as she watch Sango open and taken into the room.
    "Sango! You're the first member to have arrived! I'm so happy you're here!"
    she nearly squealed and would sit back down to wait for the others, happily humming as she would pick up a tea cup and plate and take a sip herself.

    "This room is so pretty!"

    "Thank you so much! I spent so much time on this so it really fits us!"

    The snap of gum caused Kimiko's attention to turn to the door again and smiled at Morgan. She wasn't the most typical member you might see but she always appreciated the other's unique viewpoints and honesty and she knew how to, get the attention of people in the strangest of ways. Also, Kimiko knew Morgan needed an extracurricular and made it seem like an easy club to join.

    "Hmm. Could be better."
    "Well, I'm here, let's celebrate."

    "Yes, but we were on a time crunch at the end, but you are so right, it could be better but it's ready to be shown to the public!"
    She said, stopping for a moment and also throwing up two peace signs as Morgan took a picture. She always knew that Morgan was on social media and hoped that will also spread the word around the school and hopefully give them a boost.

    "Welp. I'm here. What now?"

    Kimiko's attention then turned to Miru as she sat down and would motion to the table full of sweets and tea and even little sandwiches and offered a big smile.
    "Hello Miru! We wait for everyone else now! Please help yourself to some treats as we are now waiting for Chiye and Rimi."
    She responded, proceeding to take another sip of her tea as she could hear Chiye enter the room and her smile grew wider seeing her closest friend finally arrived.

    "Glad to see most of you are here, and I must say, this room is quite the sight."

    "Chiye! So glad you made it! Thank you, I know it's very much more my style but I tried to keep it toned down as we needed to get something up before we officially start!"
    She said and set her tea down on the table and folded her hands in her lap, anxious as the minutes passed as Rimi has yet to arrive but, this was also to be expected.

    "Anywho, would anyone like to make bets on how long it will take for Rimi to arrive and for us to start? I'm going for a minute and... a half. That sounds plausible, does it not?"

    "I'm sure only a few minutes, I gave her an earlier time so she should be here barely on time,"
    She said with a soft chuckle, pulling her phone out to check the time before setting it back down and waited, her legs bouncing, unable to contain the excitement she had.

    A minute would pass as the doors would bust open to show the last member to finally arrive. Kimiko, again, would hop up and clap her hands together, excited to see Rimi at last.

    "I'm here!"
    "Totally didn't forget......"

    "Of course not! I gave you the wrong time so you just made it in time! Figured you might be a little late so I considered that!"
    Kimiko chuckled and would get up as Rimi would sit down and begin to eat, as Kimiko would run into the back, before coming out with a whiteboard and of course, a few gifts wrapped up neatly in her arms and would be handed them out to everyone, each one suited to their style and taste appearance-wise.

    "Man I'm starving is this really all the food we have?"

    "This is only just a tasting spread so everyone would know what I plan to mostly serve, but of course, you send me any request and I can easily contact someone to start shipping whatever foods you all want, as long as it's still school appropriate."
    She said and cleared her throat.

    "Anyways, I got an assortment of various foods you all love and got the best shipped in to thank you all for joining my club! I know it was rushed and saying no is never really an option with me but truly, I appreciate it!"
    She started, and as each member would open their boxes, it would reveal only the finest of their favorite food in any form as she continue to speek.

    "If any of you wish to leave, you may do so but, I signed you all up because I believe you all have something amazing to offer and I wouldn't trust anyone else in the world so I hope you all at least stay a little while and just give this you best effort! We are going to burn a new path for ourselves in this school! But before we do, I gone ahead and decided why type you best fit, since I know you all, then I would love to hear any ideas from you all you might have for this club!"
    With a dramatic flair, she would flip the white board over and in beautiful calligraphy that must have taken hours, was their names and their hostess type next to each name on the left side while on the right side at the top, had 'Ideas' written in the same beautiful calligraphy.

    "To begin! I, the president, will be the princess type, to directly counter Tamaki's princely type!"

    "Chiye, you are listed as the vice president and fit what i best call the Angelic Devil type! This will be the sorta different 'devil' type of the Hitachiin twins!"

    "Sango! You are so cute and I believe you would best fit the damsel in distress type, in the way that people always want to help you as you are....prone to accidents lets say, but you will directly compete with Honey-senpai."

    "Next, Miru! While I know you mostly are not here for this and typically very competitive, I decide, you best fit the tusndere type! Basicasically, you can be yourself and say what everis on your mind and no fear about being mean, people are into a woman who has strong opinions such as yourself to compete with probably Kyoya."

    "Morgan! I love you so much and knew exactly what you would be, and I what I say I mean in the kindests of way, but you, I believe are the bad girl type! I think it was pretty obvious as well you know, you don't follow rules and I love you for that, BUT you will be competing with Mori as sorta the 'scary dog' privilege of the club and sorta Kyoya as well."

    "Finally, last but not least, Rimi. You are so kind to everyone and just bring a good attitude so I figured, you best fit the girl next door type! This is to also compete with Honey but also somewhat Mori as well!"

    "We have 6 types, one for each of us, not just 5 because well, the twins but that's besides the point! I worked super hard to come up with what would fit you all the best so you can just be yourself and enjoy your time!"

    Rather proudly, she would point to each one as she explained, almost all in one breath but took a moment between each type to remember to breath. Kimiko rested her hands-on her hips and beamed with joy and pride, having come up with all this herself, and maybe during one of her classes as she had skipped that last few classes to write this all out nicely. She also spent a lot of time figuring out the types to best counter and compete with the host club, wanting to somehow be better than them, knowing if anyone came up to her wanting to join, she would gladly do so, and many give the options for one of her friends who are, less enthusiastic about the club, the option to leave but, hopefully that wouldn't happen. This also showed her mindfulness and her more business oriented mind that she learned watching her father, but it was mostly over looked due to her always acting over the top.

    "Any questions? If not we can go right into discussing other things we want to see happen with the club or maybe just, talk some advice out, or OH, we can have a practice run and we can pretend to be guest for each other!"

    It was clear Kimiko was in her element, and was very excited by everything, but clearly working really hard on a lot of this herself, not wanting to burden anyone else with the behind the scenes work. All she wants is for everyone to enjoy and love the club as much as she does, knowing that hosting isn't for everyone but she had a point to prove and would do it herself if she so had too, knowing it was a lot to take in. Kimiko in general was a lot to take in and a lot to handle but you can always expect the best from her. You could ask her to help you with anything and she would do it, no question asked, especially her friends.

    ♡coded by uxie♡



— by Peggy Owens

annoyed and anxious

Ouran High School jacket uniform

Talking to the Ouran Hostess Club


Miru Mochizuki

― "The Tsundere enters."

"I don't need love."

A small scowl crossed Miru's face as her role was assigned, despite how accurate it was. Looking at the other girls with their more positive attitudes she felt somewhat out of place. These anxious feelings bubbled and turned into anger, the Miru Mochizuki tactic for hiding true emotions. "I just- I don't even- ugh!" She grumbled before staring Kimiko down. "Alright, you seem to have something similar to a plan, but you need to get the ball rolling quickly if you want to surpass the host club. Those idiots have a large and loyal following, plus experience. Which we don't have... At least I don't that is. Do you all flirt on the daily?" She crossed her arms and slouched, "We either need practice or some guinea pigs who wont share our shortcomings to the boys. I doubt they would miss a chance to sabotage us." Miru finished and looked expectantly at the others. They all had their own unique charm that was very true. She couldn't help but wonder what the host club was currently planning it put an end to their rebellion.

coded by xayah.ღ

You all ear a voice from behind.Tamaki pensif.png
- Hello fair ladies, forgive me, I can assure you we won’t sabotage you in any ways

It’s Tamaki, he comes in front of Miru and continues.
- I was instead to give you some concern about you little club, but I have to prioritize yours as the gentleman that I am, will you be my host?

He approaches to her side.
- I will tell you the two secrets to a good host, yes only TWO

He slides to the back of her seat.
- First listen to your guest, by that simple act you let her feel that you respect the irreplaceable time they give to You and nothing else

He continues to turn to the other side of her seat
- I do feel your as lovely as fierce, you can be what you want but remember a host don’t choose his guest, it’s the opposite,
- So the second thing is to be proud, proud to be yourself, because your guest choose You and no one else to spend her irreplaceable time

He arrives in front of her do his reverence and finishes
- Thank you, dear host, to have listen to me and it was a moment that I wouldn’t replace for nothing else

He straightens up and touches his chin
- Now now hum were were I ? Ho yes my concerns!
Tamaki énervé.png
- I’ve arrived, just at the end of my Kimiko’s speech, when you made the who's who speech, at first, I was just going to give you my other keys but now I'm quite worried
- If your mimic club go as bad as I foresee it, this could badly tarnish my school and stress all ladies in this school

- I’m hoping your humble helper won't need to remind you all that my dad is the chairman of this school, that being said let me start

- And if you want to know why I’m worried It’s because your customers will be boys!

- And you're all ready to risk of having two boys fighting over Kimiko, could any one of you stop them?
- To risk of Chyie pushing a guy a little too far and have herself being pushed with too much strength
- To risk to have Miru to have multiples boys discard everything you say cause it's your role that make you say that they're as dumb as they're ugly
- To risk of Morgan getting a mob of brainless guy who would do anything in your name without you having a world on it
- To risk having your little Rimi be hm, how could I say that, touched against her will, cause she's nice and she surely wouldn't mind

- And all can be applied to each of you to certain degrees
- At least ask Momo if he can give you the name of a security guard that could at least protect you against stupid guys

- Or better stop now, I can give you a place in the club Kimiko, I promise it !
- And for the other you can go for free to our club !

- So please don't be stupid capricious kids and do as I say
- and
- Just
- STOP !

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