• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Our Summer Story


The Travelling Storyteller
Hello and welcome to the character sign-ups tab where you should submit your personage of choice. A few rules of submission include:

  • Each player is allowed only one character
  • Try to make your character balanced with good qualities, yet flaws as well
  • Make an attempt at writing something a little more detailed, yet this is merely optional
  • A picture could be included in the appearance section to illustrate you characters (as a matter of fact, there being a portrait is preferable) and let said picture be realistic

Now, onto the character sheet!

General Information


Nicknames: (and aliases)

Nationality and Birthplace:

Birth date: (include year as well)

Outlook information


Clothing choice: (here also include accessories)

Behavioural Information

Good Qualities: (don't just list them but also give explanations of exactly how they behave)

Bad Qualities: (don't just list them but also give explanations of exactly how they behave)

Peculiarities: (anything odd about them like chewing nails, tucking their sleeves, etc.)

Background Information


Relationships: (what they think of all of the other characters - basically, list all of the other personages and write about what your character thinks about each of them)

Personal Information




Theme song: (optional! Remove this point if you do not wish to fill it in)



TAKEN - 12



Elio Albero - @SoreFingertips

Carmella Rosaline Akiyama - @Shawna

Bryn Cadwalader - @Asylumnated

Ashton Claudia Pierce -

Danial James Maverick -

London Alexis Haynes -
@Keira Winston

Lilian Yvette Brooks -

Greta Vivienne Haversham -

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  • Name: Elio Albero

    Nicknames: He is, naturally, most commonly referred to as Elio, though some people have come to tease him with the alias "Flower Child". However, he remains oblivious to their mocking and takes it all as a compliment.

    Nationality and Birthplace: Italian, born in the charming picturesque town of Castelsardo with its colourful buildings and barely over 5 000 residents.


    Birth date: 26th July 1997 (18 years old)

Original character belongs to @Dreamer
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Carmella Rosaline Akiyama


Carlie, Caramel

Nationality and Birthplace:

Her parents are rich Japanese immigrants, however she was born in Canada before moving to where the rp is taking place.

Birth date:

November 4th, 1997 [17 years old]

She stands at 5'3" in her heeled shoes and takes pride in her smooth complexion. She's petite and gets mistaken for younger than she is quite often, it's a mix between her youthful face and higher voice and childish mannerisms that's to blame.
Clothing choice:

Her clothing choice is wild and eccentric, she's big on mixing and matching her styles with cute skirts and punk cutoff shirts, always leaning towards showing off how adorable she thinks she is. She's just kind of overall adorable. Having money meant she could always buy the craziest fashion trends. Open the spoiler for the kinds of outfits she likes wearing cause she's a doofus.

Look at that doofus
Good Qualities:

Carlie is fiercely loyal, clinging onto her friends with a tight grip. She is always willing to whip out her credit card to get her friends out of a financial bind. She may not be the most optimistic, but she's always willing to step up to the plate when someone needs cheering up(Especially Danny when he is in one of his moods). Even if her sense of humour is rather crude at times, she's got that charm that makes people want to stay.

Bad Qualities:

Carlie is a childish and pushy individual, always wanting to get her way. She was coddled as a child, not having a license despite being 17. The girl is narcissistic and it isn't uncommon to catch her snapping a selfie on her newest generation iPhone or unabashedly praising herself.


She has a compulsive habit of twisting her hair around her fingers and sucking on her pinky finger when she's bored or stressed. It's also not uncommon to hear her humming to herself while she's doing something.


Carlie spent the entirety of her schooling from grades K-9 being homeschooled or in a pretentious rich kid academy. After countless years of begging, her parents finally conceded and let her go to a public high school.

Her first year in Minnesota she met Danny, her first real friend and she just couldn't let go of him.

Having grown up in a higher class setting, Carlie is still struggling to not pull out the snobby attitude she's grown accustomed to see people use towards people of lower class. Her parents were pushed into an arranged marriage of two high net worth businesses and moving overseas to the Americas. Carlie was born in Canada but has lived all over, having English-native nannies to make sure she grows up like a normal child without having any Japanese subculture in her life. It took a lot of begging and puppy dog eyes to let her parents let their little princess out of their sights for the whole summer.

Relationships: Danny (@Flutterby )


Believe it or not, she loves to learn, she loves electronics and ghost stories, not to mention she's a huge gossip monger. She's also a huge nerd when it comes to reptiles.


she hates bugs and when people think it's funny to make racial stereotypes at her, she's also terrified of heights and big animals.


She wants to be a translator when she's out of high school, she can already speak English, French, and Japanese without much difficulties. She also likes making ridiculous photo edits involving her friends or the celebrities she idolizes.

Theme song:

(I just figured out how to link YouTube videos)Mars Argo-Using You


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wOAH! There seems to be so much interest in this thing! Also, I reserved all of your guys' spots so don't worry. By the way, I am not the type of person who likes keeping gender ratios balanced, so you don't need to tell me your character's gender.
Guys! As I mentioned there is no need to tell me the gender! But, yeah, I'll reserve you spots.


Phoenix Ariel Taylor



Nationality and Birthplace:

Phoenix was born in Sydney, Australia to Russian parents so her accent is a strange mixture of both.

Birth date:

February 26, 1998 (17 years old)


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Clothing choice:

Phoenix is always seen in either a dress or a skirt. She loves wearing crop tops with shorts just to show off her body but not to the point that it looks slutty. She loves any and all kinds of shoes but when it comes to her clothes, cute, flirty, fun, and a bit edgy are the words to describe it.

Everyday<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.b4c36deb1755748a0ca1258b55bc7d80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.b4c36deb1755748a0ca1258b55bc7d80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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~~~~~~~~~~<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.8fcfd42986e823126ff9c04b64c9d490.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.8fcfd42986e823126ff9c04b64c9d490.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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~~~~~~~~~~<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c66dfdf1a24d744d7085664e6801fc4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61350" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c66dfdf1a24d744d7085664e6801fc4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Good Qualities:

Phoenix is very trustworthy and refuses to lie to her friends. Having been lied to so many times in her life, she knows how it feels and she believes that the hard truth can never hurt nearly as bad as a lie. She has always loved to have fun and make people laugh even if it doesn't always work. She was always the sweetheart of the family and that hasn't changed. She is one of the sweetest girls you'll meet.

Bad Qualities:

She is a bit jealous but after being cheated on in two different relationships, she thinks she has a right to be. She occasionally has a temper on her but only when someone judges her for no reason or someone is intentionally mean to someone.


Phoenix has a habit of playing with her hair around guys that she finds attractive and biting her lip when she's nervous. She tends to sing to herself if she becomes bored though she's shy about her voice.


Phoenix was born into a wealthy Russian family even though she was born in Australia. She was always outgoing and with as often as her parents weren't home, she found her home in the ocean, surfing the waves. Many people expected her to be closed off after her incident, being attacked by a shark, but it only made her love the ocean more. She moved when she was only 12 (to where the rp is taking place) and she soon fell in love with it.


(Will add later)


Surfing, Singing, Dancing, Partying, Reading


Judgemental people, Vegetables, Spiders, Stupid people


Surfing, Singing, Dancing, Swimming, Horseback riding



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General Information


Raymond McNeil



Nationality and Birthplace:

British, London England

Birth date:

February 27th 1996 (19 years old)

Outlook information



Ray stands about 6'4 with a fairly muscular build but he isn't a complete tank. Shaggy beach blonde locks with deep blue eyes he has a cross tattooed to the right side of his chest. Raymond has pale skin normally but since summer he has darkened up slightly to have a light tan.

Clothing choice: (here also include accessories)





Behavioural Information

Good Qualities:

Observant- Raymond will normally stand back and really look over any situation thrown at him before he reacts but he also pays attention to the little things, even in people.

Kind- Raymond has always been a kind person, he will show anyone a kind smile. Raymond was taught to always show kindness and respect, unless given a reason not too.

Protective- Raymond hadn't been a very popular child when he was young but the friends he did have knew they could trust him with anything because he would be the one to step up an literally almost do anything to keep his friends safe.

Loyal- Much like a canine, Raymond sticks close to his friends like glue an would be the first one to run out in front of a moving bus or bullet to save a friend, but he's also a really good listener an would be there for anyone, even if they just needed to talk or a shoulder to lean on.

Bad Qualities:

Impatient- Through all his positives there are negatives! Ray hates to wait .. for literally anything.. If he's hungry they are stopping at the nearest fast food place an he is getting himself a meal to stuff him, he would even go to the extent of buying everyone else stuff just to have his way.

Stubborn- Raymond enjoys doing certain things but if anyone objects to him he puts up a fight, or vice versa,, Sometimes he even picks stupid fights just to pass the time.

Short Tempered- A short fuse to his raging temper, Raymond is blunt an will speak his mind but that also leads to people lashing back an his tolerance for that is short.. He gets angry very easily

DareDevil- Raymond is stupid enough to try almost anything .. His scars? He got those from a very dumb dare he was asked to do as a kid.. well "Pre-teen"


Raymond is bad for scratching at the back of his neck when nervous/agitated.

Background Information


Raymond was born into a family were he was an only child, both his parents worked good paying jobs that took up most of the time during the day so he was mostly outside around the neighborhood with the fellow kids. Ray wasn't a bad child but he wasn't perfect either. He did his homework, yet he got caught egging someone's house at age 10. Ray took an interest in Dirt biking at about 12 years old an so he was able to get one by christmas, his parents mainly did it to keep him busy while they were busy as well. Ray became very passionate about the sport an took it seriously, he even started racing on local tracks. Around this time he also got into mechanic's and that quickly took up the rest of his few years in London. Once he moved here he quickly found a group of friends an then the idea for the bus came up an so, sadly Raymond sold his Dirt Bike to help pay for the bus while he worked full time as a mechanic for an older man who had his own shop down the street. Raymond promised himself that he would get another Dirt bike once the time was right.



Personal Information






Alcoholic Beverages



Obnoxious people

Staying in one spot too long

Tight spaces



He's a mechanic and he also enjoys motocross.

Theme song: (optional! Remove this point if you do not wish to fill it in)

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Name: Aria Hatcher

Age:17 (Born January 20th, 1998)

From: Australia

Style: Aria has different styles. Mostly, she'll look like your typical skater girl. Tank tops, crop tops with shorts or jeans and sneakers..



Good qualities: She is pretty tough, physically. She'll stand up for her friends without hesitation. She's out going, loves to have fun. Music is her inner spirit and when she's drunk.. Everyone cracks a laugh. Awesome liar, when it comes to covering someone else' ass.

Bad qualities: Her emotional state can get pretty serious to where you'll have to try and calm her down. This can sometimes go overboard, She can sometimes be too rebellious.

Peculiarities: When frustrated, she tends to rub her face her run her fingers through her hair. She looks at her shoes or looks away when embarrassed or nervous.

History: She's a very smart girl, being pushed all the way through schooling to study. To push harder. She doesn't like to show her intelligence, no one knows why. But, It will show naturally,without her even noticing. She likes exploring, which has gotten her in trouble many times by her parents. She's always been that mysterious girl in school with a few friends, never bullied or picked on.

Likes: Partying, not clubs but outdoor parties with Bonfires. She loves to read, and play pranks. Rain!

Dislikes: Touchy drunks..she likes her own space. Marshmallows..the texture of them makes her sick.

Hobbies: She loves skateboarding, doing it ever since she was 10 years old. Watches movies and listens to music. She keeps to herself when at home but when shes with her friends, they go out and party...shopping and walk around town.


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Name: Bryn Cadwalader

Nicknames: (and aliases) Bry, BryBry

Nationality and Birthplace: Bryn is Welsh on both her mother's and father's side. She grew up on the island of Anglesey, with a population of 68,600. She absolutely adored the town with its modest buildings and the water that surrounded it. The people there were friendly for the most part, besides those people who prefer to be bitter in life, so her environment was very positive and played a big role in her personality now.

Birth date: September 15 1997 (Age 18)


Appearance: Bryn takes deep care when it comes to her physical appearance, always doing her makeup and hair in the mirror. This stems from her self-awareness when she was slightly overweight. She's 5'5" and weighs a little over 120 pounds. She has brown, naturally wavy hair and dark green eyes that holds a adventurous glint no matter what she is doing. Her skin is of normal complexion, although in the winter it is slightly paler, and she has a splash of freckles across her back and a few small ones down her arm. She has a thin physique with little to no muscle definition. She almost always has a smile on her face.


Her Choice of Swimwear:


Everyday Wear:






Good Qualities:

Loyal - Upon gaining her trust she will stick next to you as long as your decisions don't harm others.

Empathetic - Bryn never degrades people for their feelings or tells them that they're irrational, but instead will sit with them until they feel better.

Honest - She tells the truth 99.9% of time, unless the truth will severely hurt someone else's feelings.

Adventurous - She is always up for exploring, whether it's just a walk to the park or a trip to a new country entirely.

Bad Qualities:

Impatient - While she never takes it to the extremes, she does in fact push and push if something is taking longer than usual.

Impulsive - She tends to do things without thinking it through properly and suffers the consequences.

Sarcastic - Bryn tends to come off as snarky and rude in some instances to those who don't know her but she tries to keep her comments to herself.


Bryn sticks her tongue out just a tad when she is concentrating on something and that thing alone. She also fiddles with the bottom of her shirts when nervous or uncomfortable. Also when uncomfortable, she tends to touch the person that she trusts most in the group.


Growing up without a mother was difficult, for both her and her family. She has two younger brothers, John and Henry, and a father who is paralyzed and therefore finding a job to support his family, proved to be very difficult. Bryn started working at a young age, grocery stocking, washing cars, baby-sitting, collecting trash and anything else she could do to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. It proved to be difficult and she went without getting things for herself for a very long time. That was when they moved to [RP Starter Location] and life became easier. Her father started writing as a hobby and it soon turned into a career, where he wrote novels for young adults and the story of how he overcame the grief of losing movement in his legs. Her brothers were put into good, private schools but she stayed in public school where she met some of her friends. Her love of travelling happened when she took a Culture class and she was taught of cultures all around the world and if she could spend the rest of her life just travelling, she most certainly would.


[Will Add In]


Jazz Music - She likes the swing and bounce of the perky music, no matter the artist.

Drawing - Bryn tends to sketch on her free time. She will draw on any surface available, paper, a table or even her friends' arms.

Ocean - She grew up by the sea and therefor did many activities there, falling in love with it instantly.

Friends - She loves all of her friends equally and enjoys every second she is around them.

History - Bryn loves to read about anything and everything history.


People who don't take no for an answer - She can and will go off on anyone like this, and she won't hold back.

Know it alls - While intelligence is something she finds attractive, somebody who spouts facts and argues about everything gets on her nerves.

Humidity - It makes her hair and makeup run off, which she doesnt approve.





Paddle boarding


Theme Song:


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Ashton Pierce


Ashton Claudia Pierce


Ash, Claud because of her first or midde name. Another nickname is Rainbow, due to the fact she has probably died her hair at least every color in the rainbow and more. Everyone is probably surprised she hasn't actually died her hair a rainbow.

Nationality and Birthplace:

She is American with a little bit of German and British in her. At times her light british accent or strong german accent will kick in. This makun her cheeks go a biut red. She was born in Maskeet Texas, and moved at the age ofctgree, causing her not to gain an accent from her birthplace.

Birth date:

May, 6 1998 (17 years old)




Ashton is slightly tan, but not very tan. She has a fairly petite frame, standing at a height of 5'6". She weights a good 120 lbs. She has a slightly athletic build, but is in no way muscular. Her natural hair color is strawberry blonde, with natural golden highlights. But her hair is currently a light shade of purple with darker streaks in curtain sections. Her hair goes a little bit past her mid back, and is naturally wavy. She either has her hair up in a ponytail, or down and natural. Her eyes are a grey, blue color, often known as hazel blue. She doesn't think her yes are all that great unlike people with normal blue or normal green eyes. The grey color of her eyes tend to over power the blue, causing them to look a really dark shade of blue, or often to!es they'll look black. Her eyes are kind of a round shape, and barly slant towards the end. Her lashes are what she would call a "normal" length. They aren't extremely short, nor extremely long. Making them perfect for her eyes. She thinks her appearance is rather appealing although not everyone will think the same thing.

Clothing choice:​


Ashton's wardrobe consists of mainly band t-shirts or what people would describe as "rocker" clothing. This meaning she wears skinny jeans, either in perfect condition, or with natural rips in the front or possible the pockets. Her shorts are also the same thing. They remain in either perfect condition, or with natural tears in the front and back pockets. Her shirts are either band related or just all out pretty cool looking. She might occasionally be caught wearing a cute top, or maybe a slightly floral outfit. Now it is pretty damn rare to ever find her in a skirt or a dress. If you have ever caught her in one then, you are pretty lucky, and pretty awesome. She honestly doesn't bad in a skirt or dress, she just chooses not to wear one. Her accessories are mostly fandom merchandise or music related jewellery. Most of the "girly" jewellery is what she had obtained from her late grandmother Claudia.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_16-0-47.jpeg.2857561de7addb5dd2e56132a4cce6ea.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_16-0-47.jpeg.2857561de7addb5dd2e56132a4cce6ea.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Good Qualities:

Fun- She knows how to have a good time. If her and her friends throw a part, she'll throw it right.

Protective- Now this could count as a bad trait and a good trait. She cares enough for her friends and family, to the point where she wouldn't hesitate to do anything in her power to protect them.

Artistic- She may not be as good of a drawer as Bryn, but she's still pretty good. She has a small sketchpad she had received as a present from her younger brother before she left on the trip.

Bad Qualities:

Slight temper- She isn't too easy to me made, but its also not hard to make her mad either. Her teper causes her mouth, and body to react faster than her mind. This often caues her to get into a little trouble.

Protective- Like I said, this is also a bad trait. Her protectivness often causes her to turn immeadiately to physical violence. As much as she tries to avoid doing so, when it comes to protecting someone she usual doesn't even think about it until it happens.


Awkward/Embaressing situations- Once a situations she finds awkward or embarresing occurs she tends to immeadiatly shift in her spot, and bite on her bbotton lip. Not to the oint where it'll draw blood.

Social Situations- This is a stuation in which herself or the person/people sheis talking to says something she finds incredibly stupid. Once this situation

occurs she tends to immeadiatly shift in her spot, or mess with her acceseries.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_16-45-5.jpeg.7af05ee814c45b3412dbd493b790dbf2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_16-45-5.jpeg.7af05ee814c45b3412dbd493b790dbf2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ashton was born in a nice home in Syney, Australia. She got her middle name from her late grandoher named Claudia Meloney Jones. After being in Sydney, Australia for the first 3 years of her life her parents had both gotten a better job in {Inset Location Here}. She wasn't very social until she reached middle school. There she had met Elio and Phoenix. She didnt meet everyone else until her freshman year of highschool. But in elementery before she had met them, she had started learning how to draw. This is why meeting Bryn was extremely amazing for her, seeing that Bry was an amazing artist. She had gotten into a few fights with all of her friends at least once, but in the end everything turned out fine. Her life was absolutely perfect in her eyes, not a single thing wrong. she had a little prother who had just turned 5 before her and each of her friends decided to go on this trip.


{*~I'll fill this in once everyone has a CS up*~}

















Theme song:



"Memories Of A Broken Heart"

As I stare into these ruins made by man

I tremble as I realize it's the end

More and more I wonder what we could have done

But instead we wage a war that can't be won

Yeah instead we wage a war that can't be won

I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved

Memories of a broken heart

Now I'm alone in the dark.

I know there's a way out when all hope is gone

Find your light in a new dawn

But there's no way to do this on our own

I search for solace in this waste

That I once called home

But my attempts of piecing life together leaves me alone

I can't repair what's been done

When the sky is as black as the ground that I walk on

But I can't give up on this

I have to wonder what we could have done

I have to wonder

But instead we wage a war that can't be won

I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved

Memories of a broken heart

Now I'm alone in the dark.

I know there's a way out when all hope is gone

Find your light in a new dawn

But there's no way to do this on our own.

You think that this is the end?

You're wrong

This is the start of a new generation

I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved

Memories of a broken heart

Now I'm alone in the dark

I know there's a way out when all hope is gone

Find your light in a new dawn

But there's no way to do this on our own.




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