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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Dakota glanced around, trying to find someone without a partner. As she did so she sighed, she hated group work.
"Hm, there's still some students missing but anyway, I'm Avril, the substitute" she mused, introducing herself to the boy named Cavan. "Go on in. And no need to address me as ma'am." Avril said, walking in and saw all of the students have organized themselves, standing in pairs and waited for further instructions. "Okay Dakota, why don't you partner up with Cavan here?" she gestured at the male.
"Yes ma'am...I mean Avrill." Cavan said as he walked into the class.

"How about we find ourselves a seat?" He asked the girl, Dakota.
She looked at the boy for a second

"Fair enough then, let's." She said as she began to slowly pace down the classroom to find a place.
"This seems like a good place." Cavan said as they reached the back of the classroom where there was an open desk at the right corner.

"Ladies first." He said as gestured towards the desk.
"Okay so for our first class, we're going to learn "defense"" Avril spoke, making the quotation gesture in the air with her fingers. "Discuss with your partners how to defend against 'my' magic" she said, making the quotation gestures again on 'my' and some of the students quivered. "I will see the results of your discussion with a two on one spar and see if you could implement your tactics. Any questions, please don't be afraid to ask" she finished and the room immediately filled with buzzes of students conversations. Europa decided to have a closer look at the students, wandering around them.
"Thank you" she said as she gave a small nodding gesture and walked to her seat, leaving her bag on her desk.

"Defence huh.." she hesitated slightly Dakota knew about different defence tactics from all the magic books shed read in theory but she could never carry them out herself...
"Well in order to do this task, we have to know what each other's powers are. I can create any solid object by using blue light. What can you do?" Cavan asked Dakota, she did seem a little nervous and he hoped she actually had something powerful, he still didn't have enough control of his powers yet.
Avril wondered how the students would go up against her. Only a small few is able to ever win an occasional victory. Who are they? Well, Avril has a list, much of the names on it were professors who had heard much about her, challenged and won an honor of beating the Death's Daughter. Many, would obviously be scared out of their wits to even take a step probably the fact that she could swat them away easily or just order Europa to attack. Shadows loomed desperately behind her own like they always do. The same shadows that she buried her mother with. She could do much, and if these guys want a good grade, they'd better work hard on it.
"Oh" she hesitated again.

"I uhm don't have powers.... useful ones anyway..." the table shook a little as she said this.
"What do you mean you don't have any powers?" Asked Cavan nervously, he felt the desk shake when she spoke, but he ignored it.

"Have you ever tried to throw yourself off a tall building perhaps? I got my powers when I was falling from a...tall...something...I think."
Elissia walked in with blood on her face "late as normal." She shouted with a grin on her face, after sitting down she waiting for the teacher to tell her off.
"Like I said I don't have any powers that are of any use" she looked at the ground shuffling her feet. "Jumping off something seems careless"..
(Okie dokie)

Avril watched as Elissia entered. She walked up to her, a smirk on her face as a casual hand rested itself on Elissia's table. "Ms. Vath, I'd like to express my concerns right now" she began, a blank tone to her voice. "You're late, covered in blood and I would personally say, in the wrong class" she said curtly.
"Hm, you're right, I guess it is careless. But everytime I fall, I just end up floating in the air." Now Cavan was getting restless. He needed his partner to help him out in this, he wasn't sure that his current power could protect them both.

"Has there ever been any...mysterious thing happen to you when you have an outburst of emotions or when you are in danger? Perhaps you set things on fire, or you create large diamond hard walls?" Cavan hoped she created diamond walls, that's as good a defence as you can get.
Dakota " I um..." the table shakes more "that..." signalling to the desk.
"Wrong room?" She swore under her breath and walked out frustrated and angry "I'm going to have fun during the lesson if anyone teases me, on second thoughts back to my dorm." Elissia walked back to her dorm.
"Well that's..." Cavan paused as he suddenly felt his stomach ache slightly, then all of the sudden a shock wave of pain attacked his stomach.

"Man, I knew I shouldn't have eaten that eel." He said as he stood up.

"Avril, perhaps Dakota here could team up with...um, that girl over there." He said to the substitute teacher, pointing to a girl at the other side of the class who too had no partner. Then he said a quick apology to Dakota and he quickly dashed out of the class.

(Sorry, but I desperately need to sleep right now, and that was the only way I could leave without disrupting the direction of the current story)
( it's fine)

Avril watched Elissia leave and simply gave an arch of the eyebrow, fully aware the girl was heading to her dorm instead of another class. She looked around and noticed Dakota's table was trembling. She walked over and politely asked, "Very well, Dakota, if you may" she gestured.
Elissia entered her dorm and layed down "another day of resting, I'm happy about that." She closed her eyes not going to sleep.
Lowan was aware he was extremely late to his supposed 'class' not like he cared, although he couldn't hold it off forever so he resigned himself to the unfortunate fate of having to be near other people... ugh... The thought made him shiver, and he was doing defense? How utterly boring, he knew how to defend himself just fine, it was quite simple, the best defense was a good offense. But most people here were to damn weak and untested to realize any hardship. But he didn't care, he just wanted to be away from everyone else, but he didn't really have a choice. It was either this or lose his arms-or his life.

Approaching the door to his class he didn't bother to knock and simply walked straight in, staring at the floor in his usual clothing which hid everything about him, all anyone could see were his eyes, and he was staring down, so they couldn't see anything. Lowan simply walked to the corner of the classroom and leaned against the wall, fully aware the teacher would likely punish him. But it was better than having to look up and acknowledge anyone, so he stuck his hands in his pockets and simply stayed where he was, unmoving.
Damon and Mai stopped when they reached the dorm room assigned to them and both sighed a breath of relief. It seemed they would be roommates after all.

Damon waited for Mai to unlock the door, hurrying him along as they got inside and he placed their suitcases on the ground. he knew they were late, even if Mai was oblivious to the matter, so he rushed him back out of the dorm room and closed the door. The tall male grabbed his brothers wrist and pulled him along to the main building, heading to class. Once they got there, Mai peeked his head in and looked around. He wasn't sure if they took this class at the same time or not, but kept Damon waiting behind him as he looked around the room for the teacher.
((Eeeh my WiFi went out))

Dakota looked at her teacher, puzzled "huh?" "Did I do something?" She asked not noticing her partner was gone at first. She turned to his seat. Where did he go? She thought to herself.
I was at the office asking why I didn't get a class list "Hmm. Sorry it seems we missed you." the secretary said. I frowned "How exactly do you miss a students class list." I crossed my arms as I said this "Well it was an accident just go to whatever class you want until this is solved." the lady said. I walked away then up the stairs to the area where the classes where and walked to the first one I saw and poked my head in noticing everyone was doing a group assignment. "Well at least I have a class..." I said.

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