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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

John sighs, and walks to the lunch room, receiving his food. He walked to a table, sitting alone, and started to eat, looking around.
elissia had returned to the school and waited on the hill, she was wearing full body armour and had a sword "everyone can see me." she smiled behind the helmat.
John heard someone approaching, as though a warrior had entered the school. He saw Elissia, and frowned, glaring at her. "Show off..."
"show off? im expecting plenty of people to attack me." elissia grined and let her sword drag along the floor. she looked around and sighed "where is lovan?"
John shrugged, and finished eating. He got up, stretching, and stared at the sword for a moment. "You people are a barbaric species..."
"im a vath, i have to kill, you would not understand." elissia took the helmat off and looked around again, "find him, or i will." she intended it to be a threat.
Lily wanders out through the side door into the pavilion. She smiles as the rain touches her skin refreshing her. She starts twirling and dancing crazily as she becomes soaked.
John sneered, laughing. "Why should I do it for you?" He walked away, flipping her off.
"We going to play that was then?" Elissia smiled holding her sword, she then choose not to kill him, "think yourself lucky." She threw a throwing knife at his leg and walked away in hope of finding lovan.
John's eyes grew wide as the knife hit his leg, almost falling down. "Just because I don't want to..." His anger doubled for "them" and limped away, finding a place to pull the knife out.
"Maybe next time you will do as a vath says, for the safety of your school and yourself." Elissia walked away feeling guilty.
Freya was late. Well, Freya was always late, but she was much more tardy than usual. Missing the bell that signified the start of class? Common. Sleeping through her alarm clock? Normal. But misreading her calendar and arriving at school after term had started? Nope, she'd never done that before. She ran through the hallway, her braid hitting her in the face, loose blue sweater swishing around. She felt like everyone was staring at her. Just...get to your dorm room, she thought. Everything will be fine. Despite her mind's consolation Freya continued to panic. She hoped she wouldn't run into trouble: literally or figuratively
Lily smiles and strolls through the storm, she stares up into the heart of the tempest and laughs. She's free. She can use her powers here and no one will judge her. She screams into the sky from joy.
Freya rounded a corner with increasing speed, the suitcase she held in one hand swinging madly as she continued her dash. She paused only a second to check for her dorm keys. They were in the pocket of her jeans. Taking a deep breath, and trying her best to calm down, she pressed on. Even after a day's travel, there was no rest for the weary.
After hearing her name over the public announcement system, in her lover's voice, she waited for Europa.

The beautiful snow leopard bounded up to Emilia, bringing a smile to her slightly pink face. She mounted Europa and mumbled into her ear, before hugging her back and letting her sprint towards Avril's quarters.


She took the chocolate, thankful something as delicious as that. "Thanks." She nibbled on it, waiting to see if Lowan would appear. (@GiannaCoco)
John was back from his dorm, walking with a strange limp. He explored the school a little bit, seeing Freya. he immediately walked the other direction, walking quickly.
After class Dakota started to make her way to her dorm, as she did so she was walking along with her head stuck into the book she was reading.
as elissia walked she noticed dakota and a idea popped into her head, she tripped her up and pointed the blade at her throat. "where is lovan?"
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"you dont know him? find someone who does." she moved the sword and placed it on her own back, she placed the helmat back on her head and walked away, she felt very guilty about what she did.

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