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Realistic or Modern Our picture perfect family (NOT) (Re-Boot)

"Keep at it until you get it or ask somebody who knows, is the best i can provide i am afraid."He replied beginning to play slow soft tune while he spoke." Some positivity on what you can do wont hurt either."
She nodded and smiled. "I'm going inside to clean some more." She looked at her phone and saw a new message. She looked at it and gasped. It was from Joe!

"I'm on bail. I'm gonna kill you and Jason unless you give me $ 10,000" Je was broke and he needed money to escape from the police.

She whimpered softly and responded "Fine, just don't hurt Jason! Meet me at the bank at 9:00"
"Oh no you don't."He said dropping his guitar and snatching the phone of her when he saw her wimper. He checked the message."Bloody bastard. You don't have to take that from him."
"No, I have to. He said he would kill you if I didn't." She looked at him with wide eyes. "Please...I don't want you hurt." Andrea looked down and said again "I have to..."
"You have to show this to the police and let them take him when he tries to get the money."He said before placing his hands on her shoulder."You are not under his thumb anymore. He hurts either of us he is in more trouble than before and doesn't get any money to run from. You pay him,he will only continue to hound you further until he kills you."
She shook her head and closed her eyes. "No...he is going to kill me no matte what. If I pay him, he'll kill me. If I don't he'll kill me and you. Jason just forget about it...I'll be fine. I have to pay him, you don't understand."

Tommy waited anxiously to hear the results on what was going on with Ashley. A nurse came up to him and told him what was happening, and that she was fine and was going to spend a night there. The nurse also told him that she was resting and that he should just go home and wait until the morning. But that wasn't how Tommy rolled. Tommy stayed there for a long while longer, until he decided to finally call home. It was around 11:30 PM by then and it was completely dark outside. The city lights lit up outside and it was a beautiful sight. "Sorry.", read the text. It was the only thing that could describe how he felt about hos family at that point. He sent it to all of his family members, just to give them an update. Ken was knocked-out, drueling over the lobby bench.
(Once again I apologize for my delayed response.)


After disappearing off to her room the blonde had fallen asleep and taken a long nap at her desk within the bedroom. She awoke to the light of her phone and the vibration of the device. The girl opened her soft icy colored eyes and peered over at the screen to see that she'd received a text from Tommy that read a simple sorry. The girl still hadn't forgiven him and she reply to his text with the bitter words,

'Goodbye Thomas, don't text me again, and I hope you had a pleasant birthday.'

Typed out on the screen. She hit send before turning off her phone and turning to the stereo that sat upon her desk. She turned it on and blasted her music to it maximum volume to drown out the sounds and voices that echoed through the halls of the massive house. The girl felt a bit bad about what she said to her brother but learnt to forget and never regret for if you do you will be crushed, just like how her mother was... Little did anyone know that she was only related to Tommy and Ken by half of her blood. For Ken and Tommy shared both mother and father while she only shared the bloodlines of their father with her siblings. Her mother was not the same...

((@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki I hope you don't mind that I added a twist that included Rex.))
Sally spent several hours resting in the pool whilst reading her book after her discussion with Rex had finished. She had a healthy supper and spent the evening doing various things. From reading to helping the staff with their duties. She called it a night at 10pm and went to sleep. Her phone was off and was unaware that she had a text. She was fast asleep by the time Snow had turned her music on.
Ashley woke up in a room that smelled of sanitizer she got up and walked down a hallway forcing her feet to move she saw tommy asleep on a chair she smiled and ran up to him before giving him a French kids and giggling audibly bringing a nurse into the waiting room
"No i do, you are scared but i am telling you a way to not have to be scared of him."Jason tried to explain it to her though something told him his solution would be temporary. There was one true way to stop a person like that but it was too extreme for now. It however must be considered for her sake.."Just trust on this we will be fine. Just wait here i am just gonna get something and then we will sort this out. Ok?"
She sat on the bench outside and said "Jason I don't want you to get hurt. Don't do anything that would make him want to hurt you, please?" Her eyes were wide. "Please?"
Rex relaxed for abit, thinking on dealing with tommy before wariness taking him making him decide to join Sally in bed. He walked up to his room seeing Sally already sleeping before doing his best to change silently to more comfortable clothing either than his suit to join her.

"I think we are way past him wanting to hurt him after the beating i gave him last time."Jason said to Andrea trying to keep a confident tone."We will be fine, I promise."With that he turned to leave going towards the kitchen. Once there he waited for a moment for the chef and his assistant to leave before opening the draw with the cutlery, he removed a steak knife and placed it in his back pocket. He made sure it was covered under his shirt before walking back out towards Andrea."I am ready."
She sighed and stood. She limped upstairs and pulled out her emergency cash, 15000. She took 10000 out and put it in her pocket. She limped down and said "So am I."
(feel bad if keeping you guys waiting, the Andrea/Jason vs Joe could wait to the morning.)

Rex changed and was glad for once he had done so without having woken Sally, something he had failed in the past. He entered the bed on his side, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before turning to his side facing away from her and gradually drifting into sleep.
"Come on then. With any luck we wouldnt even have to deal with any luck we wont have to face him."Jason said placing his arm around her to support Andrea during the trip to the bank."To you have you phone to call the police?"
She nodded softly and sighed. She limped along and saw him leaning on a sign post. He turned and grinned maliciously at her and walked forward. She stood up straight and tried not to whimper. He pulled out a pocketknife and put it to her neck and pressed her against the wall. She handed him the money nervously, too afraid to do anything else.
Jason took out his own knife and placed it near his kidney just after Joe threatened Andrea the same way.

"That is not nice way to treat some one who is paying you."He said trying to sound tough as he can."Lets see how you like it. You got your money, lower the knife."
Hie lookd over to see the knife at his kidney and laughed. "Well then big boy, alright. But don't think I'm goin forever, I'm comin back." He jumped into his car and sped off into the night. Andrea sighed, she had just lost almost all of her money she had saved since she was fifteen. Being a maid didn't pay well,
"No you are not."He said taking a andrea's phone and dialing the police."Hi, i will like to report a mugging...Yeah, guy threatened a girl with a knife and drove in a car heading towards 4th and 2nd. Registration number KGl 3M2. Please hurry."

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